The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3180: Decisive raid

When we saw dozens of holy monks who had already arranged the enchantment, the patriarchs of the earth were screaming again:

"Xu Ziyan, not coming up to die!"

The sacred sacred sects around him, and the hundreds of monks who were watching through the enchantment in the distance, were somewhat puzzled. With the strength of the purple smog, how did the patriarchs scream incessantly, she said that she did not fly into the air and did not even return a sentence. Is it that Xu Ziyan is afraid?

This thought just flashed in their minds, and I heard Xu Ziyan snoring:

"Go down!"

This scorn is nothing to watch the monks, but it is different for the earthly monks who are floating in the air. Xu Ziyan’s annihilation of the soul led to the shock and rushed toward them.

The Terran patriarch and the two holy and nine-level monks were still in the air, but the gods were slightly stunned, and they even stabilized the figure in the air. But the monks who were at the eighth level of the holy level became acquainted with each other, and one fell from the sky. Those monks who were three levels of the holy level had a moment of deep embarrassment.

Not to mention the hundreds of monks who watched around, the sacred monks who are releasing the enchantment are all in a tight heart, and even more jealous of Xu Ziyan. Then their eyes were a glimpse, and their eyes were filled with extreme shock.

Because they saw it...


The congregation of the Upper Yuan dynasty rushed into the air...

All... all rushed over...

This is this... This is the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty is ready to go all-out with the Terran!

And... still suddenly...

These thoughts have just come to my heart, and I have already rushed to the opposite side of the Terran patriarch, and Wang Yin has already bombarded it. Simultaneously. Yanshan Soul and Yaowang, one sacrificed a double hammer, and one sacrificed medicine Wang Ding, smashed toward the two holy levels and nine layers. Lord of the Lord. Venus, wood with the wind, water and static waves, Zhu Ronglie and Shi Zhong each sacrifice their own fairy to the gods. The six holy and five-level monks who fell from the air rushed over. Xu Ziyan led the emperor, the demon, the left rock, the sky and the sword to the 18th sanctuary.

Not mentioning the original, Yanshan soul, medicine king, magic master, Venus. Wood with the wind, water and static waves, Zhu Ronglie and Shi Zhong nine holy masters, single Xu Xuyan, Xianzhu, demon Lord, Zuoyan and Cangwu these five holy monks. Their cultivation is really much higher than the eighteen monks and three-level monks. What is even more terrible is that the eighteen monarchs and three-level monks are still in the depths, and there is no such thing. Realized that Xu Ziyan and others have already killed.


Just a rush, Xu Ziyan, Xianzhu, demon Lord, Zuo Yan and Cangwu each killed two monks, and the sword was full of sorrow and the other gods killed a monk on the first level, so eighteen There are only seven left in the blink of an eye.

I thought that Xu Ziyan had several repairs for how fast it was!


The original and the Terran patriarchs in the sky had just hit a single blow, and Xu Ziyan and the lord of the lord turned back and rushed back. Kill the remaining seven masters of the Holy Level and the third floor. And just as they killed the last holy monk, the bodies of the eighteen holy monks did not fall to the ground.

Xu Ziyan and Xianzhu and other monks looked up and saw two bodies falling from the air, but it was a holy six-story and a holy five-story body. And the two holy eight layers and two holy seven layers are still struggling. The five-story and the six-story monk are far from the two of their opponents, Zhu Ronglie and Shi Zhong, and the Yuanshen has a hint of embarrassment. Therefore, it was only one of the two holy levels and nine layers of the killer that was killed by the face. And the two sacred eight-story and two sacred seven-story were built there, and the degree of influence by the ecstasy was also light, so their four monks were reluctant to attack under the peak of the four holy levels and nine layers. support.

In fact, it is not impossible for these four large-scale monks to escape at this time. After all, a holy monk wants to escape, but there is still a great possibility. But their patriarchs still struggled there, how could they escape without the command of the patriarch?

It is such a fallacy, Xu Ziyan, Xianzhu, demon Lord, Cangwu, Zuoyan, Jianwuwu, Zhu Ronglie and Shizhong will pour out their hands, Zuoyan, Cangwu and Jianwu have no way to directly retreat to the side, know the next The killing is not that they can plug in.


Xu Ziyan rushed to a sacred eight-story terracotta monk who was fighting with the demon Lord. The lord and the demon rushed to another sacred eight-story terracotta monk who was fighting Venus. Zhu Ronglie and Shi Zhong are rushed to the two seven-level monks who are struggling with the wind and the static waves.


Before the purple smoke and other people attacked the peak, they heard a loud explosion above the top of the head. The monk monk in the middle of the 9th floor was smashed into pieces by the Yanshan spirit. Yanshan's soul was swept away, and he rushed toward the middle of the holy nine-story, which was being killed by Yao Wang.

The rest of the sacred monks of the great land were no longer gods at this time, but the hearts of them were frightened. It’s only a matter of time. Twenty-seven holy monks left six of them. And five of the remaining six are being beaten more, and each monk who is besieging them is still above them.

Xu Ziyan’s silence has been stabbed out, although Xu Ziyan’s release is still the mid-level nine-level cultivation, but where is the holy eight-story terracotta monk who is the opponent of the silence?

It was only an instant that was smashed into a powder. After killing the other party, Xu Ziyan no longer pays attention to the land-based monks, but directly rushes to the highest-ranking patriarchs, and at the same time switches to a purple-grade nine-layer peak.


Xu Ziyan's breath suddenly increased, like a sharp arrow rushing toward the Terran patriarch. Behind him, the Lord of the Lord plunged horizontally and rushed toward the other eight levels.

In this way, the eight-story sectarian monk was besieged by the demon master, the lord and the demon three grand priests, and even if he wanted to tear the space to escape, it became impossible. Similarly, the two sacred and seven-story terracotta monks were also besieged by two sacred nine-story monks, and it was a luxury to escape.

The original Terran monks in the middle of the 9th floor of the Holy Class also had the possibility of escaping, but when the Yanshan soul was also killed, under the attack of Yanshan Soul and Yaowang, they also lost the opportunity to escape.

All this was seen in the eyes of the Terran patriarch, his heart was bleeding, his eyes were congested. Seeing that twenty of the holy monks in his own family had only fallen seven or eight eight in a few moments, the pain in his heart could not be added.

However, there is no regret in his heart, but only resentment. At the same time, I also know that I will not leave, I am afraid I will never be able to go. In particular, seeing Xu Ziyan suddenly became the peak of the late nine-tiered stage, and he was rushing toward him, his heart was a jump. One is enough for him to cope with it. If he adds the purple smog of the late nine-level ninth-level peak, he can’t imagine it.


A big move forced the original, and when you reached out and teared the space, you wanted to shuttle.

Xu Ziyan stretched out a finger, and there was a pattern in the eyes.


The patriarch's body shape is certain, although it is only a moment, but Xu Ziyan's imaginary sword has been stabbed out, and a piece of nothingness has spread.

At the same time, the original figure did not attack the Terran patriarch, but the body shape swept, appeared in the crack of the space, blocked the space crack, and then sacrificed the person Wang Yin to the Terran patriarch I smashed the past.

He had just sacrificed Wang Yin, the great patriarch of the earth had already broken away from the shackles of space, and his heart was terrified to the extreme. He did not expect Xu Ziyan to be proficient in the space attributes.


More frightening is still behind...

Xu Ziyan's emptiness has spread to his front, hurriedly released the fairy, but the power has not yet played 30%, nothing has enveloped his body.

A piece of vain has passed, and when the figure of the Terran patriarch appears again, the breath of the body has fallen by half, and the nose and mouth have oozing blood. In the midst of panic, I wanted to run away again, but I felt that a huge power was under pressure.

Backhand sacrificed the hands of Wan Prison, only to find that I did not know when the original cracked the space crack, the pressure is the people Wang Yin.


The body of the Terran patriarch was bombarded as a meteor landed rapidly toward the ground. Although the Terran patriarch was deeply injured, his heart was a joy. With his speed of falling, he would soon fall to the ground. Even if he was seriously injured, he would recover quickly if he touched the ground. There is an extra chance to escape. At this time, he deeply regretted that he should not be too big. If he did not take the crowds in the air and overlooked Xu Ziyan, but stood on the ground, where would it be as miserable as today?


His face changed, because he saw two huge hammers bombarded from above, but it was already with the drug king Sun Qingmu, killing the Dazu people, the holy nine-story mid-term monk, toward The Yanshan soul he rushed over, there is a huge medicine Wang Ding after the pair of giant hammers.

The face of the Terran patriarch became extremely ugly, and he had no choice but to put Wan Pangfeng in front of him.


The two hammers hit the Wan Prison, and the Wan Prison peaks back to the body of the Terran patriarch. The Terran patriarchs flocked out and controlled the Wan Prison.


The drug Wang Ding was followed by bombardment on the Wan Prison Peak. The Terran patriarchs could no longer support the continuous bombardment of two holy monks, not to mention that he had been injured before?


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*(To be continued~^~)

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