The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 811: Alchemy City Lesser City Lord

Warmly congratulate the parasitic heaven and earth students to become the best!


Gao Yang took back the Quartet and looked at the one-horned Yalong, who was far away, but did not dare to chase it. After all, in the depths of the flying mountains, there are not just eight-order monsters.

Gao Yang can walk through the palace's shield at will, because he has a jade card on his body. If you want to enter the palace with more than a dozen people in the city of Alchemy, you will make a gesture in the palace. The heavenly city monk within the palace will open the shield and open the door. Several monks in the alchemy city entered the palace.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the two young men and women in the middle. He saw that the woman was a cultivation of the early days of the gods, and the younger man was the mid-Year of the Yuan Ying. These two people have been protected by the dozens of monks in the middle. Is it an important person in the city of Alchemy?

At this time, the two people were very embarrassed, and the clothes on them were somewhat broken. It seemed that they were suddenly attacked by the one-horned Yaron. The head of the cloak stood there, his face pale, and his mouth was still covered with blood. Maybe it is because it is safe at this time, and my mind is relaxed. His eyes gradually dimmed, and his body swayed, and the two men leaned back and fell backwards.

The dozens of guards in the alchemy city were in a mess, and they hurriedly held two people and slowly placed the two on the ground. The old man of the alchemy city put his finger on the woman's wrist, and then placed on the man's wrist, his face showed an anxious color.

I took out a jade bottle and poured out two medicinal herbs, which were given to the man and the woman. Then I looked at the two nervously. Xu Ziyan’s eyes have been staring at the old man. When the old man took out two medicinal herbs, his eyes could not help but shine.

One dollar Dan!

The wind Baichuan took out the one yuan Dan, to know that this Yuan Dan has been counted as a high-quality remedy on the mainland. Usually difficult to see. Nowadays, it has been taken out by Feng Baichuan to treat these two young people. It is obvious that the identity of these two young people is absolutely not simple.

At this time, Gao Yang naturally recognized a Yuan Dan, and his heart also shocked the identity of a man and a woman. Just a little sinking. Then I walked up and said faintly:

"Old man look!"

The wind and hundreds of rivers rushed back to the side, thanking Gao Yang, "Thank you for your help!"

Gao Yang puts his hand in the hand: "You are welcome, since you have encountered it, you can't leave it alone, let the beast mad."

When the words fell, they no longer paid attention to the winds and rivers. Instead, they took a look at the men and women who were lying on the ground and stunned, and even frowned slightly. I am thinking about it there.

Xu Ziyan turned his heart at this time. The two comatose youths in front of us are clearly the most identifiable people in the city of Alchemy. There are irreconcilable misunderstandings between myself and the three major cities. If you can cure the two people in front of you, you may be buried in the future to explain the misunderstanding. So, two steps forward, secretly opened the eyes of Kun Peng, looking toward the two young people.

In the eyes of Xu Ziyan's Yan Peng. The injuries of the two young men and women were in front of her eyes. Xu Ziyan’s mouth can’t help but pass a bitter smile. She has seen this kind of injury, not only seen, but also suffered similar injuries. However, the injury she suffered was not caused by the attack of the monster, but by the monk.

At the beginning, when Xu Ziyan was enemies in the Eastern Xiu Xianjie and Qing Huozong, he was once injured by a late monk of the Qing Huozong. This was in the spirit of the encounter with the Yanshan soul at the age of five. At that time, she had a mass of fire in her body that constantly ruined her meridians. At this time, the situation of the two young men and women was as old as she was, and it was much more serious than her.

To know that the first time I was hurt by Xu Ziyan was a monk in the late Yuan Ying. Now it hurts the two young men and women, but it is equivalent to the eighth-order monster of the late monks. Seeing their injuries, they know that the one-horned Yalong is a fire-beaten monster. At this time, there are a group of fire attributes in the two young monks who forcibly destroy their meridians. Although the one-yuan dan is a six-pin dan, But it pays attention to the balance of yin and yang. It is not symptomatic for this fire attribute. Instead, it gave birth to the power of the fire attribute. If this is allowed to continue, I am afraid that these two young men and women will not live for seven days.

Because these two young men and women are the spiritual roots of wood. Just by the fire attribute restraint, so they simply can not use the water attribute of the original Xu Ziyan to wrap the fire attribute. The general remedy really does not have any effect on it.

Xu Ziyan searched in the inheritance. After she was injured, she soon became mentally paralyzed. Naturally, she could not refine any medicine. However, the name of a six-drug drug is now in her consciousness:

"Ice Dan!"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and she did not refine it because it needed snow lotus seeds. If there is ice, it is natural to be able to treat the two young people in front of us. The remaining remedies are not symptomatic.

Whether it is Gao Yang or Feng Baichuan is not the spiritual root of water, and even if it is the spiritual root of water, it may not be able to cultivate the water property to the great perfection. Because the cultivation of the meaning of the attribute must have a great promotion effect on the cultivation, but the improvement of the cultivation may not promote the understanding of the meaning of the attribute. Nowadays, the two men in front of the water, in addition to the watery nature of the perfection, can suppress the fire of the unicorns into their bodies, and the rest is really useless.

Xu Ziyan thought carefully and felt that he could only do this. At this time, Gao Yang and Feng Baichuan also knew the seriousness of the injuries of these two young men and women. The two men looked at each other and looked at each other with helplessness. Gao Yang arched his hand and said:

"Daoyou, there is no way for me to hurt this. If I can't find a cure in seven days, I am afraid..."

The face of Feng Baichuan is very difficult to see, and bowed to Gao Yang’s hand: “Thank you for your predecessors!”

After that, I stood up from the ground and hesitated for a while, finally gritted my teeth and said to the monks around me:

"Below is the wind and river in Alchemy City. These two injured children are a pair of children of the alchemy city. If there is a pair of children who can heal the city, the city of Alchemy will be thankful."

After all, he went down deeply and waited there without moving. Surrounded by the quiet, the onlookers' monks are constantly changing. It is not that they do not want to help the city of Alchemy. You must know that the children of the alchemy city masters can save the children of the alchemy city masters. Is it imaginable to receive the gratitude? However, they really don't have the ability, even the alchemy city itself is helpless, and they will have any solution.

Wind Baichuan straightened up and his face was full of disappointment. I was thinking about discussing with Gao Yang. Can I let this palace treasure go straight to the alchemy city, and I saw a woman with a veil coming forward and kneeling in front of the injured man and woman.

The eyes of the monks suddenly focused on the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan held out his hands in the eyes of the monks and held the hands of two young men and women, respectively, and transported the meaning of water to the realm of great perfection. The real yuan came out and entered the bodies of the two young men and women.

The meaning of the water is laid in the other's body like a net, and the property is shrouded away. After a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan wrapped the fire attributes of the two monks into a ball, and then superimposed the meaning of the water on the outside. The process was slow. After Xu Ziyan wrapped the fire layer tightly inside, it looked up and said to Feng Baichuan:

"One dollar Dan!"

Feng Baichuan naturally feels that the injuries of the two young monks are not good, but they have stabilized. At this time, I heard Xu Ziyan’s words, and hurriedly took out two Yuan Dan, and sent them to the mouths of two young men and women. At this time, Xu Ziyan did not dare to use the gas of life to treat these two people, fearing unpredictable changes. Fortunately, this water attribute is also a healing function, and Xu Ziyan repairs the meridians of two people's injuries over and over again with the water attribute.

Thus, after two hours, Xu Ziyan has cured the injuries of two young monks by 60%. Released his hand, lifted his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and stood up from the ground. Looking at the two young men and women who have recovered their minds and are getting up from the ground, they said faintly:

"The wounds in your body have been cured by 60%. As long as you take the treatment of one dollar Dan, you can heal in three days."

Seeing the joy of two people's faces, Xu Ziyan shook his head and said faintly: "But your injuries have not been fundamentally cured. I just wrapped up the fire property in your body with water. If When the meaning of the water wrapped in the outside is consumed, the fire property inside will be washed out again to destroy the meridians in your body. By that time, you will still be able to escape."

The look of the two young monks suddenly changed. I remembered the pain I had suffered just now, and the color of fear was revealed in my eyes. Two people hurriedly sighed to Xu Ziyan:

"Please help us!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said faintly: "I am not saving you, but I can't do anything!"

Feng Baichuan said to Xu Ziyan: "Do you know how long the water in their body can last?"

"Half-year! Of course..." Xu Ziyan said with a deep heart: "If you have alchemy in the alchemy city, then they will not have problems. Even if there is no ice, you can find the meaning of water to the perfection. The monks in the realm can also constantly reinforce the meaning of the water in their bodies, so that time can be dragged to find the time of the ice."


Recommend a friend a book:

Title: "according to the Spirit Cultivation mind" Author: moon light shine. Book number: 2132875

Brief introduction: Xiu Xian all the way to the wind and rain, Yi Ling is not afraid! (Warm and sweet, such as a cup of tea, not thick, light, like, come see!)


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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