The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3186: Undead grass attraction

The Zerg patriarch is a friend of the patriarchs who were killed by Xu Ziyan, and the Zerg has a natural spirituality in the search for herbs. In his view, Xu Ziyan can find an undead grass that has hit the big opportunity, even they have bought I found an undead grass. This certainly does not mean that Xu Ziyan has several undead grasses, but does not understand the gap between the grass and the vine. Having said that, he still did not forget to take a look at the drug king:

"Don't the drug king tell you?"

"Ha ha……"

There was a low laugh in the hall, and these hundred monks were stunned by Xu Ziyan in the double-male fairy city. The depression in my heart can be imagined. How can I get a chance to laugh at Xu Ziyan now? However, Xu Ziyan did not seem to hear the words of the Zerg patriarch and the ridicule of the Baizu monks. He just leaned back on the back of the chair and looked at the Xuezu patriarch.

Seeing the appearance of Xu Ziyan, the heart of the Xuezu patriarch is a jump. Does Xu Ziyan have more than one undead grass? Her mind quickly spun up, Xu Ziyan is a holy monk, her knowledge can not know the gap between the dead grass and the ground vines, etc.? Even if I don't know, Yaowang will tell her, but now I can see the purple smoke.

She, she, she... She doesn’t really have more than one undead grass?

"Xu Daoyou, what do you mean... you...and not dead grass?"

Xu Ziyan nodded, but there was no words. The snow patriarch’s face appeared on the scene and there was a hint of excitement. I couldn’t wait to ask:

"Xu Daoyou, how many do you have?"

Xu Ziyan turned a blank eye. In the heart, I have a planet, but can you tell me? Even if you tell you, can you trade?

I saw Xu Ziyan's move to turn his eyes. The heart of the Xuezu patriarch was raised at once. On the one hand, she thought that Xu Ziyan’s white eyes had a small number of undead grasses, which meant that you thought that the undead grass was Chinese cabbage! On the other hand, she feels that she is not relying on imagination, Xu Ziyan has a lot of undead grass. Turning your eyes means that you are a corpse of a scorpion, you want all my undead grass?

This makes the heart of the Xuezu patriarchs like a roller coaster. As soon as they look up, Xu Ziyan does not know what to say. Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and her heart did not know how many undead grasses needed to trade the body of Kunpeng. Although she has a starless grass, she can't let the other lion open her mouth and think about it:

"How about fourteen undead grasses?"

Fourteen undead grasses are equivalent to the effect of two Tianci leaves, but the effect is not easy to say. For example, Zengyuan Dan, which is a refining of the main medicine, is a longevity that can make a person live for 20,000 years. But the undead grass is only able to upgrade a monk for five thousand years. In this respect, it feels a lot worse. But don't forget, there are fourteen undead grasses, that is, Shouyuan, which can make at least fourteen monks have 5,000 years. Of course, the godsend leaves and the immortal grass can not only refine a life-severing Dan.

Seeing that Xu Ziyan had placed fourteen undead grasses on the table, the eyes of the Xuezu patriarchs lit up. It’s just that her eyes are still showing a look.

"Xu Daoyou, this... still not enough!"

Xu Ziyan once again slightly frowned. Then I looked at the drug king. Yao Wang first used the gods to probe the body of the Xue patriarch in the storage ring, and then opened the road:

"Ziyan, the body is worth twenty dead grass."

Xu Ziyan looked at the Xue nationality again. The Xue nationality did not hesitate and immediately nodded:

"Okay, I am dealing with you!"

When the words fell, the storage ring containing the body of Zhanpeng was handed over to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took out six undead grasses and placed them on the table. The Xuezu patriarch smiled and waved his sleeves, and then collected 20 undead grasses. It’s up. Then he did not leave immediately, but said to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou. Do you still have dead grass? If so. I used to exchange at all costs."

The Zerg patriarch at the side was full of sorrow at this moment, and he really did not expect Xu Ziyan to come out with twenty undead grasses. At this time, I heard that the Xuezu patriarch still wanted to exchange the undead grass from Xu Ziyan, and he could not help but reveal the sarcasm.

Isn't the dead grass so easy to get?

Xu Ziyan can have twenty trees and don't know what to do with the dog. Also, she is counting on her to take out another one?

"I don't know what the Snowmaster used to trade with me?"

Xu Ziyan’s voice rang softly. The masters in the entire hall are all a glimpse. Looking at Xu Ziyan's eyes is full of disbelief.

Is there a purple smoke and no dead grass?

The Xuezu patriarch was also overjoyed, and then frowned slightly and thought about what to trade with Xu Ziyan. Then two people began to know the voice.

When you see this situation, everyone knows that there is still no grass in this purple smoke. This makes people look red. Zengshou Dan is not difficult to refine. As long as it is a congenital Xiandan division, it can be refining. How can there be no congenital Xiandan in these ethnic groups?

This thing is not only the needs of the Xue people! Everyone needs it! Therefore, one by one looking at Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed.

There, Xu Ziyan took out three undead grasses and the Xuezu patriarch traded seven herbs that she had not seen before. The Xuezu patriarch still had some unwillingness to persuade Xu Ziyan to trade with her a few more, but he has been paying attention to the fact that the Hundreds of monks here have seen that Xu Ziyan has no intention of trading, and he screamed around and wanted to trade with Xu Ziyan. The strain is not dead.

Seeing this scene, the Xuezu patriarch immediately rushed, and hurriedly said: "You friends, I and Xu Daoyou have not finished trading, please ask you to wait."

"Are you waiting?"

The wind patriarch is not happy, how many undead grass can Xu Ziyan have? Waiting for another, you are all traded, we are still trading a fart? After giving the Xue nationality a white eye, he immediately turned to Xu Ziyan, revealing a smile:

"Xu Daoyou, how do I use the Fengbao Fengjing of the Winds to change the grass? How many undead grasses do Xudaoyou have?"

The wind crystal is only useful for the monks who have the spiritual roots of the wind. The monks in the human race rarely have the spiritual roots of the wind. Unlike the monks in the wind, the monks are the roots of the wind, but once the monks in the future are too imaginary, there is a wind. What is the property of the Lingen monk?

Therefore, Xu Ziyan finally felt that she had to trade some winds with the patriarchs. Of course, she would not trade too much. Just traded 500 pieces of wind crystals with three undead grasses.

The next step is that Xu Ziyan and other Baizu patriarchs trade, and all the treasures that Xu Ziyan sees are all traded with undead grass. There is a drug king and the original check there, Xu Ziyan is not afraid of losing. As a result, Xu Ziyan traded a lot of treasures. Although these treasures are of no use to Xu Ziyan, they are useful to other monks in Taixu! Xu Ziyan believes that possessing these treasures will have a qualitative improvement in the shortest time.

Of course, Xu Ziyan also knows that these hundreds of monks must have some more precious treasures not to come out and trade with her, because they feel that the value of the grass is not enough to trade their treasures.

However, Xu Ziyan is not in a hurry. Anyway, these monks will come up with the treasures they wish to trade, and perhaps they will be able to trade one or two.

At this time, too many monks were surrounded by Xu Ziyan, which became a trading meeting of Xu Ziyan alone, so that the heads of the Zangpeng and the Zerg patriarchs were full of envy.

After the monks returned to their seats, Xu Ziyan stood up and came to the Zerg patriarch:

"This Taoist friend, can you exchange your spirit vine?"

"Do not change!" The Zerg patriarch replied very simply.

The look of Xu Ziyan is a glimpse, because she feels hostility from the other side, although the Baizu is hostile to Xu Ziyan, but as obvious as he has not revealed. Although Xu Ziyan did not know the reason, she knew that it was impossible to trade with the Zerg patriarch. Since she could not trade, Xu Ziyan decisively left. She did not know that the other party would not trade, and still stayed here to be beaten.

Xu Ziyan walked to the front of the Lei patriarch and handed it to him: "The patriarch, may you ask for your land, but are you ready to trade?"

The Lei nationality chief did not show hostility. He nodded and said: "Yes, it is the preparation for the transaction. But I am not prepared to trade the grass."

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a joy. He asked: “What is the Lei family’s preparation for trading?”

"I am ready to trade the mines!"

"Storage beads?"

Xu Ziyan's eyebrows are the same, the heart will be awkward, the Lei people are Lei Linggen, and the Leifangzhu is definitely the best auxiliary cultivation treasure of the Lei family. She has a lot of thunderbolt beads, and she still has a lot of hands. She took a fist-sized mine-clearing bead:

"Is this ok?"

The Lei nationality’s eyes are bright, and then three fingers are extended: “Three.”

Xu Ziyan turned his hand and took out two thunderbolt beads. Together with the previous mine-clearing bead on the table, I saw the thunderbolt on the table. The Lei patriarch also simply put the root of the land. On the table. Xu Ziyan put away the roots of the land, and the heart is a burst of joy. With this land, the life of the parents can increase for thousands of years. Turning his head and glanced at the head of the Zangpeng clan, the head of the Zangpeng immediately said:

"Xu Daoyou, if you are willing to take the body of Peng Peng, this piece of Tianci is yours. Besides, I will not trade the godsend."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and then he did not speak again. He went back to his seat and sat down, no longer taking care of the princes of the 鲲peng, which in turn caused the 族 族 patriarch to sullen in his heart.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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