The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 808: The sensation brought by Xu family

I am very grateful to elva3 classmates, Xiaofan classmates, classmates, Fengmianyi classmates, Ziyan? Zhao Yilin, classmates June_8306, sunny Bobo classmates, green water Furong clothing classmates, xinyue8324 classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, grassy Weiwei classmates Pink ticket!


In three months, Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul and Xu Tianwei walked on the road to the refining city. This way, I feel that there are a few things in my life.

However, in the past three months, in only three months, the Xu family has caused a sensation on the mainland. These sensations even made it all the way, and I couldn’t believe it. Originally, Xu Ziyan expected that Xu’s assassination of Da Luotian would be a heavy loss. After all, Da Luotian issued a high reward, so the enemy facing Xu’s family is not only Da Luotian, but has many uncertain factors. It is very likely that Xu will face more than half of the monks on the mainland.

Therefore, when she left the Lotus Peak, thousands of miles, the attack of the Xu Family War Hall must be cautious, according to the intelligence of the hall. Be sure to strive for a strike and then quickly evacuate. And Xu Ziyan has been veiled after leaving the Lotus Peak. Xu Ziyan also has his own arrogance. He does not want to change his appearance when he has no choice but to do so.

However, the news that Xu Ziyan heard on this road shocked her. I thought that most of the forces would be enemies with Xu. I didn’t expect that most of them were watching. First of all, Tianshen City, Xiao Luotian and Li Zong have already put up a stance that does not matter. The forces that belong to them are closely following their footsteps.

On the other hand, the most confusing purple smoke is. Da Luotian did not react too much. As if they were just offering a reward, they did not have a coercion against Xu.

Xu Jia was provoked with blood by Xu Ziyan. After training for a month, the disciples of the Six Hundred Wars were divided into twelve teams. Each pair of fifty monks, led by the family elders, secretly sneaked out 100,000 mountains.

Years of repression have made Xu disciples crazy, under the influence of a large number of Lingshi. The hall has also developed very rapidly, constantly grasping the traces of the monks of the Great Luotian. Even if it is only a Luotian disciple who goes out to travel alone, or shopping, Xu will also find a chance to use a small team, fifty monks rushed together, just instantly smashed the Da Luotian monks into powder, and then quickly Ground evacuation. If there are a large number of Da Luotian, Xu will gather several teams to act together. If the number of disciples of Da Luotian and the cultivation are unmatchable. Xu family will immediately look far.

In just two months, the monks on the entire Cangwu continent knew that the Xu family began to fight against the big Luotian. Xu’s fierce counterattack made the monks on the entire continent faint. Moreover, there are no fools in the immortals. They obviously see the city of Tianzhi. Xiaoluotian and the forces that belonged to Huo Zong and their own have put up a gesture of not participating in this matter.

Goodbye to see Xu Jia’s fierce counterattack, thinking of the scene of Xu Ziyan’s big trouble, and actually succeeded in deterring those monks who originally wanted to get a reward from Da Luotian. Everyone is watching the Xu family and the big Luo Tian. This situation finally caused the attention and anger of Da Luotian.

The influence of Xu’s guerrilla play on the Cangwu mainland was not thought of by Xu Ziyan. Her original idea was to be able to slightly recover the negative impact of a little home, but only occasionally took it against Da Luotian. Several actions. In the battle, the cultivation of the family disciples is promoted, so after the cultivation is promoted, the big moves are gradually taken.

Xu Ziyan’s heart has not been very optimistic about this matter. After all, the Xu family is in a weak position on the mainland. The most important thing is that Da Luotian issued a generous reward, which will stimulate the greed in the hearts of the monks on the mainland. I am afraid that Xu Jia When a monk emerges, he will be isolated and surrounded. She did not think about it. I also made a reward. However, the Xu family that has just started now has the foundation of Da Luotian, and it is simply not comparable with Da Luotian.

However, she did not think that there was no such thing as she imagined, that the monks on the mainland of the Cangjie had surrounded the Xujia disciples for the reward of Da Luotian.

As Xu disciples assassinated Da Luotian's disciples more and more times. There are more and more monks who hold the onlookers on the entire mainland.

Moreover, as a super power on the vast continent, Da Luotian has formed their habits in the past. Naturally, it is resentful by small and medium-sized forces and scattered schools. However, they usually do not dare to complain, buried in their hearts. Nowadays, Xu’s actions are so popular that many monks are enjoying the fun.

Xu’s disciples only assassinated the five-day Da Luotian disciple, and they also felt the situation. However, the disciples of Xu family did not relax a little spirit, but instead thought that this was the trick of Da Luotian, and the action became more careful.

Xu Ziyan, who heard the news, was also a bit worried. She did not know whether this was Da Luotian's trick, found Xu Haoce through the sound of jade, and listened to Xu Haoce's report on this period of time. After that, after pondering for a while, Xu Ziyan felt that regardless of whether or not Da Luotian’s tricks, the experience of Xu’s disciples in the past two months has reached the goal, and it is time to go back to rest for a while. Therefore, Xu Haoce was ordered to withdraw Xu’s disciples to the Lotus Peak.

However, Xu Haoce said different opinions. He thought that this situation that could not bring Xu Jiayu out was abandoned. Indulging in suggesting to Xu Ziyan:

"Wang, I think it is not divided into six squadrons. Each squadron is divided into four squads. Let them take turns to practice in the vast mainland. Each squadron is trained for two months each year, and the rest of the time is in the family. Cultivation. This way, not only can we continue the influence of our family, but also the cultivation of family disciples."

Xu Ziyan listened, and my heart was overjoyed. She felt that she could basically let go of the family. In the future, you don't have to spend too much thought in the family. And as the family grows gradually, it may soon give back to the endless benefits of Xu Ziyan.

In the hall of Da Luotian's deliberation, Wang Liyun and Wang Zhi sat together at the top of Da Luotian, and they looked different. The atmosphere inside the main hall was extremely dull. An elder stunned his eyebrows and said:

"We don't have to worry about it? Xu has no high-ranking monks. The only one who can get a countertop is Xu Ziyan. Although Xu has made some influences now, it seems to develop very quickly, but they just killed us. There are some low-level disciples in Da Luotian, and they are assassinated. I dare not face up with us. Are we filtering?"

On the basis of the super-Zongmen, Da Luotian is undoubtedly the number one on the mainland. For thousands of years, pride has become their habit. Although the winds of the Xu family in the past two months are not small, but at the root, the Da Luotian disciples who killed them are like a cow. There is no harm to the strength of Da Luotian. Therefore, although the reputation of Da Luotian has caused some damage, and it seems that the plan that Da Luotian came up with is bankrupt. However, it still did not attract enough attention.

Therefore, when the elders spoke and said something, everyone’s face showed the same look. The dull atmosphere in the hall was a lot easier. Another elder is also in line with the saying:

"It is said that Xu is just a clown. Even the so-called king Xu Ziyan is just the beginning of the gods. In our big Luotian is a relatively large ants. If we want to destroy her, But between the backhands."

"What is the investigation situation in your temple?" Wang Woyun asked in a condensate voice.

An elder who is responsible for exploring the news dismissed dissatisfiedly: "According to our investigation, at present, the Xu family monks come from several aspects, one of which has once settled in the oriental cultivation of the immortal world, within the jurisdiction of the extinct Oriental Green Fire, called Xujiazhuang. It disappeared more than ten years ago. At that time, the highest level was only the repair of the Dandan period. There were also two slaves of the second son who used to be the solitary smoke of the West Gate of the Tiancheng City. Hey~~”

Having said that, he couldn't help but laughed and said: "There was a sudden disappearing four years ago. At that time, the highest of them was the Yuan Ying period. The rest are just a few that have just arrived. These are all When I came back from the South, when I was in the Southern Wilderness, I was so bullied by the indigenous people of the Southern Wilderness that I dared not complain. The highest was only the Yuan Ying period, a group of cowards."

Wang Woyun was silent, and Wang Zhi smiled faintly. He said: "Xu Jia and our Da Luotian are indeed not comparable. They are not Xu family in ancient times. However, from their recent actions, they It is definitely not the appearance of being self-sufficient.

And nowadays, our big Luotian and Xu family are already in the same situation, and they are not dead. Today, the entire Cangwu continent is basically very respectful to our Da Luotian, but recently there have been different situations. This is the impact that the Xu family has caused us. We must know the thousands of miles and the ruins of the ants. We must not be underestimated.

The road to repairing immortals was originally against the sky. Just give them a chance and let them grow up. Don't say that we and the Xu family have hatred, that is, there is no hate, and they only have to continue to go up the only way. Otherwise, they will only decline again, and even the results of their hard work will not be able to survive.

And we are standing at the peak of the road they are going to take. Do you think that if you let Xu develop to a certain extent, they will endure and will not challenge us? Therefore, people like Xu Ziyan, who have unlimited potential and are not able to conquer, must kill her in the cradle. ”

“Not bad!” Another elder said with a voice: “The head is right! Today, because of the influence of Xu’s family, many small and medium-sized forces are watching. If it is the reward order we issued in the past, they are not Like a flies smelling a stinky egg, they are now on the sidelines. Now they are watching. This shows that they have been disrespectful to our big Luotian. In the long run, we are in a state of great concern."


The distance is plus 32 votes!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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