The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 807: Raising tigers

I am very grateful to Lan Xiaoyue, the students of the wind dance skirt, the parasitic world classmates, the pink ticket of the students [Lan]!


Yan Xingyun and Ximen’s solitary smoke were sitting there without saying a word. The solitary smoke of Ximen has its own ideas. In the contest of the four Mahayana monks, Tianshen City is actually in a downturn. The reason is that the foundation of Tianzhi City is still too thin, and it is entirely supported by the fighting power of the solitary smoke of Ximen. If you wait until the solitary smoke of the West Gate falls or soars, the Tiancheng City will decline very quickly. In this way, he needs an ally and needs a force that can help the city of heaven after he has ascended.

Da Luotian, Xiao Luotian and away from the fire? The solitary smoke of Ximen secretly licked his mouth. These three people simply looked down on the solitary smoke of Ximen. The solitary smoke of Ximen did not know that these three people always regarded themselves as nouveau riche and let them take care of their descendants.

He is very optimistic about Xu Ziyan, so he is very reluctant to be enemies with Xu Ziyan. Moreover, his son Ximen Yu and Xu Ziyan have made good contributions, and they have the right to Xu Ziyan. This is undoubtedly the best way. However, he is a Mahayana monk with the pride of the Mahayana monk. He could not help Xu Ziyan actively in the presence of Xu Ziyan. Therefore, he can only be silent at this time.

Yan Xingyun did not want to be an enemy of Xu Ziyan, and his own Sun Yanshan soul clearly and Xu Ziyan had a deep friendship. And the Yanshan soul is very likely to be the next monk to reach the Mahayana period. It is because of the Yanshan soul that he is not likely to be an enemy of Xu Ziyan. More importantly, Ronaldinho originally had a hatred with Da Luotian. How could he help Da Luotian at this time? and so. He is equally silent.

"Ximen brother, Yan brother, we are all old! To be honest, Xiaomei has no confidence in flying up. There is no monk flying up in the whole Luotian for thousands of years. In addition to the legendary one, it is caused by this. It is because of the lack of resources for cultivation in the mainland. If we let the rise of the ancient Xu family, there will be an additional force to divide resources in the future. Do you really let such a force develop?"

After a pause, Yunfeifeng saw that the solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun of Ximen were still silent. The look is a bit unpleasant: "Yan brother, I know that you Xiao Luotian and Da Luotian feud, but in the face of big interests, may wish to temporarily put down hatred. I think if this Yan brother shot to help Da Luotian, big Luo Tian will also give up some of the benefits of Luo Tiantian.

Besides, if the Xu Ziyan is a person who knows how to advance and retreat, it is now a small monk. I dare to rely on a big battle to seal the door of Da Luotian. If she grows up, I am afraid that at that time, it will not be more of a problem of her power. She said that she would not let us wipe out the purple smoke. Now! ”

The flight of Yunfeifeng’s words made the Yan Xingyun and Ximen’s solitary smoke, which had been silent, finally reacted. I also thought about it in my heart:

"Now that purple smoke is only a magical period. It can be opposed to Wang Woyun at the beginning of the Mahayana period. If Xu Ziyan really grew to the realm of the Mahayana period, then at that time if Xu Ziyan had the idea of ​​dominated the world, he could really block it. Can you live with her?"

But let Yan Xingyun and Da Luotian go to deal with Xu Ziyan, Yan Xingyun really can't accept it. I don't help Xu Ziyan to harm you. Luo Luotian is not bad. Why should I help him?

"Ximen brother, Yan brother, now the purple smoke is so rampant, but it is relying on her big array. The vast array of Huangsha that she laid in the Xu family is powerful, and there is a spirit array that can be released at any time. But don't forget it. Our Guardian Guardian is also a spiritual squad, and the massia is also merged with the big squad.

If we join hands, we will take Da Luotian, Xiao Luotian and I from the three guardian spirits of Huozong to the Lotus Peak. With these three big arrays to break the purple sand of the purple smoke, I think I can break it. There is no support for a large array. The annihilation of the ancient Xu family is not something we waved! ”

Listening to the words of Yunfeifeng, the solitary smoke of Ximen shocked Yunfeifeng on the one hand, and his face was also very unsightly. This is the difference between the underlying. Everyone has a guardian of the mountain, but there is no such thing as Tiancheng. When I think of it, I am a little bit eager to say:

"Since you have all been designed, and we have no spirits in the city, I will not participate!"

Yunfeifeng chuckled: "Why should Ximen Brother be modest? Who doesn't know that you have a treasure of the best, and you can break the cone! How can you solve the big array of the ancient Xu family? How can you lack your broken cone?"

The solitary smoke of Ximen slightly squinted and said faintly: "Feifeng, is this thing Wang Woyun know? Don't we have been here for a long time, people don't need our help at all, and they lose face." ”

Yunfeifeng shook his head gently and said: "This is a little girl's self-assertion. I didn't inform Wang Woyun. I want to inform you after we unify the opinions. I don't think he will refuse. If the younger sister Wang Huoyun was invited to take the liberty, and Ximen and Yan brothers did not give Wang Liyun a face, and did not want to help Da Luotian, but hurt the sentiment."

The solitary eyelids of Ximen were pulled, and the heart whispered: "Injury a bite! You will take care of Wang Liyun's face. If we agree, Wang Woyun will not appreciate it at all, and where is our face? Mom*, are you having a leg with Wang Woyun?"

In fact, Yunfeifeng and Wang Woyun really don't have a leg. However, after returning from Da Luotian to the fire, she recollected one thing. That is her departure from the fire sect in the ancient times, although not the direct destroyer of the ancient Xu family, but it has also fallen into the stone, killing the Xu family who fled to the south. So, will the descendants of Xu family let go of hatred from the fire?

At the beginning of the day, Ronaldinho did not kill the monks of the ancient Xu family. When the ancient Xu family was destroyed, the solitary smoke of Ximen was not born. Yan Xingyun and Ximen Lonely Smoke are of course happy to wait and see. However, Yunfeifeng, who wanted to know everything, decided not to wait and see, and this was the summit.

Yan Xingyun saw the solitary smoke from Ximen pulling down the eyelids and smiled slightly: "I think the current situation is good, and the return of the Xu family may not be profitable!"

Yunfeifeng said disapprovingly: "Yan brother, can you not be confused? Or can you temporarily not let go of the hatred of Da Luotian? Let the Xu family grow up and have more people who share the interests, what good is it for us?"

"Oh..." Yan Xingyun chuckled and said: "I think that Xu Ziyan’s ability, even if it was eventually destroyed by Da Luotian, I am afraid it would have to break down a few teeth. This is what I know from Xiao Luotian. And if there is a miracle, Xu Jia will kill Da Luotian, but it is still the four major forces. We have not lost anything!"

Yunfeifeng looked at Yan Xingyun and hesitated in some tone: "Sit and watch the two fights!"

The solitary smoke of Ximen raised his eyelids and glanced at Yan Xingyun. "I saw that Xu Jia was in the 100,000 mountains. I didn't come out and touched Da Luotian. It has been a few months. You see Xu as a family. Is it too much to have a tiger of the same level as Da Luotian?"

Yan Xingyun laughed and said: "Ximen brother, you have forgotten the prestige and words of Xu Ziyan in the big Luotian. The momentum has caused Wang Woyun to be frustrated. Later, he tried to invade the Da Luotian monk of the Xu family. Xu Ziyan, who is so heart-felt, should not have been silent for a long time.

She is so sloppy and tolerant, and she does not believe that Xu Ziyan is afraid. Ximen brother, you wait and see, I think Xu Ziyan must be showing the enemy weak, when the standby will come, it will give a big blow to the big Luo Tianzhu. ”

Yun Feifeng’s heart is also a move. What she thinks is that no matter whether it’s the end of the big Luo Tian’s destruction of Xu’s family, Xu’s family has destroyed Da Luotian. Of course, in her heart, it is more inclined for Da Luotian to destroy Xu, after all, the contents of Da Luotian are there. However, it will eventually cause Da Luotian to lose some strength.

As for if there is a miracle, Xu Jia won, and his own fire is not the culprits of the ancient Xu family. At best, it is smashed by fire, and the strength from the fire is also there, presumably it will be time to fight. The Xu family, who was seriously injured, also had to squander the amount. He did not go to the troubles of her Xu family, and Xu should burn high incense! In other words, no matter what the outcome of Da Luotian and Xu Jia, they have their own interests. Thinking of this, Yunfeifeng originally wanted to persuade Ximen solitary smoke and Yan Xingyun to jointly destroy the Xu family's mind and faded.

The solitary smoke of Ximen slightly wrinkled his brow: "Yan brother thinks it is good, but the big Luo Tian is rich in depth and powerful. Even you have no way to take them. You really think that Xu has a challenge. Is it qualified for the day?"

Yan Xingyun said with a smile: "The Xu family is not qualified, so we can not only jointly deal with the Xu family, but also constrain the power of one side on the bright side, do not participate in the battle between Da Luotian and Xu family, and secretly can help. Help. Even if Xu Jia won't win Da Luotian, but it will make Xu Jiaduo insist on a period of time, that is, the loss of some of Luo Luotian's strength, which is not bad for us."

The three men looked at each other and no one in their mind thought that Xu Ziyan could win the big Luotian. The ancient Xujia is already a legend, and Xu is just a tool they use to lose the strength of Da Luotian. For Yunfeifeng, Xu is destined to be destroyed, but it is a matter of time.

For Yan Xingyun, Xiao Luotian has already explained the Yanshan soul as long as it is not difficult to make purple smoke. For the solitary smoke of Ximen, he has already restrained his men from participating in this matter, and will help Xu Ziyan in the dark. If Xu Ziyan eventually fails, then Xu Ziyan is not worthy of his own value. If Xu Ziyan wins Da Luotian, he will remember his own feelings, no matter from that aspect, he will not suffer.

So, he also smiled and said: "Well, Yan brother, Feifeng, we each go back to restrain our own hands, sit and watch the two tigers fight."

The three people decided to deliberate and happily dispersed. In their minds, Da Luotian is an adult demon tiger, and Xu is a newly born baby tiger, so they have to support the young tiger. However, they forgot an old saying that has been circulating for a long time:

"Raising the tiger!"


The third is even more, today is more complete! It is also 43 votes away from 300 votes!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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