The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 792: Hit the big Luotian

I am very grateful to yinpp classmates, forty-four classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, minghua76 classmates, ~~ fireworks~~ classmates, espflykite classmates, baby anniez classmates, gold dreams many classmates, vivizhou classmates, Xiaorong 2004 classmates, Huiyi* Lingyi classmates, Wuxiangbobo classmates, Evacici classmates, rabbits ★ baby classmates, light purple 1985 classmates, 91885901 classmates, fish and water classmates, lazy heaven classmates, sunset classmates, Lisi classmates pink ticket!


The four eyebrows in the house are locked together. In the end, Xu Haoran said with dismay: "The only way now is to be able to take care of Da Luotian so that they have no spare time to deal with our Xu family in a short time. And our Xu family is sending multi-channel monks to the sunset. The town is centered and welcomes the disciples of the return of the Southern Wildness in all directions. If they meet them, they will directly take them back to the Lotus Peak, and also send people to wait in the sunset town. In this way, there is an opportunity to return to the South. Disciples, the damage is reduced to the lowest."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes lit up and he stood up from the chair. Gently pointed to Xu Haoran:

"Da Bo, you arrange to meet the returning Xu family disciples. I will go to the sunset town to see if there are any disciples of Da Luotian. If there is, I will kill them first. After that, I will go directly to Da Luotian. Zongmen, since we and Da Luotian are not dead, I will seal his door this time. If there is a chance, I will directly kill Wang Laoyun, the old ghost!"

When Xu Ziyan said this, the three people in the house were stupid! what? Going to Da Luotian to seal the door of others? And have the opportunity to kill Wang Woyun?

Xu Haoguang stood up in trepidation, his eyes filled with concern, and he shuddered and said: "Smoke. You didn't go into flames?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the three pairs of scared eyes, the anger in his heart was a vent, knowing that this is the concern of the family, the heart is surging with warmth. Speak softly:

"Father. Uncle, Jiub, don't worry about me. I will leave immediately after two days of retreat. You will arrange as soon as possible to meet the family disciples of the South Wilderness!"

The three people hesitatedly looked at Xu Ziyan, saw Xu Ziyan's resolute appearance, and moved his mouth. He wanted to ask Xu Ziyan what to seal the door of Da Luotian, but he saw that Xu Ziyan did not mean to say. Then he nodded and said "good" and went back together.

When Xu Ziyan saw his father and the two uncles retreat, they came to their practice room. First, I threw a bunch of fire stones to the fire spirits. After two days, I made a second-generation 10,000-year-old yellow sand. Naturally, it is a metaphysical **** in a purple smoke space.

The second product was taken up, and then the fire spirit was observed. It was found that the consumption of Huo Linger was completely filled. but. When she saw that her own fire stone had lost more than 500 pieces, the corner of her mouth was pumped, and there was a feeling of heartache.

Raise your hand and rub your own heart. The remaining pieces of fire were collected, and they walked out of the practice room, and did not tell Xu Haoran them. The white was released, and the flying body stepped on the white body and flew away to the sunset town.

When I arrived at the sky above the town of sunset, Xu Ziyan stood on the back of Xiaobai and shrouded his own knowledge. Now the consciousness of Xu Ziyan is close to the middle of distraction. If there is a monk in Da Luotian in the town of the setting sun. It is impossible to be a monk who is more than half of the distraction. Xu Ziyan must be able to detect it.

The town of Sunset was originally a small town, but it was only a moment when Xu Ziyan explored the whole town. There are no monks in Da Luotian in the town. Xu Ziyan gently patted the white head, and the whites fluttered in the direction of Da Luotian.

More than two days. Xu Ziyan has already flew to the sky above Da Luotian in Xiaobai. Looking from the sky to Da Luotian, Xu Ziyan could not help but sigh.

This Luo Luo is really innocent as a super sect on the mainland. Originally, Xu Ziyan felt that the lotus peak he occupied was not small, but compared with Da Luotian, this Luo Luotian was more than five times larger than the one he occupied.

Xu Ziyan came here this time, just want to use the Wanli Huangsha big array to encircle the entire Luo Luotian. Then, with the Wanli Huangsha big array, the whole big Luotian was given. The original Wanli Huangsha big battle can't be done, but today's Wanli Huangsha big array is already the second product spirit array. In the heart of Xu Ziyan, this can be done completely. Moreover, this Da Luotian Fangyuan has not reached Wanli, and it is completely feasible to cover it with a large array of thousands of miles of sand.

The only problem is the time to deploy the Wanli Yellow Sands. Although today's Wanli Huangsha big array is already a second product, the time of deployment is not as long as it used to be, but it also takes a lot of time. If she was discovered by the monk of Da Luotian when she arranged the formation, she would destroy her pillar like the Hydra in the ancient wilderness, and she would not have a chance to arrange it.

Xu Ziyan has only one chance, whether it is a failure or a success. In the future, Da Luotian will not give her another chance. From now on, Da Luotian will always send disciples to pay attention to the fluctuation of space, and will never give Xu Ziyan a chance to arrange. However, no one in today’s Da Luotian would think that there will be monks who dare to go to Dalutian to make trouble on the mainland. Even if someone thinks that someone will come to Da Luotian to make trouble, they will not frantically think that there will be a monk who will use a big one. The array closed the entire Da Luotian.

This... is crazy!

This gave Xu Ziyan a chance. As long as there are dozens of interest time, Xu Ziyan will complete the feat of the entire vast continent for thousands of years.

Xu Ziyan was riding a small white flying in the high air. At the same time, he placed a converging symbol on his body and Xiaobai, completely hiding his breath. After that, let Xiaobai squat and fly slowly around Da Luotian, and determine a point.

After all the 108 points were confirmed, Xu Ziyan left Da Luotian in a small distance and found a mountain range to fall down and sit cross-legged in the foothills. Just now she observed Da Luotian, and it was still very common to see Da Luotian. The monks who thought that Da Luotian attacked his own family were all killed by himself, and no one escaped. Therefore, at this time, the entire Da Luotian has not received the news that the monks who went to rob the Xu family were completely degraded. I don't know, is Wang Woyun at this time in Da Luotian?

Silently adjust the interest rate, wait until the moon is in the sky. Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai rushed to the sky, and in the midair, Xiaobai was transformed into a scorpion, and Xu Ziyan stepped on the back of Kunpeng. Xiaobai’s figure went straight into the sky and flew toward the big Luotian.

Soon, Xiaobai flew over the sky above Da Luotian. Xu Ziyan let Xiaobai hover at high altitude, and she jumped from the back of Xiaobai, and adjusted the weight of the body to the lowest, slowly falling from the air to the bottom.

The following Luo Luotian gradually enlarged from a black point. When it reached the height suitable for the array, Xu Ziyan stopped the falling figure and stood in the air.

The hands slammed, and one hundred and eight pillars were wrapped around the Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan flipped the handcuffs at a rapid speed, and he slammed the road into the 108 pillars while locking his mind to himself. A hundred and eight points have been identified. Just less than ten minutes, Xu Ziyan's hands were on both sides of the body, and the 108 pillars fell quickly toward the 108 points.

The space immediately began to fluctuate drastically. Above the Da Luotian, there were 108 fluctuations in the direction of 108. Xu Ziyan’s heart has been raised, and success is here.

After a few moments have passed, Da Luotian did not react at all. It must have been safe for a long time, and no monk would think of someone coming to the door.

However, Xu Ziyan’s heart is more and more tense as the one hundred and eight pillars are closer to the point. Suddenly, four figures were rushed out from Daluo. They were four monks of the gods. The four monks did not find Xu Ziyan, which completely hides the atmosphere in the air, but found the surrounding ones. The fluctuation of the column.

I made a stay and didn't know what the 100-pin column was. After another two-time period, the four monks of the gods suddenly woke up from the confusion. Everyone stretched out a hand and wanted to **** in a column. In the air, Xu Ziyan’s eyes are condensed, and his body is suddenly filled with red light. If the seal is like a closed body, the four sacred monks will be covered in it. Just a moment of rest, the four gods will be destroyed.

He hurriedly took back Huo Linger and threw it into a few pieces of fire stone. The eyes looked anxiously toward the direction of the hundred and eight pillars.

However, this is like a closed big out, and the sky's fire cloud immediately alerted the monk of Da Luotian. At this time, Wang Woyun has returned to Da Luotian, but his self-sustaining identity did not appear. How could it be that every time Da Luotian had something to do, he let his ancestor come forward, and what would be the disciples of Da Luotian.

Wang Woyun does not act, does not mean that the monks of Da Luotian do not act. Just two or three times, there are hundreds of figures rising into the sky. In the Yuan Ying period, the gods of the gods, the monks of the distracted period have, and even some monks in the knot period have risen in anger. The mouth screamed:

"Who dares to go to Da Luotian to die?"

The voice had not yet fallen, and a cloud of fire was hanged from the sky, shrouded in the horror of the fear of the monks. Where does the speed of Huo Linger still allow them to react? It’s just a dozen times of time, and all these hundreds of people will be wiped out.

Xu Ziyan quickly took Huo Linger back and threw more than a thousand pieces of fiery stone into Huo Linger. As long as you insist on the ten-day time, the Wansha Huangsha big array can be arranged. This Wanli Huangsha big array is different from Huo Linger's like a closed array. It was originally a large array of earthen systems. After entering the underground, it naturally can rely on the local gas to run.


There are still 23 pink tickets to 100. Can you watch your comrades today? The bell is sweating the code word, early to 100, stimulating the ringing, the bell will be coded faster!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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