Thank you very much, Lan Xinyu (588),? Dew °2001. Classmates (100), Chu Junsheng students (100), $anlian^_^ classmates, Xiu Xian is no longer a legendary classmate, Bai Zibing's classmates' reward!


For the fifth condition, the eight patriarchs were relieved in their hearts. They believed that their family disciples were struggling in the living environment of the broken mainland people and were bullied by the Bai people. But it is precisely because of this kind of hardship that the people of the broken continent are very united.

"Excuse me, Xu Zongzhu, when will you open the mountain?"

Xu Xingfan thought for a moment, they couldn’t stay here for a long time, and it’s been a long time since they left Taixu. When the celebration is over, I’m afraid I will leave immediately. Moreover, it is very easy to lay a few arrays with the aunts and uncles.

"Three days later!"

After the eight patriarchs got the news, they left in a hurry. Three days were very nervous for them. They needed to organize disciples and then send the disciples.

After the eight patriarchs left, Xu Xingfan handed Han Ying to the Zongmen monk, and then went to see Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan withdrew from the comprehension, and when the sleeves opened the door, Xu Xingfan walked in.


"Is everything done?"

"Well, my aunt..."

Xu Xingfan told the story again, Xu Ziyan nodded: "It's done well. You go back first, and I will call you to Xianxian in a while."

"Yes, aunt!"

Xu Xingfan retired and gently closed the door. Xu Ziyan threw a flag and set up a defensive line. Then I jumped into the time matrix of the body space.

She first refines an arch, engraves the plaque on the arch, then closes the arch and takes out four space celestials. Also set up a fairy squad in the space fairy. Put away the four space fairy, out of the body space, the outside time is only less than a quarter of an hour.

Spread the knowledge of God and informed Xu Xing. Xu Xingfan soon came to the room of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan handed the arch and four space celestial items to Xu Xingfan, and handed the method to Xu Xingfan, then waved him to leave. Once again into the comprehension of the fusion circuit.

Three days passed quickly.

This day.

Numerous Terran monks have poured into the Shuangxiong Xiancheng. If this was done before, so many Terran monks poured into the Shuangxiong Fairy City will be investigated by the Yu and the Giants, and it will not be too much to kill. But today, there is no such thing happening, because the Baizu knows that today's Taixu is open to the public. The site has been laid in the resident of Shangyuan.

More than 100,000 people have been crowded outside the gates of the Shangyuan mainland. These 100,000 people are not all disciples to be assessed, and family elders, but even so, more than 100,000 disciples.

There is a huge arch at the gate of the Shangyuan Continent. Through the arches, you can see four small palaces in it, which are four space fairs.

The lord. The monks, the demon, the Venus, and the monks also came out to watch, watching the Taixu sect recruiting disciples, and the eyes were envious. But they also know in their hearts that if there is only a sacred lord, the celestial and the water static wave are eligible to recruit disciples, because only a few of them are human races, but who dares to go and Xu Ziyan to rob the disciples?

Xu Xingfan will naturally not go to personal assessment. Every virtual assessment is arranged by the Taixu disciples. This time, many of the Taixu monks who came to the Shuangxiong Fairy City, and they have the fairy tales of Xu Ziyan refining, are not too troublesome.

For example, the first item in this assessment is the bone age, and the arch is the fairy that tests the bone age. All the monks who are fifty years old can enter the courtyard through the arches. But if it is over 50 years old, it will be blocked by the arch.

One disciple quickly passed the arch. Then flew away toward the first space fairy.


There was a noise from the arch, and a disciple was bounced out, crossed an arc in the air and fell heavily on the ground. A Taixu monk who is guarding the arch outside is cold-sounding:

"Don't be lucky, no one can deceive the test of fairy tales. Anyone over the age of 50 will immediately quit."

Seeing the power of the arch, some monks began to retreat. In fact, these monks are just over 50 years old, and they want to try it out with luck, but they don’t think that the fairy **** will be so powerful. It’s just that some monks who are very close to the age of 50 still want to get away with it, and the arches are moving from time to time.

From morning to dusk, during the entire day, the first bone age test ended. The team of more than 100,000 people left less than 90,000, but the bone age test eliminated more than 20,000 people.

And after the first person passed the arch, the second qualification test has begun.

In the first space, there is a light door at the gate of the fairy. This light door is for testing the physical qualifications. The requirements of Xu Ziyan are not high, because the qualification does not mean everything. Many qualified people finally achieved it. Vulgar cultivation. Therefore, Xu Ziyan only adjusted the physical condition to a medium qualification. It is too difficult to get a decent repair in the middle of the qualification.


From time to time, some people were bounced out of the light door. These monks were qualified at medium level. The monks who had been bounced out were frustrated by one face and were guided by the Taixu monks to leave the other gate. The monks who entered the space fairy were one-faced and happy, and walked toward the opposite gate in the space fairy.

At that gate there is a beam of light that covers a range from top to bottom. Each monk enters the range of light envelopes and is tested for a few roots and tests the level of the root. When it meets the requirements of Taixu, there will be a jade slip appearing in front of the monk, which records his physical qualifications and spiritual roots. The monk can take the jade to the second space fairy. Test comprehension. If the Linggen grade did not pass, it was left solemn and returned to the gate.

Early morning hours.

The last disciple of the qualification test was tested, but this qualification test brushed off more than 60,000 people, leaving only less than 30,000 people. This is still the premise that the requirements are too high.

The third level is the savvy test. Nearly 30,000 monks entered the second space fairy. In the center of this space, there is a huge palm, and the huge palm releases the precious light. It is in a time to comprehend the style of the palm of the hand, using this method to bombard the light door leading to the rear. As long as you understand that this style of law will pass, those who do not understand that style of law will not be able to pass. And after an hour, the light of the giant palm will disappear, thus losing the opportunity to comprehend.

Outside the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty, more than 100,000 people have been gathered at this time. This is because the people who have been eliminated have been sent out, and the disciples who have been eliminated are stunned. Those who have not been sent out are looking at the elders. Watching the door nervously.

Outside the Shuangxiong City.

A fairy boat flies toward the twins, which is a family of people from afar.

Like the Terran, the difference is that the Terran has a talent for the array, while the Fu has a talent. It is only with this talent that the Fu and the Terrain belong to the superior race among the Baizu. It belongs to a class of races belonging to the giants of the Baizu era. As for the Yuzu, it is not mentioned.

The fairy boat stopped outside the Shuangxiong City, and the monks of the Fu family came down from the fairy boat. The giants and the patriarchs who were the masters of the Shuangxiong Xiancheng led the monks in the family to greet them.

"Fu brother, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Cheng did not laugh and greeted him, and his face showed a hint of excitement. The face of the Fuzu patriarch also showed a hint of excitement. For hundreds of millions of years, the Baizu met again, thinking that they had also resisted the catastrophe of the heavens and the earth at the same time. At that time, although they were two holy monks, they Still not a patriarch.

"Cheng brother, it’s been a long time no see!"

The Fuzu patriarch also laughed and greeted him, and the two men hugged them tightly.

"Fu brother, welcome!"

The patriarch of the Yu nationality also greeted him, but the patriarch of the Fu ethnic group was just a gift, and his attitude was cold. Although he saw that the cultivation of the singer was lower than that of the Yuzu patriarch, the racial differences made him respect the giants. The head of the rain patriarch is a little embarrassed.

"Cheng brother, are you doing this?"

"Don't mention it!" Cheng did not scream and shook his head: "There was no inheritance, and it has not broken through to the Holy 9th floor. It was only a few days ago that the inheritance was recovered. It will not take long for my cultivation to catch up with you. At that time. Then I have a big fight, hahaha..."

"Okay, hahaha..."

"Go, go into the city, today you and I are drunk."

A group of monks flew into the Shuangxiong Xiancheng and flew toward the Giants. The head of the Yu ethnic group followed the head of the giant clan, and the eyes shone in the eyes, but also showed helplessness.

"Well, what is going on?"

The patriarch of the Fu family suddenly saw the manor housed in the Yuan Dynasty. At that time, the manor gate was a sea of ​​people, and his eyes looked toward the manor below. He saw four space fairy instruments, and his face appeared suspicious.

"This..." The giant's face showed a hint of embarrassment. The head of the rainy family looked at the movement and said:

"That is the Taixu of the Yuanyuan continent is recruiting disciples!"

"Well?" The face of the Fuzu patriarch sank: "The Shangyuan Continent ran here to recruit humanistic disciples?"

"Not only recruiting humanistic disciples." The rainy ethnic group said: "Xu Ziyan of Taixu Zong has declared that Taixu Zong opens the mountain gate to the Baizu and recruits disciples of the hundred ethnic groups."

"Let's relax!" The patriarch of the Fu ethnic group snorted and his face sank.

The rain patriarch smiled and said: "Fu brother, you can rest assured that our hundred disciples did not go."


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*(To be continued~^~)

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