The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3192: Little hadron

The face of the Fuzu patriarch was slightly slower, but he still looked at the side of his body with a blaming eye:

"Cheng brother, how can you allow such things to happen? These people are our slaves and cannon fodder. How can we let the mainland go to the enrollment? When do we have allowed the Terran to be so mad?"

"This..." is a bitter bitterness: "This matter is still coming to me and telling you more."

"No need! I will go to the place where they recruited their disciples!"

"Fu brother..."

Cheng did not hear the sound of the heart, but the body shape of the Fuzu patriarch has already flown over the gate of the manor house on the mainland, and he sighed:

"There is one who can be the master. I dare to recruit disciples here, but I really don't put the Baizu in my eyes."

The Terran monks below are a commotion. After all, they have been bullied by the Bai people for a long time. At this time, they saw a sacred monk in the late 9th and 9th floors, and they not only trembled.

"Hey..." Xu Xingfan flew up the airway: "What is this predecessor?"

The patriarch of the Fu ethnic group glanced at Xu Xingfan, and his heart rose with an anger. The length of his own family, the monk of the late nine-tiered ninth-level dynasty made the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty a master, but did not expect it to come out as a peak of Tianzun. Is this humiliating yourself?

"Good! Very good! Actually came out a small Tianzun, on the Yuan Continent, very good!"

When the words fall, they raise their hands and want to slap a slap to kill Xu Xing, and at this time, Cheng Bing has already caught up. Blocked the Patriarch.

"Fu brother, can't!"


A figure appeared in front of Xu Xingfan, a black robe with a strong face. The eyebrows of the eyebrows have begun to jump, and they look at the patriarchs in a cold manner. Between the eyes and the opening, the patriarchs feel that the scene around them has changed. It seems to fall into a fairy tales.

Not bad!

He really fell into the fairy squad. It was the Yanshan spirit that opened the big avenue, but the binocular opening and closing set up a fairy tales. This is the soul of Yanshan, who is afraid that the patriarch of the Fuzu will suddenly shoot and hurt the Terran monks below. He knows that there are disciples who want to recruit Xu Ziyan, and naturally refuse to let the patriarchs harm.

The patriarchs of the Fu family were in the air and did not dare to act rashly. He felt the power of this fairy tales. And he has a very obvious feeling that he is locked.

"It seems that the Baizu people are still a lot of people looking for death!" A cold voice echoed in the fairy tales.

The Fuzu patriarch immediately wanted to lock the Yanshan soul through this voice, but found that he could not lock it at all. Instead, he felt a strong killing.

"It’s still killing!"


The patriarch of the Fu ethnic group jumped in the heart. Did the Yuan dynasty kill the Baizu monks in the Shuangxiong Xiancheng?

How can this be?

Do not say that they have that ability, even if they have that ability, they dare to kill the Baizu monks here? And the Bai family did not respond. Can they still live here safely?


It must be fake!


The heads of the Fu tribes rose with anger, their palms fluttered like flowers, and a void painting appeared out of thin air, surrounded by his body.

"And slow hands!"

The giant clan is really nervous. Last time, the Yuan and the mainland played against the land, and there were dozens of holy monks who formed the enchantment guardian. Now there is no, these two holy monks once started, this pair The city of Xiongxian can be destroyed.

The shape of the unsounding figure is inserted between the Yanshan soul and the Fuzu patriarch, and this is inserted. A chill came to my heart. The atmosphere of Yanshan’s soul and the emptiness of the patriarch’s emptiness are all on his body. He feels that if these two kinds of breaths break out, he is now the first stage of the holy level, I’m afraid Suffering serious injuries.

The giant clan was inserted in the middle. Let the Yanshan soul and the Fuzu patriarch's violent atmosphere ease some. After all, the Fuzu patriarch and Cheng Buming are good friends. The Yanshan soul also knows the relationship between the non-sounding and the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty. Although the mainland is somewhat dissatisfied with the success of the Yuan Dynasty, there is absolutely no way to kill it.

Cheng did not feel the breath of the big road and the void painting from the chest and back, and his face was pale. However, he was unable to leave at this time. He had no doubt that once he left, the Yanshan soul and the Fuzu patriarch would immediately erupt. Shouting:

"Swallow brother, Fuxiong, there is a misunderstanding here."

But when he said it, he was stuck. What can he say? It is said that the patriarchs of the Fu nationality are not accustomed to the fact that the Yuan dynasty is here to accept the apprentices.

If he says so, I am afraid that Yanshan Soul will not care about him and directly shoot. He also saw these days that the monks of the Upper Yuan dynasty were a hot temper and did not care about fighting the Hundreds. Don't say that now they already know that the Baizu did not restrain their masters. When they didn't know it, Xu Ziyan challenged the Sun, Moon, and Stars differently.

"Cheng brother, you let it go!" The patriarch of the Fu family said: "The reputation of the Baizu is not tolerated."


The figure of the eight inhabitants of the Holy Family appeared behind the Fuzu patriarch, and his eyes locked the Yanshan soul fiercely. There is a sneer in the eyes of the patriarch of the Fuzu, even if there is something in the opposite side of the kid? I have eight holy monks here.


Picking up a figure from the ground, imagining behind the soul of Yanshan, it is the lord, the devil and other holy monks, and now only Xu Ziyan, the original and the drug king have not appeared, the remaining Shangyuan The holy monarchs of the Holy Order appear in the air and the relatives of the Fu.

The Terran monks on the ground glanced brightly into the air. This was the first time they watched the confrontation between the Upper Continent and the Baizu so closely. When the last time the Continent and the Terran raced against each other, they used their identity and There is no chance of a close look at the repair. Although it is very dangerous to know that the distance is so close, the heart of the Shangyuan Continent was so excited that the last time it was clean and effective, even if it died, it would be worth seeing the mainland. .

The patriarch's gaze is a shrink. He didn't look at the ground just now. In his opinion, what kind of masters will there be on the mainland?


Now, at first glance, the number of holy monks behind Yanshan is not only more than them, but they are not weaker than them, and they can't help but jump.

Did the monks on the Yuan Dynasty really kill the hundreds of monks? And the Baizu seems to have no way to take the Yuan Dynasty?

However, at this time it is already difficult to ride the tiger. If he shows weakness at this time, the face of the Fu family has already been lost. At this time, he did not know that the face of the Baizu had been lost. If he knew that he did not mind throwing his face, everyone lost it, and no monk would laugh at him.

At this time, Xu Ziyan, what is the original medicine king doing?

Xu Ziyan is in the fusion of the road, the original understanding of the space attributes, and the drug king is that there is a Yanshan soul on the mainland, there is no such thing as his drug king, after all, his skills are in alchemy.

However, at this time, all three people couldn’t sit still. They didn’t think that Yanshan’s soul would suffer, but they knew that once the war started, there were not many of the following hundred thousand monks who could survive, that is, they brought it to the Yuan Dynasty. There will be no more than those disciples.

If such a thing happens, then they will go to the various broken continents to open the mountain, not to mention the Baizu monks, that is, how many dare of the Terran monks come?

At this time, the monks of the various sacred monarchs in the Shuangxiong Xiancheng also secretly watched the development of the matter, and they did not show up. They all have selfishness. They know that once they start the war, I am afraid that the monks of the Fu family will have to fall, but they will also let all the people who come to the assessment die, so they will spread this matter in various broken continents. There will be Terran monks who dare to join the Taizong.

Their minds are very simple, that is, to open up the Fu family, it is no longer possible to let the Taixu sects open the mountain.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and took out the jade flute, but before she could move, she saw two figures flying from the station, but it was the original and medicine king who could not wait.

The head of the Yuzu who stood in the back saw the figure of the original and the king of medicine, and then thought that the sacred level of the Baizu had not appeared yet, and there was a cold sweat on the body.

He understands that the Bachelor-level holy monk is going to fight against the Taizong.

However, in this way, the hatred of the massive death of the Terran, I am afraid to be remembered in his rain family. Because the giant clan has gone out to persuade, but he still hides behind. In his view, Xu Ziyan is not a reasonable person, so when he saw the figure of the original and the king of medicine, and then thought of the psychology of the monks of the Bai nationality, he cursed the monks in the heart and flew while flying. Came to the middle of the Yanshan soul and the Fuzu patriarch, and called:

"Yan brother, Fuxiong, everyone is calm, just a misunderstanding."


The original and the king of medicine fell to the side of the Yanshan soul, and the gaze looked toward the opposite Fuzu tribe. Seeing that it was not the patriarch of the Baizu era, the original and the king of medicine were slightly frowning and thinking.

At this time, the patriarchs of the Fu tribe saw two monarchs in the upper Yuan dynasty, and they were still two peaks of the nine levels of the holy level, and they could not help but panic. He knew very well at this time that if they really want to go to war, I am afraid that these monks will not only win, but there may be a few fallen. In this confusing situation, where is the mood to watch the appearance of the original and Yao Wang?

In the original memory, I finally remembered the opposite of the patriarch who was the opposite, and asked tentatively:

"You are a little strongman?"

"Little Hadron?"

The monks in the air ground are all a glimpse, that is, Fu Qiang’s look is also a glimpse. The name of the younger son has not been called by him for hundreds of millions of years. At this time, he suddenly heard someone call him a small son, and he himself responded. For a long time, I was told to call him.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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