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Wang Liyun’s look changed, his mind quickly controlled his heart, and his handcuffs flipped quickly. The pale gold Luo Tianjian array suddenly expanded outward. I saw that the area that had been turned into a desert, under the expansion of Luo Tianjian, restored its original appearance. However, it was like a closed and forced to come over, and in a moment the zone became a desert.

The two spirits were intertwined back and forth, and the edge of the Great Luotian changed back and forth. After a while, it became lush and scented. After a while, it became a desert and there was no life.

Come back and forth to entangle, this Wanli Huangsha big array and Luo Tianjian array is actually the same level, playing a difficult problem.

The sky gradually brightened up, and the rising sun rose from the big Luotian Mountain, and it was illuminated by the purple smoke on the body. A circle of light golden light was reflected around the body of Xu Ziyan, like a colorful coat. At this time, Xu Ziyan had already sat on the back of Kun Peng and swallowed a three-yuan Dan. He still kept flipping his handcuffs and Wang Woyun.

At this time, Wang Liyun also saw the scene outside, naturally knowing that there are countless monks on the mainland outside. A pair of eyes have been angry with fire, and several times in the eyes flashed Limang, seemingly want to move a powerful trick, but in the end he still endured.

Xu Ziyan sighed at the edge of the law. Da Luotian is not a super sect. He wanted to be shocked by the body of the Tai Xuanzong. Did not think that Da Luotian will have two spirits.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s body was shocked. A thought in my heart can't be stopped, can this Luotianjian array also have the skills of body-building?

Xu Ziyan’s heart sank. She knows there must be. Because she can now combine with the Wanli Huangsha array to apply her skills. However, Wang Woyun dared to rely on the Luo Tianjian array to condense the body, do you dare?

Because once combined with the big array, the body is condensed. It will hurt the monk who condenses the body. If you force the power of the body, it is even more dangerous. I thought that Liu Qinghan was not so bad because of the fact that it was fallen.

Xu Ziyan went to the fire in the body to explore, it is estimated that in an hour, Huo Linger will return to its original state. However, Xu Ziyan knows that if he consumes the energy of Huo Linger, he will no longer be able to freely release it as if it were closed. Because the fire stone on Xu Ziyan has only a few hundred pieces left.

However, Xu Ziyan could not leave. She is here to fight with the big Luotian, to attract the attention of the great Luotian monks on the mainland, and let them rush back to the Zongmen. In this way, the uncle will be able to greet the disciples of the return of the South to the Lotus Peak as soon as possible.

There was a wave of space and three figures appeared. They are the solitary smoke of Ximen, Yan Xingyun and Yunfeifeng.

Xu Ziyan made such a big move in Da Luotian, how could it not cause the attention of these three Mahayana monks. When they saw that Xu Ziyan actually used a large array to trap the entire Da Luotian in it. One can't help but stunned. They didn't even think of it. In their eyes, they were just a small ant-like person. They could make the Mahayana monk Wang Woyun and the whole Da Luotian like this.

At the same time, these three Mahayana monks also saw a lot of monks in the surrounding area, among them there are some disciples of Da Luotian, although not many, are disciples who stay in the city of Da Luo Tian Fang, and repaired as well Not very high. However, there are still many people who are taller than Xu Ziyan. However, they are all onlookers. But no one went up to kill Xu Ziyan. This situation has puzzled the monks of the three Mahayana periods.

Where do they know three? Xu Ziyan's two large arrays of continuous release, Wanli Huangsha and Ruyi like closed, in the eyes of those big Luotian monks, even the ancestors Wang Liyun did not get cheap. Are they looking for death when they go up? What's more, they saw that the ancestors controlled Luo Tianjian did not seem to fall behind. It was just a stalemate with the purple sand of Xu Ziyan. They believe that there are ancestors, and Xu Ziyan will eventually die. Therefore, they did not know what kind of mood they were, and they were concerned about the battle between Wang Woyun and Xu Ziyan.

Seeing the arrival of the solitary smoke in Ximen, Yan Xingyun and Yunfeifeng, Xu Ziyan was shocked. It is already difficult for her to deal with a Mahayana monk, and even adding a Mahayana monk will make her very dangerous. Looking at the three Mahayana monks, she has already known from the Yanshan soul that Yan Xingyun should not be in conflict with herself, not to mention that Luotian and Xiaoluotian were originally enemies. At this time, naturally Did not help the possibility of Da Luotian. The solitary smoke of Ximen still owes one of his own feelings, and should not be shot to himself. The only taboo is Yunfeifeng from the fire.

At this time, Yunfeifeng is staring at himself with twinkling eyes. Yunfeifeng’s heart was also very hesitant at this time. Seeing that Xu Ziyan was only able to rely on the cultivation of the gods, he was able to resist the whole Da Luotian with a large array of stunned hearts. A strong wariness has arisen. Once this kind of wariness sprouts, it develops into killing.

However, after the experience of the ancient wilderness mountain, Yun Feifeng also knows that Yan Xingyun will not shoot to Xu Ziyan, but the solitary smoke of Ximen will not only be shot to Xu Ziyan, but also owe Xu Ziyan a human condition. If you take the shot yourself, Xu Ziyan will definitely let the Simon smoke out.

And once I can't kill Xu Ziyan here, it is bound to let Xu Ziyan remember the hatred of her. If one day she secretly puts a big array out of the fire, then it is not like Luo Luotian. I lost the face of the super sect on the mainland. Therefore, Yunfeifeng just repudiated the thoughts to be shot here. Like the solitary smoke of Ximen, like the Yan Xingyun, standing in the air and watching.

As soon as he saw the expression of the three Mahayana periods, Xu Ziyan temporarily let go of his heart. Dedicated to the beginning of dealing with Da Luotian's Wang Woyun. And Wang Liyun’s heart is another mood. Originally, I did not think that Ximen Lonely Smoke and Yan Xingyun could help each other, but there was always some friendship with Yunfeifeng. Nowadays, seeing Yunfeifeng is also a matter of not being related to himself. Wang Woyun almost immediately applied the technique of condensing the body.

However, in the end he was patient. Drinking to the big Luotian monk outside the line. The sound is out of the line and oscillates in space:

"The outside of the big Luotian disciples listened to the order, the speed will be Xu Ziyan kill!"

Dozens of Da Luotian disciples heard, and their faces changed. However, the orders of the ancestors have been issued. They are not afraid to defy. I think that Xu Ziyan now has the ancestral restraint, and may not have the energy to deal with himself. Maybe this is the moment for the Zongmen. Therefore, everyone sacrificed a sword and rushed toward Xu Ziyan. The three Mahayana monks also looked at it with interest, and they also wanted to see how Xu Ziyan should cope with this situation.

A hot fire net spread out from the body of Xu Ziyan, but in an instant, the dozens of monks of the Great Luotian were shrouded in it. The power that was released as a closed-minded array made the three Mahayana monks change color. Only when the time of the three interest, the spread of the flame will shrink toward the Xu Ziyan. Guanghua flashed into the body of Xu Ziyan, and where are the traces of the great Luotian monks in the air?

The look of the solitary smoke of Ximen, Yan Xingyun and Yunfeifeng has really changed this time. It turned out that they have scruples about Xu Ziyan, but the scruples are not very big, only can be said to be slightly scruples. Worried that one day, Zi Zi placed a big array to encircle their sect. However, they also decided in their hearts. After going back this time, the disciples will be sent to take turns, always paying attention to the fluctuations of the surrounding space, and will not give Xu Ziyan a chance to set up a large array.

Moreover, the most important thing is that they think it takes time for Xu Zi to set up a large array. In this way, Xu Ziyan has no threat to them during these Mahayana monks. If they want to kill Xu Ziyan, will they give Xu Ziyan a big time? of course not.

However, just now, Xu Ziyan gave them a huge shock. Xu Ziyan was able to release a spirit array that made them feel fear at any time. what does this mean? This means that Xu Ziyan is on the battle with the monks of these Mahayana periods. They can be released at any time to give them a hard-working spirit. Although Xu Ziyan is only the initial cultivation of the god. However, they have reached the status of resisting them, so that they will never dare to put Xu Ziyan on the status of ants.

Yunfei Feng is glad that he has not started to work on Xu Ziyan. If I just started, I wouldn’t have to use the solitary smoke from Ximen to stop, and I wouldn’t use Xu Ziyan to block her sect in the future. It is the spirit that Xu Ziyan just released immediately is not something she can resist.

Wang Liyun in Da Luotian was so depressed that he almost vomited blood, but also full of fear of Xu Ziyan. The one that Xu Ziyan was able to release at any time was like a closed-minded array, which made his heart full of vigilance. Even more dare not use the technique of condensing the body. Where does he know that Xu Ziyan’s seal is like a closed array and there is no energy to use.

Xu Ziyan took back the fire. All the fire elves are thrown to the fire spirits, telling the fire spirit children, if they recover, do not swallow the fire stone, give her a piece, give her a piece.

Wang Liyun was afraid that Xu Ziyan’s seal would be like a closed-up, and Xu Ziyan was equally afraid of releasing as a closed-up, because she could not afford it. The result is that both sides are afraid, Xu Ziyan and Wang Woyun are both attacking each other with Wanli Huangsha and Luo Tianjian. Wang Liyun does not dare to use the condensed circle, and Xu Ziyan does not dare to use it as a seal.

The two men glued together and the time passed quickly. There is no shortage of immortality for both people. I am afraid that it will last for a few years without problems, but will it last for several years?


Moved! Tears! The comrades are too powerful! Plus sent to! Suddenly, my heart gave birth to a passion, and gave birth to a kind of pride that wanted to compete for the first place in the pink ticket list (then, I guess I was dreaming!). However, the bell wants to try, you have been giving tickets, I have been adding more, I do not know whether the comrades first withdraw, or I will kneel down! Haha...

My declaration: If the total number of pink tickets per day reaches 150. I will add more!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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