The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 771: Catching Yue Jing

I am very grateful to Fengmianyi, but I am a classmate, YoGa2012 classmate, mud fish classmate, Qianma classmate, joycey classmate, Qinger love tiger classmate, Gu Qin classmate, book friend 110404195134303 classmate, oldandstupid classmate, e1984lisa classmate, July fire Night big snow classmates, love Pisces classmates, hahaha 30 classmates, classmates, chasing the moon classmates, lzy_lm classmates pink ticket!


"Xu Ziyan!" Seeing Yan Xingyun and Xu Ziyan no longer speak, Wang Woyun finally couldn't help but screamed:

"You said that you gave Xianjing to a friend, who did you give it to?"

There was silence in the big array. Xu Ziyan could not name the name of Yanshan Soul, although Yanshan Soul is the grandson of Yan Xingyun. But this involves the matter of Xianjing, I am afraid that the mountain spirit did not tell Yan Xingyun. If you say it yourself, once the Yan Xingyun has been greedy, you may be in danger. Therefore, Xu Ziyan was silent for a while, said faintly:

"President Wang, I am sorry! My friend's name cannot tell you."

"Ha ha ha..." Wang Woyun said with a loud laugh: "Xu Ziyan, you don't want to lie again..."

"Wang brother!"

Wang Liyun's laughter stopped abruptly, looking at the Yan Xingyun who interrupted his words. He did not understand why Yan Xingyun interrupted him repeatedly. However, he saw the Yan Xingyun look very serious. Yes, the look of Yan Xingyun is very serious and even solemn.

At this time, the heart of Yan Xingyun was very shaken. He remembered when he was young, and he was also **** at that time. He also tried to slap all the problems for his friends, even in the face of danger. Will not reveal the name of a friend. However, as the time spent on cultivation was longer, his heart changed, and he began to think more about himself. Others are missing.

Sometimes even doing something contrary to conscience, but today, in Xu Ziyan's body, let him see the innocence that has been lost for a long time. If this time, his Yan Xingyun pretends that Xianjing, who does not know Xu Ziyan, has given Yanshan the soul, then he will also be in the realm of the Mahayana period. Therefore, he only solemnly said to Wang Woyun:

"Wang Xiong, the four celestial crystals of Ziyan were in He Boxian. I have already given it to my soul Sun Yanshan."


Wang Liyun heard the words and stopped. He did not expect Xu Ziyan to give Xianjing to others. Moreover, this person turned out to be the grandson of Yan Xingyun, and his face was ugly. Originally, the solitary smoke of Ximen owed a purple smoke to a human condition. Nowadays, because of the reason of Xianjing, this Yan Xingyun will not only be shot to Xu Ziyan, but I am afraid to stop myself with the solitary smoke of Ximen. A solitary smoke from Ximen, he and Yunfeifeng can't cope. Not to mention a Yan Xingyun? Besides, under this circumstance, will Yunfeifeng still shoot?

"Xu Ziyan!" Just as Wang Woyun was entangled there, Yunfeifeng on the side spoke up: "What were the distracted monks who chased you at the beginning?"

Several Mahayana monks listened to them, and they all looked at the Wanli Huangsha. This is also the place they have never understood, why the four distracted monks will never disappear. In particular, Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng are more concerned, because the four distracted monks are the monks of their two sects.

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan's answer is very simple.

"Don't know?" Yunfeifeng is stunned.

"After I took them off, I ran all the way to the Southern Wasteland. Didn't they return to the Zongmen?" Xu Ziyan's voice was full of sorrow, but Xu Ziyan hidden in the Wansha Huangsha burst. There was a smile on his face.

Yunfeifeng and Wang Woyun were silent. In the hearts of both of them, they do not believe that Xu Ziyan will kill the distracted monks, but one person will kill four distracted monks. This incident is very strange from beginning to end, so that Yunfeifeng and Wang Woyun, both of the Mahayana period, are confused.

"Ziyan. Have you ever met Yue Jing?" asked the solitary smoke from Ximen. The remaining three Mahayana monks are all invigorated.

"Yue Jing? No! Ximen predecessors, he came out from He Boxian House?" Xu Ziyan asked.

"I don't know!" said the solitary smoke from Ximen: "However. Hebexianfu disappeared, and we suspect that He Boxian has been refining Yuejing!"

"Ah?" Xu Ziyan was really surprised this time, and there was a very uncomfortable feeling in her heart. That is, once Yue Jing refines He Boxian, it will become very powerful. I am afraid it is a very big threat to myself.

For a time, the entire valley became silent. In this silence, I suddenly heard the sound of fighting outside the mouth of the valley. The sound was too big, like two huge ancient clocks colliding, and the sound of the sound was straight.

Xu Ziyan, including the Wanli Huangsha Grand Array, looked out of the valley, and the four Mahayana monks seemed to find something with the gods. Simon Wu, Yunfeifeng and Wang Woyun saw a Swallow. Nebula, the four Mahayana monks smiled and smiled. The figure was so long that they flew high and hid between the blue sky and white clouds. Xu Ziyan could not even feel the slightest breath.

Xu Ziyan did not know why the four Mahayana monks had to hide, and her knowledge spread less than that far. Simply do not explore, but look at the direction of the valley mouth.

The sound of ping-pong is getting closer and closer, listening to the voice is the battle of two monks. And the repairs were very high. The two monks seemed to be in the middle of the room. After playing for a while, they moved toward the valley and played side by side. After about an hour, two figures appeared in front of Xu Ziyan. .

Xu Ziyan looked at her and she knew both of the two people who appeared in front of her. One is Yanshan Spirit, and the other is Yue Jing. At this time, the battle between the two people reminded Xu Ziyan of the situation in the original residence of He Bo. Nowadays, the repair of Yuejing is already in the late Yuan Ying, and the repair of Yanshan Spirit is actually the beginning of the god.

At this time, the Yanshan Soul sacrificed the black head, just like the original He Boju, and continually bombarded Yue Jing. There is no magic weapon in Yue Jing’s hands. Just with a pair of fists and Yanshan fighting together. However, whether it is repairing or magic, Yue Kyoto is at a disadvantage. But that Yue Jing’s body is hard to get. It is too hard. That Yue Jing’s fists were constantly bombarded with the black head that rushed into the air, although Yue Jing’s body was repeatedly thrown by the Yanshan soul, or directly into the ground.

However, that Yue Jing did not seem to have any damage. It was only the mighty Yanshan soul that broke into the valley all the way, and the ping-pong ping pong to the vicinity of the Wanli Huangsha big array.

In the sky, four large hands were suddenly explored. Two hands held Yue Jing’s two arms, and both hands held Yue Jing’s two legs. Just an instant, I will stop Yue Jing. Immediately afterwards, four figures appeared from the air, but it was the four Mahayana monks. At this point, each of them is stretching a hand leisurely. Holding Yue Jing's hands and feet, he looked at him like a smile.

"Mountain soul, your cultivation is growing very fast?" Yan Xingyun looked at Yanshan soul's eyes flashed a trace of surprise.

The Yanshan spirit saw the emergence of four Mahayana monks, and they stopped Yue Jing, and the black head was collected. Looking at Yan Xingyun, he smiled and said:

"Zhuzu, your old man is here! My repairs are of course growing fast, and the world is always genius!"

Yan Xingyun naturally understands what the spirit of Yanshan is. I am too lazy to take care of him again. If he is taking care of him, he still doesn't know what the Yanshan Soul will say. In front of the three old friends, he can't afford to lose that person.

However, Xu Ziyan, who was within the Wanli Huangsha big array, noticed the change of the black head in the hands of Yanshan Soul. At that time, the black head gave Xu Ziyan a feeling that it was half smaller than that in He Boxian. Where does she know that all the growth of Yanshan Soul is so fast, one is because he does not have problems in his mind. It combines the original knowledge of God and the gods of his own reincarnation. How high is his state of mind. He himself did not understand. As long as he kept refining the black head in his hand. The repair will be quickly upgraded.

Otherwise, how could he be in the late Yuan Ying when he left Xiao Luotian, and after searching for a few months, he became the early stage of the god. Because he refining the black head all the time. Yue Jing is very similar to the situation of Yanshan Soul at this time, but his level is much lower than that of Yanshan. Whether it is the cultivation of the mind, or the Heberfest House compared with the black head. It is much worse than the Yanshan soul.

However, the way that Yue Jing upgrades his cultivation is exactly the same as that of Yanshan. After refining the essence of He Boxian, he has already controlled He Boxian. However, the way he refines and refines the river town of Hexian County is different, because when he refines the town of Peifu, he has no flesh, but refining it in the form of Yuan Ying. If he is refining the river, he will become a magic weapon for him. Although he can assist him in cultivation, he has no essential connection with his cultivation.

However, Yue Jing is refining the town of He Boxianfu in the form of Yuan Ying, so he is He Boxian, and He Boxian is him. Therefore, he will transform the entire He Boxian into the original Yue Jing. However, he only refining the town government of He Boxianfu. If he wants to improve his cultivation in the future, he will only refine the entire He Boxian government, just like the Yanshan soul refining black head.

Every time a little refining a little He Boxian, Yue Jing's cultivation will grow a little, until the entire He Boxian refining, completely disappeared, became Yue Jing's body. Therefore, since these days, he has also been looking for Xu Ziyan, refining and refining He Boxian, and the cultivation has also been quickly upgraded to the late Yuan Ying.

To be honest, today's Yanshan Soul and Yue Jing are the ones that have been cultivated. Xu Ziyan also needs to comprehend the heavens and cultivate the aura of heaven and earth. The two people of Yanshan Soul and Yuejing do not need these now. All they have to do is to refine the treasures in their bodies. The more refining, the faster they will be improved.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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