The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 784: Like a closed

Congratulations to Tang Tang 8719 students to become the best elders!


After the news of the descendants of the ancient Xu family re-initiated, what reaction did Da Luotian react? Will these people of Xu family safely return to the Lotus Peak? Will the Lotus Peak be exposed? If it is exposed, what kind of result will it be? The solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun of Ximen do not seem to be difficult for me to attack the Lotus Peak. However, if Wang Woyun and Yunfeifeng join forces, they will break through the Wanli Huangsha. No, the current Wanli Huangsha big array can only be broken by the monks in the middle of the distraction. I must return to the Lotus Peak as soon as possible to upgrade the Wanli Yellow Sand.

It is known from Xi’s memory that the four Mahayana monks are now gathered away from the fire. Why is that? Is it because the time and space channel is not what they said? In this way, they may not have time to deal with the ancient Xu family in a short time.

Looking up at the moonlight in the air, it was almost midnight. Xu Ziyan flickered and flew into the air. After that, fly away from the west.

West is off the peak!

In the west of the ruins of the fire. The aura is relatively thin, and there is no cultivation from the monks who built the cave in the fire. Xu Ziyan flew all the way to the foothills of the west from the peak and landed. Xilifeng is a volcano. At this time, Xu Ziyan stood in the crater and looked down.

The first volcanic crater in front of him gives the impression that it is an extinct volcano. There is no fire aura, and the surrounding aura is very thin. It is regarded as a wasteland away from the fire. Xu Ziyan is also very skeptical. Is there a fire spirit here? However, Shi Bolin’s advantage was at the time of his death. He told her seriously that he had seen Fire Spirit here. Presumably, Shibo will not deceive her.

Spread the gods toward the crater and shrouded it. After a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan’s shoulder collapsed. The little face collapsed and the eyes were filled with disappointment. She did not find traces of the fire in the crater.

However, Xu Ziyan still does not give up. The figure was vertical and jumped into the crater. He waited until Xu Ziyan fell to the bottom of the crater, and did not feel the heat. This made Xu Ziyan’s heart lose confidence even more. I can't help but think that it will be in the years when Shi Bo left. The fire spirit here has been taken away from the monks of the fire, so this will be the appearance.

Looking around and looking around. It is true that there is no shadow of the fire spirit, let alone the fire spirit, even a trace of Mars. Xu Ziyan reached out and placed his hand on the mountain wall. He could not feel the temperature, which made Xu Ziyan’s heart disappointing to the extreme. Xu Ziyan’s heart was very unwilling, and he printed the gods on the mountain wall, scanning one inch and one inch.

Over time. Xu Ziyan is getting more and more disappointed. If it is not already scanned by two-thirds, only one-third, Xu Ziyan almost wants to stop immediately and fly away. Because it can be seen at a glance, it is impossible to have the appearance of a fire spirit. The reason why Xu Ziyan scans with the gods is only an unwilling performance.

I waited until Xu Ziyan scanned the whole mountain wall, but still did not find the slightest fluctuation.

Xu Ziyan stood there, deeply locked her brow, let her leave. She is not reconciled. She firmly believes that Lin Shangfeng will not deceive her. There must be a secret that she did not find.

Xu Ziyan only had the last move, and opened the eyes of Peng Peng against the mountain wall. In the double eyes, the blue strobe flashed slowly, and the eyes swept across the mountain wall.

Suddenly. Xu Ziyan’s look changed, revealing ecstasy. Because there is a formation in her eyes. Xu Ziyan tried to control the urgency of seeing him immediately. Divide a glimpse of the gods on the array and continue to scan forward.

After scanning the rest of the section, Xu Ziyan only found that there was a formation in that place. The figure was floating, standing in front of it, and there was a trace of surprise on his face.

On the wall of the mountain, in her eyes, she found a character, and it was a sigh of relief, covering all breath. What surprised the most purple smoke was that there was a nine-pronged treasure in front of him. I didn't think that I thought it was the inflated treasure that I had invented. In this world, I already had someone, and the level exceeded myself. Is there a Fubao that Dan Fuzong doesn't know in this world?

However, when she thought of Dan Dan who had no blood in her inheritance, she couldn’t help but think that Dan Fuzong was not omnipotent, and she thought it was too ideal. I figured this out and I couldn’t help but relieve myself.

However, there is such a nine-piece collection of treasures, no wonder no monks found here, with this convergence of treasures, who can find this? Xu Ziyan really doubts whether someone will find it on this vast continent. If you don’t own the eye of the Peng Peng, it’s just because of the knowledge of God that there is a piece of nine-pieces that can be found.

In the eyes of Kuang Peng, the sigh of relief is quietly hanging there. At this time, the mountain wall in front of the eyes has disappeared in the eyes of Xu Ziyan's Yan Peng, and it is a hole in the height of one person. However, there is a formation on the hole. Xu Ziyan recognized that this array of methods in front of him was called a closed array. With the help of Kun Peng's eyes, Xu Ziyan quickly found the way to enter this array.

Xu Ziyan’s mouth passed a confident smile and walked towards the block. Step by step into the seal like a closed array, suddenly the law flashed red, an extremely dangerous hit on the heart of Xu Ziyan. During the swaying of the body, Xu Ziyan immediately withdrew as if it were closed. In front of her eyes, a burst of red light flashed, a fire spirit appeared in front of her, saw the opposite of the purple smoke. Suddenly turned into a big mouth, swallowed toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was greatly stunned by the sudden change of the big mouth, and his figure suddenly retreated toward the back. However, the fire spirit quickly rushed toward Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan hurriedly teleported out, but in this crater, it seems that the fire spirit has a special induction, always catching the breath of Xu Ziyan Let Xu Ziyan move so hard.

However, I have not waited until Xu Ziyan is impatient, but the fire spirit is first impatient. Suddenly between. The big mouth disappeared, and the fire spirit turned into a fire that fell to the ground. For example, the same drop of flaming water dripping on the surface of the water, swaying in a circle. It’s just that it’s not water, it’s a hot flame. Just an instant. The whole ground is full of flames, and the flame is rapidly rising upwards along the surrounding mountain walls, so that Xu Ziyan is born in a huge stove in an instant.

Xu Ziyan suddenly woke up, what am I going to escape? I am here to collect it! It may be difficult for others to accept it. But I don't have it, I have a purple smoke space!


Scared by it!

Xu Ziyan, who was awake, opened his heart and opened the purple smoke space, and wanted to bring the fire spirit into the space. Sure enough, the lingering flames rushed into the purple smoke space. A horrified scream of horror, the raging flame in the space instantly disappeared and became a red. It was the fire spirit that showed the truth, and he slammed into the big circle like a seal and disappeared.

The shape of Xu Ziyan rushed to the wall of the mountain, and the sound of "砰" was rebounded as if it were closed. The figure was in the air, and the blue eyes strobed in the eyes, which opened the eyes of the Peng Peng, and once again rushed to the closed array. Suddenly. Stopped on the edge of the big array, Xu Ziyan's look became dignified. She remembered the extreme danger that she had just felt like she had entered into a large array. The mind became extremely cautious.

Among the eyes, the blue strobe, Xu Ziyan's look is getting more and more heavy. She has already seen that this is like a closed array. Because she has a spirit, and the spirit is the fire spirit. For the spirit array, the current Xu Ziyan really does not have much confidence.

If you rush into the spirits, then the fire spirit with the power of the big array, I am afraid that he is really not its opponent, if it is here. There is no place to cry when you cry.

The best way is to be able to draw the fire spirit from the inside. Then it will be put into the purple smoke space outside. But how can you attract it?

Xu Ziyan suddenly thought of the anode ball. Since the anode ball is the treasure of the fire attribute, it should have a strong attraction for the fire spirit. If I put the anode ball on my body. That fire spirit should be able to come out of the big array. Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan will not stop doing the slightest. And looking for it for so long, the sky is going to be bright. The figure rises from the sky and rushes out of the crater and flies toward his place of residence.

I went back to my own house. Just after I had finished bathing, I heard the sound of touching and banned outside. Xu Ziyan opened the ban, pushed open the courtyard door and saw that he was a brother of his own. Let the other party come in and look at each other in an inquiry. The other party simply handed Xu Ziyan a storage bag, Xu Ziyan's mental power swept toward the inside, turned out to be the ten best spiritual stones. Xu Ziyan looked at the other side, and his eyes were out of confusion. The brother said to Xu Ziyan:

"Xi Shimei, the brothers want to join the sister team's monitoring team, please accept the sister."

Xu Ziyan heard the words, and suddenly disappeared. If you want to enter the monitoring team, you will give yourself ten pieces of the best spiritual stone. You must know that it is equivalent to one hundred pieces of top quality. For a monk in the early days of the Yuan Ying, it is also a resource. However, this point of Lingshi is a slap in the face for Xu Ziyan. At the beginning of the Heberfest House, in the residences of the government and the government, Xu Ziyan got too many Lingshi. It must have been that the repairers in Heberfest House were brought to the immortal world by He Bo, and the Lingshi could no longer be used, and they were thrown at He Boxian.


I am very grateful to Carolineshao, Fox Linlin, Moonlight Cloud, Sarahlp2008, Fengjing, Yanz0530, Xiaoxiang cc, nana8214, Want Qiu, Xiaohu Goodan, QQ Yan Yunmei, and Japanese friends. Jin Lili classmates, Xueye Pistachio classmates, Youyou Linglong classmates, Fengfeng 790830 classmates, espflykite classmates, Qige 513 classmates, flat-tailed deer tail classmates, Wu-Yajun classmates, nana_zhao classmates, Huang Jingfei classmates, book friends 100718211557366 classmates If you love your classmates, Wen Xiaowen, classmates, singer, singer, singer, singer, singer, singer, singer, singer, singer, singer, singer, singer, singer, singer 2004 classmates, students in the summer of Wei Wei, locks Jun Jun classmates, Ai Feng C classmates, lost his heartlessness, classmates' pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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