The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 745: Octagon Yunyong

I am very grateful to Adelika (100) and Irenelu (100) for their reward!


When Xu Ziyan fled, in the face of the monks in the world, he released the sword and let all the monks in the world be shocked. In this way, in their hearts, Xu Ziyan must have obtained a huge treasure in He Boxian. And when they heard that Xu Ziyan would have a broken magical power, he was even more convinced of this.

This matter spread rapidly throughout the vast mainland, and everyone who felt that his own sect or family had some strength moved his mind. A branch was dispatched and began to search for the traces of Xu Ziyan on the entire mainland. Among these forces, Shang Tianzong, Zhongyuan Shenji Zong and Kunlun Zong naturally will not miss this opportunity. And sent a powerful force to form a search team.

Of course, the world's monks will first go along the direction of the four distracted monks who followed Xu Ziyan. However, there was no trace of clues, but there were news that four distracted monks had disappeared completely.

The monks in the world are stunned, and there are only two possibilities for analyzing them. One is that Xu Ziyan is still at large, and the four distracted monks have not caught Xu Ziyan. The second is that the four distracted monks were killed by Xu Ziyan, but is this possible?

Moreover, by this point, the direction of Xu Ziyan’s escape has become a problem. Some people think that Xu Ziyan will turn to the west to escape. After all, the solitary smoke of Ximen City has taken care of her. Some people think that Xu Ziyan will flee toward the north, where she has her sect. Some people even dug out the origin of Xu Ziyan and thought that Xu Ziyan had hid in the secular world.

in this way. The opinions of the various forces are extremely inconsistent, and they have patrolled in the direction of their inferences.


At the junction of the North and the Central Plains, two figures flew in between the clouds in tandem. The front is a young man who is on the tenth floor of the knot period, and the latter is a young man with a great success.

The young people behind fly very fast. Constantly pull in the distance between the teenager and the front. The boy felt that there was a monk flying in the back, his body shape kept looking back. The figure is a meal, and the look is happy. Calling the young man:

"Xiao Jin brother!"

"Wen Hao. It's you!"

Xiao Jin was also overjoyed, and his body flew to the front of Wen Hao. I patted Wen Hao’s shoulder and said:

"Wen Hao, how are you here?"

Wen Hao’s eyes were dodging, and he finally asked Xiao Jin: “What are you doing here?”

The two men looked at each other for a moment, and suddenly they laughed together, and the laughter became louder and louder. Wait until the laughter is finished. Wen Hao asked softly:

"Xiao Jin brother, are you looking for purple smoke?"


Since the Tai Xuanzong Fengshan, the Northern Territory of the Immortals have competed for resources outside the Taixuan sect, and only the Family Alliance and the Dissident League have not targeted the Taixuan sect. On the occasion of Tai Xuanzong reopening the mountain gate, Xiao Xuelang and Wen Qing were separated from Tai Xuanzong, and both sides slowly became friends.

Both sides asked why the other party was not the slightest to suppress the mind of Tai Xuanzong when the Taixuan was the weakest. Both sides frankly said. It's all because of Xu Ziyan. Xiao Xuelang spoke out the affection of Xu Ziyan to Xiao Jia, and Wen Qing said that Xu Ziyan is very similar to her deceased daughter. Therefore, at this time, Wen Hao and Xiao Jinyi met and they all knew each other's minds. After answering Wen Hao’s words, Xiao Jin sighed deeply and whispered;

"I asked my father to send someone to go with me to find purple smoke, but my father refused. My father said that it is not the Northland Family Alliance that does not save the purple smoke, but simply can't help. The Northern World Family Alliance is the highest. It was the great completion of the knot period, and the monks that Xu Ziyan encountered today are all on the level of the gods. It is also a white one. It is better not to go. So I have to sneak a sneak peek at my father. Come out. What about you? Wenhao?"

"I?" Wen Hao smiled bitterly: "My father's tone is the same as your father, so I ran out like you. I am going to save the purple smoke sister!"

Two people looked at each other. Then I laughed again. After the laughter was once again, Xiao Jin said:

"Wen Hao. Let's go!"

The two figures disappeared quickly between the clouds.

Xiao Jia, Xiao Xuelang, a robes, standing under his hand, the sky is hanging down thousands of rain, the space is blurred. The raindrops flowing down from the eaves are in a string, like a rain curtain hanging in front of Xiao Xuelang. Xiao Xuelang’s gaze seems to have passed through the heavy rain curtain, looking at the direction of the Central Plains, sighing, and whispering in the mouth:

"Jiner, my father knows that you will find purple smoke after all. My father is very happy and very sad. I am happy that Xiao family has a good man who knows how to report. Sadly, my father only has a baby." !

Jiner! Father is the head of a family, can not just consider their own grievances. If the father rushes to involve the family in this matter, I am afraid that it will bring disaster to the family. Jiner, don't you blame for the father? When you left, the father knew. Father did not stop you, since your life is given by purple smoke, then you will return it to her! ”

Xiao Xuelang's old tears, for a moment, can not tell whether the face is rain or tears!

Sanxian City, the main government.

Wen Qing will smash the things that can be smashed, and then go up to the two monks in front of him and scream to the ground:

"You two can't even see the young master, what do you want to use for both?"


A rush of footsteps came from outside the door, and when the people did not arrive, the screaming cry came:

"Master, how can this make me live!"

A beautiful and gentle woman rushed in, her face was filled with tears, and she grabbed Wen Qing’s chest and cried her heart:

"Master, you are going to send someone to find the horror!"

Wen Qing’s wife rushed to death in her own arms, but she stood there as if she were a puppet. There was pain in the eyes, and for a moment, only the woman’s cry was left in the entire house.

Among Wen Qing’s eyes, although the pain is still the same, but gradually a hint of resoluteness, raising her hand and taking a picture of the woman’s back, the voice is full of pain but pride:

"Don't cry, Haoer has love and blood, and men should be like this. Since he chose this road, let him go! I am proud of him!"

"Master! Then you have to send someone to protect him!"

Wen Qing shook his head and gritted his teeth and said: "No, Wen Hao goes, but represents him personally. If I send someone to go, it will represent the Northland Sanxian League. I can't disband the Xianmeng to death!"


When the woman heard the words, her head fainted. Wen Qing sighed softly and lifted the woman to the waist and walked away toward the door. Only two monks left behind were still on the ground.


Tianzhicheng, Ximen Yufu, in the secret room.

Ximen Yu opened his eyes and spit out a long breath. He exhaled into a silk, slammed inside, and screamed. The breath of the body fluctuated to the middle of the Yuan Ying.

"I finally realized the meaning of water to the realm of Xiaocheng!"

Ximen jade stood up from the ground and walked out of the secret room. Looking at the outside sunshine, Ximen Yu stretched out a big lazy waist. After waiting for the lazy waist, a monk in the early Yuan Ying was standing in front of him and handed a ceremonial ritual:

"Less master, you are out!"

"Yeah!" Ximen jade faintly responded.

Since Ximen Yu returned from He Boxian, and broke through the Yuan Ying period. After returning to Tianshen City, the monks in the city of the whole day can see the love of Simon's solitary smoke. Not only was he given a new house in Ximen, but he also gave a lot of cultivation resources. This makes the monks in Tianzhi City understand the thoughts of the solitary smoke in Ximen, that is, it is very important to Ximen jade. As long as Ximen jade can grow up, the future master of Tianzhicheng is Ximen jade.

Therefore, Ximen Yu received a lot of followers in a short period of time. The foundation of Ximen jade was built too late, and there were too many followers flocking. For a moment, Ximen Yu was embarrassed. Because he simply did not have time to tell which monk was really casting, which monk was sent by his brothers and sisters.

Under the last resort, Ximen Yu found his father. The solitary smoke of Ximen said with admiration that Ximen Yu said:

"Yuer, yes. Consider things getting started."

When the words fell, I took out a mirror and handed it to Ximen Yu. I smiled and said: "Yuer, this is a treasure of the best, called a reading mirror. As long as you let every monk who follows you swear in front of this mirror, Then the person who is not attentive, the monk in the late part of the distraction, will also be absorbed into the mirror world by the reading mirror, and become the energy of reading the mirror. You can use it!"

Ximen Yu heard great joy, and thanked him, he left the Tiantian Temple and returned to his house. Sitting in the house, they began to call in to their followers one by one, let them swear to the reading mirror.

As a result, those who were sent by Ximen Jade, the second brother, the fourth brother and the sixth sister were all arrested, and they were all sucked into the mirror world by the reading mirror, turning into the energy of reading the mirror.

In the end, Ximengyu received four monks in distraction, two in the early days of distraction and two in the middle of distraction. There are also nine monks in the period of the gods, and there are more than thirty-two infant monks and countless monk monks.

Ximen Yu looked at the Yuan Ying period monk who was standing opposite him and said faintly: "You are going to call Wu Daogui."


The figure of the monk in the Yuan Ying period disappeared quickly. In a short while, the space fluctuated, and a monk in the middle of the distraction appeared in front of Ximen Yu, and said with a good voice;

"Less Lord, you call me?"

"Well! You go to the Heavenly Temple with me."

Wu Daogui’s eyes lit up and asked softly: "But going to see the predecessors of Ximen?"

"Well, let's go!"


The light of the Great God is still the twenty-seventh, ask for the whole order! Seek automatic subscription!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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