The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 747: Wulong gathers gas

Thank you very much for the reward of Xuan Tian Ziwei Xingjun (100)!


At this time, the owner of the Mozhai village, Capricorn slightly frowned, said: "The Xu family monks went to the ancient wilderness mountains to search for cultivation resources. After all, Xu family has now been compressed by our southern wilderness to the point where there is no cultivation resources. The ancient wilderness, even the people in the South, are afraid of the tiger, did not expect Xu family to have this determination, and the team sent is not small, it seems that they were really forced by our southern people to the Jedi, hehehe..."

As he spoke, Capricorn could not help but laugh. When everyone listened to Capricorn, they felt that it was such a thing, and they all laughed smugly.

There is only one person here who is in a hurry, and that is the evil spirit. Respectfully, he gave a courtesy to Capri:

"Capricorn predecessors, the younger generation has something unclear. Since it is only going to the ancient wilderness to search for resources, why did the Xu family kill us all the spies, how do they know that those people are the secrets we developed? And why do they dare? Kill the five monks that our Wulongzhai sent to track?"

Capricorn frowned slightly, and was very dissatisfied with the question of Huri. Just want to reprimand, the owner of the Vulcan Village is faintly authentic:

"Xu's family is not a fool. We have been suppressing them for so many years. They are always guarding us. It is not a big deal to know that we have a spy. If you don't know, it's strange. In the past they just monitored those. The undercover, now they have killed all the secret agents at once, in order to prevent us from knowing how much resources they have received from the ancient wilderness. As for the five monks in Wulongzhai, it is dead. I didn’t see the body. Maybe I’m chasing the ancient wilderness, and I don’t know.”

The hall was quiet and half-sounding. Togo said with a smile: "The Xu family should not go to encirclement. If you encircle them and turn them into our slaves, we will lose a way of earning money. I think it is still like this, except for our Tianshen Village. Twelve stockades outside the Mozhanzhai and Huosuo Village, five medium-sized stockades sent out the Yuan Ying period monks, and the knot-monk monks had the seven small stocks out to form two teams.

A team went to Xujiagu and told Xu Haoge that we had already sent people to the ancient wilderness mountains. In the future, each time they harvest in the ancient wilderness, they will be given to our eight floors and left to them two floors. after that. Your team goes to Xujiagu every day to turn around and warn them.

And another team you make is outside the ancient wilderness. When the people of Xu family came out from the ancient wilderness mountains, they were taken down directly, and after receiving 80% of our income, let them leave. ”

Capricorn frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice: "How big brother. Why don't we directly turn Xujia into a slave, so that the harvest of the 10% is ours, and then continue to let them enter the ancient wilderness to find resources. It is."

Togo shook his head and said with a chuckle: "Everything has to give hope to others. With hope, Xu will try his best to go to the ancient wilderness to explore resources. Although we took their 80% harvest, they gave it back. They have left 20%. And they are not our slaves. At the very least, they don’t think that they are slaves to our southern people. They also want to use these two resources to develop the family and look forward to seeing us. The day of confrontation. So, this financial source can continue.

If we now encircle the Xu family. Turn them into our slaves. Let them make their family completely lost hope. in this way. Wherever they will go to the ancient wilderness adventure. Even if we are driven in, I am afraid that they will die and will not come out of the ancient wilderness. Who is willing to be a slave to others? ”

Everyone listened and couldn’t help but suddenly realized. Looking to Togo's eyes with adoration. Togo was very lightly accepting the eyes of everyone, and then said faintly:

"And we Tianshen Village. Mozhai Village and Huo Shen Village, each of the stockades sent two Yuan Ying period monks. Enter the ancient wilderness mountains."

"This..." Capricorn and Zhu Lie’s look shocked and looked at Togo, who was sitting in the middle.

“Oh...” Togo said with a smile: “Even the people in Xu’s family dare to enter the ancient wilderness mountains. What are we afraid of? The most important thing is...”

Speaking of this, Togo’s look became serious: “The Xu family lived here for thousands of years, and they have not entered the ancient wilderness mountains. And this time they entered the ancient wilderness mountains, I doubt if they found anything. Things like treasure maps, or even if they don't have treasure maps, and once they happen to find a safe way to get out of the ancient mountains, the value is great.

The Yuan Ying period monks we sent out just sneaked in and tracked them. Nothing needs to be done. If they really have treasure maps, we will not grab them. Instead, we will wait until they take the treasures out of the ancient wilderness mountains. If they really happen to find a safe passage. Then kill all of them, and that safe passage is ours. ”

"Safe passage? Not so smart?" Zhu Li said in a strange voice.

"Where is this kind of thing, who else said clearly, huh, huh..."

Togo smiled faintly, and the other people thought for a while, and they all laughed.


In the ancient wilderness mountains, since the Xu family disciples learned the three talents, they have mutual trust and cooperation with the three talents, so that these monks of the Xu family can advance faster and more and more resources. At the same time, the medicinal herbs that Xu Ziyan distributed to them also increased, so that their cultivation was in a state of rapid improvement.

On this day, Xu Ziyan sat on one side of the bluestone, filling the real element of the acupoints, and shrouded the surrounding world. It has been 15 days since I entered the ancient wilderness mountain range. Xu Ziyan has already felt that her five acupoints will be upgraded to the Yuan Ying period. It’s just that Xu Ziyan’s heart is not happy, thinking that this is only the power of the acupoints. It’s not the power of Dantian. Wei is much worse than Dantian. Unless it is dozens of acupoints, you can surpass the power of Dantian. And this is not the case of the planet in the space where Xu Ziyan bursts. If Xu Ziyan bursts into the space and is a planet, the power of this hole is even worse.

However, until now, there was no sign of the unblocking of Dantian, which made Xu Ziyan depressed. I was thinking about how to get in touch with the purple smoke space. Suddenly, the metal hole that was being filled was shocked, and the smell of a trace of the baby was fluctuated from the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s heart is happy, knowing that his cultivation has been restored to the early Yuan Ying.

Suddenly, there was a cheer in the gods, and Xu Ziyan searched for it, but saw that Xu Fei was rushing into a valley, and the scenery in the valley was Xu Ziyan’s heart and could not help but be happy.

So beautiful!

As a fairyland, it is refreshing.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan quickly shrouded the entire valley. The more the knowledge spread, the more shocked the heart was. Now the consciousness of Xu Ziyan is already the realm of the middle of the gods. Under the cover of God, it can cover a hundred miles. However, what surprised Xu Ziyan was that the valley was far more than a hundred miles away, and his own knowledge could not completely cover it.

Xu Ziyan suddenly jumped in the heart, she found the difference in this valley. In this valley, everything is very huge, and the tree need not be said. It is just like a giant pillar, that is, the grass is like an old tree outside the valley.

Xu Ziyan's body shape swept, and instantly stood at the mouth of the valley, drinking the monks who had entered the valley, such as Xu Fei, and let them return as soon as possible. Xu Fei and others did not know why they flew back, and there were still some reluctance on their faces.

However, when they saw Xu Ziyan's face serious, they stood honestly behind Xu Ziyan and stretched their necks and looked into the valley. The other Xu family monks in the forest also heard the voice of Xu Fei, one by one flying toward it. When I saw Xu Ziyan standing in the mouth of the valley, looking at the inside with a serious look, all of them held their breath and sneaked down behind Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's gaze looked into the valley, and did not feel any danger, but he felt the extremely rich aura that came from the face. The aura here is even more intense than the aura of the Lotus Peak. It is simply ten times thicker on the basis of the aura concentration of the Lotus Peak. The reason why the valley is like a fairyland is because the auras are condensed into a mist.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked toward the top of the valley, and the heart was like a hammer. She instantly understood why the aura within the valley was so rich that there were five ridges on the hills surrounding the valley. Look at its shape and get its god. These five ridges are like dragons, which are rare dragon veins, and belong to the five attributes of Jinmushuihuo, each of which is facing the valley. The five attributes condensed in the valley, which resulted in an extremely rich aura within the valley.

In the eyes of Xu Ziyan, the blue strobe flashed through the ridge, and the face showed a happy color. Sure enough, this dragon vein has been psychic, and inside the dragon's dragon head, the dragon soul has been generated.

When I was happy, I couldn’t help but sigh. If your own purple smoke space is not closed, the five dragon spirits will be within the purple smoke space, which will definitely improve the quality of their space.

"Ziyan, see what the problem is not?" Xu Hao violently walked to the side of Xu Ziyan, and whispered as he looked into the valley.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said softly: "I haven't seen the danger yet, but I always feel that there is a high-order monster in such a strong atmosphere. We must be more careful."


Watching the light of the gods of others, riding the dust, crying! At midnight, I will go to cry first...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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