The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 767: Early God

I am very grateful to Wen Xiaowen (10000), fat fat chubby classmate (588), Yu Yu 645098 classmate (100), chasing the daughter of the Japanese classmate (100)!


On the opposite side of Xu Xingdong’s mouth, Xu Ziyan, who was sitting on the floor and staring at the floor. He naturally felt the breath of epiphany from Xu Ziyan's body!

"This is also true? When did the epiphany become so simple? Is this the wisdom of the king?"

However, the ensuing heart is the ecstasy of the middle. Since Xu Ziyan can be enlightened because of his own problems, it means his own problems. The king is likely to solve after the epiphany. Xu Xingdong also hurriedly sat on the ground, looking at Xu Ziyan with the look of hope and worship, and single-mindedly gave Xu Ziyan protection.

After such a day, the breath of Xu Ziyan’s body fluctuated greatly, which is obviously a sign of impending breakthrough.

Not bad! Xu Ziyan’s wood meaning finally reached the realm of Zhongcheng’s peak because of Xu Xingdong’s chance, and almost touched the veil of Dacheng’s realm. At the same time, because of the understanding of the heavens, the improvement of the state of mind, the barriers of the sacred period.

However, Xu Ziyan knows that this is not the best place to break through. The best place is naturally in the lake, and let the **** disciples lay out a series of twelve elephants for themselves. This will make your breakthrough easier, and the power after the breakthrough is even more powerful. At the same time, it can also make those **** disciples get a lot of benefits.

Struggling to suppress his own breakthrough, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and spread the knowledge quickly. Quickly found a dead tree trunk ten miles away, but there is a bud in the root of the tree showing a vitality, it is the appearance of dead wood.

Xu Ziyan sent a thousand miles to Xu Hao tyrant: "I will immediately deploy 12 elephants!" and then jumped from the ground. A hand grabbed Xu Xingdong's shoulder, and his body shape was a few teleports. Then he came to the dead wood where the ten-year-old was outside, and his brilliance flashed. He entered Xu Xingdong's eyebrows and taught his understanding of the dead wood to Xu Xingdong, then said to him:

"You are here staring at the buds on the dead wood to comprehend the dead woods!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan did not wait for Xu Xingdong to return, but his body flashed and quickly moved toward the lake. Xu Xingdong looked a glimpse, but his mind quickly flashed the dead wood that Xu Ziyan had taught him, and he saw the green shoots on the dead wood. I realized that I immediately sat on the ground with my knees and shrouded the buds on the dead wood and dead wood into the epiphany.

Over there, Xu Hao sneaked into the thousands of miles of Xu Ziyan, and immediately jumped out of the water and conveyed the command of Xu Ziyan. A group of **** disciples jumped up from the water immediately and excitedly. There were a series of twelve elephants in a hurry. Because they know that they can get a lot of benefits when they set up twelve elephants to help the king break through. And this thing, those ordinary disciples have also heard the **** disciples said, one by one enviously looked at those **** disciples.

Suddenly, a disciple with an ordinary blood ran to the back of the **** disciple, sitting cross-legged outside the twelve elephants. The ordinary **** disciples first glimpsed, and then one by one suddenly realized. If you stick to the 12 elephants and practice, and wait for the king to break through, will you get some benefits as well.

Think of it here. One of the ordinary **** disciples rushed to the periphery of the twelve elephants. Sitting cross-legged in the lake, and also swallowed the remedy, ready for everything.

At this time, a figure fell from the air. It fell in the middle of the twelve elephants. It was the rushing Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan fell into the array of twelve elephants. I immediately sat down on the knees and laid out the obstacles and wrapped myself inside. After that, I will let go of the gods, gather the true elements, and begin to go toward the shock of the gods.

During the time, Xu Ziyan exhaled into a silk, the internal thunder and thunder, the bones and bones rang, the blood reversed, the acupoints panned, the eyes were born, the vitality entered the body, and the condensate became a soldier...

The body slammed and slammed, and the barriers of the sacred period were broken. The real elements in the body ran in the meridians and rumbling toward Dantian.

As soon as the barriers of the sacred period were broken, Xu Ziyan immediately flew into the purple smoke space, and the heavenly way of the purple smoke space began to frantically absorb the aura of the outside world.

Outside, the rich aura began to gather again toward Xu Ziyan. The rich aura in the whole lake once again quickly gathered toward Xu Ziyan. The lake once again formed a vortex around Xu Ziyan, which suddenly surged toward Xu Ziyan.

The aura of richness In a short period of time, the dense fog above the entire lake is gathered around the purple smoke, and other places become visible again.

At this time, like the last breakthrough of Xu Ziyan, around the Xu Ziyan, the spiritual fog has become rich into a sea of ​​clouds, forming a huge vortex on the top of Xu Ziyan, which was inhaled into the body by Xu Ziyan. The lake below is also forming a huge vortex. Xu Ziyan is like a black hole, inhaling the aura of the upper and lower vortex.

While the **** disciples appeared in Xu Ziyan, they once again felt that the frequency of the twelve elephants at this time was completely integrated with the frequency of Xu Ziyan. The rich aura of the day and the water was once again unaffected. They rushed in and frantically into their bodies.

The speed at which this kind of aura is transformed into a real element is that they were several times higher when Xu Ziyan broke through. One by one, I was so ecstatic, I immediately got one by one and entered the cultivation. The ordinary blood disciples who are sitting outside the 12 elephants, although they don’t feel the frequency of the fusion, feel the strong aura, regardless of whether they can eat or not, but only forcefully toward their bodies. Instilled.

Those ordinary disciples are overjoyed in their hearts, and they will waste this opportunity. They endure the pain of being forcibly instilled in the body, and try their best to run in the meridians like a big river running through the river, facing the barriers that are separated in their own bodies. go with.

Within the purple smoke space, all the planets are once again growing, and the planet inhabited by peach blossoms and others has expanded and the size of the vast continent. And the most promising purple smoke is that the entire purple smoke space has once again expanded, the entire purple smoke space has expanded so that the purple smoke is surprised by its huge, its deep.

At the same time, countless spiritual powers began to condense new planets, and the whole purple smoke space was star-studded. The cultivation of Xu Ziyan finally broke through the early days of the gods. With the continuous influx of spiritual power, the realm gradually stabilized.

Among the lakes outside, Xu’s disciples, whether they are **** disciples or ordinary disciples, have been greatly upgraded. And two-thirds of the people once again made a breakthrough, so that the strength of this team is different from when it first entered the ancient wilderness mountains.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and saw that the disciples around him were looking at themselves with excitement. With a gaze, now there are 418 people here, there are eight monks in the mid-infant, 42 monks in the early days of the Yuan, 280 monks above the knot, and the remaining seven. Eighteen people are also monks who have built a base period. In this team, there is no longer a refining monk. At the beginning, it was the weakest Xu Fei and Xu Yu. At this time, it was also the second level of the foundation period.

"Congratulations to you!" Xu Ziyan said with delight.

"Congratulations to the king!" The Xu family monks also congratulated Xu Ziyan.

"You continue to cultivate!"

Xu Ziyan was still worried about Xu Xingdong, and he squatted and flew in the direction of Xu Xingdong. Before I came to the dead wood, I saw that Xu Xingdong had closed his eyes at this time, and did not look at the green buds on the dead wood, but his body fluctuated with the breath of enlightenment.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze swept across Xu Xingdong’s face and saw that his original numbness was as hard as a dead wood. Xu Ziyan nodded slightly, knowing that Xu Xingdong is developing in a good direction. If this time he can really understand the meaning of this dead wood, and get the rebirth of his life, his strength will have a qualitative leap.

Putting down the worry about Xu Xingdong, Xu Ziyan’s mind drifted above the five dragons outside the Wansha Huangsha. Now that her Dantian has unlocked the seal, she has raised the idea of ​​collecting the five dragons.

When the figure flickered, Xu Ziyan went out of the Wansha Yellow Sands and came to a ridge. The ridges undulating into a dragon shape, at this time Xu Ziyan stood at the head of the dragon. I explored the gods into the dragon's head and felt the exuberant earthy atmosphere. Xu Ziyan knew that this was a soil dragon.

The gods searched constantly in the dragon's head, and soon found a dragon soul that was only one foot in the center of the dragon's head. An ancient wild power has spread from the dragon soul. This dragon soul is not born by the dragon, but a kind of dragon soul born by nature. However, although the potential is huge, but because it is only a newborn, not only is the power still weak, but the intelligence is also very weak, giving the feeling of Xu Ziyan, not as smart as the water of the palm of the hand.

The brilliance of Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows flashed, and a ray of light emerged from the eyebrows. She shot on the ridge of the ridge, and the gods madly poured into the dragon’s head, wrapping the dragon soul inside, the dragon The soul felt the shrine of Xu Ziyan shrouded, suddenly violently churned up, and played against Xu Ziyan.

The power that belongs to the dragon sent a fierce attack to the consciousness of Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan was not moved. At this time, the intensity of Xu Ziyan’s knowledge has reached the realm of distraction. Every epiphany will increase the spiritual strength of Xu Ziyan, not to mention the spiritual strength of Xu Ziyan.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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