The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 752: a fierce battle

I am very grateful to cui0210 classmates, book friends 110908074409551 classmates, little girl dragon dragon classmates, Xuan Yueshi classmates, Xiaorong 2004 classmates, Yu Yu 645098 classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates pink ticket!


Xu Haoge took Xu Jia near 10,000 people and finally walked out of the valley mouth and looked at the Nanyue monk opposite. At this time, the monks of the Southern Wilderness also descended from the air, and when they saw the south of the Xu family, nearly ten thousand people stood in front of them, and their hearts were slightly nervous. The leading big brother, looking at the opposite Xu Haoge, said the yin test:

"Xu Haoge, do you want to rebel?"

Xu Hao's heart is a wrath, and he swears: "Rebel? What do you think you are in the South?"

"Hehehe..." Nanyin Yuan infantry monk smiled and said: "We are the southern wilderness of the southern wilderness, and your Xu family is the slave of our southern wilderness."

"Far fare!" Xu Hao sings his eyes and wants to split: "You are the master of the Southern Wilderness? Our Xu family also had a rudder in the Southern Expedition in the ancient times. At that time, even if we put the home on the rudder of the Southern Wilderness, it was only a Yuan Ying period. The monk, how did you not see you saying that you are the master of the South, but instead give us a tribute to the family?"

"Ha ha ha..." Nanyin monk laughed loudly and said: "The ancient Xu family? It has been a long time ago, and you still remember it! Why, want to defend the glory of your ancient Xu family? Ha! I will give you this. Opportunity! Come here, from today, we will turn your family into a true slave to our southern people!"

At this time, Xu Haoge really understood the wolf ambitions of the Nanyin people. They never thought about giving the Xu family the opportunity to grow up. They have always regarded the Xu family as a slave to the South. It just gave Xu a little bit of pity freedom. The ridiculous person and others have still not understood that if the king did not wake up, he was still enslaved by the Nanren people. At this time, the sorrow and anger in my heart turned into a roar:


The opposite of the Nanyue monks looked blank, and they did not think that the people of Xujiagu really dared to kill them. How long has this happened? Anyway, from the beginning of their notes, it has not happened. Now seeing Xu Haoge and other six-year-old monks, the eyes of the monks rushed over, and there was no reaction at the moment.

Six elementary infants, such as Xu Haoge and Xu Haoxue, directly smashed the six-year-old monk of the Southern Expedition and squirted a blood.

Six South Famine infant monks were shocked. But when they stabilized their figure and looked at the opposite side, their faces could not help but show disdain. At this time, only the six Yuan Yingshi monks of the Xu family rushed toward them, and the rest of the Xujiagu people stood in the same place, and did not make any slight moves.

In the south, the six-year-old infants reached out to touch the blood of the mouth and shouted;

"Give me kill!"

Six South Famine infant monks greeted Xu Haoge's six-year-old monk, while the remaining more than one hundred Danish monks in the southern desert also rushed to the Xujia monk standing in Xujiagukou. For a time, more than a hundred monks in the Southern Wilderness were like tigers. The Xujiagu nearly 10,000 monks are like sheep. More than a hundred monks in the Southern Wilderness Period killed the Xu Family monks as if they were cutting vegetables.

In the air, above the white clouds, Lu Guangtian is not a descendant of the ancient Xu family, although he is the leader of this team. However, he still can't be the master of this kind of thing about the descendants of Xu family. So, he whispered to Xu Haosang and other Xu family members:

"Would you like to help them?"

Xu Haosang said with a sullen face: "Nearly thousands of monks are chased by more than a hundred monks and dare not fight back. What do they do for them? Xu family does not need waste!"

Xu Haolong also said in a quiet voice: "If they dare to fight back, the six yuan infants are six monks in the south, and the remaining monks are several times as many as the monks in the south. The light south of the monks is just between the hands. If the repairs and the number of monks in the Nanyue are more than the number of Xujia, we can still help with the help of the people. So in the cultivation and the number of people, they are killed by the Nanyu monks. Run away and save them?"

Eight monks and small whites stood in the clouds, looking down at the face. Everyone's look is not good. Finally, the faces of the nine monks fluctuated a bit, and in the following a monk waved the sword and screamed:


Xu Haosang and others looked at it. It is a monk who only has fluctuating after the weather. It was Xu Tianwei who had been jealous of the old man in the valley. Behind him, he followed more than five hundred monks who had been cultivated for the day after tomorrow, and each of them held their own swords in their hands, and rushed toward the monks of the Southern Wilderness.

A monk of the Southern Wilderness Dan had just killed a Xu family monk and suddenly heard hundreds of people roaring together. Was shocked. Waiting to turn around, I saw a group of acquired monks. Can not help but sneer, between the waves, there is a sudden thorn on the ground, and in an instant there are dozens of Xu family monks who have been pierced by the body, the body hangs high above the ground spur.

Xu Tianwei’s eyes were cracked, and the Nanshijie Dan’s monk was screaming at him and rushing over to him. Xu Tianwei suddenly put the sword in his hand on the ground, and he did not know when he had a black ball in his hands. The knot-bearing monk who had swarmed toward the air had thrown it away. The Nanyin Dandan monk did not carelessly waved his hand, and he waited for the two black **** to be taken. The figure did not stop.


Two roars, the two black **** burst into bursts as they approached the Nanyin Dandan monk, and they smashed the big hand that the southern sacred monk took out. The southern sacred monk's look was a glimpse of the face, and five black **** were thrown over. The body was flustered, but there was no black ball bursting fast. In the sound of roaring, the Nanyin Dandan monk was so inexplicably smashed and ruined.

In this roaring voice, the chased Xujiagu monks who had been chased and stalked, they did not think that Xu Tianwei, who had been abolished, could kill a monk in the South. In the eyes of the four eyes, I saw that the Xu family was killed by the more than a hundred South Korean knotty monks. And those who fell down have their own close relatives, and each one's eyes gradually become red.

At this time, several monks in the Southern Wild Dynasties saw that Xu Tianwei had killed a monk on his side with some black balls. He could not help but anger, and each gave up the chasing Xu Family, and directed Xu Tianwei. Come over.

And Xu Tianwei was not afraid of it, his body circling like a dance, and countless black **** were thrown out from his hands and flew toward him. The monk smashed the past.

The four monarchs had just witnessed their companions being killed by such a black ball, and how to dare them to approach their bodies. The figure does not go backwards and quickly moves away from those balls.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

A deafening roar, a cloud of black mushrooms formed in the air. I don't know which Xu family monk was provoked by the slaughter in front of him and Xu Tianwei's rebellion. He screamed and screamed in the air, rushing to the Nanyue Dandan monk. And after the roaring of this Xu family, these Xu family monks also reacted from fear. Now that his six patriarchs have fought with the South, no matter whether they are willing or not, they are already in a situation where you are not dead or live. In the moment of seeing such a short time, nearly a thousand people died in the hands of the South.

Reason is gradually lost, and madness is full of consciousness.




One person shouted and killed, countless people followed, and time, shouting and killing sounds. The monks of Xujiagu finally began to fight back madly. The monks in Xujiagu were much more than the ones in the south, that is, the monks in the knot period were several times theirs. This frantically fights for life, where are the more than a hundred South Korean knots and monks still rivals? It was only less than a quarter of an hour, and it was actually killed by the crazy Xu family.

The six South Famine infant monks began to panic, and they looked at each other a bit, each with a retreating mind. I saw the leader of the Nanyue monk screaming:

"Xu Haoge, you have brought you a big disaster to Xu Jiagu, you are waiting to be the butchers of our southern wilderness!"

"It is our Xujia Valley being Tumu, and today we will kill six of you to accompany the fun!"

Xu Haoge blushes with red eyes and screams at this time. At this time, Xu Haoge has already saved a mortal heart. How can he let these six Nanyuan Yuan infants leave? The body shape is tightly wrapped around each other. Xu Haoxue and others have also saved their thoughts with the other side. At this time, it is completely a fight, and the Nanyue Yuan infantry monk is tightly suppressed. Only Xu Qingsi was frightened, and she was born with timidity. Instead, she forced the Nanyue monks who were weaker than her to be forced to do so.

"Big words!"

Suddenly, there was a violent scream in the air. Three figures suddenly appeared out of the air, but it was the Togo of the Tianshen Village, the Capricorn of the Mozhai Village and the Zhu Lie of the Vulcan Village. The monks in the early days of the three gods were originally in the Tianshen Village, and suddenly felt the violent mana fluctuations in Xujiagu.

The three monks of the gods quickly extended the knowledge of God. When they saw the fierce fighting outside Xujiagu in the knowledge of God, the look on the face became stiff and there was a great anger. After the monks who gathered the fifteen stockades to go to Xujiagu to kill, the early monks of the three gods swiftly flew toward Xujiagu.

Xu Haoge sighed in his heart, and his body flew back to Xujiagukou. Xu Haoxue and others also flew back and stood behind Xu Haoge. In the future, the monks of Xujiagu, the Xujiagu monks of nearly 10,000 people threw the bodies of nearly 2,000 people on the ground, and now there are only less than 8,000 people left.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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