The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3190: condition


"Do you have the spiritual roots of the spiritual people?"


"What attributes did your father have before the fall?"

"Five attributes!"



"That's it! Hehe..." Yanshan soul sighed again and again, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Predecessors..." Seeing that Yanshan's soul was silent, Fan Tian could not help but ask carefully.

The soul of Yanshan looked to Fan Tiandao: "The fall of your father does not need to be checked. He is killed by the heavens."

"" The four great monks of the Linglings said shockedly.

"The realm..."

The eyes of Yanshan soul are somewhat lost, and the interior of the hall is quiet. Everyone is watching the soul of Yanshan. Even Xu Ziyan is no exception.

"The realm is not something that ordinary monks can understand."

The Yanshan soul finally finished the sentence, but no one in the hall could understand it. There is some anxiety between Fan Tian’s look:

"Please also show your predecessors!"

"The realm is not a five-character monk who can comprehend, that is to say, a monk who combines five attributes cannot understand the realm. The foundation of comprehending that realm must go beyond the five attributes, otherwise it will be killed by the counter-attack."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a contraction. When her martyrdom is repaired, she has recently begun to integrate the cultivation of the Tao. Only when she has a new understanding, she has achieved a little bit beyond the super product, but she has no feeling, and now she listens to the soul of Yanshan. When I arrived, I realized that it was because I had eleven attributes.

so. The original Yanshan soul should feel discomfort. If the Yanshan soul is not a coincidence to understand the spatial attributes, I am afraid...

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a glimpse, and he hurriedly asked: “The mountain spirit you are now...”

Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "Now I have not begun to integrate spatial attributes. My spatial attributes are only a small realm."

"then you……"

"Although I didn't integrate the spatial attributes, it was because I realized the sixth attribute that I realized that the big line needs to integrate more attributes to comprehend. The monk who blends five attributes, his limit It is the realm of super-goods. If you continue to comprehend, you will only be killed by the rebellion of heaven. I have now stopped comprehending the battle, and then continue to comprehend after the integration of the spatial attributes. And..."

When Yanshan Spirit said this, his eyes showed deep thought: "I speculate that I want to understand the extremes of the circuit, and it is very likely that I need to integrate eleven attributes."

At this time, Fan Tian and other four spiritual masters have been stunned, and the secret that has plagued them for hundreds of millions of years is like this. It was Fan Tian’s father who did not understand the foundation of the big martial art, but he was going to comprehend it, which caused the fall. At the same time, once again think of your own limit is the peak of the super product. I can't help but feel more depressed.

Yanshan soul saw the look of their four, and said faintly: "Once you are sanctified, you are the root of the five attributes, so once you get a spiritual root under the chance of coincidence, you can still merge. It is much stronger than other monks whose main spiritual roots do not belong to the five elements. Even if they get more roots in the future, they will not be able to merge. So you still have hope. Once the sixth kind of root is merged, you will You can go further in the realm of the road."

"Where it will be so easy!" The four monks of the Earthly spirits showed bitterness on their faces.

"At least there is hope!" Yanshan said faintly.

Fan Tian took a deep breath and bowed to the soul of Yanshan: "Today, I would like to thank the predecessors for their doubts. Later, the predecessors will have their lives. As long as they are within the scope of the spirits of the Earth, they must do their best."

Yanshan soul swings his hand, but no longer speaks. Fan Tian turned to Xu Ziyan's archer: "Xu Daoyou, Taixu should have a temple?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan smiled.

"I want to bring a spiritual monk to the Taixu sect exchange, I wonder if it is feasible?"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy. The development of a Zongmen cannot be built behind closed doors. The exchange of different forces plays a great role in promoting. So I nodded happily:

"Welcome! I don't know when the Fan chief is going to visit this sect?"

"After this celebration, how can I take a noble monk in the middle of the family?"

"I can't ask for it!"

Next. The atmosphere before the monks was much better. Moreover, the content of the exchange is not limited to the lap, and it has been about half an hour since then, and the four monks of the Lingling have left. They rushed back to comprehend the jade slips that Yanshan soul gave them.

However, Xu Ziyan and other monks have just returned. Then I saw Xu Xingfan come to report, saying that the woman who met at the time of the open-air transaction was repaired. And also with a few monks.

Xu Ziyan heard it, and the knowledge spread out. He saw nine people standing at the gate, one of which was the female repair, and the other eight were the old ones. Moreover, the eight monks are also only the sanctification of the holy level. The difference is that there is an early stage of the holy level, and some are the middle, late, or late peaks. No one is a holy level.

"Who are they all?"

"According to that woman repair, the eight people of this eight-person family patriarch who broke the mainland, and the largest eight families of the human race."

"Does their intentions say? Forget it!" Xu Ziyan waved again: "You can handle it."


Xu Xing nodded and turned and left. Xu Ziyan returned to his room and continued to merge.

Besides, Xu Xingfan ushered the nine people into the hall of the deliberation. The eight patriarchs of the Terran realized that Xu Ziyan would not see them, and could not help but be disappointed. However, they are still shaking their spirits, because they have already learned that Xu Ziyan will open up the Taixu to recruit disciples who have broken the mainland. This is an opportunity for their family. Now they all know the strength of Xu Ziyan. Especially after the war with the Dazu people, their hearts have regarded the Taixu as a holy place.

After the nine people sat down, Xu Xingfan sat on the main seat, and his eyes looked at the woman. The female repairor immediately stood up from the chair and walked to the center of the main hall and went backwards toward Xu Xing:

"Han Ying is willing to join Taixu."

"Yeah. Get up!" Xu Xingfan said faintly: "When you return to Taixu, you will decide which class you belong to in the Zongmen according to your cultivation and strength."


Han Ying stood up respectfully and stood aside. At this time, Xu Xingfan's eyes only looked to the eight patriarchs. Han Kui stood up from the chair. To Xu Xing's arches:

"Xu Zongzhu, Han Ying is the granddaughter of the next, thank you too much for accepting Han Ying as a disciple."

Xu Xingfan puts a hand in his hand: "Han Daoyou, are you not coming to Han Ying today?"

"of course not!"

Han Kui smiled a little. Don't look at Xu Xingfan. Now I only understand a trace of holy heaven, and all eight of them are already masters of the holy level, but they are not arrogant in the painting of Xu Xing. Is it a simple person to be able to sit on the seat of a tyrant? The eight patriarchs are really not sure that they will be able to play Xu Xingfan. They now have a pilgrimage to Taixu.

"Xu Zongzhu, I heard that Taixu is going to open the mountain to the people of the world?"

“Not bad!” Xu Xingxiao nodded: “It’s not just the people of the world, it should be the world’s hundreds of people.”

"Then we?" The eyes of the eight patriarchs showed the color of expectation.

Xu Xingfan shook his head and said: "We have five conditions for recruiting disciples."

Han Kui swallowed a mouthful of water: "What are the five conditions?"

"First, the age must not exceed fifty."

Xu Xingfan stretched out a finger. The heads of the eight great patriarchs showed their loss.

Not bad!

The eight of them originally thought about joining Taixu, but now they seem to have no hope at all. However, they then cheered up, although they could not join the Taixu, but the descendants can join, this is their chance. After thinking about going back, I sent the disciples who were fifty years old in the family. But as soon as I wanted to have five conditions, this was only the first condition, and the eyes of the eight patriarchs could not help but be nervous.

"Second, we must go through our qualification test of too imaginary. They are only imaginary and need only genius disciples, not what kind of disciples are recruited."

The heads of the eight great patriarchs regained their temperament, and one thought in their hearts, it seems that many people in the family can join the Taixu sect!

"Third, we must pass our savvy test of sorrow."

At this point, the eight patriarchs understand that it is not enough to have qualifications. Qualification is only reflected in physical condition and spirit. Qualification is only very important for the early stage of cultivation. It will allow a qualified disciple to cultivate and advance rapidly, leaving the same age disciple far behind.

However, it became very important to understand later. Because the cultivation that has come to the back is not based on physical qualifications, but on the understanding. The later cultivation is actually the understanding of the heavens, and the poorly understood monks will progress in the later stages. It is often the monk who is medium-qualified but has a good understanding. In the later period, he will quickly surpass those who have good qualifications but who are savvy but general.

It’s just this qualification test plus the savvy test. I’m afraid there are really few families who can join the Taixu. This is only three conditions. The hearts of the eight families are not mentioned. They start to worry if their family One has not been chosen by Xu Ziyan, it is really shameful.

"Fourth, we must pass our perseverance test of too imaginary!"

The eight patriarchs are nodding their heads. Each of them understands that cultivation of immortals is like going against the sky. As the saying goes, the heavens and the earth, the anti-brigade of all things. Without a great perseverance, even if he has good qualifications and understanding, there will be no major achievements.

In the attitude of this selection of Taixu, once a disciple is selected by the Taizong, I believe that the future achievements will be extraordinary. The family disciples must be sent to the Taixu sect, and the eight patriarchs could not help but clench their fists.

"Five, we must pass the assessment of our imaginary refining heart, and this refining heart is naturally able to assess the mind of a monk. Those who are evil and evil are too imaginary."


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*(To be continued~^~)

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