I am very grateful to Su Xiaoyan, the man of the wind, the pink ticket of the blossoming & classmate!


Gongzi Yeyin laughed a few times: "I have some secret transactions with her. At this time, this thing can't be known to others. So she must die, and this thing is exactly what you do!" ”

The black robe man hesitated for a while: "But since Xu Ziyan was robbed outside the three major cities a few days ago, the refining city is now heavily guarded. Once we kill Xu Ziyan at the entrance of the refining city, it will lead to the chasing of the refining city guards. Kill, the loss will be very serious. Otherwise, we wait for Xu Ziyan to stay away from the refining city and then start?"

The son of the singer sighed and said: "No, it is said that the purple smoke has a very rich experience in escape, and she also cultivates a flying stunt, the back will give birth to a pair of wings, flying very fast. Once she is allowed Leaving the refining city, don't say that you are chasing her, it is very difficult to follow her. Only at the door of the refining city, it is the best policy to kill her unexpectedly.

Rest assured, I will replenish you with your losses and give you more treasures. ”

"Good!" The black robe hesitated for a moment, and finally his tone was firm: "The master is relieved, I will go back to the mountain and call the strongman to ambush outside the refining city. As long as you subpoena, we will immediately shoot. Just hope the master In addition to giving us more refining of several treasures, we can increase the number of implements."

Gongzi Yeyin laughed a few times: "You and I are staggered, here is the image of Xu Ziyan, you take it back and look good, don't admit the wrong person."

The words fall. Gongzi Ye turned inadvertently and turned to the black robe. At the moment when the two bodies were intertwined, Gongziye passed a jade ball to the hands of the black robe. Since then. The two parted ways.

Xu Ziyan sat in the room and adjusted for a while, and once again suppressed the breakthrough air machine. Now she has realized the meaning of fire to the realm of Xiaocheng, the body is full of five elements, Xu Ziyan is running in the body. The five elements of rotation, quickly turned into four images, turned into three talents, divided into yin and yang. After the yin and yang collided, Xu Ziyan raised his hand to the courtyard outside the window.

"Booming ~~"

Outside the window, the glare of white glare, the thunder of an arm of the armage bombarded from the sky, rumbling on the ground outside, bombarding the ground to a deep pit.

The door opened. Yanshan soul, Xu Tianwei and some of the servants of the public son Yefu came out and stared blankly at the deep pit on the ground in the center of the hospital.

Xu Ziyan also pushed the door out, and his face was also loaded with a look of surprise. He looked at the Yanshan soul and looked up at the sky. This said faintly:

"Okay. Just hit a thunder and go back to rest!"

When the words fell, and ignored the others, they turned and entered the room, closing the door with the backhand. Yanshan soul hesitatedly glanced at the door of Xu Ziyan, and finally nodded to Xu Tianwei, and then retreated into the room. Xu Tianwei naturally returned to his room in a confused way, and the servants of the sons and sons were reluctant to return to their rooms.

The vertical ear listened to everyone back to the room, Xu Ziyan gently patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. Sitting in bed for a while, suddenly thought of a move. The Thunderfire sword appeared in the hands of Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s hand left this treasure. However, Xu Ziyan does not like to buy again, because today's Xu Ziyan has been able to release lightning, which means that she can fully stimulate the power of this Thunderfire sword, so that its power can reach the realm of the top quality treasure.

It took a quarter of an hour. In the Thunderfire sword left his own spiritual brand, refining the Thunderfire sword. Look at the Thunderfire sword. When she walked down the ground, she really wanted to test the power of the Thunderfire Sword, but thought about the sensation caused by the small thunderstorm that she had just released, and finally she endured the desire at this time, and turned her hand over the Thunderfire.

Re-shouldered on the bed and began to understand the meaning of Lei. Now she wants to release the thunderbolt, but also after some operation, the five elements into yin and yang, and then the collision can release the meaning of thunder. She wants to understand the meaning of thunder like the golden wood and fire, and has a thunder seed. In this way, the Thunder spells can be released instantly.

This intoxication into comprehension, time will come to the noon of the next day. Xu Ziyan slowly opened his eyes and there was a slight disappointment in his eyes. After some understanding, Xu Ziyan did not have much understanding of the meaning of Lei. Sighed a little, got out of bed and brushed it a bit, pushed open the door and went out, but saw that Yanshan soul was coming in from outside the garden.

"Are your cultivation finished?"

Xu Ziyan nodded in some desolate positions, and he still pondered the meaning of the thunder in his mind. At this time, Xu Tianwei also opened the door and walked out, and gave a slight gift to Xu Ziyan.

Yanshan soul stood opposite Xu Ziyan and said with a chuckle: "There was a lot of insights last night! Let's try it?"

Xu Ziyan has a bright double eye, Yanshan soul is undoubtedly a very good sparring, and now he has the meaning of the five elements, just to try the power. So, he nodded quickly and nodded.

Seeing Xu Ziyan promised, Yanshan soul stepped forward step by step, and the earth in front of him suddenly tumbling, suddenly turned into thousands of coyotes, neatly shouting, and a pair of double-eyed eyes flashed with blue light. . When the whistling sound fell, the thousands of earthen wolves picked up the dust of the sky, and like the tide of the sea, they rushed to the opposite side of the purple smoke.

On the opposite side, Xu Ziyan stepped forward gently. At her feet, the blossoming lotus flower bloomed and spread rapidly toward the front, and instantly spread a sea of ​​flowers.

The coyote screamed and screamed, and the lotus flower spread silently. The two sides finally collided together, and the thousands of coyotes just rushed into the sea of ​​flowers. At the moment when the coyote rushed into the sea of ​​flowers, the lotus swayed everywhere, and the lotus leaves danced, forming a world of flowers in an instant.

The lotus leaf lost the direction of the coyote and smashed the footsteps of the coyote. Yanshan soul smiled slightly, raising his hand and gently hitting a finger, the group of wolves in the sea of ​​flowers will scream and shout, the shouting formed a sound wave to blast the surrounding lotus leaves and rushed to the opposite Xu Ziyan.

Xu Zi's mouth swayed out with a smile, and the sleeves danced lightly. The refining and smelting suddenly became beautiful. The whole courtyard was divided into two parts. Half was a coyote that was condensed by the long dust, and half of which was the lotus flower of the lotus leaf. . The two sides are deadlocked together. Gradually, Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan both promoted the power, and the atmosphere became warm.

However, after all, the two sides did not do their best, and the manner was still bleak. Xu Ziyan seems to suddenly think of something, looking at the opposite Yanshan soul whispered:

"Mountain Spirit, you just came back from the outside, where have you been?"

"Oh, I am going to sign up for the contest!" Yanshan said nothing.

"The instrumental competition?"

Xu Ziyan was excited at once, although Yanshan soul always said that he would refine the device, but Xu Ziyan never saw it. I think that I can see the Yanshan soul-handed refiner now, and my heart is not excited. This distraction, the lotus flower in the land quickly withered, thousands of coyotes swarmed, but almost immediately swooped to the front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan hurriedly took another step. In front of her, she quickly built a lotus wall and blocked the thousands of coyotes. At this time, Yanshan soul also controlled the coyotes in a panic, which prevented the coyotes from rushing to Xu Ziyan. Even so, between the eagerness, Xu Ziyan's face became pale, and the real gas was running fast, causing her breath to fluctuate.

Yanshan's soul changed dramatically, and he was full of care for anxious colors. He said in a panic: "How are you doing this? In the trial, you are lost, don't kill!"

Xu Ziyan knows that he is losing money. He laughs and said: "I heard you want to participate in the instrumental contest, ask the mainland of the sky, who else will be your opponent, and think of being able to witness the birth of a refiner master, I am over-excited. I am fine. Now, let's move on."

If the words fall, I will not tell her the opportunity of Yanshan Soul, and lift her feet to take a step toward the front. The lotus blossoms everywhere, even when the Yanshan soul was still controlling the coyote, the advantage that had just been lost was pulled back.

Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan, who was waving his little hand at him, smirking smugly, and could not laugh or cry. The right foot was forced to step into the ground and did not enter the ankle. The thousands of coyotes suddenly rushed toward the middle, colliding with each other, and the smoke was long. Just in the twinkling of an eye, the thousands of coyotes will condense into a giant wolf with a length of more than ten feet. The front teeth are staggered, the eyes are like electricity, the big mouth is like a hole, and the four large hogs are rumbling on the earth.

Xu Ziyan's eyebrows are picked up, step by step, and step by step, one step at a time, one step at a time. The giant wolf is like a power, but it is like falling into the sky. The situation has once again stagnated, but it is much more tense than at first.

"When you learn from each other, don't lose your heart." The voice of Yanshan's soul passed from the opposite side: "If you are fighting with the enemy, what the other person said is shocking you, then you are so lost, what is it like to die?" ”

Xu Ziyan’s face blushed, but she thought a little bit in dissatisfaction. I am not talking with you? Only lost the war. If you are fighting with others, how can you lose your mind? Oh, don't look at you as a distraction, I don't necessarily be worse than you. Xu Ziyan is a real child, and the entanglement between the two sides is even more fierce.

"Right!" The opposite Yanshan soul suddenly seemed to think of something. He said to Xu Ziyan: "When I went to register today, guess who I saw?"

"Who saw it?" Xu Ziyan saw the sound of Yanshan soul to her, and also learned the spell with Yanshan soul, while talking.

"I saw that the ink is gone!"

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan did not have any accidents. The ink was originally one of the two major treasurers in the refining city. It was not unusual to meet her at the registration of the instrumental competition.

"When Gongziye met us, she recognized you at the gate of the city. I also saw that I was standing by your side, so let me tell you, I hope I can meet you once."


There are so few pink tickets in recent days...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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