The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 779: Anode ball

Congratulations to the Queen (sosi) classmates, Tllsherry students become the best rudder master


Xu Ziyan liked this Thunderfire sword at a glance, although the 600 million Lingshi is too expensive for a Chinese treasure. However, don't forget what Xu Ziyan came from from the fire. The purpose of her coming here is to get away from the fire spirit of the fire. However, once the purple smoke has acquired the fire spirit, and then the fire spirit is cultivated to the realm of Xiaocheng, the real lightning thunder can be released. Since the lightning strike can be released, it is completely urging the thunderfire double attribute of the Thunderfire sword. Naturally, Nothing to say. In this way, the value of this Leihuo sword is equivalent to the top quality treasure, it is not the 600 million top quality Lingshi can be measured.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan immediately asked the waiter: "How does this sell from the fire sword?"

"600 million top grade Lingshi." The waiter whispered.

Xu Ziyan said nothing, using the gods to separate six million of the best spirits in the storage bracelet in a storage ring, throw it at the waiter, the waiter swept away with his mental power, then looked up and surprised Looking at Xu Ziyan. Although Xu Ziyan’s dress can’t be said to be bad, it’s definitely not good. Moreover, before Xu Ziyan entered the city, he adjusted his cultivation to the tenth floor of the knot. Therefore, although the waiter did not despise Xu Ziyan, but absolutely did not expect Xu Ziyan to really come up with 600 million top grade Lingshi.

"Is the number correct?" Xu Ziyan asked the waiter who looked at the whisper.

"Yes! Right!" The waiter replied in a panic.

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly, and the Thunderfire sword received the storage ring and turned and walked downstairs. With this kind of thunder fire sword. Xu Ziyan is no longer missing something. She is eager to find a way to enter the fire, and naturally she is not willing to waste a little time here.

Leaving the treasure house, Xu Ziyan was in the crowd in the city. Take it easy. She felt that there were three gods locked in her body. Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the gods spread along the three gods and locked up his own knowledge. He discovered that it was the three young men and women who had just been on the third floor of the treasurer’s house. The three monks were the twelfth-level repairs of the Dandan period. They saw that Xu Ziyan was only the tenth-level repair of the Dandan period, and he would easily take out 600 million Shangpin Lingshi. It is not high, but it is very rich. Isn't this a typical fat sheep? If you don't rob her, I am sorry for myself.

Thus, the three monks from the fire sect looked at each other and immediately followed Xu Ziyan down the stairs, and because in their eyes, Xu Ziyan was not as good as them. Therefore, they directly locked Xu Ziyan with the gods.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, she did not want to cause trouble here, after all, the distance is too close to the fire. Once you get things done, you will delay your big things. Up to now, she has not figured out how to enter the fire, where there is still the mind to pay attention to these little people. I was about to take a quick walk away from the city, and then rid the three young monks from the fire. Suddenly the eyes slammed, and a thought floated in my heart. In the heart:

"Since you have a bad heart, then don't blame me for being mad."

Xu Ziyan slowed down the pace of wanting to leave quickly, pretending to be nothing. While admiring the surrounding scenery, you slowly walked outside the city. After leaving the city, Xu Ziyan flew into the air and flew toward a mountain range. Sure enough, behind her, the three monks from the fire were behind her.

Xu Ziyan’s mouth glimmered a sneer, still as if they didn’t find them. Flying into a mountain at normal speed. Then I found a secluded place, lowered the cloud head, landed on the ground, and stood in front of a tree with a negative hand.

Just a dozen times of breathing time. Three figures descended from the air and landed in front of Xu Ziyan. One of the young men looked at Xu Ziyan and laughed:

"This silly girl. Going so quietly, is waiting for us to rob? It's so funny, hahaha..."

"Brother, you are not right, I see this silly girl is waiting for the lover here, hahaha..."

Xu Ziyan glanced at them coldly, and the power of the magical period suddenly poured out. The three monks who were away from the fire were suddenly there, and they were oppressed and unable to move. Xu Ziyan's fingers flicked, and Sancha Jianqi stabbed three of them from the body of the Huozong monk, sealing their air, and the three monks from the fire were only able to stand there.

Xu Ziyan walked up to the woman's repair, reached out and grasped the top of her head with one hand, and used Soul Soul to draw the memory of the woman's repair. After that, let go of the hand, stand opposite the woman, and slowly digest those memories. Later, in front of the woman's eyes, Xu Ziyan used the technique of change of the Central Plains machine to become the other party's appearance.

And the two men, Xu Ziyan is too lazy to extract their memories, if you encounter any dirty memories, it is disgusting. In the eyes of the three monks, Xu Ziyan slammed three fire groups and burned three monks from the fire. Three monks’ storage rings were collected, and the identity of the woman’s identity was collected. From her storage ring, she took out the clothes from the fire, put the identity badge on her waist, waved her sleeves, flew up the cloud, and adjusted her cultivation to the twelfth stage of the knot. Layer, flew away from the fire.

While flew away from the fire, Xu Ziyan frowned slightly. The reason is that the identity of the woman who pretends to be a woman is not simple. She turns out to be the younger sister of the cloud, and is very heavy by the clouds. What Xu Ziyan is worried about is that if he enters the fire-fighting area and follows the clouds, he does not know if he will have time to go to the west to collect the fire spirit. On the other hand, he is worried that he will encounter Yunfei. phoenix. She can't guarantee whether her own change can be a monk who has passed the big multiplier.

However, this is the end of the matter, Xu Ziyan will not let go of this opportunity to enter the fire. Since it is the younger sister of the cloud, and it is very heavy by the clouds, then the status of the fire is not bad, and there is a lot of freedom. This should also have the opportunity to travel to the West to leave the peak. After you have collected the fire, you will leave immediately.

Thinking about the matter, Xu Ziyan flew to the mountain gate from the fire. Far away, I saw a large mountain gate from Huozong. There was a team from the fire-fighting disciples in the guardian gate. Xu Ziyan pressed the cloud head and walked toward the mountain gate. He saw the waist of the waist and the flash of light, Xu Ziyan crossed the guardian squad and entered the mountain gate.

"Sister Shi is good!" The disciple of the guardian Shanmen said hello to Xu Ziyan respectfully.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded faintly, his body shape, and flew toward the west. She is thinking, if she can get the fire spirit today, there is no need to see the clouds drifting. After getting the fire spirit, he immediately left the fire.

I didn't think that Xu Ziyan had just flew for a while, and I saw a person flying across from him. When I saw Xu Ziyan from afar, I raised my hand and called:

"Xie Shijie, Yunshi sister is looking for you."

Xu Ziyan searched in memory and immediately knew that the female practitioner in front of her eyes was Xi Shi’s sister, but in front of the clouds, the status and the Xi’s were far apart. So, faintly nodded:

"Know it, I will go right away."

Xu Ziyan reluctantly flew toward the floating Yunfeng, waiting to fly to the floating Yunfeng, landing in the foothills of the cloud, and heading for the floating house. As soon as I entered the room where the clouds were floating, the look was a slight glimpse. I saw the clouds floating above the main seat in the middle, sitting next to her at the side of the hand, a scarred palace. In the middle stood a young woman repairing, Xu Ziyan instantly disappeared from the slightest look, and bowed to the clouds, and said in a respectful manner:

"See the sister!"

"But it!" The cloud floated faintly said: "Xi Shimei, just now Luo Shimei came to report, saying that in the warehouse in Yunfeng Yunfeng, the two anode **** were actually lost. And those who can enter the floating cloud peak warehouse In addition to me, there are only two teachers, Luo Shimei and Wu Shimei. Now Luo Shimei can come to report this matter, then the biggest suspect is the martial arts girl. I have already sent someone to seize the martial arts girl in the treasury. You have to interrogate, be sure to bring back the two anode balls, knowing that it is an excellent auxiliary for practicing the fire attribute method, second only to the treasure of the fire spirit."

Xu Ziyan did not dare to have the slightest scorn in his expression. He quickly said: "Yes, Shimei will go immediately."

When the words fell, they gave another ritual, and they walked out of the cloud-filled room with the Luo Shimei who stood in the middle of the ground, flew away and flew toward the warehouse.

Sitting in the clouds fluttering under the hand palace, he lowered his head slightly, and the two eyes in his eyes dripped and saw Xu Ziyan had walked out of the door. The look in his eyes was very anxious. Seeing that Xu Ziyan and the back of the Luo Shimei had disappeared at the door of the house, the palace could not help but look up and reveal a look of concern:

"Yun Shijie, the anode ball is the treasure of the cultivation of fire properties, it is better for me to go and see, help the sisters."

The cloud fluttered "Hmm" and whispered: "There is still one here in the anode ball. Now you are also in the middle of Yuan Ying. I originally thought about it for a few years. When you break through to the gods, send you one." The anode ball only has a role in the monk when it enters the sacred period. It is not only useless but harmful after the sacred period. I did not expect it to be lost now. You can help the Xi Shimei to check it out. I have come to the cultivation time."

Gong Yiwen listened to the clouds and said that the anode ball was only useful when it was repaired, and the cloud was still ready to give it to one, and the face was a transformation. With a low head hurriedly swaying toward the clouds, he left the cloud-filled room in a complicated mood and flew in the direction of the warehouse.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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