The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 793: Undead

I am very grateful to Lin’s monthly classmates, four-leaf clover classmates, little songs and classmates, moonlight cloud classmates, little insects, classmates, Fengmianyi classmates, classmates, four seasons auspicious sunbo classmates, 0 peaches 0~ classmates, south瀛 瀛 同学 ,, tea fragrant? pleasant classmates, asd21323 classmates, jiaxinluna2 classmates, book friends 080923110048227 classmates pink ticket!


The scene of the fire in the air just swept through the hundreds of monks in Da Luotian was seen by countless Da Luotian disciples, and Xu Ziyan, who was stunned and looked at the air. At this point, they have already seen the figure in the air. Although it was late at night, some people recognized Xu Ziyan as a cultivator.

"Xu Ziyan, bold!"

This time, thousands of people appeared in the shadow of Xu Ziyan. At this time, Huo Linger only had a few interest intervals, and Xu Ziyan did not dare to use it. She also wants to keep Wang Woyun who once rushed out. And if you can drag it for a long time, then the fire spirit will absorb some fire stones, and it will also be able to recover the fighting power.

Besides, identity has now been exposed and there is no need to hide it. Xu Ziyan thought about it and took out the jade flute across the lips. Instantly detonated the true elements of the hundred acupoints in the body, and the meaning of the gold squeezed from the air with the spirit of the extermination. At the beginning, Xu Ziyan used the cultivation of the knot period to play the soul of the Yuan Ying period. Nowadays, with the cultivation of Xu Ziyan's early peaks, this evil spirit is cited, that is, the distracted monks are also affected.

In the air, those monks who have turned into gods only feel that the soul is awkward. They have fallen from the air. Only those monks who were distracted did not fall from the air, but they were also crumbling. The few monks in the late part of the distraction screamed and shouted at Xu Ziyan.

On the back of Xu Ziyan, the wind wing was unfolding. Hovering in the air. But the extinction in the mouth led to no pause. Those distracted monks stared blankly at the gorgeous wings of Xu Ziyan’s back, and when they began to chase Xu Ziyan, they really realized the strength of the wings. With the repair of their distraction later, they could not pursue the purple smoke.

There will be five more time to do it!

Xu Ziyan calculated silently in his heart. And it is at this time. There was a rumbling drink on the ground:

"Xu Ziyan, so bold!"

A figure standing on the top of a roof of Da Luotian, raising his hand and catching it. In the air, a large sky-covered giant hand condensed and grabbed the past. Xu Ziyan's red light flashed, and Huo Linger once again came out.

A little red!

The time became a fire net, and the big hand in the air was covered inside, covering Wang Woyun above the roof. The big hand hit the fire net and it broke instantly, just swaying around the fire net.

Wang Woyun’s eyes above the roof are shrinking, and he is in the fluctuations of the space. Feeling the danger, a danger that can threaten your life. Stepping out, it took the scope of the fire net.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, and the fire spirit once again rushed to Wang Woyun. Wang Woyun took another step and flashed the fire. Looking up and looking at the eyes, Xu Ziyan looked into the air.

The eyes of the pair of eyes let Xu Ziyan through the body through the distance of kilometers. Mindful thoughts. The fire spirit returned to the front of Xu Ziyan. Did not confront the Mahayana monk, Xu Ziyan originally felt that he had a fire spirit and could fight Wang Woyun, even if it is likely to kill Wang Liyun, or even kill.

However, now that Wang Woyun is right, this is the discovery of the majesty of the Mahayana monks. The fire of Linger’s like a closed array could not cover Wang Woyun. And if Wang Woyun wants to kill himself, one step can reach her.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan felt the fear, and the instinct generally called Huo Linger back and blocked it in front of himself. but. When she saw Wang Liyun's gaze recovered from her own body. When sweeping the surrounding pillars, Xu Ziyan gritted his teeth and let the fire spirits extend to the extreme.

This is like a closed big array, although there is no such thing as a million-year-old Huangsha large array, but it is similar. Just an instant. The entire sky above the sky is a sea of ​​fire, like a raging down of the heavens and rivers.

Wang Liyun’s gaze reveals the color of fear. His eyes glanced in the air, and the gods were madly transmitted. Want to lock Xu Ziyan, in his heart, as long as the Xu Ziyan is killed, this array will naturally collapse. However, what made him even more frightened was that the fire network in the sky actually blocked his knowledge and could not be transmitted. Not to mention the lock of Xu Ziyan, he simply lost the shape of Xu Ziyan.

Wang Woyun no longer makes the slightest hesitation, because the sky-covered fire net has fallen rapidly from the sky. He really fears what kind of terrible result the fire net would have once it enveloped the whole big sky. The body shape disappeared after a flash, but it was a time of two moments, and the whole Da Luotian raised a dazzling pale golden light. The pale golden light hurriedly greeted the fire net that fell from the sky.

At this time, Da Luotian, almost all the monks have come out, hundreds of thousands of disciples originally looked at the fire net in the air, but wait until the pale gold fire net will cover the entire Luo Luotian, and toward When the air rose, the whole Da Luotian rang the cheers of the sky.

The pale golden brilliance and the reddish-brown smashed into a large array, and the space was distorted, with a slight crack. Obviously, the pale gold mask is not as close as a seal, but it is not far behind.

Xu Ziyan in the high-altitude sky is a shock, the super sect is the super sect. I did not expect that Da Luotian will have a second-class escort. I have never heard of myself. Thinking of this, the corner of the mouth can not help but pass a bitter smile, who in the vast mainland can force Da Luotian to open a second line of protection? It seems that I should be proud of it.

Xu Ziyan looked at it carefully, and his mind continued to play. The original pale gold guardian ancestor was Luo Tianjian. It is also a second-class spirit, but it is the beginning of the second product. It is a level lower than that of Huo Linger’s second product. At this point, the Luo Tianjian array is under the squeezing of the fire-like children's seals, and the festival is defeated. Xu Ziyan put his heart down and looked at the 108 points.

I saw that the 108 points were quickly lit up one after another. Quickly stringed into a string.

Da Luotian, the heart of the place.

Wang Liyun looked anxiously at the collision between the Da Luojian array and the closed-up array. He saw that the Da Luojian array was obviously in a downwind, and the worry on his face was even worse. Just as he frowned and was deeply worried. But I saw that the sea of ​​fire was breaking, and a little star fire flew toward the purple smoke outside the air kilometers.

At this time, the light of the Da Luo Jian Zhen expanded rapidly toward the outside. The whole Luo Tian disciple who suppressed the interest has shouted, and the momentum of hundreds of thousands of Luotian disciples condensed into one place, and rushed into the sky. The look of Xu Ziyan changed greatly. The wing of the wind trembled at a high speed and the body shape was at a high speed. Fly away.

That's it. It also allowed the condensed momentum to catch up with the sky, but although it was already at the end of the momentum, it still made Xu Ziyan’s body as if it was hit by a heavy object, squirting a blood and tumbling toward the sky. And go.


A long beep, Xiaobai instantly came under the Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan was on the back. Fly to the sky.


On the ground, Wang Liyun’s coldness rushed into the sky and took a step, instantly disappearing his body shape.

A light curtain rushed around the whole Luotian, which was just a complete formation of the Wanli Yellow Sands, wrapped in the big Luotian. A figure hit the light curtain heavily, and it was bounced back like a meteor, and a blood spouted in the air. The body fell to the ground, so that it would hang over the ass.

That figure is the Wang Woyun who is going to grab Xu Ziyan. At this time, the mouth is hung with blood. The eyes looked like a sword through the Da Luojian array and the Wanli Huangsha big array and looked at the white circle hovering in the air. Screamed:

"Xu Ziyan. My Wang Woyun will kill you!"

Xu Ziyan climbed up from Xiaobai’s back and stood on the back of Xiaobai. He saw that the Wanli Yellow Sands had been fully opened, and could not help but scream to Wang Liyun in Daluo’s days:

"Wang Woyun. I am not dead with you!"

"I will not die with you..."

"Don't die..."

The voice of Xu Ziyan hovered over the entire Da Luotian. Wang Liyun in Da Luo’s day snorted and spit out a blood. A face is extremely ugly. How many years have passed, no one dares to scream with the words "Don't die" with Da Luotian, and dare not scream with him "Women", even if it is the solitary smoke of Ximen, Yan Xingyun and Yunfeifeng Don't dare. But nowadays, it was shouted out by a junior of the gods who was in the hands of hundreds of thousands of Luotian disciples.

The influence of this sentence is not only directed at the Da Luotian disciple. Xu Ziyan and Da Luotian have made such a big movement. Although there are only a few short time periods, what is Da Luotian? It is the superpower on the mainland of the sky, and every move is bound to attract the attention of monks on the mainland. At this time, there were countless monks near Da Luotian, including monks from all over the mainland, who lived in the city of Da Luo Tian Fang. They all stood in the air and looked in the direction of Da Luotian.

They naturally heard the words of "Wu Ziyun, I will kill you!" I also heard the voice of Xu Ziyan, "Wang Woyun, I am not dead with you!".

All the onlookers were shocked! When can someone on the mainland of the sky be so arrogant with Wang Woyun? And the person who called the board seemed to be just a little girl in the early days of the gods! What scared them most was that Wang Wangyun seemed to have nothing to do with Xu Ziyan, who called him.

Just when they were scared, they saw Xu Ziyan standing on the back of Xiaobai, and both hands pulled up the shadows of the road. With the flip of Xu Ziyan’s handcuffs, the scene in Da Luo began to turn upside down and began to change. The edge of Da Luotian was quickly covered by the desert.


Before uploading, look up, the passion of the code word suddenly fell. Someone shouted, there will be a few hundred votes. And I asked for it, but I could not ask for dozens of votes. I recognized my position! Ok, I am a rookie. However, the rookie also has an ambition. I went to have a cup of tea, clean up my mood, and continue to code the third one today. Nothing else, only for those who sincerely support me. If you can code it, the ringing must be uploaded... only ten votes...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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