The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 806: Go to the refining city

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The buildings of the various temples were also built under the efforts of these cultivators, and they waited for Xu Ziyan to lay them up. Therefore, after Xu Ziyan arranged all the things in the family, he announced that he would take Xu Tianwei to the refining city.

Originally in the current Cangwu mainland are rewarding Xu Ziyan head, it is not suitable for Xu Ziyan to leave. Therefore, everyone strongly discouraged Xu Ziyan. However, Xu Ziyan just shook his head gently:

"Elder elders, don't think that we are in a good position today. There is a protection of the two spirits in the sky. There is a strong aura inside, and even now I have the Linghu I laid out. In your heart, maybe think, We only need to cultivate here, and one day, our family will return to a high-profile."

Xu Ziyan stood up from the seat and walked slowly to the door of the main hall. I don't know when it was raining outside the door, and the raindrops hit the leaves, making a shredded sound. Xu Ziyan looked up at the sky and sighed softly:

"Elder elders, repairs can not be improved without retreat. Everyone has been growing very fast for more than a decade, but you should also understand the truth. The improvement of cultivation is not only the need for retreat, but also the need for experience. The cultivation of Xianxian was originally a move against the sky. If there is no heart of a brave man, the more backward, the more difficult the realm will be.

If we have been hiding here, despite the superior cultivation conditions, we will gradually lose the heart of a brave man. Until then. Even if we have a group of high-ranking monks, but after a high-profile comeback, the only ones waiting for us are dying.

Moreover, once we have been here for a long time. The monks on the entire continent will think that we are afraid. By then, no matter who you are, you will feel that you can insult us. Our Xu family had disappeared on the vast mainland for too long. If we let all the monks on the mainland of the mainland have an impression of being able to insult us. Even if we are strong and strong, can we fight the entire mainland with the power of one family?

The last time I used the Spiritual Array to fight Wang Woyun was not only to make the monks on the mainland of China have scruples about our family. Even if it is a solitary smoke in Ximen, Yan Xingyun and Yunfeifeng may have a scruples in our hearts for our Xu family. However, if our Xu family disappeared, the West Gate solitary smoke, Yan Xingyun and Yunfeifeng will soon dismiss us.

Do not think that the second product spirit array is really invincible on the mainland of China. We are not monks of the Mahayana period. There is no single understanding of the things at that level. If we let the monks at that level completely despise us, it is really not the blessing of our family.

Therefore, whether it is for the hearts of the brave people of our Xu family to not sink, or for the external environment does not deteriorate, we must go out. Not only do I have to go out, but you also have to go out.

During the time I left, the family wanted to open up **** disciples as much as possible. Moreover, the excellent disciples of ordinary disciples must also be allowed to enter Linghu to practice. After that, a big match was held in Xujia, and as soon as possible, six hundred people were selected to form the battle hall. Then give me hard training.

At the time of the hard work of the battle hall, Uncle Haohe’s hall should step out of the 100,000 mountains as soon as possible. Infiltration into various industries, how many Lingshi families need to give you, the only requirement is to open the situation as soon as possible. Then the direction of the battle hall will depend on your temple.

The short-term task of the temple is to target Da Luotian. You must find out the scope of Da Luotian’s sphere of influence outside, the number, strength and location of Da Luotian’s disciples. We can target every opportunity to fight against Da Luotian. Let the war hall go to assassinate the disciples of Da Luotian. Even if we only kill the disciples of Da Luotian's Yuan Ying period. That is also a heavy blow to the reputation of Da Luotian, and it is an important experience for our disciples. ”

The monks in the hall of the council were silent, and all of them were alert. Looking back on a recent time, they really slack off because of a happy life. Nowadays, Da Luo Tian has made a huge amount of money to reward the head of the Xu family. The situation is dangerous. But there are also huge opportunities in danger.

The murder of the Da Luotian monk who had just happened in Xu’s family inspired the blood of Xu’s monk. Xu Ziyan took the lead in Da Luotian. Afterwards, the whole body retired, and the enemies committed by Xu family in the future were all killed, and the confidence that Xu’s family had lost for a long time was established. At this time, if the Xu family can continue to send Xu disciples to secretly walk out of the 100,000 mountains and start to kill the Da Luotian monks, although there will inevitably be casualties and even huge casualties, but this is undoubtedly The only way to the road to the strong.

In this way, many things will be derived. At the very least, Xu Jia has a detailed understanding of the surrounding 100,000 mountains. Even if you can't do this in a short time, you should have a general understanding. It is best to find a few secret passages to allow Xu’s disciples to enter and exit the 100,000 mountains without being known by anyone.

These things Xu Ziyan no longer want to manage, if she wants to manage anything, she wants these family monks to do? So, after some speculation, Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul with the exuberant Xu Tianwei left the Lotus Peak, secretly walked out of the 100,000 mountains.

After leaving the 100,000 mountains, the three people did not fly all the way. Instead, sometimes flying, sometimes walking, all the way slowly toward the refining city. According to Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, this is good for the improvement of mood. Although Xu Tianwei is not very clear, he has also followed the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls honestly.

Xu Ziyan had a far-reaching impact in the Battle of Da Luotian. Everyone in the vast mainland is eye-catching. Later, Wang Woyun went out and issued a reward. Countless people died in the Wanli Yellow Sands in the 100,000 mountains. It was the monks on the mainland who thought that the ancient Xu family would come back strongly.

However, in the next few months, the Xu family has not been able to hide. Allowing the humiliation of Da Luotian and the reward of flying in the sky, this can not help but change the mind of the monks on the mainland. I think that the ancient Xu family is a coward who shrinks into the tortoise shell. There is nothing terrible at all. Moreover, it is also said that Xu Ziyan is only relying on the law and Da Luotian, and his own ability is simply a garbage. Nowadays, Da Luotian will not give her the opportunity to arrange, she will have to shrink in Xu family and dare not come out.

Da Luotian, Wang Woyun sat on the top of the main position. Sitting at the head of Da Luotian in his next head, Wang Zhi. There are also important peaks and elders in the day. After they issued a reward for the Xu family, they had various plans to prepare for the counterattack of the Xu family.

However, now that several months have passed, I have not seen the slightest move of Xu. Wang Liyun also sent a large number of spies to inquire, but the results are still the same, that is, the Xu family has been shrinking within the big array, and never came out.

The results of several times of listening to the results were all the same. Da Luotian was relieved with a sigh of relief. When he talked about Xu Jia, he also had more disdain and sarcasm in his mouth. After hearing these news, Wang Liyun just said faintly:

"Da Luotian disciples are not allowed to hunt and kill the Xu family. Even if there is news from the Xu family, our Da Luotian disciples should not face them directly, but disclose the information through other channels."

"Old ancestors, why is this?" Da Luotian's head Wang asked incomprehensibly, and other monks also appeared in confusion.

Wang Liyun smiled coldly: "We don't come out, there will always be a lot of monks who are eager to pay the rewards of our big Luotian to deal with the Xu family, whether they killed the Xu family or they were killed by the Xu family. There is only one result, that is, Xu Jia and many forces on the mainland of the Cangjie have enemies.

When Xu Jiaqiu was in the world, it was when they killed the family. Not to mention a Xu family that has just been restored, that is, we can't resist the monks of the entire mainland with one force, and we must know that many ants can bite the elephant. If you want to destroy Xu, you don't need us to do it yourself. Little Xu family, hey, play will kill it! ”

Xiao Luotian.

A peak surrounded by aura, sometimes one or two cranes fly over the mountains. A gazebo, during the period of two men and one woman, is the Yan Xingyun, Yunfeifeng and Ximen.

In fact, today's Xu Ziyan has not realized that she is not an ant-like existence in the eyes of these three Mahayana monks. Although, the three Mahayana monks did not feel that Xu Ziyan could reach the same height as them. However, it also caused them to pay enough attention.

The gathering of the three Mahayana monks was initiated by Yunfeifeng. She first came to visit the Yan Xingyun, and then I agreed to the solitary smoke of Ximen. The meaning of Yunfeifeng is very clear. Xu Ziyan is a very potential monk, and the blood of the ancient Xu family has been legendary since ancient times.

It used to be because the Xu family did not have a good place to cultivate, and there was no strong spiritual leader. And now the ancient Xu family has. Not only is there a place for perfect cultivation, but there is also a legendary king. If it is not possible to suppress them when the ancient Xu family sprouts, the situation on the vast mainland will inevitably change.

If the ancient Xu family really came back under the leadership of Xu Ziyan, until Xu Ziyan reached the Mahayana period, it is necessary to take away some of the cultivation resources on the mainland. This is what Yunfeifeng does not want to see, and Yunfei Feng’s heart inexplicably felt a faint threat. Therefore, Yunfeifeng’s mind is very clear, that is, he wants to convince Yan Xingyun and Ximen’s solitary smoke. The four Mahayana monks joined forces to completely remove the ancient Xu family from the mainland.


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