The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 760: Reappearing Wanli Yellow Sand

Thank you very much FM1, jiaxinluna2, mamm, I am not a pink ticket for Angel!

I am very grateful to the fat chubby classmates (588), Tang Tang 8719 classmates (588), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (200), and the left handwritten poem 731 classmates (100) for the reward!


"Ziyan!" Xu Hao was shocked.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and said: "I have a way, you don't care! Now you are free to search for resources, don't bother me."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan looked around and looked for a piece of land to fly away. First, the other column that was crushed by the Hydra was refining one, and then they took out the Xujia monks who got these days. The demon skin and the blood of the demon, began to make nine treasures.

After seven days, Xu Ziyan produced a batch of nine-character Fubao, and then used a nine-character Fubao to set up a yin and yang in the valley mouth to reverse the small five-line array, and then let the Xu family monks stop searching for resources, but enter the yin and yang upside down. Practice in the five elements. After that, Xu Ziyan stood in front of the valley again.

In the eyes of the Xu family's worries, Xu Ziyan placed a converging symbol on his body, and he wanted to adjust his breath to the lowest level, like an ordinary person who did not do anything. Even the breath of the day after tomorrow is not, it is completely an ordinary person. The figure flew up into the air, and took out eighteen pieces of Jiu Pin Fu Bao cloth to form a small mask, flying toward the inside of the valley.

At the beginning, the array of 108,000 miles of Huangsha Dazheng was remembered in the consciousness of Xu Ziyan. When it was not far from one of the arrays, Xu Ziyan dispersed the mask. Falling from the sky to the ground, hiding in a giant tree. There was nothing hidden in the breath of the breath, and Xu Ziyan quietly spread the knowledge out of her, and there was a giant in her god. It turned out to be an eighth-order monster. When the purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan swept through it, the giant cockroach looked around intently, but could not feel a touch of breath, thinking about attacking the past along the gods. Xu Ziyan has already recovered the gods, while his body is flashing and teleported.

The giant scorpion beast confusely stalked the gods around, and after he found nothing, he took back the gods and squatted there. Xu Ziyan's body slid quietly in the valley, silently approaching the set of miles of yellow sand. After the point of the battle, a column was taken from the storage ring. A handcuffs quickly shot, and the column was shot into the ground, then it was a flash, teleported out, hidden in an old tree.

On the ground of that point, the brilliance flashed and swayed outward. There was a wave of volatility in the space, and then peace was restored. The surrounding monsters looked up at the direction of the point, and then they stunned one by one.

Xu Ziyan hides the breath, carefully plucking in the forest, and constantly pushes a string of columns into a single point. The space constantly evoked a trace of undulations, and finally the vicious beast surrounding the lake was five hundred miles, and the powerful gods were swept across in all directions.

Xu Ziyan was tightly attached to a tree trunk, holding all the breath, and even the breathing stopped. God does not dare to reveal the slightest. In my heart, I have already laid out 96 pillars. Only a dozen pillars will be deployed in the Wanli Yellow Sands.

The **** of the sky is still scanning back and forth. Fortunately, Xu Ziyan did not feel the knowledge of the Hydra in these gods. After so many quarters of time, the sweeping knowledge gradually disappeared. Xu Ziyan waited for another quarter of an hour, and then he began to move carefully. Flying towards the next point.

When Xu Ziyan laid down the 97th column, the countless gods swept. Xu Ziyan quickly teleported out and then hid.

This time, it was not only the sweeping of the gods, but the monsters who occupied the vicinity of the battlefield went to the point where they went, and went back and forth a few times back and forth. Finally, they found nothing. They shook their heads and returned. .

Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath and waited for about a quarter of an hour to sneak past the 98th point. Carefully avoiding the monsters on the way, all the way to the trepidation of the pillars, when she was laid to the 106th column, a fascinating knowledge swept over, Xu Ziyan even had no time to teleport, Immediately hidden in a nearby tree. And quickly use the change of the Central Plains machine to transform himself into a branch.

The fascinating **** was the Hydra in the lake. At this time, the nine snake heads floated out of the water, and the fascinating gods kept sweeping around. The continuous space fluctuations finally awakened it, and the place that was swept by its gods, quietly, for a moment, the monsters trembled on the ground, dare not have the slightest move, let alone release the gods . Only the knowledge of the Hydra was swept back and forth throughout the space.

The knowledge of the Hydra swept through the time of half an hour, and finally found nothing. This took back the gods, and the nine snake heads slowly sink into the water.

Xu Ziyan sighed with a sigh of relief. The knowledge of the Hydra had been scanned back and forth on her body. If Xu Ziyan did not become a branch, I would rather hide it with a stagnation. The knowledge of the head snake was discovered. Xu Ziyan stayed on the tree motionless. This time she had endured an hour of time, and it floated down from the tree, and this time it didn’t dare to change back to the human form, but still used the branch. The appearance floated in the space and flew toward the hundred and seven.

Fly and stop, dodging, and finally flew to the 107th. Slowly, without the slightest breath, the branch was turned out of the palms of both hands, and the pillars were taken out and handcuffed out. The pillars swayed out of the brilliance and plunged into the ground. The branches quickly The ground flies to a big tree next to it, blending with the big tree.

The fascinating gods swept through the body of Xu Ziyan, the **** of the Hydra. The Hymn's knowledge lasted for a long time, and it seemed that it also felt a danger. The gods were scanning back and forth around the lake, and after a day, they were still scanning back and forth. Xu Ziyan did not dare to move, standing quietly on the branches.

Two days passed and three days passed. Finally, the Hydra gave up the scan of the gods and slowly collected the knowledge.

However, Xu Ziyan still did not dare to have the slightest fluctuations, still staying in the tree with a branch. Sure enough, after an hour, the fascinating gods swept over, and then the gods disappeared again. After an hour, it was swept again, so repeated, it was two days.

Outside the valley, Xu Haowei and others have waited for the urgency of the fire. Many days have passed, and no purple smoke has come back. I have not heard any movements in the valley. If Xu Ziyan really fights with the Hydra, they are waiting for the distance from the lake. The power of the 9th-order monsters can also make them feel the fluctuation of the space. However, there is no movement now, so that they are all uncertain.

Three days passed. In these three days, Xu Ziyan kept quietly staying in the tree as a branch. In the three days, I never felt the knowledge of the Hydra. Xu Ziyan sighed with a sigh of relief. The figure was out of the trunk, and the branch once again quietly drifted toward the last point.

A little bit of wind and grass, Xu Ziyan immediately hid. This is the last point, Xu Ziyan is more careful. Feifei stopped and went, dodging, and finally at midnight after a day, Xu Ziyan flew to the last point. Quietly hidden in the vicinity of the point, Xu Ziyan was so quietly hiding there, after an hour, seeing no movement, then took out the last column, hands flipping the handcuffs It broke into the depths of the ground.

After that, Xu Ziyan no longer hides his body shape and rushes into the Wanli Yellow Sands and restores the human form. Within the entire Wanli Huangsha big array, she is the master, and the 9th-order monster is not her opponent. Of course, if the 9th-order Wicked Beast broke through the last pass and reached the 10th order, Xu Ziyan would have to hide far.

Because the ten-order monster is already equivalent to the Mahayana period, as long as it reaches the tenth-order monster peak, it can break the void and become a beast and fly, Xu Ziyan is naturally not its opponent.

After Xu Ziyan put the last pillar into the ground, the 108 points from the lake's 500-mile radius suddenly became brilliant, and 108 scenes rose into the sky, and the hundred and eight roads Guanghua rushed into a piece, like a huge light column straight into the sky.

All the monsters in the valley looked up and looked at the colorful beams of the sky in shock.

Outside the valley, the yin and yang turned upside down in the small five-line array of Xu family monks, and looked up at the colorful beams of light that rushed.

"Is this purple smoke made?"

Xu Hao murmured himself, and the rest of the Xu family monks thought that this sound was actually made by Xu Ziyan, one by one full of shock and worship.

In the lake in the center, the lake was screaming, and the nine snakes of the Hydra rushed out of the water, and the whole body rushed out of the lake, standing in the air, and nine heads staring blankly. And the colorful light column.

The colorful beams of light slowly dissipated in the air, and everything was calm. The Nine-headed Hydra looked around in confusion, and nine heads kept looking around, and the gods spread over and over.

The nine heads of the Hydra suddenly stood upright, and they were horrified in their eyes, because it found that their gods were bound, but they were blocked even if they were less than a hundred miles away, and they were being suppressed at an extremely fast speed. Come back, just a few breaths of time, its gods can not extend for ten miles, and after a few more time, its knowledge can not extend the distance of five meters.


The pink ticket was taken down! Are the comrades going out on vacation? Let the bell move alone in a single battle! When will you be back!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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