The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3181: Tu Guang

I am very grateful to Lan Xinyu (588), 629 students (588), Chu Junsheng (100), and Bai Zibing's classmates!



Wan Prison peaks collided with him.


The Terran patriarch was spurting blood seven times this time, and his body shape was like a ball that was blown out from bottom to top. Facing Xu Ziyan flew over.


At this time, Xu Ziyan’s purple power was not enough to support a type of nothingness, and he stabbed a type of silence.

There was a pair of giant pythons in the sky, and they opened their eyes. The eyes shrouded the patriarchs of the earth, and the dead space spread. The body of the patriarchs began to wither, and the breath of death emerged from his body. There was a terrified look.


Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, and the purple-level repair was dropped. It was converted into a mid-level nine-story mid-term, and it was in the air. The high-altitude eyes had already dispersed, and the power of silence had disappeared.

At that time, the patriarch of the ethnology was already like a beggar. The whole person’s body had already revealed 80% of the death, and the eyes revealed endless fear and despair. Because he felt that there were three powerful powers that were rushing toward him.

The three powerful forces are the medicine Wang Ding of the drug king Sun Qingmu, the original man Wang Yin and the Yanshan soul double hammer.

The eyes of the Terran patriarchs revealed a decisive color, and he was already very clear in his heart that he had no luck today. Since I am dead, you can't be better.

Only in an instant, the body of the Terran patriarch broke out with brilliance. Huge energy obscures the dead body. The original, the king of medicine and the soul of Yanshan is a jump.

"He wants to blew himself!"

The self-destruction of a monk in the late 9th and 9th floors is almost the same as that of the landslide, even if it is original. Yanshan Soul and Yaowang are some distance away from the Terran patriarch, and I am afraid I will be hurt.

Not only them, but the dozens of holy monks who have maintained enchantment in the distance have changed. Once the Terran patriarchs blew themselves up, they would not be able to resist the enchantment they maintained.

The giant clan and the rainy family are as old as the gray. This time the loss of the double male city is big...

At this moment, Xu Ziyan stretched out a finger a little further.


The Terran patriarch immediately stagnated, and at that moment the time he was experiencing was still, and the blew was of course still.


Wang Ding, the person Wang Yin and the double hammer were bombarded on the head of the Terran patriarch, had lost 80% of the power, and also encouraged half of the blast, the Terran patriarch was already far from the fall. Where can you stand the three big monks and join forces?

In a roar, the body of the Terran patriarch has made countless pieces of flesh and blood. Seeing the death of the Terran patriarchs, only the remaining landlords and monks have an instantaneous loss. They were already in jeopardy, were repaired higher than them, and still had multiple sieges. Still dare to fall in this situation, so there is only one result waiting for them.


Silence down in the sky, there is no big land monk in the air, only the monks of the Yuan Dynasty are floating in the air. But every monk's face is also pale, although the battle was very short, a total of less than ten times, but the consumption is extremely large, almost every monk has come up with his own peak force, with the largest output Yuanli released the fairy, so after this short battle. Every monk has some weakness.

Dozens of holy monks who maintained enchantment around him looked at Xu Ziyan and his class. Inevitably, there is a hint of fear in the eyes.

Not bad!

This time is not taboo, but fear!

The great people of the earth came from the momentum, but they were killed by the monks on the Yuan Dynasty in less than ten days. They thought that the big people would fail. There will even be deaths of the great tribes. However, they did not expect the Great Terran to fall. And still in less than ten times.

What makes them even more worried is the sudden start of the Shangyuan continent. There is no time for the big land people to prepare. From this point of view, the monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty are definitely a group of decisive and arrogant people. Such opponents are the most embarrassing.

"This is a bit unruly!"

One hundred ethnic monks in the heart of the dark, in their view, since the Terran patriarch called, Xu Ziyan should fight with the Terran patriarch alone. Seeing the expression of the heads of the patriarchs, the monks on the mainland of the Yuan dynasty screamed and were in the territory of the Bai people. Is it not looking for death with you?

What you want is the Thunder means to shock you!

At this moment, the monarchs, the demon Lord, the demon Lord, the sky and the Venus are all on the Yuan Continent. The monks who lost the mainland and the Tiantian continent deeply admire Xu Ziyan, and at the same time have a trace of respect for Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan looked down at the bottom, and the bottom has become a ruin. The heart sighed slightly, and finally there was a fierce conflict with the Baizu. I don’t know which direction the future situation will develop.

At this time, the patriarch of the Baizu had dispersed the enchantment and flew toward Xu Ziyan and others. Before the opening of the purple smoke, the giant clan leader took the lead:

"Xu Daoyou, I have already prepared a new place to live for you."

"Thank you!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.



At this time, Xu Ziyan returned to the elegant and polite look. Where is the decisive and hot? Cheng did not twitch and twitched, and the monks flew toward the territory of the Shuangcheng Xiancheng Giants. At this time, Xu Xingfan also followed the monks of the Yuan Dynasty. At the same time, the heads of the Bai tribes also followed Xu Ziyan.

They can't go! Because when I watched the battle between the Yuanyuan and the Dazu people, Cheng did not sing the voice of Xu Ziyan to open the disciples to the Baizu to open the disciples, which made the Baizu chiefs shocked.

Who are they?

They are the patriarchs of the Baizu. They just thought of the power at this moment. This matter must be united and Xu Ziyan said, and Xu Ziyan must be forced to take back this idea. Otherwise, the Taixu will become bigger and bigger. The family will gradually become a vassal of the Taixu. Even if it is not a vassal of the illusory, there is no possibility of competing with the Taixu. Several patriarchs are thinking about how to talk with Xu Ziyan at this time, but there are also several patriarchs who look at the back of Xu Ziyan, with hidden grievances and killings in their eyes.

Among these monks, one of them is the most ugly face. He is the patriarch of the Zerg. He is a close friend of the patriarchs. The relationship between the two races is also very close. Nowadays, the patriarchs of the genus are killed by Xu Ziyan and other monks. He is heartbroken. However, even the big land people are not the opponents of Xu Ziyan. They are cleanly and satisfactorily killed by the Shangyuan continent. The Zerg nature will not be called to Xu Ziyan at this time.

When I arrived at the new station, Cheng did not send a larger manor to Xu Ziyan. Xu Xingfan arranged for the monks to stay, and all the holy monks entered the main hall of the manor.

When I came to the main hall, the guest was seated, and there was a strange silence in the hall. Xu Ziyan and other monks are now trying to talk, and they are silently recovering. The Baizu monks did not know how to speak for a while, after all, the first battle was very shocking to them.

The hall was quiet for a while, and the patriarchs finally broke the silence: "Xu Daoyou, you will kill the Terran patriarchs and the holy monks who came to the Shuangxiong City, I am afraid that it will lead to a big battle!"

Xu Ziyan glanced faintly at the winds of the ethnic group: "Oh? Is it true that the Baizu wants to go to war with the Yuanyuan. So, then the war is good, I will wait for you in the Upper Yuan."

The face of the Fengzu patriarch is a stagnation, and this purple smoke is too strong!

I said that the Hundreds of People are going to fight with you? Have I said that?

Of course, he did not dare to admit that he could not afford the responsibility of such a war, and he also commanded the Baizu. When Xu Ziyan pointed the finger at their winds, and the winds could not get the support of the Baizu, wouldn't it be the same as the big people?

“No!” The patriarch of the Feng nationality said hurriedly: “Hsu Zongzhu will be wrong! The strength of the Dazu nationality is very strong. Although you killed the Terran patriarch and the twenty-six holy monks, this is not the geography. With all the strength, the big land will definitely retaliate against the mainland."

Xu Ziyan silently said: "I give the big land people a chance. If the big land people are honestly staying in his broken continent, we will not be able to go to the mainland. But if the big people dare to retaliate against the mainland, even if Once, the Terran has no need to exist."

In the heart of the Baidu monks in the hall of the House of Representatives is a glimpse of the heart, Xu Ziyan this is to destroy the Terran!

Too bad!

The heads of the Bai tribes remained silent. At this time, their hearts raised a fluster. At this time, they missed the patriarchs of the Tianzu. If the patriarchs were there, there would be a way.

The giant patriarch looked at the surrounding patriarchs and looked at the darkness. The earth ethics still said a hammer?

Their Dazu people are willing to touch the purple smoke and they will be touched. Now we have to solve the problem of Taixu Zong to the Baizu. Then coughed a channel:

"Xu Daoyou, we have come to see you today and have nothing to do with the Terran."

"Oh? What is that?" Xu Ziyan’s heart was also curious. She didn’t think there was anything more important than the Terran.

"Cough cough..." Cheng did not cough and screamed two channels: "I heard that Xu Daoyou is going to face the Baizu Dakai Taixu sect, and recruits disciples for the Baizu?"

Not only the patriarchs of the Baizu immediately focused on the spirit, but the monks, the demon, the demon, the Venus and the monks were also shocked, and then the mind was extremely complicated.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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