The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 770: Facing the four big rides

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan stretched out a finger and made a circle in the air, and a circle of water appeared around them, revealing the outside scene very clearly.

Outside of this time, the four Mahayana monks on the vast mainland, each standing in front of a dragon head, are collecting the dragon soul they want. Xu Ziyan glanced at the four people in the water curtain. Yun Feifeng was the first to start. The dragon head had been broken by her by two-thirds, and it was all broken. The cultivation of the solitary smoke in Ximen is the strongest of the four, and his process is faster than Yunfeifeng. Yan Xingyun and Wang Woyun were not as good as the solitary smoke of Ximen, and they came late. At this time, they only shattered the dragon head in front of them.

Xu Ziyan did not think that when the four Mahayana monks collected the dragon soul, they fled with people. However, she saw that it was impossible to use an hour of time, and the monks of the four Mahayana periods would be able to collect the dragon soul. How long can I run for myself at an hour? The monks of the Mahayana period want to catch up with themselves and others, that is, breathing time, even if they take a small white.

And as soon as he leaves, if the solitary smoke of Ximen does not want to help himself, then he can completely ignore it. After he collected the Dragon Soul, he returned directly to the Western Heaven City. However, if you don’t leave, waiting for Yunfeifeng, Wang Woyun and Yan Xingyun want to make trouble for yourself, taking advantage of the solitary smoke in Ximen, you can make a decision to let Ximen’s solitary smoke still be the last one, dragging the cloud. Feifeng three people, so they can wait for themselves to leave calmly.

Therefore, the four Mahayana monks outside collected the dragon soul in a single heart, and Xu Ziyan led the Xu family to stand in the Wansha Huangsha big array to pay attention to their results.

Less than an hour. The solitary smoke of Ximen first collected the dragon spirit of the water system. Immediately after the time of five interest, Yunfeifeng successfully collected the fire dragon spirit. After the two men collected the dragon soul, the hand was in the air. Smiling at Wang Woyun and Yan Xingyun. After another two quarters of an hour, Wang Liyun and Yan Xingyun both collected gold and wood dragon souls at the same time. The four Mahayana periods looked at each other and laughed. In the valley is filled with joyful laughter:

"Ha ha ha..."

When the laughter was finished, Yunfeifeng smiled and said: "Three brothers, do you know who I saw in this valley?"

When I heard Yunfeifeng, Xu Ziyan and others in the Wanli Yellow Sands array changed their faces, and looked at the four Mahayana monks in the air curtain. When I heard Yunfeifeng’s words, Ximen’s solitary smoke, Wang Woyun and Yan Xingyun also looked at Yunfeifeng. Yunfeifeng’s eyes contain a smile, faintly said:

"I met Xu Ziyan here."

Three Mahayana monks listened. The eyes condensed, but in an instant they looked at the Wanli Huangsha. Xu Ziyan, among the thousands of miles of Huangsha, couldn’t help but smile and shouted out loud outside the big array:

"Xu Ziyan met four seniors!"

The three Mahayana monks recovered their eyes from the Wanli Huangsha Grand Array and looked at Yunfeifeng with a glimpse of the strange colors. Yunfeifeng shrugged naturally:

"Don't look at me, that Xu Ziyan is slippery and tight, and I feel that someone has come here. Even if I don't even have a head, I ran into that big array. And this big array I really can't crack."

The solitary smoke of Ximen, Wang Liyun and Yan Xingyun re-evaluated the large-scale hurricane of the Wanli, and the gods swept away. About a quarter of an hour, the three Mahayana monks retracted the gods, and the solitary smoke of Ximen dropped his eyes without saying a word. What makes Yunfeifeng and Wang Woyun strange is that Yan Xingyun also hangs his eyes and says nothing, they naturally won't know, Yan Xingyun listened to his son Yan Hongfei talking about Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan. After one pass, I have already dismissed Xu Ziyan.

not to mention. After the soul of Yanshan wakes up. Yan Xingyun also personally made a detailed discussion with Yanshan soul. Yanshan soul unmistakably expressed his heart to Xu Ziyan's maintenance, and finally told Yan Xingyun that Xu Ziyan only got five cents in He Boju, but did not hesitate to give himself four. Xu Ziyan only left one. This incident caused the Yan Xingyun to shake very much. In his heart of the Mahayana period, the fairy crystal is very important. As long as there is a fairy crystal. If you absorb it yourself, you can comprehend a trace of immortality. With this fairy tales, it is very possible to reach the peak of the Mahayana late, break through the last shackle and fly up the fairy world.

When Yanshan’s soul fell, he took out two pieces of Xianjing and handed it to the Yan Xingyun, and the master Yan Hongfei, who had been sitting next to him to help himself. There are two fairy crystals that Yanshan soul took out, and they have the attitude of seeing the spirit of Yanshan. Yan Xingyun knows that if he still insists on making it difficult to make purple smoke, I am afraid that even his own grandson will be lost. No, don't say that Xu Ziyan's body may not be more important than Xianjing, that is, there is nothing! Therefore, now Yan Xingyun heard that Xu Ziyan was in the front of the Wanli Huangsha, and he had already given up on him for Xu Ziyan. Naturally, he no longer speaks.

He does not speak but does not mean that Wang Liyun does not speak, looking at the Wanli Huangsha burst into a cold voice:

"Xu Ziyan, do you think that hiding in this big array, we have no way to take you?"

Xu Ziyan inside the Wanli Huangsha burst into a bitter smile: "Wang predecessors, I know that this big array can't stop you. As long as the two of you join hands, it will break this big array. However, Ziyan does not understand a few Why did the seniors chasing the purple smoke so much? The purple smoke did not get any valuable things in He Boxian. What I got in Heberfest House, I think the grandson Wang Junjie of the predecessors should be very clear."

"Hey!" Wang Liyun snorted for a moment: "Xu Ziyan, you got five pieces of fairy crystal in Heberfest. The old man also has nothing else, you just need to take out four fairy crystals and give us four people." One person, we will let you go."

The face of Yan Xingyun is a change. He naturally knows that Xu Ziyan has only one fairy crystal, because the four have given their own Sun Yanshan soul. One of them is currently in its own storage ring. However, he also wants to see how Xu Ziyan will say, and then he will open his eyes and look at the Wansha Huangsha.

Xu Ziyan heard what Wang Liyun said, and the bitterness on his face was more intense, and he said helplessly:

"Wang predecessor, you said it is good, Ziyan did get five cents in He Boxian. But at this time, there is only one piece of crystal in the body of Ziyan. Because four of them are already given. friend."

"Give a friend?"

Except for Yan Xingyun who knows that Xu Ziyan is telling the truth, the rest of the people, including the solitary smoke of Ximen, no one believes. Want to know what it is?


Can help the Mahayana monks understand a trace of immortality, lift the rising fairy crystal!

How can I give it to someone else?

Wang Liyun just stunned for a moment, then he got angry and shouted: "Xu Ziyan, are you humiliating the old man's IQ?"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is also slightly angry, and the heart is not the fairy crystal? Will I humiliate your IQ when I give it to someone? Then said coldly:

"Isn't it just four celestial crystals? Is it amazing? Can I give it to my friends?"

"You...good! Good! Good!" Wang Liyun was so angry that he had three sounds. When he was about to get angry, he heard the Yan Xingyun on the side saying:

"Ziyan, do you really don't know the role of Xianjing?"

"I don't know, is it amazing?" Xu Ziyan's confused voice came out of the Wansha Huangsha big array.

The words of Xu Ziyan made the four Mahayana monks in the air silent for a while, and they looked at each other and looked bitter. From the words of Xu Ziyan, they basically confirmed that Xu Ziyan said the truth. Yan Xingyun thinks that Xu Ziyan gave it to Yanshan Soul because he did not know the role of Xianjing. If he knew it, he would not give it. Sigh a sigh and whispered:

"Ziyan, you don't know, there is a fairy in the fairy crystal. As long as you refine a piece of fairy crystal, you can get a trace of immortality. Break through the peak of the Mahayana, break through the last shackles, lift the sky and rise into the fairy world. ”

"Oh ~~" Xu Ziyan faintly responded, Xu Ziyan listened to Yan Xingyun's words, but his heart was only slightly swaying, but it did not have much reaction. On the one hand, she felt that she was still far away from the Mahayana period. On the other hand, she still had a piece of fairy crystal in her hand. Therefore, the performance is very indifferent.

However, her indifferent "Oh", let Wang Woyun, Yunfeifeng and Ximen solitary smoke doubted their own judgment. After hearing this news, a cultivator can reflect how indifferent it is. In this way, it must be that Xu Ziyan lied. Wang Liyun just wanted to speak, but he heard the sound of Xu Zisheng inside the big array:

"Yan predecessors, is there more people, how many immortals are comprehensible?"

"Not at all."

Yan Xingyun said softly, his impression of Xu Ziyan changed greatly at this time. He heard the indifference from Xu Ziyan's tone. A cultivator can be as light as it is here, which proves that Xu Ziyan's state of mind is very high, and the future cultivation will be very high. It seems that she knows the role of Xianjing, I am afraid that it will also give Yanshan a soul four. So, when I heard Xu Ziyan ask, Yan Xingyun and Yan said:

"The first refining of the crystal can get a trace of immortality. As for the refining of the fairy crystal, it will not be able to get any more fairy, but there is a little more sensation in its own body. Although this silk fairy power will Let the monk's combat power become very overbearing, but it will not have any effect on the monk's lifting."

"Oh! Thank you for your predecessors!" Xu Ziyan's voice passed out politely from the big array.


Written here, the comrades have already seen it. The South Wild is definitely not as simple as writing a so-called copy. Its influence is far-reaching, not to mention it is not a copy. It may take a long time for the comrades to understand. Allow the bell to sell here!

What the bell wants to say is that the bell is really not easy. The bell feels that his pit is okay, at least two more per day, never broken. It’s just that until now, there are only thirty-four comrades who have booked the bells, and the light of the gods relies very much, so that the bells really have no face. I beg your comrades to complete the missing chapters! Thank you for your bell! Is the face of the bells not the face of the comrades?


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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