The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 749: Soldier Lingukou

I am very grateful to elva3 students (588), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100), Xuantian Ziwei Xingjun classmates (100) for the reward!


Every monster below is very huge, huge beyond their imagination. Not to mention that the tiger leopard ape that was not so small has become a few feet high here, ten times more than the ordinary tiger leopard ape, that is, the original small dragonfly has become like a small dragon. Go upstream on the ground.

All this looked like a layer of goose bumps in the purple smoke, only a burst of creeps on his body, the color of his face became pale. Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s look was tight. The gods she had been throwing out caught a bunch of things, and then I heard a burst of humming.

Looking up, I saw a dark cloud floating in the distance, staring at it, but it was a giant mosquito that was only about three feet away, and rushed toward Xu Ziyan and others. At this time, the monks in the shroud saw the mosquitoes, and they immediately took the real thing and watched the mosquitoes getting closer and closer. Fortunately, they have been shaken too much on this road, but there is not much fear.

At this time, six monks from the Southern Wilderness, Tianshen Village, Mozhai Village and Huo Shen Village, followed the traces of Xu Ziyan and others to the valley mouth. As soon as they saw the rich aura in the valley, they greedily squinted. Xu Ziyan's footprints can also be seen, because Xu Ziyan they entered soon, and there are footprints left by them on the ground. It is obvious that Xu Ziyan and others entered the valley. The six elementary infant monks glanced at each other, and the meaning revealed in the eyes was very obvious. That is, Xu Jiagu and others have discovered the treasures in the ancient wilderness mountains.

The six figures never hesitated, and when they swept, they flew into the valley. Fly towards the depths of the valley.

I thought that at the beginning, the owner of Wulongzhai Village, Hu Lixie, waited for a day without seeing the people who sent him back. I immediately went to see the wilderness outside the mountains. Immediately afterwards, he reported to Togo in Tianshen Village, and Togo quickly summoned fifteen cottage leaders, and the series of decisions made afterwards were very fast. and so. On the fourth day when Xu Ziyan and others entered the ancient wilderness mountain range, the six Yuan Ying period monks entered the ancient wilderness mountain range and began to trace the traces of Xu Ziyan and others.

At this point, they finally found Xu Ziyan their destination, one by one excited. At this time, where I still want to hide my own tracks, a heart has already flown to the treasure. The figure flew rapidly in the air, and Xu Ziyan and others flew in the air very slowly. The six-year-old monk is flying very fast. So, in less than a quarter of an hour, the six-infant monk saw a black cloud in the distance.

At this time, Xu Ziyan and others are in the cloud group. The cloud group is not something else, but it is a giant mosquito that is only three feet long. Xu Ziyan knows that this kind of monster, even a mutant mosquito, should be afraid of the cold. It is inside the shield. When the handcuffs were linked, one finger pointed on the shield, and then the number of points in the shield began to form a freezing point, and then the freezing point began to spread around. Just a little bit of time, in a burst of "squeaky" sound, the entire shield became a transparent ice cover.

Sure enough, those giant mosquitoes were very afraid of the cold and did not dare to fall on the shield, but those who looked inside the ice cover would not leave, but circled around the ice cover. A burst of humming sounds.

And just when these mosquitoes are a little intolerant. Xu Ziyan and others have already seen which mosquitoes are ready to try to attack the shield, suddenly banging, and the mosquitoes that surround the shield are scattered. Xu Ziyan and others looked at the direction in which the mosquitoes flew away, but saw six figures flying behind them. Xu Hao stunned. Exclaimed:

"It’s the people of the Three Dazhai!"

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and hurriedly asked: "But the indigenous gods. The Monks and the monks in the Vulcan Village?"

"Yes! And these six people are all monks in the Yuan Ying period. Purple smoke, what do we do?"

When Xu Hao violently spoke, the Xu family’s monks were a little confused. Fortunately, Xu Ziyan has been practicing in the ancient wilderness mountains for more than a month. Both the daring and the cultivation have been refined a lot. Otherwise, according to their original heart, they have already made a mess. However, even if their cultivation and courage have entered the country, in the face of six Yuan Ying period monks, the heart is also trembled.

Because in their senses, the six elementary infants are simply not able to resist them, as long as the six elementary infant monks wave their hands, they will be photographed as powder. Although Xu Ziyan is also a Yuan Ying period, they only have one Yuan Ying period monk.

Just when their hearts were a little confused and overwhelmed, they heard Xu Ziyan cold and smiled:

“It seems that the South African Aborigines are going to lose six Yuan infants here!”

"Well?" The monks were all a glimpse, looking at Xu Ziyan inexplicably.

Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly. These Xu family monks had been under the protection of their own shields, and they did not see the mosquitoes. Are you mosquitoes that grow to three feet in size and are white? Xu Ziyan did not say much, but just controlled the shield moving toward the valley, and pointed to the direction of the six Nanyuan Yuan infants:

"Look at it!"

The Xu family's monks heard Xu Ziyan's words, and they all looked at the direction of the six Nanyu Yuan infants. In their vision, they saw the extreme shock of the faces of the six-year-old monks. After that, I heard a Yuan Ying period monk shouting:


Then I saw six yuan infants turning their heads and swept away. At this time, all the people were shocked and opened their mouths, and they really saw the speed of those mosquitoes. Only a humming sound was heard in the ear, but in an instant, the six southern wilderness monks were chased by the three-foot-old mosquitoes and wrapped inside.

The Xu family monk in the hood looked nervously at the group of mosquitoes. They also wanted to see how the monks in the Yuan Ying period escaped under such circumstances. It was only a matter of time that the mosquitoes smashed and there were only six cockroaches without flesh and blood in the air, falling down below.

The Xu family monk inside the shield, at this time the mouth of the mouth has reached the limit. At this point they only know how great the shield released by Xu Ziyan is. Under the attack of the mosquitoes, the six-infant monks could not resist the time of the rest, and the shields released by Xu Ziyan allowed them to fly all the way to the present without any danger.

Just as they looked at the eyes of Xu Ziyan, they heard a bang in the ear, and the giant mosquitoes thought they were chasing them. After seeing the giant mosquitoes, these Xu family monks did not have the calmness of their eyes. The eyes revealed their fears, but when they thought of Xu Ziyan, one heart slowly calmed down. They turned to look at the Xu Ziyan in the center. Seeing that Xu Ziyan was still a faint look, they were completely calmed down.

At this moment, they were in danger, and they were blinded by giant mosquitoes that could not be seen at the margin, and they had just seen the giant mosquitoes. However, their hearts have never been calm. This kind of calmness is that in the Xujia Valley, there are Xu Haoge and other six major infants who are sitting in the town, and there is no calm.

The giant mosquitoes have just swallowed the blood of the six-infant monk, inspiring their fierceness, no longer making the slightest pause, and striking the shroud under the Xu-zi cloth...


Xu Jiagu.

In the hall of the House of Lords, six yuan-year-old monks looked solemnly in the chair. This time they killed the spies of the South African indigenous people in the family. The initial tribes who did not know the situation were confused and directly dissatisfied with the family. However, when Xu Haoge and others used the image of the soul to publicly display the memory of those spies in front of the tribe, although there was no confusion, Xu Haoge and others could feel the panic of the tribe.

Xu Haoge's **** gently tapped the handle of the chair, and there was a trace of anxiety in his heart. He promised to give Xu Ziyan a clean Xu home when Xu Ziyan came back. It is clean now, but it makes the heart of the family monk even more depressed. In this case, Xu Jia could not be moved at all. Without a strong heart and wanting to move thousands of miles, it is no different from sending death. Just as the six-year-old monk was deeply thinking about the brow, there was a footstep outside the hall. A disciple walked in and said with a compliment:

"The patriotic patriarch, just sent a letter from the South Wilderness."

"Letter?" Xu Haoge looked shocked: "What about the Southern Wasters who sent the letter?"

The disciple’s look revealed tension and confusion: “They are outside the Xujia Valley, they don’t come in, they don’t leave.”

"They? Not a person?" Xu Haoge's look became dignified.

There was a trembling in the voice of the disciple: "There are six Yuan Ying period monks and a hundred or so knots of monk monks, all of which are composed of seven medium-sized cottages and five small cottages."

The disciple replied cautiously, but the fear in his heart was constantly magnifying. Seven medium-sized forces and five small forces. In addition to the three major forces of the South, there are already 12 forces in the South. Xu Jiagu's future does not know how?

Xu Haoge frowned deeply, and there was a panic in his heart. Did the South African indigenous people begin to join hands with Xu Jia?

The look of the letter opened solemnly, and the letter was taken out of the envelope. It was only a quick sweep of a few eyes, and suddenly stood up from the chair. All of them were shaking, and the rushing eyes seemed to be frightened and angry.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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