The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3177: Great earth

I am very grateful to Chu Junsheng (100), melee rabbit classmates (100), and Bai Zibing's classmates for their reward!


The young woman repaired it and said it again. After Xu Ziyan finished listening, she frowned slightly and knew why Sha Xiaofan was angry. Because the big earth monk said, "Humble people, you give me something to be honest, here is not the mainland, give you a thousand cents, the deity is in a good mood today, otherwise I will let you die and don't know how to die." words. As a human race, Sha Xiaofan naturally became a fire.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the ethnic woman, and said in her heart: "It seems that the Terran is not so good in the construction of the Baizu!"

At the beginning, the monks who left with the broken continent were of course human race, and many of the broken continents had human races, but the human race monks had a lower status in the broken continent, and there were really no masters. In fact, what Xu Ziyan didn't know was that she was so hostile to the Terran because of her strength in the Shuangxiong Fairy. Like the former Terran people, this big land family has just arrived in the Shuangxiong Fairy City. After hearing what happened, the first thing that comes to mind is dissatisfaction. The Terran is one of the top half of the middle school in their field. Race, when is the turn of the Terran so arrogant?

The second thought that emerged in my heart is that today's Sun, Moon, and Stars are not here. The most powerful ones are their big land. This is the opportunity for their big land to become famous. If they can overcome Xu Ziyan, they will integrate the sun and the moon. The tribes after the Stars and Threes also want to see the three-point color of their land.

Therefore, in these days, the Dazu monks specially sought the troubles of the people in the Shuangxiong Xiancheng, but it is a pity that the monks of the Shangyuan continent are practicing. It’s really no one came out, so they didn’t find the monks on the mainland, they could only find the troubles of the native monks in the twins, and the people’s monks were miserable.

The Terran has also been reflected to the Yu and the Giants. But what about the Yu and the Giants?

Nowadays, the Yuzu and the Giants are not strong, but the consequences of such a grand event are reflected. The two races do not have the strength to hold such a grand event. There is no such strength to suppress the Baizu.

The Yuzu patriarch and the giant clan chief also visited the Terran patriarch. Euphemistically expressed his own meaning, but the Terran patriarch is very strong, the meaning of the words is to teach the Terran, if it is not directly on the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty, there is some abruptness, it does not meet his noble status, he has already hit it. .

He just wants to make things big and lead Xu Ziyan. And he did not hide his meaning, warning the rain patriarch and the giant clan. Don't worry about their big land, otherwise he doesn't mind dismantling the double city.

After the Yuzu patriarch and the giant patriarchs withdrew, the giant patriarchs greeted the rainy patriarchs:

"This is what you do!"

When the words fall, they will leave their sleeves. Only the rainy family was left with a sad face standing there.

Can he not worry?

Nowadays, the situation has developed towards a situation of out of control. He has no strength to control the development of this situation. At this time, he really regretted it. Why should you invite the Baizu to come over?

Isn't this asking for trouble?

He has no way, then his men will naturally have no choice. Under the leadership of the Terran. There were still some hundred monks who were afraid of Xu Ziyan. They thought in their minds that there are any big people in the front, and there is no money to take advantage of it.

To be honest, the people of the country have suffered in the past few days, and the Yu and the Giants have also suffered.

Is this not?

The big earth monk saw six Yu monks who simply did not take care of it. Although he was only a land of respect, but because there was a large land family behind it, he did not put the rain family in his eyes, nor did he The rules are in the eye.

The Yuzu Tianzun listened to the story of the human race, and his face was filled with dilemmas.

Can't afford it!

The land people can't afford it! The patriarchs can't afford it!

Is the human race really irritating?

This is if it was before. It’s provoked!


Now Xu Ziyan is in the double male city! This should be Xu Ziyan still do not know this thing. If Xu Ziyan knows it, and he is doing too much on his side...

Yuzu Tianzun is really a headache. In any case, people can't be injured or killed here. If you just lost some of the crystals, then you can solve it and think about the human race.

"You will sell the shamrock!"

"No!" I haven't waited for the woman to speak. Sha Xiaofan is on fire. How could she watch the Terran being bullied? Coldly shouted:

"This shamrock is not sold, and he has beaten people and must apologize for compensation!"

"This friend!"

The rainy family Tianzun also sinks his face, and his heart, when is the monk who is a monk in his own day, how can he be relieved? He has forgotten that the big land people are just a period of respect, do not ignore him?

"Is there anything for you here?"

"Why didn't you have anything about me? The matter of the Terran is my thing." Sha Xiaofan Liu Mei was upside down: "I would like to ask you how the Yuzu managed it? Let it be strong and strong? Also allow Hit people here?"

At this time, the Giants patriarch also came outside the crowd. He naturally saw Xu Ziyan, but he also knew Sha Xiaofan because he had just seen it. However, he also locked his brow at this time, although the two sides arguing in the crowd, one is only the land of the land, and the other is the small person who is honored by Sha Xiaofan. But behind them stood a Terran patriarch, one standing with a purple smoke, and he could not afford it!

I saw that it was the Yuzu monks who dealt with this matter, not the giant monks. He simply did not come out. In fact, his heart also understood very well. Xu Ziyan was going to collide with the Terran patriarchs sooner or later, since it was already doomed. The sooner the better.

I am silent here, and the rain gods are embarrassed. Although the heart was angered by Sha Xiaofan, he did not dare to attack. It was just a cold sigh and turned to the big earth monks. The Terran monks looked disdainfully at the rainy family:

"It’s useless. It’s hard for a monk to be a monk. Do you still have the dignity of a monk?”

"Nima!" The rainy family is almost mad with a spurt of old blood: "Are you not arrogant in front of Laozi? If you are not a big land, do you dare? I have already slapped you!"

The rainy family who took out the internal injuries simply turned his head to the other side. Anyway, you have already answered the words, then you will continue to arrogate. I want to see when your big land people can be arrogant? Even the Tianzu are jealous of Xu Ziyan, your big land is dead!

At this time, the big earth monk was arrogantly watching Sha Xiaofan said: "Hurry up! Don't give your family trouble! Otherwise I will not only kill you, but also destroy your family!"

"Destroy my family?"

Sha Xiaofan's body suddenly burst into fierce suffocation, and the surrounding monks suddenly felt as if they were in a field, and their minds were shaken.

"What a heavy suffocation, how many monks did she kill?"

The head of the Terran patriarch who faces the suffocating sigh is also a glimpse, and his face is slightly discolored. But then there was anger in my heart, and I was shocked by a small man who was a monk. At the moment, the palm of his hand was turned toward Sha Xiaofan.

"Humble people..."

"Go!" Xu Ziyan, who was behind the crowd, said softly to Xu Xingfan.


The wrist of the Terran sergeant Yang in the air was suddenly held by a big hand, and there was a person beside him, it was Xu Xingfan.


Where is Sha Xiaofan a person who beats and does not fight back?

At the moment when the Dazu monks raised their hands, one of her feet went out. The wrist of the big land was caught by Xu Xing in a half way. The strength of the big hand directly made his half body numb. Where did he resist the foot of Sha Xiaofan?

Sha Xiaofan squatted on his lower abdomen and flew him directly, but his wrist was caught in the hands of Xu Xing, and his body flew up, but he was pulled back by Xu Xing. .


Sha Xiaofan was kicking out again. The Terran monks flew up again. Then he was pulled back by Xu Xingfan.


This time, Sha Xiaofan was not a beggar, but a kicker, kicking directly on the face of the Dazu monk, bursting a face full of flowers.


The surrounding Baizu monks looked tangled, which is no different from hanging up!

Too bad!

And those tribes of the Terran are refreshed, only to feel a sullen breath in the chest, the face is red, as if drinking a worldly fairy.

At that time, the monk of the great land was bitter, and the wrist that was held by a god, a force rushed into his body, let him completely lose the possibility of action, and only passively was mad by Sha Xiaofan. .

The rainy family does not know Sha Xiaofan, do you still know Xu Xingfan?

The identity of Xu Xingfan is not low. The first sect of the Taiyuan dynasty in the Yuan Dynasty was not low, and he realized a trace of heavenly heaven. Frequently speaking on behalf of the Upper Yuan Dynasty in the Shuangxiong Xiancheng, how could you not know?

"Come on! Really! The monks from the Yuan dynasty are here!"

The rainy family's face changed color, and there was a hint of joy in the heart. Finally, it was not necessary for him to be embarrassed. The two sides directly confronted each other.


Several monks of the Great Terran crowded out from the crowd, and there was also a peak of the late Tianzun. However, Xu Xingfan just glanced at them with a faint look, and his right foot was gently glimpsed on the ground. A wave of air would whistle toward the monks of the great land, like a sea tide, and turned into various shapes halfway like a beast. The tide has flooded the past.

Don't look at Xu Xingfan just gently licking his foot, but there is a trace of holy heaven in it. How many monks and monks are rivals?



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*(To be continued~^~)

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