The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3178: Open the mountain

Several large-scale monks have flew out. It is the land of the late Tianzun that did not fly, but they also slammed back. Every step back, the earth under the feet was cracked, and the body crashed into the crowd. Among them.


Sha Xiaofan still kicked the terracotta monk in one foot, which is that he is a great monk in the land, otherwise he was kicked to death by Sha Xiaofan. That is the case, he was also kicked by Sha Xiaofan. It’s bloody.


There was a cold air in the air. A figure appeared in the air, but it was a five-level monk of the great land. With his cold voice, two big hands were gathered in midair, and they were caught by Xu Xingfan and Sha Xiaofan. The past.

"Go down!"

Suddenly there was a scorn in the air. It was Xu Ziyan who screamed at the five-level monk of the Dazu San in the mid-air. This resentment was not only an ordinary swearing, but a sound of the soul.

The large-scale monk in the midair only felt the confusion of the gods, and an inverted onion fell from the air.


His head slammed into the ground, leaving the surrounding monks to stay there.

"Who is this?"

"After a drink, will a sacred monk stunned?"

The eyes of the monks could not help but look at the past, and the rainy family was a glimpse of the heart.

"Xu Ziyan is here!"

The monks in front of Xu Ziyan instinctively flashed away on both sides, giving up a humanoid alley. Xu Ziyan strolled in and walked toward Sha Xiaofan:

"All right!"


Sha Xiaofan slammed his foot toward the face of the great-terrain monk. Xu Xingfan also loosened his hand at that moment with great cooperation. The figure of the great-terrain monk flew out like a meteor, crossed the sky, and disappeared.

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head, these two children. But she naturally won't blame them both. I didn’t pay attention to the holy five-level monk who was swaying from the ground, but went to the woman who was still holding the shamrock in front of her, whispering:

"You are the native people here?"

"Yes, are you?" asked the ethnic woman who was weakly weak.

"This is my master! My master's name is Xu Ziyan! Have you heard of it?" Sha Xiaofan ran over. Said proudly. Xu Ziyan’s mouth was pumped, but he did not say anything.

"You are Xu ... Xu seniors?" The human race woman looked excitedly at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly: "Is there any interest in joining Taixu?"

Surrounded by a quiet, especially the eyes of the surrounding human monks are bright, is this too imaginary to open the mountain gate to the broken mainland, recruiting disciples?

Now who does not know that the Upper Yuan Dynasty is the true home of the Terran! Who doesn't know that Taixu is the first door of the Terran! Who doesn't want to join Taixu?

The individual woman was excited to shine, but then her face was stunned, and then her eyes looked forward to the color of the look, whisper:

"His predecessors. There are families in the younger generation, can the family of the younger generations..."

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently!


Accept the entire family? The conditions for being too wicked are very high. If you don’t look at this woman, it’s life-threatening...

Not bad!

It is life-threatening. Today, these monks of the Dazu are violently murdered by Xu Xingfan and Sha Xiaofan. These monks will not be able to send Xu Xingfan and Sha Xiaofan in the future, and will send this evil fire to this woman. And the qualification of this female repair is also really good, Xu Ziyan has moved the idea of ​​recruiting it into too imaginary.

How is it going to bring her entire family to the Upper Yuan Dynasty?

Actually. There is nothing in a family, but it is impossible to open this precedent. If this precedent is opened, what about other families on the broken continent?

Did Xu Ziyan transport all the ethnic monks on the broken continent to the Upper Yuan Dynasty?

This is simply not possible!

Although Xu Ziyan does not know how many people are on more than one hundred broken continents, the number will not be less. Do not say that Ziyan does not have that ability, even if there is that ability, it will not do so. Suddenly there are so many monks in the Upper Yuan Continent, and the resources of cultivation will soon be exhausted. The monks, the demon and the demon will never agree to do so.

Since he could not do that, he transported the family of the opposite woman to the Upper Yuan. This will inevitably lead to resentment from other Terrans. Save a family. In exchange for thousands of Terran family resentment, Xu Ziyan is not stupid, naturally will not do so.

Seeing Xu Ziyan shaking his head, the look of the woman repaired again. But in the end, I can't resist the temptation of too imaginary, whisper:

"Previous seniors. Can I go back to the family to ask my parents for their opinions?"

At this time, the five-tiered monk of the ethnographic level who had already awake came to hear that the woman who was facing him was Xu Ziyan, and there was hatred in his eyes. The figure quickly smashed out and disappeared. It was the other. The terrapin monks also quickly left. Xu Ziyan naturally knows this situation, but she ignores it and still looks at the woman to nod and say:

"Yes, if the level is considered clearly, you can go to the place where I live. Can you find me where I live?"

"Know!" The woman repaired her head.

At this time, a group of monks in the crowd shouted to Xu Ziyan: "Is the predecessor, too imaginary and accepting human disciples?"

Xu Ziyan sank a bit, and suddenly his heart moved. Today there are more than one hundred broken continents around the Upper Yuan Dynasty, and hundreds of people stand. If you want to be too vain, if you are too imaginary, you can't be the first one. You have to be one of the top sects. This requires Xu Ziyan not only to become the center of the Shangyuan continent, but also to become the center of more than one hundred broken continents.

When I think of achieving this goal, it is definitely not acceptable to shut down. There must be a lot of Terran geniuses in the broken continent. They just don't have better inheritance and no better cultivation resources. If these geniuses are included in the Taixu sect, the Taixu will become more and more powerful and become the whole ethnic group. Holy land.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded: "Receive, but the conditions for recruiting disciples are too high, very strict. This matter is too imaginary to study immediately, come up with a charter, and will form a rule every ten years. The Taixu sect will open the mountain, and of course it will face not only the mainland, but also the broken continents."

"Former seniors, besides the Terran, are the disciples of other races too levied?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the past strangely and found out that he was a spiritual monk. At this time, all the monks' eyes were seen, and they could not help but shrink their heads, but the eyes still showed the expectation.

Xu Ziyan smiled in the heart, thinking that the Yanshan soul defeated the Terran patriarch's affair, so that the Lingling people worshiped the Yanshan spirit and wanted to learn the battle with the Yanshan soul. However, from this point of view, the Terrain people seem to have no hostility towards Taixu, which makes Xu Ziyan's impression of the Earth spirits greatly changed.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan’s heart is also thinking about the problem of the Lingling people quickly. Do you want to open the Taixu to the whole Baizu?

The answer is obvious!

If Taixu only wants to be a holy place for the human race, then there is no need for a hundred disciples. However, if too imaginary wants to be the holy place of the whole fairyland, then it should be open to the whole hundred. Try to include all the geniuses in Taixu.

There is no doubt that to do this, you need to have a strong, confident and broad heart.

Hainan Baichuan!

These four words jumped out of Xu Ziyan’s heart and immediately hesitated, saying:

"Receive! But this is not a trivial matter. It needs too much sectarian high-level negotiating a charter. Well, I will talk about it today. Stars, Xiaofan."

Xu Ziyan left with Xu Xingfan and Sha Xiaofan, but it left a sensation. Not only the excitement of the Terran monks, but also the hearts of the Bachelor monks have moved. There are a lot of monks here to see or see, or have heard of Xu Ziyan, a sword and a defeated patriarch, a sword defeated the sun and the rain, the tribes of the tribes, the monks are worshipping the strong, this has nothing to do with the race, deep in his heart I have an admiration for Xu Ziyan. Nowadays, I heard that the Taixu is going to open the gate to all races. It is a fake to say no.

The giant clan looked at the back of Xu Ziyan’s departure, and his heart was ups and downs. As a family leader, he naturally looks farther than ordinary monks. Xu Ziyan’s words and deeds made his heart cool.

If Xu Ziyan is really successful, Taixu will be the Taizong of the Baizu. There will be no place in the entire fairyland where the race will incite too much emptiness. The Tianzu is no exception, and by that time, the inside of the Baizu They will split and there will be a group of monks who support the Taixu sect. So the alliance of the Baizu against the Taixu sect will not be attacked, and the ensuing will be that the Terran will become the most powerful race in the entire celestial world.

However, can the Baizu stop their own people from joining the Taixu?

It should be able to start at the beginning, but if it is too strong, it will become a trend and become unstoppable as time goes by. This is related to the interests of the Baizu. If it is said to be serious, it is related to the survival of the Baizu. It is necessary to inform the Baizu as soon as possible and discuss a way.

The Giants are guilty of a purple affair, and they are also ally with Taixu. But this is related to the survival of the race, he still stays awake and hastily left the open-air market.

Xu Ziyan returned to the station with Xu Xingfan and Sha Xiaofan. Only then did he know that the spirit of Yanshan and the original space attributed to the realm of Xiaocheng, and he could not help but be overjoyed and congratulated. At the same time, I heard the original saying that the Terran patriarch came to visit with three elders, but because Xu Ziyan was absent, Yanshan Soul and the original were consolidating the realm, leaving the words to leave again when they visited again.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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