The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 818: The meaning of fire is small

I am very grateful to IREN students, kineika classmates, ``fish. . . Classmate, the pink ticket of Lan Xiaoyue!


Here is a stark contrast to the simplicity of the former mountain. There are strange flowers and grasses everywhere, and the bridges are like water. At this time, it was already the treetops of the moon. The five disciples of Gongziye had bid farewell to Master and Xu Ziyan and returned to their residence. The remaining Gongziye, Xie Qian, invited Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan and Xu Tianwei to go to the residence of Gongziye.

The shadow of the moon gradually dimmed, a thin layer of cloud covered the moon, and the sky was littered with light rain. Xu Ziyan just released the real yuan, propped up the shield, and saw several maids flying from the garden, holding a green bamboo umbrella, standing behind Xu Ziyan and others, and holding the umbrella on the head of Xu Ziyan and others. Covered the fine rain.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul looked at each other and felt a little emotion in their hearts. These people really enjoy it, and reveal their own status and honor. Originally, it was only a problem that could be solved by releasing a hood, but it was only for the maid to serve, revealing his honor. However, the Yanshan soul who walked aside slowly looked at the son and thought.

At this time, Gongziye learned from the footsteps of Xu Ziyan to Xu Ziyan’s mind, and smiled and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Yunling Fairy, can you tell where the fairy comes from?"

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and hesitated and said: "The fairy comes from the mortal."

The son of the sorcerer smiled and said: "Yes, the fairy comes from the mortal!". Then I smiled.

Xu Ziyan once again looked a little stunned, but the Yanshan soul on the side was a change of appearance, and said to the Gongziye:

"Dao You Gao said!"

Xu Ziyan’s state of mind suddenly opened up. Sudden in my heart. Since the immortal comes from the mortal, it means that the mortal is the foundation of the immortal. The improvement of cultivation makes the cultivator gradually move away from the mortal, but the improvement of the state of mind still depends on the world of the mortal. The world's avenues are often hidden in the vast world of the mortal world. No wonder there will be a reincarnation. This should refer to those who are unsettled and who are desperate to choose a path.

In this way, this public is not to pay attention to identity. It is to get close to nature and seek avenues from the ordinary world. Xu Ziyan thought that he had misunderstood Gongziye, and his face was slightly reddish. He turned to the Gongziye:

"Master Gao Cai, Yun Ling admire."

Gongzi Ye shook his head, revealing a trace of reverence in his eyes: "Where is the poor road can be realized, it is the point of the city owner and his old man."

Gongziye has rarely talked about the city owners of the refining city, but the more this is the case. The more it stirred the curiosity of Xu Ziyan. However, seeing Gongziye has not closed his mouth, Xu Ziyan is not difficult to be strong. I looked around and looked around. At this time, it is the summer and autumn communication, the rare drizzle, the summer violent, and the lingering autumn rain. The flowers and trees were brightened by the drizzle, and the scenery was able to feel the power of life in the summer to the extreme. But listening to the sound of the rain, but I feel the fall of the autumn.

There is a touch between Xu Ziyan’s souls. Summer is a fire, and autumn is gold. In the last month of each season, it is earthy, and the meaning of soil plays an important role in the transition. At this time, it is the moment of fire, the meaning of the earth, and the meaning of the movement of gold.

In the body of Xu Ziyan, the meaning of gold and the meaning of the earth all leaped, and the meaning of the fire did not form. There is also a phase of cohesion.

Xu Ziyan suddenly stayed in the footsteps. The gods become ethereal, and all the scenery in front of them is what they hear, what they see. Let Xu Ziyan fall into a half epiphany. This world is in the midst of summer and autumn, when the fire is changing. The meaning of gold in Xu Ziyan’s body has reached the realm of great perfection. However, the meaning of the soil is only a small realm, and the meaning of the fire is not understood at all. This makes the attribute of Xu Ziyan unbalanced, the metal is strong, the soil property is weak, and the fire attribute is no roots. The time of the five elements of Xu Ziyan’s body was stagnate, and the real energy flow in the body became suffocated by the influence of this half-understood.

In this foot door, outside the door, you can't stop, and the state of wanting to go into the way makes Xu Ziyan very uncomfortable, if this situation continues. Xu Ziyan will be countered by no exception, the lighter will be reduced, and the heavy one will be enchanted.

On the side of the public, Ye Ziye and Xu Tianwei were constrained by the low level of cultivation, and did not feel anything, just why the strange purple smoke stopped. The same Yanshan soul and Xie Qian at the beginning of the distraction felt that Xu Ziyan seemed to be on the threshold of epiphany. However, there is no way for outsiders to help each other. When the two men looked at each other, they stopped their steps and frowned slightly and looked at Xu Ziyan.

At this time, there was a footstep from the depths of the garden. A young man in a white robe with a butter paper umbrella walked slowly in the drizzle and broke into a state of semi-intelligence. The eyes of Xu Ziyan in the eyes.

Drizzle, white clothes, leaves swaying, but also increased the bleak autumn. The golden meaning of the gold in Xu Ziyan’s body is that the golden earth fire in the rotation is even more unbalanced, and the rootless fire is in a state of imminent silence. If the meaning of the fire at this time is once silenced, Xu Ziyan will forever lose the ring of fire attribute in the future. Even if there is a fire spirit, it will lose its effect, and her body world will never be complete again. The cultivation of Xu Ziyan will be fundamentally affected in the future.

The high wall covered with green vines, the white stone trails, the tall and lush trees on both sides, like a still picture, but a white figure is flowing, the right hand is holding an autumn yellow paper umbrella, and the left hand is behind it. The look fades from this ancient picture.

There was still a summer landscape, as if with his appearance, it became more difficult. The melancholy temperament, like the hustle and bustle of this world, has brought a whole coldness to the whole garden.

The young man looked up and saw the son of Ye, and called out: "Father!"

The lightness of the face disappeared instantly, and a sunny smile appeared. The melancholy temperament of the body dissipated in an instant, although the sky was still cloudy and the rain was still lingering. But the cold weather of the space disappeared, as if the young man’s sunny smile broke through the bleak autumn.


The soul of Xu Ziyan trembled, and the meaning of the fire suddenly became as if he had stepped into the door and entered the epiphany. The young man suddenly stopped his footsteps, and he felt the change of momentum in Xu Ziyan. At this time, people around Xu Ziyan also felt that Xu Ziyan really entered the epiphany. Yanshan soul gently breathed a sigh of relief, let go of his own mind, and integrated into the space, while Gongziye and others were shocked, and there was a hint of envy in their eyes, and they all let go of the mind into the space, even that The same is true of the white youths who arrived.

Time slipped through the epiphany, but for a short quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, and took out two tiny fire dragons from her nose, circling and disappearing into the space. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, and his heart was filled with joy. He did not think of the momentary feelings. Without the help of the fire spirit, he was able to cultivate the meaning of fire to the realm of Xiaocheng.

The body really surges like a pulse, and Xu Ziyan knows that this is a sign that he wants to break through. If he is willing to do so now, he will immediately break through to the late stage of the god. However, Xu Ziyan still resisted and gave up the breakthrough. On the one hand, here is not the best time to break through. The most important thing is that Xu Ziyan is thinking about going back to the Lotus Peak and letting the family disciples break through the 12 elephants and then break through, so that they will get the most improvement. The same is the breakthrough to the late stage of the incarnation, in the breakthrough of the twelve elephants, the energy contained in it is absolutely different.

A deep ritual to the white-haired youth, Xu Ziyan knew that he was because the white-haired youth in front of him was like a sunny smile, and he entered the epiphany. So, sincerely said:

"Thank you!"

The white youth looks awkward, let alone him, that is, other people do not know why Xu Ziyan wants to thank him. In the confusion, Xu Ziyan nodded to the ceremony, and then turned to the son of the road:

"Father, that..."

"Coughing cough..." Gongzi smashed two coughs, and took a loving shot of the shoulders of the white youth:

"Forging children, for the father to introduce you to a few handsome. This is Yunling fairy, Yunling fairy, this is the child's son forging!"

"The son has seen the fairy!"

The sound of the male forging is very clear, Xu Ziyan noticed that his eyes sparkled with joy, very clear, very pure. Xu Ziyan didn't know why he would have a happy time when he saw him, but he still had a good impression on the male forging. And Xu Ziyan can not help but sigh in the heart, in this fascinating Xiu Xianjie, there are even people with such pure sunshine.

"I have seen a forged friend!" Xu Ziyan also politely returned.

Next, Gongziye also introduced Yanshan Soul and Xu Tianwei and Gongzi forging. Then I looked awkwardly:

"It was supposed to let the forging children go to the city gate to greet the friends, but the poor lovers of the poor have made mistakes and have been taken care of by the forging children. The rude places, the Taoist friends forgive me."

Xu Ziyan didn't dare to listen to the mouth, but he couldn't help but figure it out. From entering the refining city to the present, Xu Ziyan can clearly see that this Gongziye is not directed at the cloud essence of Yanshan soul, but is directed at himself. Why is that? I have been veiled on the palace spacecraft of Tianzhicheng, and it is impossible for the device to recognize itself. However, Gongziye has put on such a grand scene. Why is this?

Xu Ziyan had a look at the opposite of the male forging, seeing his sun-like temperament turned into a melancholy appearance. I couldn’t figure out what the father and son were doing in front of the brain, but they didn’t see the maliciousness from the father and son in front of them, but they still improved their vigilance and said with a strong smile:

"Master, we have a little tired of a few trips, want to... adjust the rate."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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