The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 780: Xu Lin's change

I am very grateful to cici&alex classmates, Purgatory Fengwang classmates, Cycs classmates, Qingqiu fox classmates, eryanu classmates, July fire night big snow classmates, seaphay classmates, Aoki soul classmates, habits, lonely classmates, Aoki soul classmates, purple snow Staying classmates, blazing extreme ice classmates, plums ~~~ classmates, seven brothers 513 classmates, pigtails tail baby classmates, Linye71 classmates, shadow classmates, bamboo shakes classmates, big active pill classmates, A_bin classmates, quiet ^_^ Bookmate classmates, the pink ticket of Xia Yu Yinhe classmates!


Xu Lin has grown rapidly since the name of Miyazaki entered the fire sect, and under the good cultivation environment and welfare of the fire sect. But he was eager to revenge, let him only think about improving his cultivation faster. In an accidental opportunity, he knew that the clouds that are now in the early days of the gods are fluttering, and wearing an anode ball during cultivation is extremely supportive for the practice of practicing fire attributes.

Since Xu Lin entered the fire, he hated hatred in his heart, and because of his own face, he usually used all his time to practice. In the eyes of some female practitioners, Xu Lin was not only looked down on because of a scar, but was considered cool and masculine. The martial arts sister who is in charge of one of the library disciples is one of the many female practitioners who secretly love Xu Lin. And as time went by, her expression of Xu Lin's love became more and more obvious.

Xu Lin is not a fool, and he also tasted the bitterness of secret love. How do you not know the mind of the martial arts girl, but he can't. On the one hand, he bears **** hatred. On the other hand, in his heart, except for Xu Ziyan, he can't hold others.

but. When he knew that the cloud was floating around and wearing an anode ball, Xu Lin was not calm. Hate buried the reason, pretending to ask the anode ball casually when approaching the martial arts girl. Wu Shimei is able to manage the warehouse in the floating cloud peak. Nature is a very intelligent person. Although Xu Lin installed a casual look, but it was still seen by the martial arts girl's Lan Xin quality.

Poor infatuated martial arts girl, for the lover of the heart, actually stole two anode **** in the storeroom and secretly handed it to Xu Lin. Although Xu Lin’s heart struggled, he eventually accepted the anode ball. Let the martial arts girl rejoice in her heart.

Xu Ziyan followed the line of Luo Shimei, and constantly searched for consciousness. He discovered that this Luo Shimei was the granddaughter of the elder Luo who refines the Thunderfire sword. Along the way, the Luo Shimei flew very slowly, her expression was very tangled, and there seemed to be something to say to Xu Ziyan. However, the look is clear and hesitant. The anxious color between the eyebrows is getting stronger and stronger.

Xu Ziyan naturally saw the expression of this Luo Shimei, but she did not say anything. When she came from the fire, she was rushing to the fire, and she was too lazy to take care of these idle things.

Luo Shimei spread the knowledge of the gods. When she saw that there was no other person around her and Xu Ziyan, she stretched out the sleeves of Xu Ziyan and squatted down in the clouds. She said in a hurry:

"Sister Xi, save me!"

Xu Ziyan showed a faint color: "Luo Shimei, what are you doing?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan already knows. This Luo Shimei told the martial arts girl to steal the anode ball must be tricky. but. This has nothing to do with Xu Ziyan's spiritual spirit. From the bottom of his heart, Xu Ziyan is not willing to take care of this matter. However, Luo Shimei is in front of her eyes. When he was unable to walk away, he reached out and pulled Luo Shimei from the cloud head.

Luo Shimei still holds the sleeves of Xu Ziyan with her hands. Everything said: "Sister Xi, this time you really want to save me. In addition to the Yunshi sister, the storehouse is in charge of me and the martial arts girl. I swear I didn't steal, it must have been stolen by the martial arts girl."

Xu Ziyan glared at Luo Shimei and said faintly: "So, what else is there to worry about Luo Shimei?"

Luo Shimei’s tears flowed down and cried and said, “I said it was stolen by the martial arts girl, but who would believe it. Maybe she already thought about the words that I stole,”

Xu Ziyan did not answer the words, just looking at each other faintly. Luo Shimei lamented in her heart. Originally, she rushed to report it, thinking that Yunshi’s sister would hand over the matter to her. She did not think that the cloud was fluttering and did not believe her. Instead, she sent her most trusted seat to the Lord. Trial. This time, how can I not hide, I took a sword from the storage ring and handed it to Xu Ziyan with both hands, whispered:

"Xi Shijie, this sword is a smashing treasure of my grandfather's refining. The sister will honor it to you, and you will accept it."

Xu Ziyan did not receive the fire sword in the hands of Luo Shimei, but faintly glared at each other. At this point, she was very sure that there was a bit of a greasy feeling in her heart, and her mind quickly calculated it. I am here for the sake of fire. If I don’t accept the fire sword of Luo Shimei and reveal it to the clouds, this thing may pass quickly.

However, I am afraid that she will be stared by her grandfather Luo. If she receives her fire sword, she will frame the martial arts girl with her. For this, Xu Ziyan does not matter, anyway, it is a break from the fire, who is not related to her, but she does not know whether the martial arts girl has a background, will it cause trouble later? Forget it, take a step and take a step. Xu Ziyan reached out and took the handle of the fire sword and directly received it in the storage ring.

Luo Shimei saw Xu Ziyan put away the fire sword, smiled on his face, and lowered his voice to Xu Ziyan:

"Sister Xi, I really didn't steal the anode ball. However, the anode ball is not lost, but one."

"One?" Xu Zi looked at Luo Shimei with a smog.

Luo Shimei’s face showed a trace of confusion: “I found out that one of the anode **** in the storeroom was missing, and my heart was determined to have been stolen by the martial arts girl. However, if this matter cannot be assigned to the martial arts girl, Yunshi’s sister will definitely We both punish together. So, I stole another anode ball."

"You... stole the other one? Why are you going to report it?" Xu Ziyan asked in surprise.

"I want to put this anode ball in the monk room of the surname Wu. When it is detected, she will be arguing." Luo Shimei said with a grin.

Xu Ziyan shook his head silently. Said faintly: "This matter has nothing to do with me. At that time, I just searched for evidence. Everything still needs to be the master of the cloud."

When Luo Shimei heard Xu Ziyan’s words, she was overjoyed. I knew that Xu Ziyan agreed to her in disguise. In other words, Xu Ziyan will not participate in her planting and blaming, but you can plant this dirty on the martial arts girl, and she will help her testify. This is the next. Luo Shimei was relieved, and it was a prayer to Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you, my sister, my sister will always remember your great grace."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and said: "Have you put the anode ball in the room of the martial arts girl?"

Luo Shimei shook her head and said: "Not yet, her house has a ban, I can't get in. Only by going to the house with your sister and searching for her house, put it in her room."

Luo Shimei explained to Xu Ziyan and said in her heart: "If I can put this anode ball into the room of the monk who surnamed Wu, will it whisper in front of you?"

Luo Shimei was secretly muttering in her heart, and she heard the sound of Gong Gong behind her:

"Sister Xi. Sister Luo, wait for me..."

Xu Ziyan and Luo Shimei looked at each other and turned their heads together, revealing a smile on the palace in the distance. In the ear of Xu Ziyan came the voice of Luo Shimei:

"Xi Shijie, this palace and the martial arts sister have a good relationship, we must beware of him."

A few flashes in the distance flew to the front of Xu Ziyan and Luo Shimei, and saw the chasing of Xu Ziyan and Luo Shimei. Miyazaki breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

"Xi Shijie, Luo Shijie, Yunshi sister asked me to accompany you to find out the theft of the anode ball."

All the expressions of Gong Yi from the distance to the near, Xu Ziyan are in the eyes, the thoughts flashed in my heart, is the theft of the anode ball really related to the palace? Or is it related to the martial arts girl? However, on the surface, Xu Ziyan still smiled faintly:

"Very good, this thing. I don't know where to investigate. I have a lot of help from my sister-in-law. I am a lot easier. Let's go!"

Although Xi Xi’s cultivation is not as high as that of the palace, Xi Xi’s has been flying with the clouds since childhood, and his position in the Yunyun Peak is unparalleled. and so. When Miyazaki saw that Shi Xi looked faint, she squeezed a smile:

"Xie Shijie is very polite. Who does not know Xi Shijie Lan Xin 蕙 quality, is the first arm of Yun Shijie."

When the words fell, Gong Yi quickly glanced at Xu Ziyan on the side, seeing Xu Ziyan is still a faint appearance, can not guess her mind. After looking at Luo Shimei next to him, he tentatively said to Xu Ziyan:

"Xi Shijie, this Luo Shijie is also one of the heads of the Treasury. She also has a major suspicion of the theft of the anode ball, but now she is the first to report it, the younger brother I think it will not be so simple, maybe she is a thief shouting to catch a thief."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze swept across the palace, and she felt that she could not see through the palace. Since I met with Miyazaki, although I can't talk about the palace, I have also experienced life and death together, and I am frank with each other. However, now she does feel that there is a lot of strangeness in the palace, and it seems that there is a lot less in the open, but it is more gloomy.

Xu Ziyan’s heart turned, and finally decided to look at the development of things first. She wouldn't care about the matter of the fire, but after all, Miyazaki had helped her, so she would stand by as long as it was not related to the palace. In the mind, let Luo Shimei put the anode ball into the room of the Wu Shimei. If the matter has nothing to do with Gong Gong, she will not care. To end the matter as soon as possible, she will go to find the fire spirit as soon as possible.

If it is related to Miyazaki, she will be exposed in front of the clouds and it will be the teacher of Luo Shimei, and will hand over the sword of the sword that Luo Shimei bribes, and it will surely save the palace. I thought about everything, and Xu Ziyan’s heart was in the heart, and he said to the palace:

"Miyazaki's younger brother, we are only being investigated by the Yunshi sister's order. In the end, we still want to be the master of the cloud master. Everything is still after the investigation!"


The milk is so madly asking for a monthly ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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