The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 746: South Wild Alliance

I am very grateful to Yu Yu 645098, Kasimo Dorin, Liu Yue, lesagc, worm, stallychen, and Xin Yanya!


Ximen Yu’s words fell, and when he first walked outside the house, Wu Daogui followed closely behind him. Two people came to the Tiantian Temple and walked directly to the highest floor. When they reached the highest level, they were stopped by a monk in the late part of the distraction. They smiled at Ximen Yu:

"Xiaoyu, how come today to come here?"

"Uncle White, I want to see my father." Ximen Yu said with a friendly smile.

"Oh!" Uncle Bai still said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, you came unfortunately, the city owner went out two days ago and never came back. But once came back, he said that he would go out for a while, don't know when to come back. ""

"Oh!" Ximen Yu looked a glimpse, and then thoughtfully left the Tiantian Temple and returned to his house.

A person sitting in a chair silently thinking, his father left Tiantian City, so to speak, without the father's surveillance, he can leave Tiantian City to find Ziyan sister.

After Ximen Yu was brought back to Tianzhi City by the smoke of Ximen, he repeatedly wanted to escape from Tianzhicheng and went to find purple smoke. However, they were all caught up in his own solitary smoke. In the end, Ximen Yu saw that something was impossible and had to give up. Now that I saw my father leaving Tiantian City, a heart will be active again.

Standing up from the chair, came to the door, sent someone to call the four distracted and nine-day monks, and then returned to the chair to sit down. Waiting silently.

In a short while, the monks of the four distracted periods and the nine periods of the gods came one after another, and the Ximen jade summoned them, and the thirteen people were gently seated. Looking at the Ximen jade sitting in the middle. Ximen Yu swept his eyes through the crowd and said softly:

"Have you heard about Xu Ziyan?"

Thirteen people nodded silently, without words. Looking at Ximen jade waiting for the following.

"I have a relationship with my sister Ziyan, are you all clear?" Ximen Yu once again asked, his eyes shining.

Thirteen people still nodded silently, but their eyes were slightly swaying, and they seemed to have guessed what Ximen Jade would do. Sure enough, Ximen Yu’s voice slammed firmly:

"I want to take you out of Tiantian City, find the purple smoke sister, and bring her back to Tianzhicheng. It is too dangerous for the purple smoke sister, and the disciples of Xiaobai and Xujia are also three years ago. Suddenly disappeared, I also need to explain it to my sister Ziyan. So, go back and prepare, after an hour, we will depart."

"Less Lord!" Wu Daogui said, "There are no considerations for the Lord, if we leave Tiantian City. I am afraid that we will not wait until we find Xu Ziyan, and we will be in danger."


Ximen Jade was only the initial glimpse, and soon he reacted. Wu Daogui is worried about his big brother, second brother, fourth brother and six sisters. If you leave the city of heaven and your father is not in the city of heaven, I am afraid that I will be chased by my brother and sister immediately.

Although I have recruited a lot of talents in these days, the time is too short. Compared with my brother and sister, the foundation is still too low. Although he now has four distracted monks and nine sacred monks, he is compared to any of his brothers and sisters. It’s all too much. What's more, four people come together to chase themselves?

Ximen jade lowered his eyes and sat there. I remembered that I was taken away by a monk since I was a child.

Sister saved. He also sent Lu Guangtian to send himself back to Tianzhicheng. I didn't think I was excited to return home, but I didn't get the care of my older brother and sister. Instead, I got a pair of cold eyes, and finally I killed myself almost. If it is not the purple smoke sister who just happened to come to Tianzhicheng, I am afraid that I will be ruined in my life.

Ziyan sister must go, now there are four distractions and nine sacred monks in their hands, but there is no monk help around Ziyan sister, and these forces will definitely help Ziyan sister. As for my brothers and sisters, since I want my life, then I will no longer be polite to them. Thinking of this, Ximen Yu looked up and said to the monk sitting in front of himself:

"My brothers and sisters don't have to worry about it. If they don't come, they will kill it. If you dare to come, you will kill them."

The nine monks looked shocked and made some changes. Wu Daogui hesitated, and then said with a compliment:

"Less master, our strength is afraid..."

Ximen Yu waved his hand and stopped Wu Daogui's words. He said faintly: "I have two sets of formations here, which is just right for your four distraction sets, and nine sets of the gods. You can comprehend it. ”

When the words fell, Ximen Yu’s eyebrows shot four rays of light, and they shot the four eyebrows of the distracted monks. After that, the eyebrows flashed again, and nine rays of light shot into the eyebrows of nine monks.

Thirteen people in the room immediately closed their eyes and sat down in the chair. After half an hour, thirteen monks opened their eyes. Wu Daogui did not hide his shocked color. He asked:

"Less master, this is the four elephants of the Central Plains machine?"

A sacred monk over there was even more shocked and shouted: "Lord, what do you give us nine people is the nine-star squad of Da Luotian?"

Ximen Yu nodded lightly, but his thoughts fell into memories. The look on his face was a bit painful. It was not a pleasant thing to see the memories.

Ximen Jade at this time remembered the days when he was taken away by the monk of the Central Plains. Not only is it often turned into a monster, but it is also forced by the monk to learn everything he has learned. The master of the Central Plains is the art of the soul. In front of him, there is almost no secret to those who are low-minded. Moreover, the monk monk caught a lot of monks, and all the sects.

He got some secrets from various monks from the arrested monks, and naturally there are some arrays. When he was fine, he passed these formations to Ximen Yu, the arrested monks. Then let them fight with different formations, he is watching carefully at the side, seeking to break the law of the array. Therefore, Ximen Yu also learned a lot of methods. Today, two sets of methods for the distraction period and the monk period are taught. It is where it is obtained. Moreover, although these two arrays are not the upper-class method, they are also the array of Chinese products, which has a great lethal effect.

Thirteen monks saw Ximen Yu nod, and the shock in his eyes was a little deeper. They don't know why Ximen Yu will get the array of Da Luotian and the Central Plains. However, this made them feel that Ximen jade is not as simple as the middle of the Yuan Ying in his mind. The respect for Ximen jade in his heart has increased a little.

Wu Daogui’s expression reveals a hint of excitement: "The young master, with this set of four elephants, should be able to compete with the brothers and sisters of the lesser masters."

The nine monks who got the nine-star squadron also nodded. After this nine-star squad, their confidence increased a lot. Ximen Yu nodded with satisfaction and said:

"You will use today's time to familiarize the two sets of formations, and we will leave Tiantian City tomorrow morning."


Central Plains.

Inside a bistro, a face is fortitude. The young man who was full of vicissitudes was sitting at the window, holding a glass of wine in his hand, and his eyes looked at the window with some confusion.

For a long time, I sighed and took back my eyes. Looking up and drinking the wine in his hand, he put down the glass and sat indifferently, but his heart was filled with ambiguity:

"Where did the lord go? Since the snow mountain was different, he completely lost his trace. Now although I am already in the Yuan Ying period, I am afraid that it is still the opponent of the purple-eyed zombie. I am still not an opponent. The higher the value, the more I feel that the power of the sovereign is unfathomable! Where do I go?"

Fan Haixin closed his eyes in pain, and he did not open his mouth. It’s just that the struggle in the heart is more intense.

Do you want to continue to look for the sovereign?

Even after finding the sovereign, what exactly is going on? Playing and playing him! Do you give up on this?

No! Never give up!

I once made a vow to kill the zombie in my life, and then reinvigorate it. There is only one sovereign left now, and I definitely can't give up at this time.

Van Helsing stood up from the chair and looked firm. Paid the money. Out of the tavern. Thinking a little, looking at the South.

"The southern wasteland is mostly a land of suffocation. Maybe the lord went to the south!"

Fan Haixin's eyes gradually became cold, and he walked toward the south. Waiting to go out of the city. Going to the sky.


South wild.

Within the hall of the Tianshen Village, the villagers of the fifteen forces of the Nanyue gathered together. The **** of the gods village, Togo, said:

"This time everyone will come over. It is mainly for the sake of Xu. I think everyone knows that Xu has sent a team of thousands of people into the ancient wilderness mountain, and according to Wulongzhai Huzhai, he The first one discovered Xu’s move and immediately sent five monks to follow up. However, the five monks never went back and disappeared completely.

Speaking of this, Togo glanced at the crowd in a majestic manner, and then said seriously: "This is only one thing, and there is one thing that everyone must know. We have the secrets of our various stockades in the Xu family. Xu Jia killed all the time. I don't know how they discovered the identity of our hidden detectives!

However, in any case, Xu’s recent actions are somewhat abnormal. Please come to us today, that is, to discuss how to deal with Xu. ”

At present, only Wulongzhai suffers the most damage, not only the hidden detectives placed in the Xu family are pulled out. Moreover, they also lost five monks. The most important thing is that there are two monks in the tenth floor of the five monks. This is definitely a disaster for the small forces like Wulongzhai. Therefore, when Togo fell, Hurricane first smashed from the chair and said loudly:

"Multiple predecessors, what else is there to say? Our fifteen forces immediately went to encircle Xu Jiagu, arrested them and made them completely slaves to our southern people."


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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