The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 826: Open and honest

I am very grateful to imon students, tianchunli classmates, tianchunli classmates, anniez classmates, and large flying pig classmates for their rewards!


Mendelton paused and continued: "So the Yaozu simply sneaked into the Central Plains to rob and smuggle. And there are also some shackles in the human monks who are united with the Yaozu. With these human monks, the demons are even more If the fish gets water, they hide in the dark, and there is no way to take them."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is moving, the demon family? It seems that there is time to go there. Since there are so many resources there, it is always bad to put them there.

After listening to Meng Di’s remarks, Xu Ziyan also learned that humans and demons are as irreconcilable as natural enemies. If you want to live in peace with the Yaozu, it is human consent, and it is impossible for the Yaozu. Nowadays, the Yaozu is weak. If you wait until the Yaozu is big, once you have a monster-like character, it is definitely a human disaster.

However, Xu Ziyan did not rigidly believe that the Yaozu could not trade. With the Yaozu's backwardness in the alchemy and refining, the trading with the Yaozu is definitely an extremely accounting business. If there is an opportunity, Xu Ziyan will not miss this opportunity. Of course, Xu Ziyan will only exchange some extremely low-grade medicinal herbs and rituals and demons. In this way, you can get the resources you want, and you can't pose a threat to human beings.

In fact, Xu Ziyan has not understood the decisions of the four superpowers and the three major cities. Why not use your own advantages and exchange some of the things that humans have already eliminated in exchange for the resources of the Yaozu? This is not only to worry about the strength of the Yaozu to catch up with themselves, but also with the support of rich resources. The human monk can only develop faster, leaving the demon far behind.

Meng Di saw Xu Ziyan frowning and sitting there sinking, thinking that Xu Ziyan was there to think about whether the person posing as her was a Yaozu, and smiled and said:

"Xu patriarchs. Those who pretend to be you must not be demon, you should not think about it. They will not do things that are not good. This thing is almost certainly what Da Luotian is doing, maybe There is also the participation of the Central Plains machine. You should be careful of these two sects in the future. However, at the moment you still have to stay away from the refining city immediately."

Xu Ziyan just wanted to speak. The mental power that has been released has made people feel that they have entered the courtyard. With a wave of sleeves, the Fubao, which is equipped with the array method, will be collected. Putting the brawl on his head again, he stood up and walked toward the outer door. At this time, Meng Di also heard the footsteps outside, and he stood up from the chair and bowed to Xu Ziyan.

From the outside into the courtyard is the son of the son and son, Xu Ziyan sent Meng Di, the son and son of the son and son.

When Gongzi Ye entered the room, he apologized to Xu Ziyan: "Yunling Fairy. This is all the old man's consideration. Even the thick-faced monks came to disturb the fairy, I have ordered the next man to drive those monks back. The old man's Friends are what they want to see when they want to come. Oh, Yunling Fairy, don’t you blame the old man for making his own claim?”

Xu Ziyan is being troubled by these monks, and he is not bothered. It’s a big joy:

"How can you blame the buddy, you have solved the big trouble for Yunling."

Gongziye smiled and the room fell into silence. Xu Ziyan raised his eyes and looked at the son. Seeing that Gongziye sat there, he looked very hesitant and his heart was a jump. Is it that Gongziye decided to identify his identity? Want to open your mouth and ask for life?

From the ink, I knew that Gongziye recognized his identity and personally greeted him. She is ready to be open to the public and to be open and honest. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s mood was very calm. She did not think that her son’s son would be unfavorable to her. So sitting there calmly looking at the son.

The look of Gongziye was still struggling there. The son was looking at his father with anxiety and anxiously looking at his father, and occasionally glanced at Xu Ziyan.

"Yunling Fairy!" Gongziye finally said: "I don't know what kind of treasures Daoyou likes. The old man and the Taoist friend will see each other and will make every effort to refine a treasure for the fairy."

Xu Ziyan smiled in the heart, and this son Ziye would personally welcome him, but he also worried about revealing his identity. But do not reveal your identity. However, it is impossible to ask for Yanshou Dan. This is really awkward for him.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, although he did not need a treasure. But the family is very in need of treasure. Not only treasures, but also a variety of implements are also very lacking, because today's Xu family is indeed too poor. Six out of the South. And still has been in the situation of being bullied, two from the city of heaven. It is a slave to others. One from the East, although better than the other ones, but it is completely out of the table. Not to mention your own family, from the secular world. It is not bad that most of the people on the Lotus Peak now have a product of the next product. It really belongs to the level of the flower.

Xu Jia now has a Xu Tianwei, but Xu Tianwei is seriously injured in the Southern Wilderness period and cannot be refining. Although I can refine the shovel at the moment, I also have a lot of refining materials from He Boxianfu that Xu Ziyan gave him. But can he refine several instruments by himself? Moreover, he still has to learn and cultivate.

However, most of the disciples of the Xu family are not high at all, and they really can't use the treasures. As long as there is a device, it will be fine. In fact, as long as there is a Chinese product, it can be worthy of the repair of most of today's disciples. The main task at the moment is to arm the Xujia disciples first, and wait for Xu Tianwei to grow up, and then build a refining tribe. By then, Xu will not have the embarrassing situation.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan said with a hand: "Daoyou, Yunling really has something to do."

When the son of the family heard it, the heart was overjoyed, and the eyebrows all revealed the joy. He quickly said, "What is the matter of Yunling Fairy? Please say that as long as the old man can do things, he will not deny it."

Xu Ziyan arched his hand and said: "That Yunling would have thanked him first. Yunling needs a batch of implements. Well, it is best to use the top-grade musical instruments. Do you know if Daoyou can solve Yunling?"

Top grade peaks? Is it just a top-level weapon? The son of the son will be there. He hasn't refined the instrument for a long time, but for a while he was stunned. On the contrary, the male son sitting on the side of the forging reaction came over. This is the instrument that Xu Ziyan will prepare for the Xu family. When I saw my father kneeling there, I hurriedly said:

"Cloud Spirit Fairy, how much do you need? Say a quantity."

At this time, Gongziye also reacted. He is not afraid of Xu Ziyan asking for it, and he is afraid that Xu Ziyan will not open his mouth. Now Xu Ziyan asks for the implement, but as long as it is open. So I hurriedly said:

"Yunling Fairy, you say the quantity and time. If the quantity is tight, the old man can buy it for you in the refining city. Nothing else in the refining city, how much is the ruler."

Xu Ziyan said with some embarrassment: "Daoyou, the amount needed is bigger, and the faster the time, the better."

“How much?” asked Gongziye, who did not care.

Xu Ziyan was slightly indulged. Now Xu’s disciples are not many, and they have just passed a disaster. The total number is not enough for four thousand people. However, if I will reconcile the multi-lingual roots in the near future and move to the Lotus Peak, then I will not know how many disciples there are. I can't always get there, can I not get the king of my own weapon? Thinking of this, there are some embarrassing colors on my face:

"Daoyou, I want tens of thousands of top-grade gongs, as long as it is a top-grade gong."

"Well, it’s not 10,000... What are you talking about?"

Gongziye suddenly stupid there, wanting to buy 10,000 top-grade gongs in the refining city, it is not an acquisition. Where is this? Here is the distribution center of the entire Cangwu mainland refiner. Not to mention 10,000, that is, 100,000 can also be purchased immediately. However, such an acquisition will inevitably attract attention within the refinery city. The reason why Xu Ziyan proposed to let Gongziye buy for himself is also based on this reason. If you go out to buy it yourself, it will definitely attract the attention of the refining city. Once your identity is noticed, you really can't stand the investigation. The acquisition of the son of the company is always stronger than that of the company.

Gongziye frowned and frowned and sat there thinking about it. The matter has already reached this point. He promised to agree and refused to agree. The more embarrassing things Xu Ziyan puts, the better he is to ask for it. So, a bite, with this thing to do, he is ready to open up with Xu Ziyan.

"Yunling Fairy, forgive me, you are the king of Xu family, Xu Ziyan?"

He would have thought that Xu Ziyan heard that he had revealed her identity and would be very surprised. He did not expect Xu Ziyan to be very calm. He was shocked, but he heard Xu Ziyan say faintly:

"Daoyou, from the first time I saw you, I felt that you have recognized me. I just don't understand how the Taoist friends will recognize the purple smoke, and ask the friends to solve the purple smoke."

"Oh..." Gongziye was dismissed by Xu Ziyan, and some uncomfortably laughed at two channels: "That is because my disciple is above the flying palace of Tianzhicheng, and occasionally picks up your veil." I recognized you."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan sat there silently. There is nothing to say about it. It seems that there is also an omission in the fight. Do you want to bring a mask?

"Xu Daoyou!" Gongziye said, "I used to know that you are an alchemy master in the ink, and I have refining Yanshou Dan. I don't know if there is any surplus in your body at this time?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan answered affirmatively.

Gongzi Yewen listened to the big smile: "I don't know how many Xu Daoyou have?"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze glanced at the male son who was sitting next to him, and stretched out three fingers:



Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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