The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 777: Warrior continent

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Among the hundreds of thousands of monks within the valley, there are people who know Xu Ziyan. When the purple smoke left the valley with the Yanshan soul, the monks were not following the fear of the Yan Xingyun. Now that Xu Ziyan is back alone, she can't guarantee whether it will cause the siege of the monks. After all, outside of He Boxian, when she fled, she also killed many monks.

Xu Ziyan entered the valley and quietly stood behind the monks. After about two hours, he saw the one-legged one-headed man who began to sway up a layer of layers, and then Guanghua flashed. In the eyes of the monks, they became a middle-aged man in black robe.

The gaze first glanced in the direction of the left leg. When I saw that the left leg was gone, my face changed. He swept toward the next four, and his eyes were sharp and forced. Even the four Mahayana monks were swept away by their eyes, and they felt that their heartbeat had intensified and they had secretly prepared for the fight. However, what surprised them was that they didn't take care of them, but they were flashing and disappearing into space.

Hundreds of thousands of monks were relieved with a sigh of relief, including four Mahayana periods. The four Mahayana monks looked at each other and each other's looks showed a dignified color. They all felt that if they fought with each other, they would not be awkward opponents. When did one of these characters appear on the mainland of the sky, making their hearts heavy.

Soon, they put the embarrassing things aside for a while. Because the huge light curtain in front of them makes them more interested. And they all found that after the shackles left, the light curtain lost the two giant legs and began to become extremely unstable. The entire light curtain began to tremble. Just when everyone thought about what was inside this light curtain enchantment, there was a burst of "squeaky" sound in the ear, and there was a million cracks on the huge light curtain. It’s broken. Disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

As the huge light curtain broke, a broad passage appeared in front of the monks. The passage was very deep and could not be seen. After a moment of silence, a snoring sounded. But the snoring quickly quieted down again. All the monks' eyes were gathered on the four Mahayana monks. The four Mahayana monks looked at each other and exchanged each other for a while, and finally said by the solitary smoke of Ximen:

"Dear friends, the end of this passage is likely to be full of danger, otherwise it will not be sealed here. The deity and Yundaoyou, Wang Daoyou, Yan Daoyou discussed it, I think this seal is likely to be the ancient Can be sealed by monks. But danger also means opportunity. So, we are going to go to the side of the passage to see if the friends are interested, you can go and see together."

The sky above the valley reminded me of a bang, but soon restored the silence, everyone's eyes are looking at the four Mahayana monks, the eyes are full of firm colors. Xu Ziyan’s eyes are also full of curiosity. Looking into the end of the passage.

Seeing the eyes of the monks, the eyes of the four Mahayana periods showed a gratifying color, and they slid their sleeves and swayed toward the passage. Hundreds of thousands of monks were in shape, followed by four Mahayana monks flying toward the other side of the passage. Xu Ziyan was also wrapped in the middle of the monks, flying away all the way.

The four Mahayana monks did not fly fast and remained cautious along the way. However, those monks who were distracted, turned into gods, and even in the Yuan Ying period did not have the slightest tension. Some are just excited. In their hearts, they feel that there is nothing to be afraid of. Hundreds of thousands of people here have gathered almost all the masters on the mainland, and the four strongest monks of the Mahayana fly in the forefront. What else is there to fear? They think now. Only how many treasures there will be at the end of the passage.

The passage is long, as if there is no end. Time and space seem to be still. In the passage, only the sound of the clothes swaying is heard. It took about an hour to fly, and the four Mahayana monks stopped because they heard footsteps from the opposite side. The monks on the mainland of the Cangwu are all in the air. The sound of the clothes is only heard in the space, but there is no footsteps, but the footsteps are heard from the opposite side.

Soon, with the footsteps, there were more than a dozen people across the channel. Everyone is dressed as a warrior, and the weapons in their hands are different. There are swords, knives, and axes...

The dozens of people were stunned by the monks who stood in the air and looked at the empty space. The whole person was stupid. When Ximen’s solitary smoke was stretched out, he controlled more than a dozen people in front of him, and then, when he stopped his hand, he dragged the dozens of people to the front of himself and others, and snorted:

"Who are you from? Where are you from?"

The dozens of people were horrified at the way of the solitary smoke of Ximen, and they trembled and couldn’t speak. Yunfeifeng said softly on the side:

"If you have a dozen people who answer our words well, we will not kill you."

One of the more than a dozen people who were more courageous swallowed a slobber, and the trembling said:

"We are from the side of the channel." Speaking of this, the man reached out and pointed at himself behind him.

The solitary smoke of Ximen glanced at the end of the passage, but still could not see the end, he regained his gaze and looked at the young man opposite, Shen Sheng said:

"Where is the side of the channel?"

"It is the mainland of the military."

"Warrior's mainland?" Simon's solitary smoke and other people's faces showed amazement: "Do you mean that there is a continent?"

"Yes! We have been living there, and it is called the Warrior continent."

The solitary smoke in Ximen looked up and down the dozen or so people and asked: "You are martial arts?"

"Wu Xiu? Are you talking about martial arts?" the man asked confusedly.

"Wu Dao? Not bad!" Simon smoked his head and said nod.

"Yes, all of us on the mainland of the military are practicing martial arts. Is there any other way of cultivation besides the martial arts?" the warrior asked in surprise.

"You have no law repairs there?" Simon's solitary smoke also asked with astonishment.

"French repair? What is that?" The warrior is even more confused.

The solitary smoke of Ximen indulged and continued to ask: "How do you divide the mainland of your warrior into a realm?"

"We are divided into martial arts, warriors, warriors, martial arts, Wuling, Wuwang, Wuhuang, Wuzun, Wusheng, Wushen."

The four Mahayana monks looked at each other and looked confused and shocked.

"How many martial arts are there?"

"I don't know, the villain is low. However, before we came in, the mayor had reported to it." The warrior lowered his head in shame.

The four Mahayana monks exchanged their eyes again, and the solitary smoke of Ximen suddenly held his hand, and the dozens of warriors turned into fly ash.

"Let's go see."

When the West Gate was solitary, it flew to the end of the passage with the other three Mahayana monks. It took less than a quarter of an hour to fly this time, and I heard the sound of the fluttering from the opposite side. The look of the four Mahayana so as the solitary smoke of Ximen is a change. I only hear the sound of the clothes swaying, but I have not heard the footsteps. What does this mean? This shows that the other party is also in the air.

The four Mahayana monks of the solitary smoke in Ximen stopped and stood in the air, and they were upgraded to the peak, and they looked at the opposite side quietly.

Just a few breaths of time, there was a team on the opposite side. The leader is five people, who walk in the void, and the momentum outside the body shocks the monks of the Mahayana and so on. It is a kind of momentum that is not weaker than them.

Both sides looked at each other and were silent. Suddenly, a leader on the opposite side seems to think of something, and asked the people like the solitary smoke in Ximen:

“Who did we get here before?”

"Kill it!" West Gate said coldly. At this time, there is nothing to say about the solitary smoke in Ximen. Is it that he is afraid that they will not be able to do so.

The opposite person heard the sound of the solitary smoke in Ximen, and the look on his face sank. Screamed loudly:


If the words fall, the man’s hand will have a giant sword, and the body will have a dazzling light. The sword will burst into a long sword, and the heaven and earth aura in the entire passage will be swarming toward the sword. And to. The power of the demise is coming.

On the top of the solitary smoke of Ximen, a flagpole was sacrificed, but it was the legend of the solitary smoke of Ximen. Xu Ziyan was standing in the back of the team far away, looking at the water cloud above the top of the solitary cigarettes of Ximen, and his face was shocked. This is the first time she has seen the magic weapon of the Mahayana monks. The power released from the shackles made Xu Ziyan, who was so far away, feel the trepidation.

The water cloud suddenly danced, and a water dragon was pulled from the scorpion, which instantly expanded, but this water dragon blocked the entire passage. Let Xu Ziyan and others in the back could not see the sword opposite the water dragon.

However, the sound of the rumble was earth-shattering. The entire channel is shaking, and Yan Xingyun suddenly looks back and drinks:

"Get out of here right away!"

At the same time, Xu Ziyan and others also heard the people on the mainland who had just heard the same thing:

"Get out of here!"

Xu Ziyan and others did not hesitate, and immediately turned back and flew away at the fastest speed in the direction of coming. Only Yunfeifeng, Yan Xingyun and Wang Woyun stayed behind, and stood behind the solitary smoke in Ximen. In the entire passage, it was full of the solitary smoke of Ximen and the bursting sound of the bombardment of the people on the opposite side of the warrior.

Until Xu Ziyan and others completely rushed out of the passage, and stood in the sky above the valley, they could still hear the loud noise coming from the passage and felt the trembling of the whole valley. The space is turbulent, the sky on the entire vast continent is moving, and the hurricane is raging, so that all the monks have changed color.


The third is even more, and I am eager to win the pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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