The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 759: Escape the valley

Congratulations to lilycheng816 students to become the best rudder master!


Xu Ziyan’s face was extremely pale at this time. Now only one acupoint has returned to the realm of Yuan Ying’s early period, and she has condensed twelve swords, which made her very hard. Even reached her limit!

I felt that the real yuan in my own acupoints had already been consumed and I was going to fall into the Yuan Ying period. I rushed out to take out a binary Dan and swallowed it, and then I swept my eyes around. The first thing I saw was Xu Xinggan, Xu Xingchen, Xu Yinyu and Xu Xingyu. I didn’t think that the four disciples who started the bloodline would join forces, and they would burst out of such power. Xu Ziyan’s heart could not help but admire. Waiting for the eyes to sweep across the air, the look can not help but become amazed.

This battle with the double-headed eagle, the Xu family monk lost a lot. There are only four hundred people left today. In the previous war, hundreds of people died. And the disciples of the refining period almost died, only 18 people left. Seeing that Xu Fei and Xu Yu are still alive, Xu Ziyan is slightly gratified. After all, after she came to Xujiagu, she was taken care of by these two people. People also have some feelings.

Although everyone is very depleted, they dare not fall in this valley. They have seen in the air that the monsters on the ground are so huge, and they dare to fall to the ground. Xu Ziyan sighed a bit:

"Everyone takes the drug immediately, we continue to go inside, hoping to find a place to cultivate as soon as possible."

When the words fell, taking advantage of the time when everyone swallowed the medicinal herbs, Xu Ziyan took out 720 six-piece Fubao from the storage ring and laid out a mask. Cover everyone in it. Nowadays, the most powerful Fubao in the storage ring of Xu Ziyan is the six products, so Xu Ziyan can only win by quantity. Almost the six-character treasure in the storage ring is consumed and the shield is laid out.

After the shield is laid. Xu Ziyan led everyone and continued to fly deep into the valley. Xu Ziyan had her goal in her heart. The surrounding ridges become the trend of the five dragons gathering, then the center of the five dragons gathering must be the most aura of the aura. It should be the best place to cultivate.

It is not far from the center of the five dragons. It took only about two quarters of an hour, and a beautiful scene appeared in the eyes of Xu Ziyan and others.

It is a lake, the aura of the aura that hangs over the water surface, the fog is very thick, almost cloud-like, surrounded by ancient trees around the lake, and a variety of spiritual flowers, fighting for beauty. The consciousness of Xu Ziyan hangs over and over again. The heart is a shock, the water in the lake is actually the spirit liquid, although not as the concentration of the spirit liquid in her space, but it is also very pure.

All the Xu family monks in the air are also very happy at this time, and are intoxicated by the scenery in front of them. Suddenly, the water on the lake violently rolled over. Nine black spots floated up from the lake, and the nine black spots gradually increased and enlarged. The eyes of Xu Ziyan and others were shrinking. The nine black spots turned out to be nine snake heads. The nine snake heads continued to rise, gradually revealing the snake body, and Xu Ziyan and others were even more confused. The nine snake heads turned out to be a body.

"Nine-headed snake!" Xu Hao violently exclaimed.

"Call up!" Xu Ziyan exclaimed.

All the monks have experienced the trip to the ancient wilderness mountains, and the conditions for Xu Ziyan have formed a conditioned reflex. When Xu Ziyan said an exit, all the Xu family monks would fly toward the air without a life. Behind it is a series of spell attacks. There are various spells in Jinmu Shuihuo, and they are rushing out from the nine snake heads. Fortunately, Xu Ziyan and others have been alert to the ground. It is very far from the ground. At this time, they fled above the sky in desperation, and the spells released by the Hydra did not catch up with them.

The high ground is standing in the air, and the lake below it is a small point. The Hydra is almost invisible, and Xu Hao stares at the lake. Asked in a panic;

"Ziyan, is the Hydra a few-stage monster?"

Xu Ziyan's eyes are blue and strobe. The shape of the Hydra was quickly pulled in the eyes of Kuang Peng, and the heart was shocked. Xu Ziyan said bitterly:

"Nine steps!"

"Nine orders? Isn't that the equivalent of a monk in the distraction period?" Xu Hao's face was extremely ugly.

Anyone who saw such a cultivation holy place was occupied by a monster, and he could not use it, and his heart would not feel good. A thousand hardships, lost hundreds of people, and finally found here, but this is the scene, a family of monks can not help but feel depressed. Xu Ziyan smiled lightly. Before entering the valley, she was ready to refine the Wanli Yellow Sands. She did not expect to deal with a 9th-order monster.

Waving a handful of handcuffs to the shield, stabilized the shield in the air, and then transmitted a glimpse of Guanghua into the eyebrows of Xu Haoyu, and passed the simple method of controlling the mask to Xu Hao. Storm, then turned to the surrounding Xu family monk:

"You are staying here, I am going to kill the Hydra! After that we are practicing here!"


All the monks were shocked to see Xu Ziyan, but it was a nine-order monster! Just now Xu Ziyan was so laborious to deal with a double-headed eagle, but now he said that he would deal with a nine-order monster, and all the monks showed unbelievable eyes. Xu Ziyan did not explain, the figure was worn out of the shield, and the gods hang down from the air, covering the lake.

The Hydra in the lake below was a little uneasy, staring fiercely at the purple smoke in the sky, not knowing what the other party was doing. Xu Ziyan determined through the knowledge of the one hundred and eight points to take out a column and hit the point. The nine-headed gaze was so sharp that it seemed to feel that the pillar could pose a threat to himself. Suddenly a snake head turned and locked the pillar that had landed rapidly from the air. A golden light flashed over and bombarded the pillar. The pillars were shattered.

Xu Ziyan’s look was awkward, and his position was too close to the Hydra. Originally, Xu Ziyan felt that the layout of the Wanli Huangsha was just a matter of wrapping the lake in it. Now it seems that this program is simply not feasible, and the Hydra will not let it calmly set the pillars.

Xu Ziyan had to reset the 108 points of the Wanli Yellow Sands. This time, Xu Ziyan set a hundred and eight points very far. After resetting, Xu Ziyan first tried to play against that point. Into a column. The Hydra saw a pillar hanging from the distant sky, and once again attacked a spell and attacked the past with the pillar, but because of the distance, the spell did not hit the pillar.

Xu Ziyan was happy in his heart, flashing his body quickly and flew toward the next point. The Hydra blinked and suddenly rushed out of the lake. The figure flickered in the air and flew toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was shocked and his face changed color. Suddenly remembered, the ninth-order monsters can be used in the air. The figure suddenly flickered, and a series of teleports ran towards the distance.

The Hydra saw Xu Ziyan's body shape disappearing in different directions for a while, and then appeared, gradually drifting away, unable to lock the shape of Xu Ziyan. Stayed in the air, slammed into the air and snorted. He turned his head and looked at Xu Haoyu and other people over the lake, but saw Xu Haoyu and others disappeared into the air. It turned out that Xu Hao violently saw Xu Ziyan escape, and saw that the Hydra could fly in the air. He had already scared him to control the mask and flew away from the sky.

The Hydra seems to be very attached to the lake, just like all the monsters, not willing to leave their territory. Seeing that Xu Ziyan and Xu Haoyu and others were far away, they placed nine huge heads and screamed a few times, as if they had warned Xu Ziyan and others, then flew back to the lake and sank into Among the lakes.

Xu Ziyan’s body appeared thousands of miles away. He raised his hand and patted his chest. He spit out a long breath, and his eyes still showed a horror. When the look gradually calmed down, Xu Ziyan was shocked and thought of the situation of Xu Haowei and others, and hurriedly flew into the air and looked around.

At the same time, spread the knowledge of God in all directions. After a quarter of an hour, when Xu Ziyan was burning, he saw Xu Haowei controlling the shield to flee in his direction. Xu Ziyan was in a shape and flew away toward the shield. Xu Haowei and other people inside the shield saw the shape of Xu Ziyan, and they all breathed a sigh of relief and flew in the direction of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan entered the shroud and took control of the shroud, controlling the shroud to continue to escape toward the distance. All the way to escape the valley, back to the mouth of the valley, this was a relief, scattered the shield, the six-character treasures were collected, everyone landed in the valley mouth.

Looking back at the valley, everyone has a lingering fear, and the feeling of the rest of the robbery comes to mind. Xu Hao said with a sorrowful smile:

"Ziyan, we are still honestly staying outside the valley, there is not a place where we can go."

The look on Xu Ziyan's face is uncertain. If it is before, whether it enters the valley, Xu Ziyan is not very concerned. However, after she discovered the lake, Xu Ziyan only wanted to practice in the lake. With that lake, even if the purple smoke can not open the seal of Dantian, it can fill 365 holes in the body in a very short time. At the thought of being able to fill all the 365 holes in the body, and there is still the possibility of unblocking the Dantian seal, Xu Ziyan will never calm down again. I took a deep breath and said to Xu Haowei and others:

"You are temporarily searching for resources outside the valley. When I am ready, I will go to the valley alone!"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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