The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 805: As preaching

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Xu Ziyan is very embarrassed about the Xu family descendants of the Zhongling Duolingen family, because she has to do it instead of killing, which is a lot harder. The most ideal result is that the Dorothy roots are broad-minded and have no selfishness for the family. That's it, I am afraid they will compete with themselves for the sound. Because the sound is a multi-lingual master's master skill, if you lose to the other side in Dolling's major skills, what face is there to accept the other party? For a time, Xu Ziyan was confused.

The families of the Xu family who have changed their surnames today will be able to gather all the blood of the Xu family in the Lotus Peak. This is what Xu Ziyan has decided, without any hesitation and room for change. To open Xujia Midi, you need to collect twelve blood vessels. You also want to fully stimulate the twelve elephants, and you need to gather the power of twelve blood vessels. With a complete array of twelve elephants, the effect of assisting one's own cultivation will be even better. Xu Ziyan does not want to give up such a good method.

"Ziyan. What's wrong with you?" Looking at the confused Xu Ziyan, the Yanshan soul on the side asked softly.

"Nothing!" Xu Ziyan shook his head gently.

"Ziyan, but unfortunately, I didn't learn Longfengming. If I learned it, I can teach it to you now. So you can get the whole inheritance of Xu."

Seeing the look of Yanshan’s soul, I was moved by Xu Ziyan’s heart and said softly:

"Mountain Spirit. This has nothing to do with you. You are the soul of Yanshan, not awkward!"

Yanshan soul looked a glimpse, and then smiled and said: "Ziyan, you said it is good, it is a brother."

"Moreover, I have learned the dragon and phoenix!" Xu Ziyan's eyes revealed a smile.

"You...have already learned?" Yanshan looked at Xu Ziyan with a soul.

"Yes! I teach you how are you?"

"Okay! I have to learn the dragon dragon part of Long Fengming, and I will learn, we ensemble."

This sentence comes out. Xu Ziyan is a shame in his heart. Yanshan soul playing dragons, and playing Fengming, dragon and phoenix, he... What does it mean?

Yanshan soul did not hesitate to take out a guqin from the storage ring, Xu Ziyan looked at it:

"Mountain Spirit, when did you have a guqin?"

"I made it myself. Purple smoke, don't say it. Hurry and teach me!"

Xu Ziyan heard "噗嗤" a joy and smiled: "You didn't learn at the beginning, but now it's anxious!"

"This is not the same! I didn't teach you at the beginning!" Yanshan said, shaking his head.

The face of Xu Ziyan’s white face suddenly burst into a smudge, and gently took out his own jade flute, with a shy voice in his voice:

"That... let's get started!"

There is no wave in Jinghu Lake, but it gradually sways in the sound of the flute and the sound of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan. It was the fish in the water rushing to the feet of two people, surrounded by two of them, the fish tail gently swinging, as if in the music.

The dragons of Yanshan soul are majestic, such as the dragon tour for nine days. Xu Ziyan's Feng Ming is crisp and exquisite. Bright and translucent. Such as Fengxiang Sky. This dragon and phoenix seems to have constructed a world of sound.

The sound of the dinosaurs in the dragon and the phoenix swayed on the lake, rising toward the sky, spreading like a dragonfly into the space. Spread the main peak and spread to the surrounding five peaks of the lotus. It also revealed the five peaks of the lotus and spread to the outside. In time, everything is happy, the ancient branches are lightly shaken, the blue grass is swaying, and the sound of rustling is swaying, which matches the sound of the xylophone. The flowers in the mountains and plains danced like a drunk.

The monsters in the Wanli Huangsha Grand Array have come out from their own territory and obsessively go to the main peak of the Lotus Peak. Among these monsters, there are many high-order monsters and even five ninth-order monsters.

The disciples of the Xu family were even more drunk, let go of cultivation and go to the main peak.

In just one hour, the lake has been stretched all the way to the peak. All the Xu disciples and monsters in the Wanli Huangsha array are gathered around the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls. There is no such thing as chaos, and they are all safe or standing or sitting there, and the interpretation of each pair is intoxicated.

The music is screaming, but it ends.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul stare at each other, this moment because of the dragon and the phoenix, so that the two souls and waters * blend. Although the music disappeared, it seemed to haunt everyone's heart, and could not go. It is intoxicating.

For a long time, the monks of a family have been awake, and their eyes are sweeping around, and they can’t help but be shocked. Gain has countless monsters around them, and even more exaggerated is that they are actually with the monsters.

They held back the scream and gently left the body that snuggled on the monster. The monsters were also awake from intoxication at this time, turned their heads and looked at the Xu disciples around them. They did not have a fierce color in their eyes, but they were somewhat kind.

Afterwards, these monsters were in the shocked eyes of the Xu family monks, and they bowed down to the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls in the valley, and then retired one by one in an orderly manner. There wasn’t a monster flying in the air until it left the main peak, and it was only voluntarily.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul also saw the weird behavior of the monster, and the two men looked at each other. Knowing that from now on, this family has a group of guardians, these monsters. This Long Fengming was originally a kind of auxiliary practice, and it has a strong spiritual brand. For the repairer, both humans and monsters have an auxiliary role in the state of mind.

Now Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul ensemble a song dragon and phoenix. Reluctantly said that the monks in these Xu family and the monsters in the Wanli Huangsha array are like low-level opening lectures. Naturally, these psychic objects are regarded as masters of evangelism, and the respect for Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul naturally comes from the heart. Even with all the monks of Xu family, they are friendly.

Since the monsters in the Wansha Huangsha big array are all in their hearts, Xu Ziyan naturally refuses to let the family monks go hunting the monsters here. Then he said:

"The monsters in this tens of thousands of miles of large sands. Now they are all the guardians of the Xu family. They can no longer be hunted. The family will search for several different hunting grounds among the 100,000 mountains outside the Wansha Huangsha. When the family disciples can go there to experience."

"Yes!" All the family disciples screamed.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and put the jade flute into the storage ring. Mindful thoughts. A fist-sized water source that releases the blue light floats in front of her.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan sighed lightly, and the water source beads fell toward the lake, and the water rippled into the bottom of the lake. Xu Ziyan's hands were on display, and there were eight pillars between her hands. The two hands were used to carry out the afterimage, and a road was printed between the hands and quickly printed into the eight columns.

When Xu Ziyan refines the eight pillars, it is in front of the Xu family monks, in the lake. The water, which originally contained a slight aura, quickly became rich and aura, and soon the thin mist of the sky above the lake became rich, and gradually a layer of spiritual fog floated on the surface of the lake.

After an hour, Xu Ziyan refines the eight pillars and raises his hands. The eight pillars fall toward the lake and sink into the lake in eight directions around the water source. Arranged eight locks. The possibility of water source beads being stolen by people or monsters is eliminated.

Xu Ziyan’s move did not end, and another column of pillars was taken out one after another, and began to refine one by one. This refining system was full of one day and one night, and Xu Ziyan refines one hundred. Zero eight pillars. However, this time it is not a large-scale battle of the Huangsha, but it is like a closed-up, and it is a second-class spirit. The apse is the last **** of the distraction period in the purple smoke space.

After a day and a night, the water of the lake has become a spiritual liquid, and the spiritual fog on the lake can no longer be called the spiritual fog. It seems as if a cloud is flowing above the lake. That rich spiritual power. It is those Xu disciples who are far away from the lake can clearly feel it. Those disciples who had followed Xu Ziyan’s experience in the Southern Wilderness Mountains knew what it meant, and they trembled excitedly.

Xu Ziyan stood up from the square bluestone and said with aloud: "Xu's disciple exited the valley!"


The Xu family disciples are led by the elders. Quickly and orderly exited the valley. After everyone except Yanshan’s soul exited the valley, Xu Ziyan began to push the pillars one by one into the ground around the valley. quickly. A piece of cloth is like a closed array.

Xu Ziyan looked at the lake in front of him with satisfaction. This is the inheritance that he left for the Xu family. As long as it has its existence, there will be disciples in the Dandian to become the six-integrated alchemist, refining the one-yuan Dan, and the Xu family will pass on. . I took a deep breath and felt refreshed between my heart and lungs. I smiled and said to Yanshan soul:

"Let's go!"

Yanshan soul nodded, followed by Xu Ziyan out of the seal like a closed array. From the close of the seal, Xu Ziyan swept his eyes and saw that Xu Tianwei also ended his retreat. Standing not far away, he said:

"The family elders went to the main peak to discuss the matter, and the remaining disciples dispersed!"

Seeing that Xu’s disciple had dispersed in an instant, Xu Ziyan nodded slightly toward the elders of the family, and stepped forward to the void, and his body flew up and flew toward the main hall of the House of Representatives, followed by the elders of the Xu family.

Sitting in the hall of the House of Representatives, Xu Ziyan listened to some rewards and knew that everything in the family was developing smoothly. In fact, there is no way to go smoothly. Within the Wanli Huangsha big array, no one is disturbing, and the cultivation environment is so superior. These tribes came all the way from the difficult environment. They knew that they cherished their eyes and made a strong move. Xu had never been so cohesive.


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Another: Thank you very much ``fish. . . Book review, thank you very much for your concern, the bell is moving, the bell is grateful, the bell is moving thanks! Although we have not met, but this love has crossed the space, flowing between you and me!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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