The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3187: President Zhai Peng visited

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Next, there were monks who took the table and started a new round of trading. However, at this time, Xu Ziyan’s mind is not here. She is considering a problem at this time, that is, a race like the Wind, Lei, etc. They do not have the five attributes, how to break through the holy level. ? And after they broke through the holy level, is it still a wind?

Today, Xu Ziyan naturally knows that there are ways to cultivate the five spiritual roots, because the lords have such fairy tales, but Xu Ziyan wants to know that such a monk will not use his own original spirit once he enters the holy level. The root is the main one.

Xu Ziyan reached out and set up a ban, and then asked: "The original predecessor, Yao Wang predecessor, Ziyan has a question to ask."

The lord, the devil, the demon, the Venus, and the Cangwu saw Xu Ziyan ask questions, and they all focused on each other. The question asked by Xu Ziyan must not be simple, and it may be of great benefit to them. The original drug king looked at Xu Ziyan and looked at her.

"The former predecessor, the predecessor of the drug king, the purple smoke asked how the monks of the Bai tribe practiced to the holy level? For example, the patriarch of the wind, isn't she the root of the wind?"

Originally, he laughed: "In fact, in the age of the Baizu, there are many ways to get into the holy. For the windy people, they are all the roots of the wind, when they will cultivate to the peak of the late Tianzun. It has a kind of spiritual roots that can be cultivated.

This is just the first method. The second method is that some wind monks are born with six spiritual roots. In addition to the spiritual roots of the wind, they also have the roots of the five attributes of the golden wood.

The third method is to hunt the fusion beast. ”

Xu Ziyan slightly wrinkled his brow and said: "Is this not to say that the holy monks of the Winds are all six attributes? Should their strength be strong?"

“It’s not exactly like this!” The original condensate explained: “The five attributes of the golden wood, the fire and the earth are the roots of the monk. So the best of the monks to cultivate the five attributes, so that the great monks who are holy are not only It is possible to fuse the five attributes, and once the sixth spiritual root is cultivated, the sixth kind of root can be merged. Instead of the monks who first cultivated the five attributes, the winds are different. It is the first to have a wind root. Even if they have the roots of the five roots of Jinmushui, no matter what reason, they can only integrate the five attributes, but they can not integrate the wind attributes into the five attributes. So in essence, they have not improved much in the field of holy level. Sometimes they will drag down the power because of this unconformity."

Xu Ziyan nodded and said that he understood, and then asked: "After the wind monks broke through to the holy level, are they still a wind?"

"Of course it is!" The original laughter said: "These hundreds of people also have their methods. For example, the wind family, since it is not able to integrate the wind attribute into the five attributes. They use the attribute as the basis to assist the wind attribute, which makes Their combat power has improved. In fact, this is also a way that there is no way. After all, an attribute that cannot be merged is like an impurity in a drug. It is better to have it."

"What about the family? Will our strength be so strong?"

"They are different!" The original look became dignified: "The birth of the heavenly family is the root of the five attributes, so Tianzun only has good qualifications. If you have good understanding, you can enter the holy. As for the different immortals they show, it is because Their inheritance is different, forming three genres, which are today's Sun, Moon, and Stars."


Xu Ziyan took a breath of cold air, she did not think that the Tianzu would be so strong, all from birth is the five attribute roots. It has the foundation to become a holy class.

Of course, this does not mean that the Tianzu monks can become the masters of the holy level. It is not only the five spiritual roots, but also the qualifications and understanding. Extremely difficult.

Understood everything. Xu Ziyan dismissed the ban, and the lord and others also thought about it. Xu Ziyan looks at the front of the transaction, it is really trading everything, from a variety of materials. The finished products of the Danfu Array are varied.

Xu Ziyan also started trading. However, materials such as the squad, the refiner and the squad are not willing to trade. After all, these materials are less useful for Xu Ziyan. So she used to trade herbs, she has a planet of herbs. And it is inexhaustible, peach blossoms will continue to grow.

However, it is not a monk who needs herbs. Every monk has his own purpose in this transaction, so sometimes even if Xu Ziyan is willing to pay more herbs, people will not exchange.

Even so, Xu Ziyan’s heart is very happy because she has exchanged a lot of materials. The trade fair lasted for a day and ended. The monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty returned to the station with joy, because not only the purple smoke has a harvest, but every monk has a harvest, that is, one or two treasures of the Yanshan soul, the original and the drug king.

It’s not long before I go back. The patriarch of the Peng Peng came to visit.

Xu Ziyan naturally knows the purpose of the head of the Zangpeng family, and then ushered in the main hall of the Zangpeng patriarch. After the two parties were seated, the Kuangpeng patriarch also said his purpose very simply.

"Xu Daoyou, the purpose of my visit this time must be clear to you, what conditions can you think of the body of Peng Peng?"

Xu Ziyan gently shook his head: "I won't want to let it."

"Don't, Xu Daoyou listened to me first." The head of the 鲲peng sincerely said: "The body of this 鲲鹏 is in your hands is nothing more than alchemy, refining, making and making, I can exchange with you with various materials. ”

"I don't use the body of Kunpeng to do this."

"Don't do this?" The look of the patriarch of the Pengpeng is a glimpse: "What is that?"

"Swallowing refining!" Xu Ziyan did not conceal, and it is not necessary for her status and cultivation.

"Swallowing and refining?" The prince of the 鲲peng looked up and down Xu Ziyan up and down, and the gaze made Xu Ziyan stunned, and then suddenly, there was some crying between the looks:

"Not that I swallow refining!"

"Oh? Is that?" asked the head of the 鲲peng curiously.

"We have a emptiness, there is a 鲲鹏, now it is the peak of Tianzun's later stage, but she is very fun, rarely cultivated, with her fun temper, I don't know when I can be sanctified, so I want to send this 鲲鹏尸体Give her refining, so it should be able to sanctify."

"You are too imaginary to have a guardian beast of Zeng Peng?" asked the head of the 鲲peng in surprise.

"It can't be said that it is too sacred guardian beast!" Xu Ziyan's gaze reveals the color of memories: "She was met when I was in the world, when she was born, and her mother was seriously injured." It is about to fall, and entrust her with me at the time of dying. The two of us can be said to have cultivated from the mortal world to the present, and love the same sister."

The Zunpeng family looked at Xu Ziyan with a long sigh of relief. The eyes were full of channels: "Do you mean that the Pengpeng is from the mortal?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"Xu Daoyou, are you old enough?"

"Not too small, more than three hundred years old!" Xu Ziyan said with emotion.

The head of the Kuangpeng squirted a bit of old blood. He could feel the vitality of Xu Ziyan. This is a unique feature of young people, but he never imagined that Xu Ziyan was only three hundred years old. It is clearly a teenager!

When people are more than three hundred years old, they will cultivate to the mid-level 9th ​​floor!

What about yourself?

Although it is the peak of the late nine-tiered level, it is hundreds of millions of years old. How could it compare with Xu Ziyan? This is completely incomparable.

However, although these things are depressed, they are not the things that the head of the Kunpeng family cares about today. He cares about the one who is in the mouth of Xu Ziyan. With the identity and cultivation of Xu Ziyan, he felt that he would not lie, but he could not believe what Xu Ziyan said from his heart. Take a deep breath:

"Xu Daoyou, what do you mean by saying that the Peng Peng of your ancestors was obtained from the childhood?"


"When you got her, she was born?"


"So she is only three hundred years old?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded again, but looked at the eyes of the head of the Zang Peng, and she did not understand why the head of the Qiang Peng asked so detailed?

"How is this possible?" The patriarch of the Kunpeng finally categorically said: "A singer from the mortal world, her blood has been thin to a low level, it is absolutely impossible to break through to Tianzun, let alone the 300-year-old Tianzun later peak. !"

Xu Ziyan smiled, she did not have to explain with the head of the 鲲peng. After the princes and gentlemen uttered this sentence, their faces were changed. It is very inappropriate to know that this sentence is true. This is suspected of Xu Ziyan, and it is somewhat embarrassing:

"Xu Daoyou, I don't doubt you, just...just..."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I know this thing is a bit ridiculous, but it is the same thing. So, I will not give up the body of the Peng Peng."

The eyes of the Zunpeng tribe turned and turned: "Xu Daoyou, that Peng Peng is your ... beast pet?"

Asking this sentence, his heart is very uncomfortable. After all, the Kunpeng family was accepted as a beast by the human race, which is not a glamorous thing for the Kunpeng family. If it is a small race, the head of the Kunpeng family has already gone to the door, but Xu Ziyan...

He really doesn't have that guts!

Wen Yan Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I grew up with Xiaobai, and I love my sister. How could she be my beast?"

Thinking of Xiao Bai’s arrogance in the Taixu sect, Xu Ziyan’s face could not help but show a smile:

"She is very noisy in the Zongmen!"

The head of the Kuangpeng family heard it in his heart: "You didn't give her a soul ban?"


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*(To be continued~^~)

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