The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3182: The helplessness of the Baizu

There is no doubt that Taixu is doing this the best way to differentiate the Baizu. But there is no doubt that once this matter is done, Taixu will become the most powerful force in the entire fairy world, including more than one hundred broken continents, in a very short period of time, and over time. As a result, the Taixu sect will become the holy place of the entire celestial Baizu, and the Baizu elite will enter the Taixu.


This kind of thing is not only too imaginary to do, we can do it too! We can also recruit disciples to the Bai people! The monks, the devil, the demon, the Venus, and the monks, all lived up.

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded, at this point she did not want to hide the meaning.

"This... not so good?" The Giants condensed.

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "Nothing is bad! We are too imaginary to open the mountain gate to the Baizu and treat the Baizu and the Terran equally. This is also a good thing for the Baizu. I don't think there is anything wrong with this." ”

"Of course you don't think there is nothing wrong with it!" The Bais monks angered one by one.

"Of course..." Xu Ziyan made a thought: "If you don't like to join Taixu, you can make an order in the family as a patriarch. Can your family's disciples violate your orders?"

The heads of the Baizu patriarchs can't help but smile. Which family has no unfair things? Once the disciple who suffered unfairness suddenly joined the Taixu, it was really a face. And once a hundred monks have opened the river, it will never be able to stop.

"And..." Xu Ziyan once again said: "If I understand that there is nothing wrong with it, do you have a group of people who have enrolled the Terran monks to work for your family? Can your people be recruited by the Terran. We can't recruit people." Baizu? How can there be such a truth in the world?"

The heart of the Baizu chief is a bitter bitterness. Can this be the same? The human race monks we recruited are the cannon fodder and slaves of our family. However, looking at the appearance of your purple smoke is not like this at all. If this is the case, we will not stop it at all. Even if the monks suffer more injustice in the family. I will not go to the Terran as a cannon fodder and be a slave.

This is not a matter of time!

However, at this time they already knew that Xu Ziyan was ironic to do so. And they can't threaten Xu Ziyan, because the threat is useless.

Didn’t you hear Xu Ziyan just said it?

If the Bai people want to go to war. She was waiting in the Upper Yuan Dynasty, and she did not leave a room for negotiation with the Baizu.

After a sigh of relief, the Xuezu patriarch condensed: "Xu Daoyou, if we have traitors to join the Taixu sect, please ask Taixu to return it to us."


The bachelor's monk is a move in his heart. Under his own command, his family's disciples will basically not join the Taixu, and there may be only one or two disciples who have suffered extreme injustice in the family resolutely join the Taixu. But we can announce that the disciple is asking for a traitor to the Taixu. Are you too wicked to take care of our traitors?

If that's the case, it's just a provocation!

Xu Ziyan naturally understands the intentions of the Baizu chieftains. She actually knows that even if she opens the door of Taixu, she will not receive a Baizu disciple in a short period of time. This is a long-term plan. However, it is not possible to agree to the condition of the Patriarchal Patriarch, because no matter whether a certain Baizu monk who joined the Taixu in the future is a traitor of the Baizu, the Baizu will declare him a traitor. And if Xu Ziyan returns the monk who joined the Taixu to the Baizu, who will dare to join the Taixu?

The move to open the door to the Baizu will become a joke. Therefore, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a faint smile:

"Is it a traitor and only we are too imaginary to say that it is not easy to join them. It is not easy to join them. We are too imaginary to test whether this person is a traitor."

At this time, the patriarchs of the patriarchs were thinking about how it would be difficult to join the Taixu sect. How would the tyrants judge whether the monks who joined would be traitors of the Baizu. The head of the Yu ethnic group said:

"Xu Daoyou, how did Guizong recruit disciples? How do you decide whether a monk who joins a noble traitor is a traitor?"

Xu Ziyan extended a slap in the palm: "Want to join us too imaginary needs to meet five conditions.

First, the age must not exceed fifty. ”

The eyes of the patriarchs of the Bai ethnic group are shrinking. It seems that they are all very weak disciples at the age of 50. But they are the future of the family.

"Second. It is necessary to pass our qualification test of too imaginary. They are too sacred to only need genius disciples, not what kind of disciples are recruited."

The heads of the Bai tribes are re-shrinking, and it is too imaginary to include all the elites of the Baizu! Although it is impossible for such a thing to happen under your own command in a short period of time, who can expect it in the future? There is a road to being too imaginary. There will always be disciples to go.

"Third, we must pass our savvy test of sorrow."

This is the point of understanding of the Baizu chiefs. It is not enough to have qualifications. The qualifications are only reflected in the physical condition and the spirit. The qualifications are only very important for the early stage of cultivation. It will allow a qualified disciple to cultivate and advance rapidly, leaving the same-age disciples far behind.

However, it is very important to understand in the later period, because the cultivation afterwards has not relied on physical qualifications, but on the understanding. The later cultivation is actually the understanding of the heavens, and the poorly understood monks will progress in the later stages. It is often the monk who is medium-qualified but has a good understanding. In the later period, he will quickly surpass those who have good qualifications but who are savvy but general.

"Fourth, we must pass our perseverance test of too imaginary!"

The cultivation of immortals is like going against the sky. As the saying goes, the heaven and earth, the anti-brigade of all things. Without a great perseverance, even if he has good qualifications and understanding, there will be no major achievements.

"Five, we must pass the assessment of our imaginary refining heart, and this refining heart is naturally able to assess the mind of a monk. Those who are evil and evil are too imaginary, but they are pure disciples. Naturally, it will not be a traitor. Even if it is declared by your ancestors to be a disciple of the traitor, we are too imaginary to believe in the judgment of the heart."

Nowadays, it is an easy task to set up a refining heart array, and this time she will be prepared to set up a refining heart, not only for the Baizu, but also for the Terran. In the future, no matter who wants to join Taixu, they must go through these five assessments.

Today's Taixu is no longer the time for Xu Ziyan to start. At that time, there was a lack of people. But even at that time, Xu Ziyan did not unconditionally absorb the disciples, but made rules. Today, there is no shortage of people in the illusory, and too imaginary should improve the conditions of admission. In the future, Taixu will be the holy place of the whole fairyland. At the very least, it is necessary to work in that direction. Therefore, the need for the true emptiness is the true elite.

The meaning of the patriarch's patriarch's heart is helpless. The meaning of Xu Ziyan's words is already very obvious. He will not compromise on this matter. There is no second solution to the hunts.


Launch a fairy war...

It is not impossible. The combination of the Baizu is really not afraid of going to the mainland. Only they need to wait for the integration of the Tianzu, they need a ally.

The heads of the Bai tribes left in a depressed mood, but the monks and other monks were excited. That Venus was the first to ask:

"Xu Daoyou, can we also recruit disciples for the Baizu?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Of course. But you have to be prepared for a disciple."

"We understand this!" Venus nodded: "The Bais will not allow their disciples to join our forces. But we will also be able to recruit disciples in the face of the Hundreds, and disgusting about the Baizu."

"Ha ha ha..." There was a loud laugh inside the hall.

Things have passed a day, and it’s not coming back, as if you have forgotten the unpleasantness of the past. Laughing with Xu Ziyan into the hall:

"Xu Daoyou, I am here today to invite you to a trade fair."

"Trade Fair?" Xu Ziyan raised a brow.

"Yeah!" Cheng nodded and nodded: "This trade fair is different from the auction. The auction will be a lot of people, and the trade will not use Xianjing. Everyone just follows their own needs. This kind of trade has been opened many times at all levels, and only our holy monks have not held it once. This is because the things of the meteorite belt have been delayed. Now there are so many holy monks gathered. In Shuangxiong Xiancheng, if you do not hold a trade fair, you will regret it."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and she knew in her heart that things like Xianjing were not in the eyes of the Holy Masters, but they were not considered to be precious things, but they were not precious things. Instead, some Danfu arrays and some precious materials are needed by the holy monks. Such a trade fair is very necessary, so I nodded:

"Well, I am attending, when?"

"Tonight, in the main hall of my family."

"I will go on time."

Cheng Wuming did not stay here more, just chatting a few words and then leaving. Xu Ziyan informed the various holy monks of the matter, and the celestial masters and other people were also very interested. They also participated in the trade in the process of life, but they never participated in this kind of transaction. meeting.

This is the Hundred People's Fair!

The Baizu holy masters from all the broken continents must have the resources they need. They all agreed to go to the Giants in the evening and return to their rooms to prepare for their own trading.


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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