The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 753: Chasing the god

Congratulations to @孤芳赏蓝* students, dead leaves* classmates, baby Xiaofeier classmates become the best rudder master!


Nearly two thousand people were killed at the beginning when the Xujiagu monks ran into chaos and fled. When the Xujiagu monk began to fight back, not many people were killed.

The three monks of the Southern Sanctuary looked at Xu Haoge and other Xujiagu monks. The eyes were like a person to choose and rushed through the Xujiagu monk. The infinite hatred revealed in the eyes made Xu Haoge feel a chill. With a slamming sound, the cold hairs were upside down. That Xu Qingsi is even more unbearable, and the entire face has lost its blood.

Xu Haoge suddenly raised an anger in his heart. He and others had just killed more than 100 monks in the knot. So many brothers hated them and they could understand this, but he wanted to hate this. Isn't this all that they are forced by the South?

The original tragic scene suddenly quieted down, and the breeze slid gently, bringing a **** atmosphere. The atmosphere is breathtaking.

Togo did not immediately start, but quietly stood in the air, as if looking at the dead, looking at Xu Haoge and others. The pressure in this silence is actually heavier than the last one. Don’t say that the monks in Xujiagu have spent the crazy energy just now, and now in this silence, in the pressure of the monks Trembling, that is, Xu Haoge and other six-infant monks also felt unbearable, and the body swayed and could not stay in the air, falling to the ground.

Seeing that Xu Jiagu’s monk had lost his war, Togo said coldly: “It’s so bold! I dare to kill my Nanyu monk!”

Xu Haoge bit his teeth and remembered that the elites in his family had been taken away by Xu Ziyan. It’s just that you are waiting for someone to die here! At the same time, the past humiliation pictures constantly flashed in his mind, and the war of being suppressed by Togo gradually rose:

"Togo, why don't you see how many people we have died in Xujiagu? Are you when the southern people kill our Xujiagu monks? We can only stretch your neck and kill you?"

"Yes! You Xu will have the consciousness of being a slave!" Togo said coldly. It seems that this time Togo has decided to completely tear his face with Xu Jiagu and to completely transform the Xu family into a slave to the South. Therefore, he no longer hides his meaning. Shown naked.

Xu Haoge heard the words of Togo, and his heart was so angry that he could not tremble. This is not afraid, but is caused by excessive humiliation. He did not think that today, the Nanren people in front of thousands of people in Xujiagu, nakedly said their intentions. But how can this be? The strength is not as good as people, except for the death, what is left in Xu?

I want to be at the beginning. How brilliant is Xu family! I did not expect to end up in a small southern wilderness.

Sadly! Can sigh!

However, what makes Xu Haoge puzzled is that Togo did not immediately attack them. But just standing in the air and looking at them coldly, for a moment, Xu Haoge did not know what Togo really meant. However, he is not able to start a monk in the Yuan Ying period, which is no different from thinking.

In the air, Guangtian and others regained their knowledge after the appearance of three people in Togo. Look quietly below. Xu Haosang and others looked at Lu Guangtian, who was in the middle of the road. Lu Guangtian smiled and said:

"For a while, let's go on!"

“Why not go now?” Xu Haolong asked softly.

Lu Guangtian said faintly: "Now the Nanyin monks did not start, they must be waiting for their men to come."

Xu Haosang frowned slightly and whispered: "With their three sacred monks, you can completely kill the people of Xujiagu. Do they have to wait for their men to come?"

"You just heard that the southern wilderness said." Lu Guangtian's gaze became sharp: "The Nanyao people have always regarded the Xujiagu people as slaves. The reason why the three monk monks did not do it, presumably wait. With the arrival of a large number of monks from the South, the monks of Xujiagu were arrested. From now on, they became slaves of the Nanren people. The Nanyao people did not want to kill the people of Xujiagu."


"The South is a dead man, this is looking for death!"

Xu Haosang and others whispered. Lu Guangtian shook his head gently: "The southern wilderness thinks so normal. If we don't come, it is inevitable that the monks of Xujiagu will become slaves of the southern wilderness."

"What do we do?" Xu Dingyang asked softly.

"Since they are going to fight in the south, then it will be a good fight! We will wait for them to call people together!" Lu Guangtian was cold and cold, his face was full of murderous.

"Come on!" Lu Guangtian's voice just fell, Xiaobai said softly. A pair of eyes flashed blue and looked into the distance.

really. After a wave of volatility in the air, a black line appeared in the eyes of everyone, and the black line quickly filled the eyes of everyone. The Xu Haoge and other people on the ground changed their faces. In their vision, tens of thousands of Nanyu monks were swarming, and soon surrounded the Xujiagu monk.

"Ha ha ha..." Togo suddenly laughed, and laughed straight into the air. When the laughter is gone, Togo says:

"Xu Haoge, give you a good life, you don't know how to cherish. If you want to be a slave, you say that your family is not awkward!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Around tens of thousands of Nanyin monks laughed together and let Xu Haoge and others stunned, and they felt shameless.

"Is the South Wilderness, bullying me, no one?"

Just as the monks of the Southern Expedition laughed, they slid a voice from the air. The monks looked up and saw the thick clouds in the sky rushing toward the square. The nine figures slowly descended from the air, and the eyes turned coldly to Togo, Capricorn and Zhu Li.

Togo, Capricorn and Zhu Lie’s eyes are shrinking. They immediately saw that Lu Guangtian, Xu Haosang and Xu Haolong were the same as those of the early days of the transformation of the gods. In addition, there were three others who were repaired in the late Yuan Ying period and repaired in the early days of the two Yuan Ying. What shocked them most was the little girl who was about five years old. They even couldn’t see through each other’s cultivation. In fact, Xiao Bai's cultivation is only a seventh-order monster, but after he is deformed, he is automatically hidden after being repaired. This is the talent of the blood of the beast.

"who are you?"

Togo’s eyes showed a vigilant color. Xu Haoge and others are also shocked to see Lu Guangtian and others, but at this time the mood of the Nanyao and Xujiagu people is naturally different, because they have just heard the words of Lu Guangtian:

"Is the South Wilderness, bullying me, no one?"

Lu Guangtian’s eyes swept over the four weeks. When I saw the Nanyu monks who surrounded Xujiagu at this time, there were three monks and ten infant monks. These ten infant monks were just starting to fight with Xu Haoge and others. The six-infant period, together with the four-year-old monks who led the Nanyu monks to surround the Xujiagu monks. What Lu Guangtian doesn't know is that almost all the southern wild elites are concentrated here, in addition to five Yuan Ying period monks leading more than 100 knot Dan monks outside the ancient wilderness mountains, and six tracking. Xu Ziyan and others entered the Yuanying period monks in the ancient wilderness mountains, and the masters of the Southern Wilderness were concentrated outside Xujiagu.

Lu Guangtian’s heart is big, and his own side, besides himself, Xu Haosang and Xu Haolong, three monk monks, and six yuan infants, plus Xu Haoge and other six-infant monks, There are two more monks in the Yuan Ying period. Besides, can Xiaobai be counted as a monk in the Yuan Ying period? It is the early days of the gods that Lu Guangtian is not a small white opponent, and one side has already steadily fought in the upper hand. So, Lu Guangtian has any kind of politeness. When he saw Togo asking questions, he replied in a cold voice:

"Zhongyuan Xujia!"

This "Xuyuan Xujia" four words and one exit, the whole scene is a shock. Xu Haoge was overjoyed in his heart. He naturally responded in an instant. This is the person who came to the south of the Lotus Peak to find the king in the middle of the lotus peak. Look at the cultivation of the nine people in the air, except for two people, the remaining seven. People themselves can't see through it. A heart is excited, and can not help but sigh the power of the Central Plains Xu family. At the same time, my heart also sighed with relief. Fortunately, when the Nanyue monk smashed the Xujiagu stone monument, he led the Xujiagu monk to fight back. Otherwise, it was really a joke to the living of the Central Plains Xu family.

The indigenous people in the southern wilderness have some confusion in their hearts. One by one, the heart is secret, isn’t the Central Plains Xu family destroyed? So in the ancient times, their Xu family's talents fled to the south. How come the Central Plains Xu family now? On the occasion of Togo and others, Lu Guangtian has already sighed:


With the export of the word "kill", the nine figures in the sky rushed to their own opponents. That road Guangtian originally rushed to the middle of Togo, but a petite figure has surpassed him in an instant, and rushed to Togo. There is no one in the world than the speed. The white figure instantly deceives Togo, and a small fist instantly enlarges in the eyes of Togo.

Togo hurriedly released a body shield, but the shield of the body was just released, and the sound of the crack of "咔嚓" was heard in the ear. Togo saw that the body shield that he tried to release was actually shattered by a child of five years old in an instant. Under the panic, he had to bang out and greet Xiaobai’s fist.

A burst of continuous "squeaky" voice, Togo hurt to the bottom of my heart, knowing that his right arm has been crushed. No longer hesitating, his body quickly flew back, then a quick turn and fled to the distance.

Capricorn and Zhu Lie saw that Togo had turned and fled under a slogan, and he would not know where to come. I haven't waited for Xu Haosang and Xu Haolong to fly to the front of them, and turned and ran.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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