The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 750: Fighting

Thank you very much~~檒~~ classmates, Peace2011 classmates, 乞 dust classmates, yinpp classmates, Mumu Xixi classmates, Fudge who 5,675 classmates pink tickets!


"Southern wasteland!

The South Wilderness is so aggressive!

Let us give them 80% of the resources in the ancient wilderness! And formed a coalition, demonstrating outside Xujia Valley. ”

He thought that Xu Ziyan and others would enter the ancient wilderness mountains and cause the attention of the indigenous people in the Southern Wilderness. He thought of cleaning the internal spies of the Xu family and causing the anger of the indigenous people in the Southern Wilderness. However, he did not think that the Southern Aboriginal people would act so fast, and so aggressive!

Xu Haoge swayed and sat in a chair, seeing Xu Haoxue and others looking at himself with his own eyes, and handed the letter in his hand.

Xu Haoge sat in a chair, starting with his notes, and now it has been a millennium. The scene of the family being bullied by the indigenous people of the Southern Wilderness constantly flashed in his mind. He once forced himself to forget, but found that he could not forget. If you can't forget it, you will force yourself to adapt. He will find that he can't adapt at all. If you can't adapt, you will be forced to numb. And persuaded myself in the heart, this is for the family.

From the moment he became the chief of the Xujiagu, he decided to humiliate and steal. As long as you are alive, don't let Xu Jiagu die. This is his greatest ideal.

However, Xu Ziyan brought him hope. When Xu Ziyan revealed that she was the king, Xu Haoge discovered that her heart was not numb. Just being hidden. At that moment, the conviction to reinvigorate the ancient Xu family sprouted from the bottom of my heart, and it grew rapidly. At that moment, he decided to do his best to assist Xu Ziyan. Reproduce the glory of the ancient Xu family.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to kill the spies in the family. However, he did not think that the Southern Aboriginal people would come so fast.

At this time, the other five-year-old monks were passing on the letters in their hands.

Outside Xujiagu. Six South Famine infant monks led more than a hundred of the Danish monks in the air, flying in the air, and from time to time issued a loud laugh.

No one thinks that the monks of Xujiagu will resist, which has formed inertial thinking for thousands of years. The people of Xujiagu have always been patient, patient, and patient. At the beginning, Xu Jiagu had just reached an agreement with the indigenous people in the South, and the Xu family at that time was still somewhat deterrent to the Nanren people. Because there are fifteen stockades in the South, no one can defeat the Xu family alone.

and so. At that time, the Xu family was still strong in the south. It was forced to unite the fifteen stockades in the South, which made the Xu family at a disadvantage. At that time, many things were discussed by Xu and the indigenous people of the South China. However, after a thousand years, when the Southern Aboriginal people had another monk who broke through to the stage of the gods, after the top level of power exceeded the Nanzhao Xu family, the fifteen coalition forces began a looting of the Xu family. That is, at that time, the Xujia’s sacred monk was completely killed by the Nanyin monks. after that. Xu family has been weakened from generation to generation, and until now there has been no more money to resist the South.

Therefore, the six elementary infants led the team to be very arrogant outside Xujiagu. Don't say that they think from the bottom of their hearts that Xujiagu people don't dare to come out, they just come out, and they have nothing to fear. They have six Yuan Yingshi monks here, and Xu Jiagu is just a six-year infant monk.

A Yuan Ying period monk in the Southern Wilderness looked at the mouth of Xujiagu, and looked at the disciples of the Xu family who guarded Taniguchi. When he laughed, he burst into a punch and a fire dragon suddenly slammed out. A huge stone tablet engraved with Xujiagu will be crushed.

The gravel that splashed into the air. Overwhelmingly, the disciples of the valley at the mouth of the valley sneaked away in a hurry, so that the Nanyue monks flying at the Xujiagukou laughed even more.

Very far from Xujia Valley. There is a mountain range. On top of the mountain, there are nine people standing. Eight men and one little girl. at this time. One of the old men took back the gods and said with some hesitation on his face:

"There are a group of monks in front who seem to be attacking a valley."

"Is it a fight for the indigenous people in the South? This has nothing to do with us." Another monk said faintly.

The former monk frowned slightly and whispered: "But I just saw a stone monument at the mouth of the valley. There are three words on it: Xujiagu! However, it was just bombarded by the indigenous monks of the South China. Broken."

The rest of the monks above the foothills heard a sigh: "Is it the branch of our home that has fallen to the south?"

"It should be!" The monk who was a **** of the gods said with a head. After that, I turned to the little girl standing next to me and asked softly:

"White, can you feel the position of the king?"

Xiaobai nodded and said: "The owner is not far from us, it should be in the mountains over there."

Nine monks looked toward the endless mountains, and their faces were delighted. The sacred monk showed a relaxed expression and said:

"I finally found the king!"

These nine people are from the Lotus Peak, all the way to Xu Haosang, Xu Haolong, Lu Guangtian, Xu Haoce, Xu Dingyang, Xu Dingtian, Xiaobai, Xu Tianwo and nine people. At the beginning, Xu Tianwo told Xu's ancestors that he had to return to the lotus peak after returning to the north of the earth.

Xu Tianwo naturally will not return to an Qi Zong, Xu Ziyan's whereabouts are unknown, how can he return to a qi? So, after Xu Haosang and others came out from the Wanli Huangsha, Xu Tianwo greeted him. When Xu Haosang and others saw Xu Tianwo, they understood the meaning of Xu Tianwo. And seeing Xu Tianwo's attitude is determined, he did not refuse Xu Tianwo.

The eight of them sat on Xiaobai's body, and Xiaobai had a general sense of the position of Xu Ziyan. Naturally, he flew directly to the South. And it was the first to find people in the South.

Xu Jiagu.

Within the hall of the House of Representatives.

Xu Haoge sat in a chair with a sullen face, waiting for the other five Yuan Yingxiu monks to read the letter, Shen Sheng said:

"What do you think?"

The other five elementary infants also had a face at the same time, and their expressions were very dignified. They also did not think that the indigenous people of the Southern Wilderness would come so fast, they would not give Xu's face anyway, and they simply regarded Xu as their slave. Silence for a while, Xu Hao said with a deep voice:

"Big Brother, our current strength simply cannot withstand the three forces of the South, but not the three forces of the South, that is, the six Yuan Ying period monks and more than one hundred Danish monks can also hit our home. Why don't we endure it, wait for the king to come back and say?"

Xu Haoge spit a long breath, and said with a sullen voice: "Forbearance? We have to endure when it is a head? Besides, we have everything to be king in front of us, and we are hiding behind the king, that What do Xu family still need us to do? Do we have to be jokes by our classmates after the king returns to the Xu family?"

Xu Haoxue and other people's faces are all red, but they don't know how to deal with the current situation, they look at Xu Haoge at the same time, one by one:

"Yeah, can we return to the Central Plains Xujia Holy Land with such humiliation?"

They feel blushing whenever they want to think about it. In the past, they didn't know how other people of Xu's descendants were doing, and they felt that they were doing well. Now I heard the situation of Xujia, the Lotus Peak, from Xu Ziyan. One by one, I was ashamed to die. If I went to the Lotus Peak with this humiliation, where did they have a face?

Therefore, Xu Haoxue, Xu Haotie, Xu Qinglian and Xu Haohe also went out at this time. As long as Xu Haoge makes an order, he will die and go out to fight with the indigenous people in the South. However, Xu Qingsi, who has always been weak, has a pale face and is very upset when sitting there. In her heart, she also knows that she should fight with the indigenous people of the South, but her heart is terrified. At the thought of the consequences of the fight with the indigenous people of the South, the body could not help but squat.

Xu Haoge naturally felt the tremor of Xu Qingsi, and turned her head and glanced at her. However, there are some helplessness in my heart. Whoever makes the Nanzhao Xujia people are too weak.

At this time, there was a footstep outside the hall, and a disciple ran in a panic and rushed in:

"It's not good, the great patriarch, the Southern Wasteland shattered the stone monument of our Xujia Valley!"


Xu Haoge and other six people have stood up from the chair, but they are up, and their faces are red and sturdy.

"Deceive too much!"

Xu Haoge waved his hand and smashed the chair behind him. He screamed: "The people who gather all the families, all who can fight, are ready to meet the enemy!"

The bells in Xujiagu rang, and soon the monks of the Xu family gathered in the square. Xu Haoge stood on the high platform and looked at the people with panic colors on his face. He could not help but lament.

"These people are already walking dead, and there is still a little bit of blood in the ancient Xu family."

Looking at the square, the team stood neatly standing more than five hundred people, and this was a gratification in the heart. However, I sighed with my heart.

"The five hundred people are the ones that Xu Ziyan originally selected. It is **** and there is no panic. Instead, there is a lot of war. But what about this? It’s some after-day cultivation, I am afraid that this war will happen. After that, there will be nothing left."

At this time, a stature ran towards the square. There was only a wave of post-weather fluence on his body, and he also had alcohol in his body and a long sword in his hand. The repair is not high, the wine is smoky, but the face is angry, and the body is full of war.

Xu Haoge looked, his face could not help but smile. The person who came here was Xu Tianwei who was abolished by the Nanyue people. He had a war, but lost his cultivation.


Today, there is one more light of the Great God, thank you comrades!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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