The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 768: Facing Yunfeifeng (for Wen Wenwen's Heshi)

Congratulations to my classmates, Dahuoluo Pills became the best rudder master!


After the earth gods and Xu Ziyan’s gods fought for an hour, they finally realized that their strength was not as good as the purple smoke, and they wanted to break through the sacredness of Xu Ziyan and fled to the depths of the ridge. However, the purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan tightly shrouded it inside, and the dragon soul anxiously tumbling in the shroud of Xu Ziyan, trying to rush a trace of Xu Ziyan's gods and escape from it.

Although Xu Ziyan’s gods are powerful, the dragon is a dragon, even if it is only a newborn. But the power of the soul does exceed the vast majority of the beasts, standing on the top of the beast. Therefore, although the Dragon Soul could not escape in the shroud of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan could not further use the gods to bind the dragon spirit, and then collected his own purple smoke space, and there was a moment between the two. .

So it took a day and a night, Xu Ziyan did not receive the dragon soul within the purple smoke space. Xu Ziyan was a little anxious, while using the gods to cover the soul tightly, preventing it from escaping, while transporting the sword, the sword was covered with both hands, then picked up his hands and took a palm to the front. Ridge.

What surprised Xu Ziyan was that the ridge was very hard, and Xu Ziyan slammed several palms in a row, and did not even let the ridge have the slightest crack. Xu Ziyan stopped her palms and looked at the ridge with twinkling eyes. Suddenly, she thought of a move, and a giant axe was held in her hands.

Xu Ziyan clasped the fairy with both hands, and the real element in the body was madly poured into the big axe. Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s heart was a glimpse. She has discovered that since she entered the period of the gods, her own Dantian and Ziyan space have been completely integrated. The former purple smoke space only existed in Dantian, but now it is Dantian or purple smoke space. The purple smoke space is also Dantian.

Now she instills her real yuan into the giant axe, and the aura in the purple world is swarming. Through her own meridians, through her arms, her hands are poured into the fairy. And with Xu Ziyan advanced to the stage of the gods. The purple smoke space is not only the space is getting bigger, the quantity of the aura is also becoming vast, and it is becoming more and more intense. Although it is still true, it is far from being able to compare with Xianyuan. However, its purity is not comparable to that of a normal monk, even if it is not comparable to a normal Mahayana monk.

Therefore, between Xu Ziyan and the gods, the true Yuan force in the purple smoke space is continuously instilled into the fairy. Although it is not Xianyuan. The real power required is a lot, and the speed of starting the fairy is too slow, but after an hour, Xu Ziyan finally started the giant axe.

A wave of power that does not belong to this world descends into the valley, and the time in the valley becomes quiet. The power of the fairy spreads throughout the valley, and all the monsters are trembling. I dare not have the slightest move, and even some monsters have been scared to sneak.

Among the ancient wilderness mountains, Lu Guangtian and others suddenly stopped the shape of the flight and looked up into the distance. They felt a wave of power, and the kind of fluctuation made them feel guilty. At this time, Xiaobai suddenly said:

"I feel that the master's breath is in the direction of that wave!"

Lu Guangtian and others are in the heart. The wave of power in the distance makes them fear. They feel that they are so small in the face of that kind of volatility. However, now the king of his own is there. Perhaps it is experiencing the danger of embarrassment. Lu Guangtian bites his teeth:

"Let's go see!"

Seven people looked at each other. The eyes are clearly entangled with each other, and the figure flies away from the front. Above the top of their heads, a figure was standing in the air, and she glanced at Lu Guangtian and others. I was too lazy to take another look, and my eyes looked deep into the distant power fluctuations. Mouted in his mouth:

"What is the power of this weapon? It is even stronger than the best treasure! Is it a spiritual device? No, even the best spirits are not so powerful."

The mind suddenly slammed, and the noble and elegant face became red and excited.

"Is it a fairy? I don't know if it is Xu Ziyan or Yue Jing!"

Stepping out, I have to leave the place, but she has just taken a half step and the whole body is stiff in the air. There was a fierce roar in the space, and the time was over, the air was moving, and the hurricane was overflowing. It seemed that the entire ancient wilderness was shaking.

In the valley, Xu Ziyan held a tomahawk in his hands and squatted on the ridge of the ridge. Although the ridge was hard and abnormal, it was finally burst under the violent slash of the fairy. With the flying of the gravel, a slap-sized dragon soul appeared in front of Xu Ziyan.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan tightly shrouded the dragon soul and lost the protection of the hard ridge. The dragon soul began to panic. Xu Ziyan's body shape flickered, and he flew to the front of the dragon soul. He put his hands together and put the dragon soul in his hand.


The dragon soul was taken into the purple smoke space by Xu Ziyan, and then the dragon soul was thrown onto a planet with the strongest soil properties. Looking up, looking at the broken ridge in front of him, I couldn't help but laugh. Xu Ziyan smiled and smiled, and her eyes were a little moist, because she suddenly remembered that she had no idea how long it had not been so happy to laugh.

Anyway, there are no people here, and those in the Wanli Huangsha big array can't hear their own laughter. So, Xu Ziyan smiled enough. While laughing, he flew away toward the ridge of another ridge. Suddenly, her laughter came to an abrupt end, and there was no turning back to see what was going on, and she went to the Wanli Huangsha burst.

Because she felt the fluctuation of the space, knowing that a monk is coming here. Xu Ziyan didn't want people to know that he was here, so he didn't even return, and a series of teleports went to the Wanli Huangsha. However, what worried her was still happening, and there was a pleasant voice behind her:

"Xu Ziyan!"

Then, Xu Ziyan felt that it was only an instant, and the owner of the voice had already arrived behind her. She has been able to feel the other's hand is grabbing her back.

Fortunately, Xu Ziyan did not hesitate at first, and immediately moved to the Wanli Huangsha. Yunfeifeng did not expect that there would be a large-scale volcanic sandstorm here. She had already looked at the valley in an instant, and felt that Xu Ziyan could not escape her own palm, so she did not come up with her own peak skills. She only took out three layers of repairs to bully Xu Ziyan.

That's it, just in an instant, it was behind Xu Ziyan, and at this time Xu Ziyan also reached the edge of Wanli Huangsha. Suddenly, the real element in the purple smoke space rushed into the meridians in the form of an explosion. Several meridians were instantly damaged, but the speed of Xu Ziyan’s teleport suddenly increased several times, and the figure rushed into it. Miles of yellow sand, disappeared without a trace.

Looking at myself with a hand that grabbed the air, there was a strange look on his face. She did not think that she had taken a steady stance, but she was escaped by the acceleration of Xu Ziyan. There was a curious color on his face, and the sky stepped forward toward the front. One foot just stepped out and suddenly stood in the void, and there was a shock on his face. A dangerous warning came to her heart, and the gods quickly spread out and broke into the Wansha Huangsha.

However, the gods only broke into the hurricane of the Wanli Huangsha for about five meters, and they could not extend the inch. Let Yunfeifeng's look change, standing outside the vast array of thousands of miles of sand, the look on his face is uncertain.

The figure suddenly rose, and the fascinating gods swept over the entire Wanli Yellow Sands. After half an hour, Yunfeifeng took back his knowledge and sat on the white clouds with his knees, frowning and staring at the large-scale sandstorm underneath. Once again, God’s knowledge was transmitted from the eyebrows and scanned over the vast array of thousands of miles of sand. For about a quarter of an hour, it seemed that Yunfeifeng had found a node, waved a hand and bombarded it. . The dense fog in the large-scale array of thousands of miles of sand swelled in a circle, swaying in the distance. However, the big array is still intact.

Yunfeifeng was stunned. She thought that she had found the array of nodes without any mistakes, so she would repair it to the peak of the early peak of Mahayana, and waved it again. As the hurricane descended, a series of sounds of air being blasted came from the entire space. The Wanli Yellow Sands swayed violently, swaying toward the surroundings more than just a few times faster.


Within the big array, Xu Ziyan looked at the Yunfeifeng outside the Wansha Huangsha, and when the Wanli Huangsha burst finally resisted the attack of Yunfeifeng, she was relieved. Sure enough, this big array today is able to withstand the early attacks of Mahayana. Although it is strong, it is what makes Yunfeifeng faceless in the face of the Wanli Yellow Sands.

Yunfeifeng tried again a few times and saw that he could not break this big array. Then I said coldly:

"Xu Ziyan, are you going to hide in a big battle for a lifetime? Hehe..."

Xu Ziyan silently said, and his heart was very anxious. If this Yunfeifeng really stays here and doesn't leave, it is really a trouble. I really can't hide here for a lifetime. The aura here is so rich. Who knows if this Yunfeifeng will practice here while waiting for himself?

After all, Yunfeifeng was a monk in the Mahayana period. He did not have the identity and Xu Ziyan to make a squabble. Seeing Xu Ziyan hiding in the big array did not speak. I also ignored Xu Ziyan, but looked around. This volume, as the Mahayana period of Yunfengfeng immediately discovered the difference in the mountain. The terrain of Wulong's gas gathering is instantly presented in front of Yunfeifeng.


Tired has no strength to ask for a ticket! Just say these words! Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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