The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3184: Snowy people

Its feather skeleton is a precious treasure of the refiner, and meat, blood and inner Dan are treasures of alchemy. Let's just say it, it's all treasure. ”

Speaking of this, the Xuezu patriarch joked and said: "If anyone raises a 鲲peng and eats this corpse, it should break through to the holy level."

Xu Ziyan heard this, and my heart was a jump.

Little white!

Xiaobai is now the peak of Tianzun. However, with her fun temper, let her calm down and practice, it is impossible. If you have this corpse, you can break through to the holy level.

"Slow!" Suddenly a monk stood up and said: "Snow patriarch, are you doing too disrespectful to our family?"

Xu Ziyan heard it as a glimpse. Is there a family in the Bai ethnic era? Not a single practice? And haven't you heard of the Peng Peng people these days? Is it just coming to the Shuangxiong Xiancheng? I couldn’t help but know what to say.

The original is also immediately known to the voice: "The age of the Baizu is a family of people, but this race is very strange, there are not many, at most there are only a hundred, at least only a few dozen, but they The strength is terrible."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a bitter smile. Like the horror state of Kun Peng, if you get tens of thousands, then you still don’t want to stir up the fairy world? But when she remembered the origins of Xiaobai, she asked:

"That... can there be a penguin in the world?"

"Of course!" The original nodded: "However, the Kunpeng of the world can only say that it is the shape of the Peng Peng, without the power of Kun Peng. Their blood is very weak. Oh... Is it white?"

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “She is what I met in the real world.”

The original licked his mouth. Frowning and thinking for a while: "Impossible! A Peng Peng who fell to the realm of the world is impossible to repair into such a realm! The concentration of blood is destined to grow up! Oh, I understand."

The original eyes suddenly shone: "You didn't give her a little medicine?"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bitter smile: “It’s not so much! How much is my Dandao realm, what level of elixir she eats, and when she eats sugar beans every day.”

Nodded. Then he frowned and said: "This is not right! If Xiaobai really appears from the realm, even if you give her an elixir to eat, and the grade is very high, the number is very large. She will reach the end of Tianzun at most. At the peak, it is absolutely impossible to break through to the holy level. But I have watched Xiaobai, she definitely has the qualification to break the holy level, but she is too greedy to play and not cultivate."

When I heard this, Xu Ziyan was a move in the heart. When I thought of Xiaobai’s original space in my body, I went to chaos and practiced nothing. It should be chaotic gas that changed her blood. The matter is now put aside. Looked at the ring. At this time, the Xuezu patriarch was also talking to the patriarch of the Kunpeng family.

"You are not right when you say this." If you say that the monks in any of our ethnic groups have died, if they are obtained by other races, they will also be the alchemy of alchemy, the refiner of the refiner, and even more. Used for auctions. Take us for the Xue people. Isn’t the body of a Xue’s monk auctioned? What did the Xue people say?”

Xu Ziyan can't help but nod. In fact, for the Terran, other Baizu are demon, killing the demon, and then using the demon's body to refine the alchemy system is a very normal thing for the Terran. , Wang Xiancheng auctioned the Nei Dan of the Yaozu, the Yaozu did not say anything?

Of course, Xu Ziyan believes that the corpses of the Terran people will not be let go. At the very least, the strength of the Terran cultivation and the power of the Yuanshen are also treasures for the Baizu.

It’s just an auction of the corpse, this bastard. The human race is worth mentioning. I really can't say anything. Unless you are seen while killing a monk, this is different, and people can naturally seek revenge. But just the body...

It’s hard to say, just like the Xue family chief said at this time. People are stunned, as if they are true and false. Anyway, you didn't see it?

However, the monks present, including the head of the Zunpeng nationality, thought that this was true.


A sacred ninth-level nine-level peak of the 鲲peng does not say that the Xuezu patriarch is not an opponent, that is, she has the strength to kill 鲲鹏, that 鲲鹏 want to run, can stop it?

To know that Kunpeng's magical power is to break the ban and shuttle space.

When the head of the Kunpeng was blocked from speaking, he took up the storage ring and swept the gods inside. For this, the Xue nationality patriarch did not stop. After the glance of the Zangpeng family, they put down the storage ring:

"Snow patriarch, you raise the conditions, as long as we can do it, we must do it."

"I want everything that can increase the treasures of Shouyuan." The Xuezu patriarchs swept the people.

Xu Ziyan was a move in his heart, and he said to the original god: "The original predecessor, she wants to increase the treasures of Shouyuan? She is a holy monk, and lives with the heavens and the earth!"

"This is you don't know the Xue people!" The original sighed: "The life of the Xue family is short-lived, just like snowflakes. From birth to death, there is only a million years of life."

"There is still less life in Wannian!" Xu Ziyan said: "The life of the Terran is more than one hundred years?"

The original turned a white-eyed road: "The breeding power of the Terran is strong! There is always a cultivation in 100,000 people. It will increase naturally with the increase of cultivation. But the Xue family is different, on the one hand, Their reproductive ability is not as good as that of the human race. On the other hand, it is the most important thing. Even if it is cultivated to the peak of the late Tianzun, the life of the Xue people is only 10,000 years. Unless it is cultivated to the holy level, it will break through this kind of ambiguity. Same life."


Xu Ziyan understands that the Terran seems to be only one hundred years old, but with the improvement of cultivation, Shouyuan will also be promoted. When it is cultivated to Tianzun, it goes without saying that it is the peak of Tianzun’s later period. The land has exceeded 10,000 years. In this way, the Shouyuan of the Xue people is really few, it is a strange race. How can such a race not need to extend the birthday of Tianyuan? For example, Zengshou Dan, which is refining with undead grass, can grow a Shouyuan of a monk for three thousand years, not to mention the increase in life. It is the Yanzuo that can only extend the life of 150 years. It is also very important. After a hundred years of Shouyuan, it has broken through the holy level.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan could not help but laugh. It is so simple to break through the holy level. However, extending the life of the Shouyuan for a period of time, the strength of the Xuezu can guarantee one point, and there is also a hope to break through the holy level.

Seeing the change of Xu Ziyan's look, the original **** knows the voice: "Ziyan, do you think that the Xue family collects the treasures that grow Shouyuan is just drinking and quenching thirst?"

I haven't waited for Xu Ziyan to return, but I continued to know the voice: "That is, you don't know the Xue people. The Xue family's monks have the cultivation of the immortal king in their lifetime. If it is not because their life is too short, I am afraid that it will be long gone. To dominate the fairy world, the heaven is not an opponent."

Sure enough, it’s a good day to drink!

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but sigh. However, after sighing, it was determined to take down the body of this Peng Peng, not for anything else, just to break through to the holy level.

At this time, there have been more than half of the holy monks who have watched the body of the Peng Peng in the storage ring. This does not mean that the Xue nationality patriarch does not take out the body of the Peng Peng because it is too big.

Xu Ziyan stood up and walked toward the storage ring. The eyes of the Xuezu patriarchs are bright. From the trade fair to the present, Xu Ziyan has never got up, but this time he got up. Is it possible for Xu Ziyan to have the treasure of growing Shouyuan?

Xu Ziyan came to the table, and the gods passed in, and there was a shock in his heart. She has seen Kuang Peng. When she was still in the mainland, Xiao Bai was obtained from a dying Kun Peng. However, now that I saw the body of Kuang Peng, I let Xu Ziyan feel that even if this Pengpeng in the storage is dead, the power that is emitted will be much worse than the one that I saw in the real world. . If the body is a sun, the one in the world is a piece of dust.

"I must get this corpse of Kunpeng!"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze showed a firm color, and at this time, the Xuezu patriarch asked:

"Xu Daoyou is interested in this corpse?"

Xu Ziyan has not spoken yet, and the Zangpeng patriarch stood up and walked toward Xu Ziyan: "Xu Daoyou, this is the body of our predecessors of the Kunpeng family, and Xu Daoyou also wants to let."

Xu Ziyan glanced at the head of the Zangpeng nationality. He just opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the Xue nationality chief:

"Kuang Peng patriarch, do you want to stop me from trading?"

The look of the princes of the Kunpeng nationality is also a glimpse. This corpse of 鲲鹏 is very important to the 鲲鹏族族, one is related to the face of the Kunpeng family, and the other is the importance of this 鲲Peng corpse to the Kunpeng family. Don't think that the Pengpeng family really respects their predecessors and will transport the body of this Pengpeng back to the family.

They will not do this. All they have to do is to swallow the body of refining and refining, so that the Pengpeng family will have another sacred monk.


The body of Kunpeng is very important to the Kunpeng family. However, if the Xue family is prevented from trading, it is offensive to the Xue family, because the Xue people use it to exchange treasures that increase the life. For the situation of the Xue people, the Baizu are very clear. If the Zunpeng people dare to do this, they will be the dead enemies of the Xue people, and they will not die. Therefore, the face of the head of the Zang Peng hurriedly smiled:

"Snow patriarch, I don't mean that."

Xu Ziyan was very depressed at this time. Today, he wants to open his mouth twice and interrupted by others.

"I don't have a sense of existence?"


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*(To be continued~^~)

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