The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 772: Last two legs

Congratulations to Zhao Xie Yan Ran classmates, Wen Yiwen became the best rudder master!


Yan Xingyun was afraid that the Yanshan spirit would be humiliating, and he hurriedly opened his words and asked Yue Jing:

"Yue Jing, that river Hexianfu was got it by you?"

Yan Xingyun's sentence is not only the other three Mahayana monks who have set their sights on Yue Jing, but also the Xu Ziyan in the Wanli Huangsha squad also locked his eyes on Yue Jing's body, and he was shocked.

When I heard Yan Xingyun’s words, Yue Jing’s heart was frightened. He was not arrogant enough to dare to confront the Mahayana monks. In particular, there are four Mahayana periods. However, he knew that he could not admit this. I hurriedly said:

"Predecessors, juniors did not get He Boxian."

However, Yue Jing did not recognize it. However, how can his volatility fluctuate over the four old-fashioned figures, and the four Mahayana monks can’t help but look cold, and Simon’s solitary smoke said coldly:

"Yue Jing, you still hand over the Heberfest House, the deity can be the master, leaving you a life."

"Handed over?" Yue Jing secretly smiled, and now I have merged with He Boxian, and it is different to hand over He Boxian to you and give my life to you. Therefore, Yue Jing still insisted on his teeth:

"Predecessors, the younger generation really did not get He Boxian!"

"Forget it! What are you doing so hard?" Wang Woyun said in a cold voice: "We killed him. Then He Boxian will naturally become an object of no Lord, and it will show up. Why bother with this junior? Words."


The solitary smoke of Ximen, Yan Xingyun and Yunfeifeng. The four Mahayana monks looked at each other and held Yue Jing’s hand to force him to separate Yue Jing. That Yue Jing is afraid to yell:


Suddenly, the catastrophic sound of the sky broke through the valley. Let the four Mahayana monks stop the action of splitting Yue Jing. The whole space shook, and everyone in the valley looked around and saw that the five dragon ridges that lost the dragon soul suddenly began to crack, with the five ridges cracking. The five mountains have begun to collapse.

Among these monks, Xu Ziyan and others who are within a large circle of Huangsha are particularly strong, because they feel that their feet have collapsed with the collapse of the five mountains, and they have been shocked by Xu Ziyan and others. He quickly flew into the air and stared at his feet in shock.

The land where Jiuyin gathered, the soil suddenly burst, and a figure was drawn from it. A pair of purple eyes looked at the ancient wilderness in the distance with horror. Just now he was in the depths of the earth and clearly felt a danger and an extreme danger. A pair of purple eyes flashed frequently, but it was only a matter of time. The purple eyes revealed a firm color. I glanced at the land of the nine yin, and the body shape flickered, and flew away from the southern wasteland.

South wild.

At this time a large number of monks came to the south. All are the forces, the monks of Zongmen. After such a long time, a large number of monks began to find the southern wasteland. Some of these monks have already learned about Xujiagu from the South African Aborigines, and some have just entered the Southern Wilderness. However, at this time, without exception, he stood in the air and looked far into the ancient wilderness mountains. The fluctuations in the space there are heart-rending, and the space in the entire vast continent is shaking.

In the distance, in the vision of the monks, a figure flew quickly, and a pair of purple eyes swept the monks who stood up. Did not make the slightest stop. Flying away from the southern wilderness. Tenran, a figure skyrocketed, and screamed at the purple-eyed zombie:


With this scream, Fan Haixin holds a long gun. Going to the purple smoke zombies. The purple-eyed zombie looked back at Van Helsing, and the purple eyes revealed a trace of pain. The figure suddenly accelerated, and instantly disappeared into the eyes of Van Helsing. Fan Haixin clenched his teeth and lifted it to the peak, chasing away in the direction of the disappearance of the purple-eyed zombies.

After the shocked monks woke up, they flew away to the ancient wilderness mountains. They are different from purple-eyed zombies, which have innate sense of the earth's veins, and these monks do not feel dangerous. One by one thought that there were some terrible treasures that were born, one by one, who was afraid of falling behind, and flew to the ancient wilderness mountains.

The ancient wilderness mountain range, Xu Ziyan and others are in the valley.

The five mountains have completely collapsed, and at the foot of Xu Ziyan and others, suddenly two giant pillars were raised slowly. The positions of these two giant pillars are exactly at the lake. When the two giant pillars have just risen, they will smash the base of the Wanli Yellow Sands. It was the two pillars that did not destroy the Wanli Huangsha, and Xu Ziyan and others did not dare to stay in it again, one by one, followed by Xu Ziyan flying out of the Wanli Huangsha. Just when they had just flew out of the Wanli Yellow Sands, the big battle would be broken.

The ground is cracked.

The two giant pillars rise like the two peaks slowly rising into the air. The whole sky is changing and the space is shaking. During the time, the sky was dark, and the whole sky seemed to be covered with dark clouds. The dark clouds of dark ink formed a huge whirlpool and slowly turned.

All the monks, including the four Mahayana periods, hurried back, away from the two rising pillars. Xu Ziyan looked up at the two giant pillars, and suddenly violently jumped in his heart.

so similar!

These two pillars are too much like two legs! The two huge toes are opposite, like a portal. As the two legs continually rise, the contours of the knees also appear. And these two giant legs are black and crystal-clear, just like black jade.

Is this still used? I have seen Xu Ziyan, who has been born many times. Where can I still recognize that this is the two legs? No one knows more than Xu Ziyan. At this moment, I saw the two legs of the cockroach come out again. Who knows what the ending will look like?

Xu Ziyan looked back at the Xu family's monks and immediately said to them:

"You immediately followed Lu Guangtian to leave here, not allowed to have the slightest stop, and immediately returned to the Lotus Peak."

"Little girl..." Lu Guangtian was shocked. He just spoke to Xu Ziyan and was interrupted by Xu Ziyan's extremely harsh tone: "Go away immediately!"

"Master! I want to stay!" Xiaobai figured and swept, standing in front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan quickly thought about it. He thought that he could always take Xiaobai into his own space and nodded and said:

"Little white left, the rest of the people, are not allowed to make the slightest stop, and quickly return to the Lotus Peak. Dare to violate the rebels

Penalties. ”

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan looked up and glanced at the two black giant legs that were still rising, shouting:

"Go! Go now!"

Lu Guangtian followed Xu Ziyan for the longest time. With his understanding of Xu Ziyan, he saw Xu Ziyan’s look so anxious.

I know that the dangers in front of them are not what they can resist. Just stay here, it will become the burden of Xu Ziyan. Without himself and others, even if it is dangerous, Xu Ziyan is very likely to escape. He is also a courageous person, and immediately shouted to the Xu family:

"let's go!"

The words fell, and the first to fly away from the valley. Xu Haosang and Xu Haolong and others also looked at Xu Ziyan where he hesitated. This time, Xu Ziyan no longer heard the sound, but directly shouted:

"Not yet!"

"Wang... Purple smoke, let's go together!" Xu Haosang said.

Xu Ziyan’s look also hesitated and did not know if he would stay here. She also knows that leaving at this time is the best choice. However, she is very curious about the birth of this time, and has the mind to stay and see. But when she was hesitant, she saw that the Yanshan soul suddenly trembled, and looked at the two squatting legs with gaze, and the tears in the eyes.

Suddenly, the shape of the Yanshan soul rushed toward one of the two legs. Standing in the heart of Yan Xingyun, not far away, he was shocked. He released the hand holding Yue Jing’s leg and shouted:

"Mountain Spirit!"

Then I chased the past toward the Yanshan soul. However, they are not far from the two legs of the cockroach, and Yan Xingyun and others are shocked by the sight. When Yan Xingyun discovered the move of Yanshan Soul, the Yanshan soul had already flown to the front of one leg. When the big hand of Yan Xingyun was able to grasp the soul of Yanshan, the body of Yanshan soul suddenly entered the left leg.

"Mountain Spirit!"

Yan Xingyun caught a piece of claws on the left leg of the dragonfly. A strong force came over, and the Yanxing cloud of the Mahayana period bounced out, and several tumbling in the air stabilized the figure. At this time, the two black giant legs are no longer raised, and there is a huge light curtain between the two legs, like a portal.

The space was rippling, and it was not until the four Mahayana monks reacted from the shock, and they saw a black robe middle-aged man in the air. The eyes glanced at them sharply. The four Mahayana monks were shocked. They recognized that the middle-aged man in the black robe was the one who had won the treasure in Wushan. The one who had not figured out the other side until now.

At this time, the four Mahayana monks also took care of Yue Jing in their hands, and they gave up Yue Jing and prepared for the battle with vigilance. The middle-aged man in the black robe just swept a look at the four Mahayana monks, and his eyes looked toward the two black giant legs. When he looked at the left leg, his mouth snorted and his eyes revealed a hint of joy.

After that, he flashed his body and rushed toward the right leg. In the jaw-dropping of the crowd, the body of the cockroach instantly turned into a headless body, but the giant giant with an arm, holding the right leg with one hand, pulled it up hard, and pulled the right leg. When he got up and leaped into the air, he inserted the right leg under his body and formed a one-legged, one-armed, headless giant. Then I stood there quietly.


These days, the weather is too hot, the eyes are sore, all of them are squinting! I really can't stand it!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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