The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 785: The peak of the early days of the gods (seeking pink)

Warmly congratulate you to become the best!


Although the ten best spiritual stones are not appropriate for Xu Ziyan, don't be white! Besides, Xu Ziyan has not received the gift for a long time. As for what the monitoring team will look like in the future, will Xu Ziyan care? At the moment, the storage bag was unceremoniously collected, stood up, and stretched out a hand to pat the shoulders of the opposite brother, smiling and said:

"Senior brothers are relieved, from now on you are already a member of the monitoring team! Do it well, I am optimistic about you!"

The brother was so excited that he thanked him and was happily sent out by Xu Ziyan. After the purple smoke returned to the room, the heart was pondering. It seems that the monitoring team’s oil and water is definitely quite a lot. Otherwise, you will not be given a gift of ten pieces of the best spiritual stone. Forget it, I don't have time to carefully select the team members of the monitoring team. Now, apart from Rose and the brothers who have just left, there are still 18 places, so who will come first to give gifts.

After making up his mind, Xu Ziyan was sitting in the room waiting for the old **** to receive the gift. It was really fast. In less than two hours, Xu Ziyan received another 18 ceremonies, and then let Luo Shimei temporarily serve as the vice captain and threw the monitoring team to Luo Shimei, telling them that they had to retreat these days. When the impact was over, the people were all smashed out.

Putting a defensive array in the house, Xu Ziyan sat on the bed and entered the cultivation. Although Xu Ziyan has entered the early days of the gods, but after the insights of the ancient wilderness, she felt her gap. Therefore, Xu Ziyan grasped every moment of cultivation.

Wait until the moon is in the sky. Xu Ziyan quietly left his room and sneaked into the warehouse. Adjusting the weight of the body to the lowest, the body does not have the slightest breath, floating in the shadow of the shadow of the tree and the outside of the warehouse. There is a ban on the storeroom. So there are not many guardian monks.

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and the law prohibition was seen in her blue eyes. The figure quickly traversed a layer of ban, and although the fire was a large gate on the mainland, the argument and the prohibition were not placed in the eyes of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan soon appeared in the room where the anode ball was stored. I saw the anode ball next to the fire. Xu Ziyan reached out and grabbed, and the anode ball flew into her hands. The anode ball was received in the storage ring, and then quickly exited the warehouse and flew toward the west.

Soon, Xu Ziyan came to the West and jumped from the crater. First, pose before the spirit array, ready to collect fire spirit. Then take the anode ball out of the storage ring and take it in your hand, waiting for the fire spirit to come out from inside.

This is half an hour, but there is no shadow of the fire. Xu Ziyan looked around and thought about it, and put the anode ball on the ground. After two quarters of an hour, there was still no movement. Xu Ziyan was very reluctant to kick the anode ball with his foot and kicked the anode ball away from himself. Close to the ban. However, I waited until Xu Ziyan didn't know how to kick a few times. Finally, the anode ball had already rolled to the front of the ban, and the fire spirit still did not come out.

As a result, Xu Ziyan still has something to understand, that is, Huo Ling simply dismissed the anode ball. Depressedly, the anode ball on the ground was picked up from the ground, and it flew away from the west, and the anode ball was sent back to the warehouse in the night. Since the anode ball is useless, Xu Ziyan does not want to float Yunfeng and because the anode ball is stolen, it affects himself to get the fire spirit.

Going back to my room. Xu Ziyan began to take Sanyuan Dan to practice. Nowadays, with the cultivation of the gods. Xu Ziyan can already take Sanyuan Dan. The rich potency of the Sanyuan Dan makes the cultivation of Xu Ziyan grow rapidly. At the same time, Xu Ziyan laid a gathering of spirits around himself. Since the fire is a super sect on the mainland of the Cangwu, the aura inside this door will not be bad. Every hour of cultivation, Xu Ziyan feels his progress.

After staying late at night, Xu Ziyan once again came to the bottom of the crater of Xifeng. Sitting cross-legged on the opposite side of the ban. There is no way to lock the brow. Xu Ziyan carefully examined the pattern before the ban. It is a second-line spirit. When Xu Ziyan gritted his teeth, he decided to take time to understand the two spirits in front of him. Anyway, the monks on the entire floating cloud peak knew that she was now in the house and had a good retreat in the house. People found out.

In order to save time, Xu Ziyan not only infiltrated the gods into the two spirits, but also opened the eyes of the Peng Peng. Xu Ziyan had already had enough knowledge of the spirit array, and now he is fully engaged in it, and soon he is completely immersed in comprehension.

Time has passed in the day of comprehension. The inheritance in the soul and the opposite spiritual array have confirmed each other, and with the help of Kuang Peng’s eyes, Xu Ziyan’s understanding of the second product of the spiritual array is progressing rapidly. The mysterious figure gradually became clear in Xu Ziyan’s eyes and gods, and a trace of heaven and earth merged into the soul of Xu Ziyan, which made Xu Ziyan’s state of mind continue to rise, and his body began to fluctuate.

Nine days!

In nine days, Xu Ziyan fully realized the second product spirit. Let Xu Ziyan enter the realm of the second product, and at the same time improve his mood, so that he can get a breakthrough. The aura of the west is too weak, so this time Xu Ziyan did not enter the purple smoke space. The body of the purple smoke space absorbed the aura, but kept taking Sanyuan Dan. When she took the seventh Sanyuan Dan, her cultivation was finally stabilized at the peak of the early days of the gods.

Slowly opened his eyes, Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed a hint of joy. She did not think that she had reached the peak of the early days of the gods so quickly, and that she could enter the realm of the middle of the gods in one step.

Standing up from the ground, Xu Ziyan smiled confidently toward the opposite ban and shouted: "Little fire spirit, my sister is here!"

When the words fall, the body shape flashes, and it enters into a large array. Only in an instant, Xu Ziyan felt the strong hostility in the whole block. Xu Ziyan knows that this is because the formation of this array is a fire spirit, a fire spirit that already has life, so the whole body will have life as if it were closed.

The temperature around it suddenly became unbearable, and the entire block seemed to be red and red in an instant. Xu Ziyan's eyes swept away, only to see that he was in a red world, surrounded by countless fire spirits, thousands of thousands, swallowed toward himself.

Xu Ziyan is running around, opening the purple smoke space, and his mind frequently reads: "Receive! Receive! Receive..."

However, the result was disappointing Xu Ziyan, and the fire spirit merged like a seal. Just like being rooted in this battle, it will be interpreted as if it were closed. It is not only the action that seals the purple smoke, but also the closed one that is not charged by Xu Ziyan. In this way, Xu Ziyan is in a downturn in an instant. She realized that this is like a closed-up, but the fire spirit is constantly changing the ban. After all, the fire spirit is like a closed heart, and the speed of Xu Ziyan’s break can not keep up with the speed of the fire.

Xu Ziyan did not think about using the magical powers to break through, but she did not know whether her own magical powers would cause damage to the fire spirit. This time I came here to collect the fire spirit. Once the magical powers are broken, the fire spirit will also be broken up. Can the purple smoke not cry? However, without using the magical powers, Xu Ziyan has clearly felt the power of Huo Ling in this array. With the help of a closed array, it has already threatened the life of Xu Ziyan. The array is rapidly forming a closed space. Once it is completely formed, I am afraid that Xu Ziyan has to leave his life here.

Before and after the half-time, Xu Ziyan made a decision, and his body shape was still not completely closed and flew backwards. After withdrawing from the big array, Xu Ziyan looked at the opposite side of the mountain wall and flashed red, and restored the appearance of a mountain wall, completely disappearing. I can't help but sigh in the heart. This is that I have fully realized this battle. If I change to a monk, even the most powerful Ximen solitary smoke on the mainland is only a dead end.

This is like a closed big array of really mysterious, this is to form a closed space, if you do not own the eyes of the Peng Peng, you can not find its existence. And after he realized that the seal was like a closed array, the fire spirit could change at any time.

Looking at the opposite side of the mountain wall, Xu Ziyan had no way at all. Sighed and decided to go back and take a break. After all, I have been away for so long, I don’t know if the clouds are floating and I will doubt myself. Looked up and looked up, seeing the sky bright outside, is close to noon, Xu Ziyan looked down a little, and adjusted his own cultivation to the state of complete completion of the knot, the body shape skyrocketed, rushed out of the volcano Mouth, fly to his place of residence.

For nine consecutive days of comprehension, plus a dangerous battle with Huo Ling. Xu Ziyan is also a little tired, and the body is not very comfortable, want to go back to take a bath, take a rest.

Not far from his own residence, he heard a pleasant laughter, and Xu Ziyan's figure quickly accelerated. When I saw that in front of my own house, the team members of the monitoring team that I had collected were all knocked down on the ground, and everyone’s face was almost turned into a pig's head. And the team members of the law enforcement team stood opposite, and they were laughing at it:

"This is the monitoring team? Hahaha..., who can monitor you at this level? Just to discuss with you, it is soft like this, hahaha..., do you have any ability to monitor others? In the clouds, or we enforce the law The team is first."


I am very grateful to the fat chubby classmates (1888), Xuan Tian Ziwei Xingjun classmates (100), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100), phoebezhong classmates (100) for the reward!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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