The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 778: Thunder fire sword

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The monks looked at the passage dumbly, waiting until about two quarters of an hour, and suddenly there was a loud noise from the inside of the passage. The loud noise made people feel shocked. . In the vision of the monks, the passage is collapsing.

In the rumbling sound of a rumble, four people were stunned from the passage, which was the four Mahayana monks of the solitary smoke of Ximen. These four figures have just emerged from the passage, and the passage has completely collapsed.

The catastrophic bang, a huge mushroom cloud rises into the air, and the whole sky has changed dramatically. Including the four Mahayana monks were staring at the huge mushroom cloud that seemed to cover the sky. The cracks in the space spread everywhere, and the monks such as Xu Ziyan could see the hurricane airflow in the chaotic space through the space.

Looking at everything that happened in front of the air, all of this completely exceeded the understanding of the monks. All the monks on the entire Cangwu continent felt the change at this time, and invariably turned their attention to the direction of the South.

It took about an hour to go. The mushroom cloud in the air gradually disappeared. However, there was a huge vortex of about ten feet in the sky. The whirlpool slowly swirled, not seeing the scene inside, but exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

The four Mahayana monks looked at each other. The figure rises and flies toward the huge vortex. Below, hundreds of thousands of monks are nervously looking at the four smaller figures in the air, waiting for the four Mahayana monks to come to the vortex. Then I stopped my body. However, only a slight pause, the four Mahayana monks rushed into the huge whirlpool.

Xu Ziyan’s heart also smashed, looking at the huge vortex that disappeared from the four Mahayana monks, and his eyes locked tightly there. Everyone here is very nervous. At this time, they are very clear in their hearts. The opposite of the original passage is also a world similar to the vast continent. It’s just that the people there seem to be martial arts, and they also have the same martial arts as the monks of the Mahayana monks on the mainland.

The two continents suddenly broke through. What does this mean? Will there be peace?

will not! At the very least, it won't start! Moreover, the high-ranking figures of the two sides in the passage have already played against each other, which means that in the next hundred years, even the millennium, for thousands of years, the mainland will fall into the flames of war.

And when the monks were still thinking about it, there were four figures in the whirlpool, and they came to the crowd in an instant. At this time, the faces of the four Mahayana monks were not very good. The solitary smoke of Ximen glanced at the monks around and said:

"Now the Taoist friends know that there is a world similar to ours on the other side of the passage. Only now this time and space channel collapsed and became the vortex in the air. Just a few of us went in and saw the whole whirlpool. There is already chaos inside. If you want to cross the vortex to the other side, I am afraid that the repair of our Mahayana period is only alive.

And we found that the vortex was very unstable, and I am afraid that it will collapse completely after less than a thousand years. At that time, our mainland and the mainland of the warrior will be completely cut off, and there is no connection at all. and so. You don't have to worry about your friends. ”

"Predecessors!" This time. A distracted monk raised his head in the air to the West Gate, and asked: "Is the warrior continent far from us? How can there be a passage between the two continents?"

The solitary smoke of Ximen slightly frowned, but it was still echoed: "The two continents should be far apart, far beyond our imagination. That passage changed the time and space, so when we entered the passage It will not be far apart. As for why there is such a passage, the deity does not know. As for why this passage has been sealed, we also do not know a few. This is preserved in ancient times, and only in ancient times. The power of the period will know."

The eyes of the solitary smoke of Ximen once again swept through the crowd and said faintly: "Well, we only know a few of them, and the friends are going to tell their relatives and friends the truth, don't cause confusion. Dissipate it!"

When the words fell, the four Mahayana monks also waved their sleeves at the same time, and the figure disappeared instantly.

The monks were screaming for a while and then left the South. Xu Ziyan also turned and left. But at the moment she was about to fly away, she suddenly saw a figure standing in the air where the monks left. Xu Ziyan slightly looked up and saw that the figure standing in the air was Yang Linglong.

At this time, Yang Ling’s eyes gazed at the whirlpool, and the eyes sparkled with the excitement of Xu Ziyan’s incomprehensible. The excitement is mixed with a yearning. Slowly, the look became awkward. With a wave of sleeves, the figure flew toward the direction of the Central Plains. Only a little sighed in the air, and Yu Yin sighed.

Xu Ziyan looked at Yang Ling's back, his eyes flashed a little complicated. After a sigh of relief, his eyes became clear, turning his head and looking in one direction, as if passing through a lot of space, looking out from the fire.

"Fire spirit! I am coming!"

Xu Ziyan flew high into the air, crossed the white clouds, crossed all the monks, and still slid a sleeve and went up to the sky. After I had not known how many layers of clouds had passed through, Xu Ziyan called out Xiaobai from the purple smoke space, and flew on the back of Xiaobai, whistling away from the fire in the south.

South from the mountains, away from the fire.

Within a distance of ten miles from the fire sect, in the city of Huo Zongfang, on the third floor of a treasure chest, Xu Ziyan is browsing the various treasures on the shelves. Now Xu Ziyan has no weapons on his body, and all the weapons have detonated on the way to escape from Heberfest. And the fairy on the body can not be used brazenly, so Xu Ziyan is going to choose a treasure guard here.

Xu Ziyan walked slowly from the side of a piece of treasure, and could not help but be disappointed. This road seems to be some of the best treasures, the best is just the treasure of the next level. When you think about it, you will no longer feel strange in your heart. On the whole continent, only the sons of the refining city and the ink are able to refine the treasures of the two masters. Shaking his head in disappointment, he heard an exclamation in excitement not far from his front:

"Yeah! This is the middle-aged treasure of our ancestral elders refining the thunder fire sword!"

Xu Ziyan looked up in front of him and saw three young men and women, two men and one woman in front of him. At this time, the young woman corrected her hands and held her little face, looking excitedly at the sword placed on the shelf. The two boys standing next to the girl were also excited, and one of the excited voices trembled and said:

"Yeah, this Thunderfire Sword is that we were refining from the elders of Huozong Luo last month. Last month, Elder Luo finally broke through the realm of the Chinese treasurer and refining the first Chinese treasure. We have our own Chinese treasurer from now on."

"But, this thunder fire sword is so expensive! To 600 million top grade Lingshi!" The girl looked at the thunder fire sword, a look of disappointment.

Another young man smiled and said: "Sister, this is a treasure of Chinese products! And it is the first treasure of the refining of the elders of Luo. The meaning is naturally different. If it is not to show our forces to the forces on the mainland." The door can also refine the treasures of the Chinese products. I am afraid that the elders of Luo will not be willing to sell the thunder fire sword. Therefore, this sword is regarded as the treasure of the town cabinet from the fire sect of the sect, and does not want to sell at all. The Chinese goods treasure is also 400 million top grade Lingshi, but the treasure house has marked the price of 600 million top grade Lingshi, and its intention is only for publicity."

"Oh, no wonder it’s been a month’s time, it’s not sold yet.” The woman repaired her enlightenment.

At this point, Xu Ziyan's gaze has been fixed on the sword. Yes, it is indeed a treasure trove of Chinese medicine. Although it can only be regarded as a lower-level treasure in the middle-class treasures, the Chinese products are indeed undoubted.

Xu Ziyan walked quickly to the front of the Thunderfire Sword, waved a waiter from the treasure chest, and said:

"Can I look at this Thunderfire Sword?"

"of course can."

The waiter of the treasure chest took the handle of the thunder fire sword from the shelf and carefully handed it to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took the thunder fire sword with both hands and looked at it carefully.

This thunder fire sword, the base is reddish red, although Xu Ziyan has not injected the fire attribute real element, he can feel the hot energy from the sword. On the red sword, there are two blue lines that stretch from the hilt to the tip of the sword. Xu Ziyan's eyebrows transmitted a sense of God, and the entire Thunderfire was shrouded in the knowledge of God. He immediately felt the power of the thunder in the lines of the two faces.

So, the look of Xu Ziyan was a surprise. The evaluation of this Leihuo sword has been raised by another layer. Although the quality of this Leihuo sword is still in the middle of the treasure. However, in terms of function, there is an increase in the thunder, that is to say, even if the monk holding the sword is not a morphing spirit, as long as he injects a fire attribute into the sword, when the sword is issued, Independently increase the power of mine attributes.

In this way, it is only a single mine attribute that can make this sword also barely count as medium in the middle quality treasure. And if the monk possesses the variability of the spirit, and then uses the sword, it can reach the peak of the peak of the Chinese treasure. If this monk is again a double attribute of thunder and fire, and at the same time able to release the two true elements of the thunderbolt, this Thunderfire sword can be compared to the top quality treasure.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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