The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 786: Tyrannical law enforcement team

I am very grateful to the Quartet Dream Flying Classmates, ------- 艹 classmates, elva3 classmates, violent dwarfs Wang classmates, Zi Yan classmates, SOi classmates, street corners to buy love classmates, acatadog classmates, Hong Fuyuan to classmates, a serval cat Classmates, lhq101 classmates, cat classmates who like to steal, Xiaofan classmates, Lisi classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan’s body shape stopped and stood in the air. In fact, in the heart of Xu Ziyan has always been very strange, how can there be a law enforcement team in a floating cloud peak? Should the law enforcement team not belong to Zongmen? When is there a law enforcement team on a mountain? And the clouds are floating and a monitoring team is given to yourself! She remembers that Tai Xuanzong is not like this!

In the mind, I quickly searched for the memory of Xi Xi, and I realized why. The corner of my mouth passed a bitter smile, and my heart was dark. It turned out that I was sitting in the well. Tai Xuanzong himself is still too small, like the super sect of the fire sect, there are tens of thousands of monks on a mountain, which is equivalent to a Tai Xuanzong.

In the case of the fire, usually a monk has to break through to the distraction period before he can have a mountain. Like a cloud fluttering, this monk is only a monk who has no right to own a mountain. But who makes people's clouds fluttering in the background, the grandmother is from the fire ancestor Yunfeifeng!

Therefore, Yunfeifeng exchanged a mountain peak with his own contribution to Zongmen. It is also because of the fluttering identity of the cloud that when her mountain was established, there were a large number of monks who went to her. The monks of the distracted period have their own peaks, and naturally they will not go to her, and the monks who are the gods are also the high-ranking monks in the Zongmen. Although there is no right to own a mountain, the Dongfu is also very rich in the aura of Zongmen, and the welfare of Zongmen is also very good, and naturally will not go to her. but. The monks below the Yuan Ying period and the Yuan Ying period have too many want to join the floating cloud peak. Therefore, there are not only tens of thousands of people on the peak of the floating clouds, but also many monks of the Yuan Ying period.

A mountain like this is the size of a sacred door. Naturally, there is a law enforcement team, and the members of this law enforcement team are Yuan Ying period monks. In turn, look at the monitoring team of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan can not help but blush at this time. No one was a monk in the Yuan Ying period.

Xu Ziyan was ordered by the clouds to form a monitoring team. Those Yuan Ying period are not unknown, but the Yuan Ying period monk is the top monk in the floating cloud peak, naturally want to be self-sufficient, how can I give a gift to the twelfth floor of the knot? And they also heard the contradiction between Xu Ziyan and Zhou Zhu.

In their view. Since the law enforcement teams are all monks of the Yuan Ying period, then the monitoring team will not be able to close the monks of the Dan period, and there is a contradiction with Zhou Zhu. Xi Xi will come to invite them to join the monitoring team, so that they can Make some requests and get generous benefits.

Moreover, Zhou Zhu’s thoughts are the same as those of the Yuan Ying period monks. He also personally did a lot of work for the Yuan Ying period monks. Let them not join the monitoring team. Unexpectedly, what made them stunned was that Xu Ziyan chose the team members of the monitoring team in half a day, and none of them were monks in the Yuan Ying period.

This time, it caused an uproar in the entire floating cloud peak. Zhou Zhu was snickering after the shock, and those Yuan Ying period monks were angry. They can't join the monitoring team, it is their self-sustaining identity. However, Xu Ziyan did not ask them what they meant. He directly got a bunch of junkery garbage formation monitoring team, which is simply a shame to them.

but. These people are also human fine. They just expressed their dissatisfaction and anger towards Xu Ziyan to Zhou Zhu. One by one, the law enforcement team was supposed to be under such a monitoring team, so that they all felt humiliated, and then they stood by and watched.

Zhou Zhu, the captain of the law enforcement team, has always been used to it. Now he sees the players selected by Xu Ziyan. The heart is full of disdain, and it is also angered by the monks of the Yuan Ying period. I went to the place where Xu Ziyan repeatedly went to find Xu Ziyan. I want to ask two teams to discuss it. He wants to see what kind of expression Xu Ziyan will be. But what disappointed him was that Xu Ziyan announced his retreat.

After a few days of endurance, under his instruction, the law enforcement team’s monks began to look for trouble with the monitoring team. Rose Rong also went to find the clouds and fluttered, but the clouds fluttered very dissatisfied with Xi’s performance. However, with her understanding of Xi Xi, Xi Wei is definitely not doing things so rashly. However, now Xi Xi is retreating, and the clouds are floating coldly and throwing a sentence:

"Your captain is Xi Xi!"

Then she blew out Rose, and her heart was very depressed. Originally, I wanted to make a team that I trusted to form a team that I believed in. I didn't expect it to be a big joke. Today, this joke is not only spread around the peaks of the floating clouds, but even spread to the Zongmen, making the face of the clouds fluttering very embarrassing.

At this time, the clouds fluttered in the air, looking at it from afar, and Xu Lin stood on her side.

With the knowledge of Xu Ziyan, it is natural to know that the clouds are watching here. I can't help but smile in my heart. It seems that I am too casual about the monitoring team. It provoked the anger in the heart of the clouds, otherwise she would not let Zhou Zhu be wild here.


Xu Ziyan spit a long breath, his heart, it seems that today is not able to hide, always have to find the scene back, in order to calm some of the clouds of anger.


Xu Ziyan screamed and screamed, and the body shape "嗖" fell in front of Zhou Zhu, looking at Zhou Zhudao with a cold face:

"Give me an explanation!"

Zhou Zhu was initially scared by Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan was fluctuating with a strong and complete atmosphere of the knot, the eyes were shocked, and then revealed disdain, followed by yin and yang:

"Hey, the knot is very successful!"

"Give me an explanation!" Xu Ziyan still looked at Zhou Zhu coldly.

Zhou Zhu felt the pressure from the face, which made him very uncomfortable. A monk who completed the great period of the Dan, he was a monk in the middle of the Yuan Ying, how could it be suppressed by a monk of the knot, even if she was a great consummation. The heart involuntarily raised a shy anger, said coldly:

"There is nothing to explain, I am just talking to your so-called monitoring team!"

"Teaching? I know? I don't know, I will call my people like this, you tell me it is a discussion?" Xu Ziyan's look became more cold, said one word.

"What do you want?" Zhou Zhu snorted and said: "I can beat you back!"

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan’s sound is good for export, and Zhou Zhu’s look is clear and he is ready for the battle. In his heart has been calculated, as long as the opposite side of the shot, he released his most proud of the spell, the fire dragons. One trick was to smash the shackles, let her completely lose people, and see how she could lift her head in the sky.

However, Xu Ziyan did not move, because Xi Xi is the root of Huo Ling, and Xu Ziyan did not have any magical skills in the fire system. Although he got a fire cheat in He Boxian, he still has no time to practice. Over. Slightly wrinkled his brows and remembered the Chinese martial art unicorn that he had won from the Eastern Qing dynasty.

At this time, Zhou Zhu saw Xu Ziyan's brow furrow standing there. He thought that Xu Ziyan was just a fierce scream on his mouth. He must have been afraid of it in his heart, and his mouth revealed a sardonic smile. At this time, Rose, who had already climbed up from the ground, waited for the hands of Xu Ziyan, and there was disappointment on one face. The clouds in the distance fluttered slightly, and only Xu Lin’s face did not change at all. In his heart, Zhou Zhu had already been placed in the abused position.

Sure enough, just as the sarcasm of Zhou Zhuzuo’s mouth gradually expanded, there was a fire on the front. At that time, the jade brand was released by the great elders of the Eastern Green Huozong, and there was a monk equivalent to the Yuan Ying period, not to mention the horrible spiritual power of Xu Ziyan. The power of the fire unicorn directly reached the beginning of the gods, this is still Xu Ziyan control of his spiritual strength, and did not fully stimulate the power of the jade card.

I haven't waited until Zhou Zhu can see what the fire on the opposite side is, and then she is blasted out. A violent hot air invades his body. A blood spurt three feet high in midair and stunned in the past.

Xu Ziyan did not do anything, anyway, these monks from the fire sect had nothing to do with her. The gods control the fire unicorn who swept the members of the law enforcement team. Only in an instant, the other 20 people fell down to six people, and the remaining monks disappeared with a bang, fleeing into the distance.

Xu Ziyan quickly put away the fire unicorn, throwing a hand to Rose and melting a bottle of healing Dan, seeing no dare to look at the direction of the clouds, for fear of being swayed by the clouds, seeing the flaws under the details, so Then the voice said a little louder:

"Luo Shimei, you go back to heal the wounds. I have the sentiment that I want to close the Yuan Ying period!"

When the words fell, they rushed into their homes, sitting in a chair, releasing the knowledge and watching the clouds in the air.

The monks outside heard Xu Ziyan throwing a word and rushed into the house, stupidly falling there.

"What does she say? Just after breaking through the great completion of the knot period, I have another sentiment. Do you want to close the Yuan Ying period?"

Zhou Zhu just woke up and heard the words that Xu Ziyan had dropped. He slammed a blood and slammed his head. I passed out again.

The clouds in the distant sky are naturally fluttering. I heard Xu Ziyan’s words. Xu Ziyan said so loudly, how could she not hear it? A face stunned in the air, looking at the door of Xi Xi, a few black lines on the head. Identified that Xi Xi was escaping from her, squatting on her sleeves, flying to her home, and whispering her teeth:

"When you have not broken through the Yuan Ying period, how can I explain it to me!"


Was smashed the pink ticket list! Cry and die! Comrades, tickets! Tickets...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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