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After some politeness, Xu Ziyan was led by a maid through a moon gate and came to an independent courtyard. Xu Ziyan entered the room arranged for himself, sat on the bed with his knees, waved and threw out dozens of characters, and set up a lineup. Then I entered the interest rate adjustment.

Yanshan soul entered the room opposite Xu Ziyan, and sat on the bed with his knees. He did not enter the adjustment, but frowned slightly. He also saw that the son of Yeziye was not looking for himself, not for the cloud. But looking for Xu Ziyan. Seeing that Gongziye has already known the true identity of Xu Ziyan, but how did he know it? What is his purpose? The eyes of Yanshan soul looked through the window to the opposite room of Xu Ziyan, and there was a slight worry in his eyes.

Xu Tianwei did not have so many thoughts. When he returned to the room, he immediately immersed himself in the knowledge of the refining tools that he had obtained from Yanshan Soul and the Horoscope, and he was not likely to be in danger.

In another courtyard, the son and son of the son and the son sit opposite each other, and the door at this time has been closed. At the same time, there is a ban on the isolation of the gods in this room. The son forged his hands and picked up the teapot on the table. He took a cup of tea for his father and asked softly:

"Father, is that Yunling fairy is Xu Ziyan?"

Gongzi Ye extended his hand to the teacup, blew the tea floating on it, and took a soft drink:

"Yes, she is Xu Ziyan. Although I did not see her true face, but you will not admit your mistakes to the brothers."

The face of the male forged was instantly excited and red, and the breath was also rushed. Pressing down the voice asked:

"Father, when are we..."

When Gongziye waved his hand and interrupted the son’s forging, his eyes flashed a slap in the face and took a deep breath. Said faintly:

"Forging children, Xu Ziyan is small, but it is a small shackle. In addition, she actually spent more than 20 years in the cultivation of immortals. She will be cultivated into the middle of the gods, and will decline in a very short time. After thousands of years, the descendants of the ancient Xu family gathered together. Outside, they were able to hit the big Luotian, and eventually they retired. We must be careful!"

The son of the forged face is now surprised: "Is she already in the middle of the gods?"

The male forged dignified and nodded and said: "You Xie Qian uncle will not be wrong."

"Father, when are you going to prepare?"

"First entertain her to stay and see if they can help us in the refining city. You should go to her more these days and try to make good friends with them."

"Well. Ford knows." The son of the forging nodded and suddenly asked: "Father, who is that? The relationship between him and Xu Ziyan seems to be somewhat unusual!"

Gongzi Yeguangguang removed from the teacup in his hand and looked at the male son forging. He thought and said: "I don’t know for the father. It is reasonable to say that such a young distracted monk. There are not many on the mainland, even Yes, but I have never seen it for my father. Hey, the father has always been obsessed with refining, forging children, have you ever heard of this name in the Xiuxian world?"

"No!" The son said, "I have never heard of it."

Gongziye put down the teacup and said faintly: "He can't be the disciples of the four superpowers and the three masters. If they are disciples of these sects, such qualifications may have been shining on the vast continent. It is impossible to listen. It’s not the name. So even if the qualifications are good. There is no deep fear for our father and son. It’s just a distraction.”

"Father, do you say that the people who attacked the three big cities will be Xu Ziyan?"

"This thing is very weird. Let me say that. Why did she dare to enter the refining city? To say that it is not her, but many people have seen her robbing those monks who enter and leave the three major cities."

The male forged slightly frowned. The condensate said: "If it is not Xu Ziyan, then it proves that there is a conspiracy against Xu Ziyan and the three major cities. The purple smoke is just a chess piece. If it is Xu Ziyan, it proves that Xu Ziyan has a conspiracy against the three major cities. She came to the refiner this time. The city, maybe it is a part of her conspiracy.

If all this is a conspiracy of Xu Ziyan, are we leading the wolf into the room? We must know that Xu Ziyan’s relationship with our refining city is very tense. The city’s adult has already gone out a few days ago and is very angry about this matter. If it wasn't for the 100-year-old instrumental competition, maybe the urban master has already begun to deal with Xu Ziyan.

If the master of the city knows that we are in contact with Xu Ziyan, I am afraid that the city owner will kill our family in anger. father……"

Gongziye had no choice but to smile: "The danger is there. I think that in the past few days, the three big cities should have some action against Xu Ziyan. After fifteen days, it is a hundred-year-old instrumental competition. The city owners of Alchemy City and Lingbao City will be Come to the refinery city to observe the ceremony, when the three major city cities meet, you will definitely talk about a result of Xu Ziyan.

Moreover, I estimate that the three major city owners will not spend time and energy investigating for a small purple smoke. With the strength of the three major cities, there is really no need to spend time and energy on Xu Ziyan's body. I am afraid that the purple smoke will soon fall into the trap. In the situation of chasing.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan has no conspiracy to overcome the waves. We just want to reach a deal with her before she dies. After that, her life and death have nothing to do with us. ”

The son of the forging looks a little hesitant: "But, once the purple smoke reveals our transaction with her, are we also in danger?"

"Yeah!" Gongzi Ye sighed and sighed: "Our refiners are very respected on the surface. It seems that the wind is getting windy, it is raining, and the people who are re-high are in front of us. You are polite. But it is only that we have not angered those people. In this world, we are still respected by the strong. In fact, in the hearts of those who are strong, we are only an ant."

Speaking of this, Gong Ziye’s eyes suddenly flickered, and he looked a little embarrassed: “Forging children, this thing wants to succeed and let Xu Ziyan keep his mouth shut afterwards. I’m afraid you have to forge your means. I think that purple smoke is not enough. It is a young woman, you are the first beautiful man who is famous for the celestial world. Even if there is a beggar around Xu Ziyan, as long as you give up the skill, I am afraid that the purple smoke will not fall into our control?"

"Father..." The face of the male forging is not red.

Gongziye stood up and walked to the front of the male forging. He took his hand on the shoulder of the male forging and sighed one voice:

"Father knows that this makes you embarrassed, but for your mother and me..., hey! Go back and think about it!"

Looking at the back of the son's forging, the son of the sigh sighed, and some of the powerless sitting in the chair, picked up the cup, and saw that there was no water in the cup, it was placed on the table. Looking up at the moonlight outside the window, stood up from the chair, went to the door, gently pushed the door open, walked out of the room, closed the door with his backhand, and stood there quietly.

The whole person was hidden in the shadow of the eaves. He did not release the gods, but erected his ears to listen to the movements around him. After he found no sound, he turned his hand and took out a disc, like a compass. The gaze was fixed on the middle pointer, and when it was time to see that the pointer was fixed, it was quietly relieved that no one was following him.

The son of the family was flashing, quietly underground, called a monster car, and went to the open-air night market of the refining city. Waiting for the open-air night market, throwing a driver's stone, throwing a bucket from the storage ring and wearing it on the head, stepping into the open-air night market, the body shape is integrated into the crowd.

This open-air night market is almost a place where there are some scattered gatherings. The sellers are just some low-level things. Of course, some people come here with a leaky attitude. Of course, Gongziye did not come for the leak. When he entered the market, he walked slowly back and forth in the middle of the square, looking for the spot, as if looking for what he needed.

He just walked back and forth two times, and there was a black robe monk who walked about ten meters behind him, wearing a bucket on his head. His gaze looked at the fight on the head of the son, and saw a piece of gold silk hanging from the top of the bucket. The gold wire was hung with a jade pendant and carved into a unicorn. On the other side of the black robe, there is a thumb-sized unicorn pendant next to it.

A glimpse of the voice reached the ears of Gongziye: "When is it dawning to visit the night market?"

Gongzi Ye carelessly turned and looked at the black robe who was ten meters away. His eyes looted the jade pendant next to the fight. His eyes were bright and he turned carelessly and slowly walked forward, but his mouth was still there. Talking to the black robe:

"Yeah, it’s dark, who is still shopping in the night market!"

The black robe people over there were about ten meters apart from the son of the public, and they said: "Master, I received your message, and immediately set off to meet with the master. I don’t know if the master did not pass the jade briefing this time. What is it for meeting?"

The two still walked slowly, and even crouched down, looking at some of the materials on the booth, but they were always separated by a distance of about ten meters, as if they didn't know each other.

The two men spoke to each other and said a little bit of time. The tone of the black robe was a little surprised:

"Master, you let us kill Xu Ziyan outside the refining city? Nowadays, the refining city has been guarded by the robbery of Xu Ziyan some time ago. If we do this, we will probably lose the demon. If not, since she is practicing In the city, you only need to tell the city owner, can you catch it?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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