I am very grateful to Lan Xinyu (588), Bai Zibing (100), and Chu Junsheng (100) for their reward!


At dusk.

In front of the gates of the Giants.

The giants of the giants stood respectfully at the gate, but they knew who they came tonight, and they were all holy monks. One of the holy monks was invited to be respectfully, and the remaining monks stood respectfully in the same place, looking at the intersection and waiting for the next holy monk.

A dozen figures appeared in their field of vision. These giant tribes immediately became respected. They naturally saw Xu Ziyan and his party. To be honest, their concept of Xu Ziyan is very complicated. They belong to the Baizu. It is reasonable to say that they should stand in the camp of the Baizu, but now they all know that Xu Ziyan gave them the legacy of the loss of the giants, which makes them Xu Ziyan is grateful and admirable.

In any case, Xu Ziyan and the Giants have no actual conflict so far, so their gratitude and admiration exceeded their resistance. One face showed a sincere smile and went to see Xu Ziyan and other monks. Xu Ziyan was able to feel goodwill from them, and smiled and nodded. Under the guidance of a monk, he went to the hall of the parliament.

When I walked into the hall of the House of Representatives, I saw that more than half of the great monks of the Ba ethnic group have come, and the pattern in the hall of the House of Changes has changed. There are vertical chairs in the main hall, and there is a table in front of each chair. There are various kinds of fairy fruit and fairy wine on the table. There is a table in front, which is used for barter.

Xu Ziyan and his party chose to sit down and look at them. I saw that the Baizu monks were also divided into groups, most of them were sitting in a race of holy monks, and there were also a few good-natured monks sitting together. Seeing Xu Ziyan's gaze swept over, both sides smiled. Then they shifted their eyes and talked softly with the monks around them.

Today is the transaction, everyone has put down the gap in their hearts, there is only one purpose here. Exchange to what you need.

The monks came in again and again. After two quarters of an hour, the door of the main hall was slowly closed, and the surrounding walls and gates were filled with plaids to isolate the inside and outside.

Xu Ziyan once again looked at the monks in the hall. When I saw that there were more than one hundred monks in the hall, it was almost close to two hundred. This is a lot of low-level holy monks. . On the other hand, I also saw a lot of raw faces, which should be the holy monks who have just arrived these days.

Cheng did not sound at this time standing behind the desk, his face smiled and said: "Everyone knows the same, everyone knows the rules of the fair, so I will not be arrogant. Now start trading, I will throw a brick."

When the words fall, I will take out a jade bottle and put it on the table: "You know all the friends. Our giants have a unique talent in the refining, and they also have a unique method. Everyone should have heard of the giants. Refining body fluid."

There was a slight commotion within the hall, and the monks on the Yuan Dynasty were very calm, because they did not know how the body of the giants differed from the body fluids they knew.

"We know how precious the body fluids of our giants are. Every year, we can only refine ten bottles. This kind of body fluid is of little use to the monks of the late nine-tiered peak. But as long as it is The ontology has not yet reached the peak of the nine-tiered stage of the Holy Class."

Those who are in the midst of the nine-level sacred peaks are a hop. They certainly know the effect of the giants' refining body fluids. This refining body fluid is of no use to her, but it is still useful for the monks who are too imaginary.

It’s the fairy god, the devil, the demon master who have never heard of the giants’ body fluids. The sky and other people are also excited. To know that their body can still not reach the peak of the 9th level of the Holy Class, this body fluid is not to be said to be subordinate to them, it is very useful for them.

Only Xu Ziyan, who is too imaginary, is the soul of Yanshan. Originally, the drug king Sun Qingmu and the sword have no look of calm. There is no slight change. This is because when the giants took out the body fluid, the original voice gave them four, telling them that they do not need to trade the body fluid. The drug king can refine a liquid, which is not inferior to the giant body. And as long as the material is enough, it can be continuously refined.

At this time, Yanshan Spirit is setting up an acoustical ban, which will cover a few people in Taixu. There are Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul and the original repairs have reached the peak of the 9th level of the holy level. Only the sword is not a sacred level, so his mood is the most urgent, and the Yanshan soul has just set up a soundproof prohibition. The sword is urgently asked:

"Presidents of Yaowang, why didn't you listen to what you said before?"

The drug king knows that the sword is not the master of Xu Ziyan, so it is very polite to the sword, otherwise it will not take care of a holy level, and laughs:

"Forgot, I saw the Giants refining body fluids today. Hehe..."

Xu Ziyan and others can't help but talk for a while, but they also understand the drug king. After all, they have been sealed for hundreds of millions of years in Yao Ding. Many things may require a process to remember. Xu Ziyan said:

“What do you need to refine the materials for the body fluid?”

“This refining body fluid is also divided into several grades, which correspond to several repair levels, so the materials required are also different.”

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are bright: “Pharmaceutical King, do you mean that your refined body fluids are not only useful for the Holy Class?”

This refining body fluid is not used by any level of monks. For example, the giant body's refining body fluid can only be used by the holy masters. The Tianzun later peaks can be used by the monks, and the rest of the monks can not be used at all. Hearing the meaning of the drug king, he has been able to divide the liquid into several grades for monks of different realms.

"Of course!" Yao Wang said, the style of a generation of Yao Wang is full.

"What materials do you need?"

"The material is still a little precious, and other materials are nothing more than hoeing, lantern leaves..."

With the smell of herbs from the mouth of the drug king, the expression on the face of Xu Ziyan is getting more and more relaxed. These herbs are not only innumerable in her body space, but also in the medicine garden of Taixu. As long as there is the liquid medicine refining the medicine king, the revision of the monk's monk will have a rapid improvement.

"But the most important herbal medicine is not easy to find!" Yao Wang's brow slightly wrinkled: "It is not easy to find in the age of the Bai people."

"What is it?" Xu Ziyan's look is a bit nervous. It is not an exaggeration to say that if this kind of refining body fluid can be refining a lot, it will be of vital importance to Taixu.

"I don't die!" Yao Wang said with a brow.


Xu Ziyan grew his mouth, and he closed his voice for a while, and his heart was filled with joy.

Not dead grass!

Who is missing this, I am not lacking, I have a planet without dead grass! It seems that waiting for this time to return to Taixu, it is necessary to find a valley, use the method to change the environment, change to a place suitable for the growth of immortal grass, and then transplant a batch of undead grass. After having a decision in his heart, Xu Ziyan looked at Yaowang:

"If there is enough undead grass, can this kind of refining liquid be refining a lot?"

"Can!" Yao Wang nodded: "I heard that the level of Taixu Zengdantang is not low. When I hand over the prescription to them, and then point them to some, they will refine a lot. Purple smoke, you have ...not dead grass?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan heard the joy and nodded: "There are quite a few!"

Yao Wang listened to his heart and said with joy: "When I return to Zongmen, I have a lot of ideas. I have a lot of ideas about it, and maybe I can create several new drugs."

Xu Ziyan is more happy in the heart, there is a drug king in Zongmen is the greatest blessing! When even nodded promised. After the Yanshan soul canceled the noise ban, it was seen that the bottle of giant human body refining liquid was being exchanged by the Xue family with ten snow crystals.

Next, a class of great monks came up one after another, took out a treasure on the table, and then introduced it, and then said the treasures that he wanted to exchange, and then there were monks who took out the treasure exchange, and they could not exchange them because The treasures he needs are not the holy monks, or other holy monks, but they do not need his treasures.

In short, this kind of trade fair is completely different from the auction. It is not as hot as the auction. The whole hall is not very quiet, but it is not awkward. On the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty, lost to the mainland and the mainland of the Tiantian continent, in addition to the original, Yao Wang, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul did not deal, the remaining holy monks such as the lord, the devil, the Venus, the sky, etc. have also shot, In exchange for the treasures that he needs, even if the sword is not empty, he also took a broken sword. The broken sword contained a kind of sword-like heaven, and Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul did not look in the eyes, but It is just right for the sword.

The original, Yao Wang, Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan have never shot, because there is no real thing that they can see in the eyes. At this time, half of the monks have exchanged treasures, but the more treasures that are traded in the future, the more precious they are, so Xu Ziyan is not in a hurry. And there are many monks who think like Xu Ziyan.

At this time, the Xuezu patriarch who had exchanged the giant body refining body fluid went to the back of the trading table and took out a storage ring on the table:

"You friends, in a chance to coincide with a chance to find a corpse of Kun Peng. I don't know how this 鲲 死 died, but its body is almost intact, but its head is gone. But this 鲲鹏可It is not ordinary fear, but has the blood of the ancestor of the Peng dynasty, and its inner dan is also, and it was a peak of the late nine layers of the sacred level. So, everyone should know the preciousness of this corpse?


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*(To be continued~^~)

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