The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 810: Unicorn

I am very grateful to a little bean classmate, arrogant northeast girl, Murong boss, fish. . . Same, the pink ticket of Marlene classmates!


"Mountain Spirit, you said that the business of the city's flying business is really good! This big palace actually lived almost full."

Yanshan soul looked around and said with a smile: "I used to sit with Master, there are not so many monks, I don't know what is going on."

At this time, as the three people of Xu Ziyan strolled carelessly, the voices of the surrounding monks continued to come. Listening to the sound, the faces of the three people are all gloomy.

From the voice of the surrounding monks, Xu Ziyan knew the beginning and the end of the matter. It turned out that during this period of time, in the refining city, the alchemy city and Lingbao City, the three most famous cities on the vast mainland were attacked one after another. The monks who entered and exited the three major cities were robbed several times. And when the three major cities were raging, the veil of the leading woman in the robbers accidentally fell down, and people recognized her, even Xu Zi, the king of Xu family. Therefore, today's monks go to the three major cities, they will not go alone, but together or go with a spaceship like Tianzhicheng.

Xu Ziyan stopped and walked up the railing of the cloister, looking out at the long white clouds outside, his eyes revealing anxiety. This matter is not a trivial matter. If the three major cities recognize that they are robbing them, they will really become the public enemy of the entire Xiongxian world. By that time, Xu Jia really was like a mouse crossing the street and would be called by everyone.

Xu Ziyan unconsciously raised his hand and fiddled the veil on his face, covering his face more closely. I am afraid that I will be recognized. The eyes glanced around and saw that most of the monks around were the Yuan Ying period monks. The rest of the gods and the number of monks in the knot period are almost the same, the distraction period is very small, there are several monks in the base period, but look at the dress and the guards next to them. It should be everyone's son and the like.

Xu Ziyan gently breathed a sigh of relief, three of his own, Yanshan soul is the early monk of the distraction, he is the mid-realization of the god. But Yanshan soul and himself can only be measured by the early stage of distraction and the middle of the gods? Although Xu Tianwei's cultivation is low, there is a small white in the purple smoke space, which is equivalent to the seventh-order monster in the late Yuan Ying period. When Xiao Ziyan retired for the first time, he ran into the purple smoke space. In the past few years, I have not cultivated in the purple smoke space. If I have not made a breakthrough, I will soon give her an emergency. Where will this opportunity be missed now?

Xu Ziyan feels the strength of one side. If he is recognized, he has no problem to run. The voice of Yanshan soul came from the ear:

"Ziyan. How do you think this is going back?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head silently, and his worries were even worse. The voice of Yanshan soul sounded again in the ear:

"Ziyan, will this be the trick of Da Luotian?"

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, and intuition thought that it must be so, can not help but bite the teeth, and the anger in the eyes. In the heart, do you have such a trick as a powerful super sect?

"What do we do?" Xu Tianwei on the side asked, lowering his voice.

Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan have no words. Just a sneer across the corner of his mouth. Said faintly:

"Tianwei, don't worry, there will always be a way!"

"What do you think of?" Yanshan soul whispered.

Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly and asked: "What about you?"

Yanshan soul has a double eye, and the voice said: "Ziyan, don't worry! If the three major cities are okay, if you don't know each other, dare to find you trouble. Big deal, we have closed the country for a few years, when we reach the Mahayana period, we put The three big cities have taken over."

"A few years? The Mahayana period?" Xu Ziyan was silent for a while. Mind. Do you think that I am like you, as long as you refine your body? How can I reach the Mahayana period in a few years?

Yanshan soul is a face of self-confidence, hands behind him. Looking at the boundless sea of ​​clouds, the voice said:

"Just give me a few years. This vast continent will be ups and downs by my Lord! Rest assured, everything has me!"

Xu Ziyan listened to the words of Yanshan, and his heart was filled with joy. For a moment, inexplicably settled down. When the mind flashed in He Boxian, the phrase "have me" in the mountain river spectrum seems to echo in her ear.

Xu Ziyan's heart settled down, and then frowned slightly. As the Yanshan soul said, that is the last resort. Xu Ziyan has never seen the four big rides, nor has he seen the three big cities. In this world of cultivation, the three great cities can stand under the four-passenger, and they will stand for thousands of years without falling. They must have their reliance. Xu Ziyan is not sure that these three major cities will not break the family's second-class spirit. Today's three major cities may have decided that they are carrying a Xu family to rob at their doorstep. I am afraid that this time they are building up their strength and planning how to deal with their own home.

Today's situation is more and more complicated, Xu family has just started, and the three major cities are deeply rooted, and they are closely related to the monks on the entire mainland. The strength is not only the three major cities on the bright side, but also the roots are wrong. Otherwise, the size of Luotian is not likely to look at the three. The big city is in the Central Plains and does not control the slightest.

In this way, Xu Ziyan is more careful about going to the refining city. However, Xu Ziyan must also go to the refining city, not only because the refining city was originally planned, but also encountered this situation, Xu Ziyan also wants to go to the refining city to understand the attitude of the refining city.

Yanshan soul stood on the side and looked at Xu Ziyan in meditation. Some people said that the man in seriousness is the most hooked, and the woman in seriousness is not? Although Xu Ziyan was covered, but in the Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan's straight nose, small lips, beautiful eyebrows. The well-proportioned figure in front of the eyes, the sagacious temperament released from the meditation, makes the Yanshan soul look at the heart.

When I think of myself and Xu Ziyan practicing together at the Lotus Peak, the purple face of Xu Ziyan, the mouth of Yanshan soul can not help but open a smile.

The palace treasures are flying rapidly in the air. From time to time, there are flying monsters passing by on both sides of the palace. A long beep of flying monsters wakes up the Xu Ziyan in contemplation, and looks at it. The palace treasure at this time is Flying over a continuous mountain range.

The mountain range below is the flying mountain range. It is called the Feilai Mountain Range. It is said that there is no such mountain range here. I don't know when it came from the sky. Such a thousand miles of mountains fell here.

From the ancient times, the Feilai Mountain has become a place of experience for all parties in the Central Plains. From here to the inside, there are monsters from low to high. The lowest monster outside has a step, while the center of the flying mountain also has a nine-order monster.

The palace of Tianzhicheng naturally does not fly over the center of the flying mountain range. Once it provokes the anger of the 9th-order monsters, the result is not what they can bear.

At this time, almost all the third-order, fourth-order monsters, or the fifth-order monsters flew over the palace treasures. This level of monsters is naturally safe for the palace treasures of Tianzhicheng, and there is no threat.

Xu Ziyan took his eyes back from the distance and turned to look at the Yanshan soul. Yanshan soul saw Xu Ziyan looking over, immediately converge on the lips of the smile, turned over the head did not see Xu Ziyan. There was a faint glow on the angular face.

Xu Ziyan naturally saw the expression of Yanshan soul, and did not know what it was. Since the cultivation of the Yanshan Soul Chamber, the original weird elf of Yanshan Spirit has disappeared and become mature and stable. It has always existed in the vivid impression of Xu Ziyan's impression, and the arrogant Yanshan soul gradually disappeared.

At this time, I heard a bang, and the whole palace shook. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul firmly held their bodies, and Xu Tianwei directly hit the shield.

The surrounding monks made a mess, but the monks above the sacred period were able to remain calm and stabilized, and looked out of the shroud. At the same time, the guards of Tianzhicheng also appeared in the corridor, looking nervously outside the shield.

At this time, a figure also appeared in the cloister, suddenly a monk in the late part of the distraction. The person who came here is the person in charge of this palace, and the elders of Tianzhicheng are high. High-spirited and high-sounding:

"Don't panic!"

Xu Ziyan reached out and helped Xu Tianwei to stand up and stood on the edge of the cloister and looked out. At this time, there was a shocking scene in front of the monks. Originally, Tianshen City was flying in the air away from the center of the Flying Mountains. The surrounding monsters were the highest in the fifth-order monsters. However, what appears in front of the eyes is a monster of the eighth-order peak, the one-horned Yalong.

Just a slamming sound, the spacecraft that turned out to be a top-grade weapon was attacked by this one-horned Yalong, hitting the palace and smashing it. More than a dozen figures flew from the spacecraft, and at this time they were flustered to protect the two young people.

One of the dozen or so people, an old man in the late stage, shouted at the palace:

"The predecessors of Tianzhicheng are in the process of refining the city of Dancheng. Please ask the seniors for assistance. Alchemy City will thank the seniors."

The high-spirited gaze swept through the two young men and women in the middle, and the eyes were changed. The body passed through the shield of the palace in an instant, and a square print was sacrificed by him, and he slammed into the air of the unicorn.

The one-horned Yalong figure swayed, and it flashed the square print, vomiting toward the high-opening mouth, and a dragon's breath was ejected. The tall figure was swept in the space, flashing the dragon's breath, sticking out a finger on the square of the flying back, and screamed:


The square print then widened into a mountain-like size, and slammed into the one-horned Yalong. The one-horned Yalong’s eyes flickered, knowing that he could not match the monk in the late stage of the distraction. The dragon-shaped pendulum slammed and slammed into the depths of the flying mountains.


The pink ticket fell from the fifth to the sixth, hehe! Bitter!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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