The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 827: Seeking

I am very grateful to the ianchunli classmates (100), Sansheng Taoist classmates (100), and the green ☆ hen classmates (99) for their reward!


There are actually four of Xu Ziyan's body, but this Yanshou Dan is extremely precious, and the Gongziye family is only three people, so Xu Ziyan also left one.

Gongzi Ye did not make him think, just thinking about the pity of God, so that his family of three can get a Yanshou Dan. Quickly calculated in my heart, said:

"Xu patriarch, the price of a Yanshoudan is about 3 billion yuan of elite stone. And a top grade of the peak of the apparatus is about 150,000 of the best spirit stone, 10,000 pieces of top grades are the 1.5 billion best spirit stone. I want to buy Xu Yanyou's three Yanshou Dan, and the rest of the old man pays Lingshi, can you see it?"

Xu Ziyan can't help but swear in the case. This refiner is really rich. Billions of the best of the spiritual stone simply do not wait for the blink of an eye. In fact, this is also the opposite of Xu Ziyan. It is not that the refining divisions are as rich as the Gongziye. That is because there are only two Chinese treasures on the entire mainland. So the public and the inks have accumulated a lot of wealth from nature.

However, Xu Ziyan is not lacking in Lingshi, so Xu Ziyan slightly pondered a bit, and felt that after the elders in the family reached the stage of the gods, they could use the treasures. Moreover, on the mainland of the sky, only the sons and the inks are separated from the two masters. Now that I have missed this opportunity, I will not be there. In the future, no matter whether you are looking for a son or a smear, you will be away from the refining of the treasures. That is to meet each other, and will not be so happy as before. Then I said faintly:

"Daoyou, Lingshi I don't want it. Can the remaining Lingshi be converted into a treasure?"

Gongziye looked down for a while. It seems that I am making up my mind and finally raised my head:

"Xu Daoyou, I have accumulated a lot of Chinese treasures in this life. There are ten peaks in the middle of the treasures. Each piece has 50 million pieces of the best stone. Ten pieces are worth 500 million pieces of the best stone. There are still 40 pieces. Treasures, each of the 15 million best spirit stones, forty pieces worth 600 million elite stone. I went to the ink to buy some from there, it is estimated that she and my collection of the same quantity and quality.

In this way, there are a total of twenty pieces of Chinese products. Eighty pieces of Chinese goods treasures, a total of 2 billion best spirits. Together with the 10,000 billion jewels of 10,000 instruments, a total of 3.7 billion elite stones. You have three Yanshou Dan with a total of nine billion best spirits, remove thirty-seven, and the remaining five hundred and thirty million best spirits, you see what else is needed, if there is no need, I will use Lingshi to settle with you. . ”

Xu Ziyan sank a bit. Xu Ziyan now has too many Lingshi. At the beginning of the river, there was a lot of spiritual stone like garbage in the river. In addition to being given to the family, Xu Ziyan has nearly 100 billion of the best spiritual stones. Therefore, the Xu family is really lacking in Lingshi, and the lack of materials. So Xu Ziyan said to Gongziye:

"The rest of the Lingshi Taoist friends buy materials for me as much as possible."

Gongziye’s face could not help but show a bitter smile: “In the refining city, the company’s acquisition of 5.3 billion yuan of fine stone materials, I am afraid that it is impossible to make a sensation.”

Xu Ziyan saw the embarrassing look of Gongziye, and his heart was a little embarrassed. but. It’s rare to have such an opportunity to be made up of the son, rather than having to come out. Moreover, this time, the acquisition of 5.3 billion refining materials, with the current number of disciples of Xu family, I am afraid that in a few hundred years, there is no need to purchase a large amount of refining materials. Just missing something, a small amount of purchase can be. With these materials as the foundation, waiting for Xu Tianwei to learn, if you can open a shop in the refining city, Xu will be able to circulate in the refining. By then, the accumulation of resources will be faster.

and so. Xu Ziyan will hold on to this opportunity. Although I saw the difficulty of Gongziye. But still sitting there silently. Gongziye hesitated for a long time and finally nodded and promised:

"Good! But this refiner material should not be purchased in the shops in the refining city. The old man has several purchase channels, but the time will take a little longer. About ten days. I will give the refining materials within ten days. The Taoist acquisition is complete."

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked him: "Thanks to Daoyou. So the variety of materials is better. Oh, there is one more thing to trouble."

"What is it?" The heart of Gongziye’s heart was bitter and bitter, and the heart of this purple smoke was really rude, and it was my reliance. However, this is actually cheaper than the Yaozu, they killed Xu Ziyan this time, but really made a stroke.

"I also want to use the best obsidian to refine the pillars of 5,000 Chinese treasures. How many Lingshi do you need to calculate, I will pay you now."

Gongziye smiled and took the tea in front of him and took a sip. He said, "Xu Daoyou, if you give me Lingshi, it would be better to deduct it from the 5.3 billion elite stone. Ten days." If you want to acquire so much refining materials, even if I have channels, it is not an easy task. With less, I can have less pressure."

"Oh, okay!" Xu Ziyan's face couldn't help but be red, and the heart felt that it was too much to be forced.

"What else is Xu Daoyou?"

Xu Ziyan quickly waved: "No, no! This is already very troublesome."

When Gongziye heard that Xu Ziyan had no request, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. This made Xu Ziyan, who was sitting opposite, even more embarrassed, and had to pretend not to see it, sitting there with a slight gaze. Gongziye turned his head and said to the son:

"Forging children, you immediately went to the refining city to acquire 10,000 top-grade gongs. It is said that the father wants to study a new method of refining, and whether the test can directly upgrade the top-grade gongs to the quality of the treasures. ”

"Yes, father!" The son was forged up, and after saying goodbye to Xu Ziyan, he hurried toward the door.

Gongziye also stood up and said to Xu Ziyan: "Xu Daoyou, I will arrange to purchase various refining materials, and then go to visit the ink."

"Troubled friends!" Xu Ziyan stood up and thanked him.

After sending away the son of the family, Xu Ziyan sat in the room and thought about the next plan. The road race must be left to watch, not only because it is a centuries-old event, but also because of the Yanshan spirit. Xu Ziyan really wants to see how much the refining technique of Yanshan Soul has reached.

Then in the next ten days, Xu Ziyan just stayed here waiting. In these ten days, Xu Ziyan gave up her cultivation. Now she does not practice refining the breakthroughs made by cultivation. Where else can she break through? But in these ten days, I couldn't sit still like this. Xu Ziyan thought about it carefully. Now she only has two things to do. One thing is to understand alchemy.

Since her cultivation has broken through to the sacred period, a layer of ban has been opened in her inheritance. The inheritance within that ban is a refining method of Yipin. However, she is now suffering from the lack of materials for refining the elixir and cannot try it. It is not that this cultivation of the immortal world does not have the material to refine a product, but it is very difficult to find.

With the current understanding of Xu Ziyan on the mainland of China, I want to collect a refining material of a fairy, I don’t know what year and month to go. After Xu Ziyan waited until the instrumental competition, he went to the alchemy city to see if it was not possible to go to the demon territory to see. But now there is no way to try to refine a product.

The other is to comprehend Lingbao. Now Xu Ziyan is already a second treasurer, and the main thing to understand Lingbao is to comprehend the spiritual array of Lingbao. This does not require any material at the moment, it just needs to be constantly derived. Therefore, Xu Ziyan is prepared to focus on the deduction of the spiritual array in the following time.

After the defensive formation method was set up by Xu Baobu, Xu Ziyan sat on the bed with his knees and began to play a little bit of spirit in the consciousness.

In one day, Gongziye and his son visited Xu Ziyan again. Xu Ziyan dispersed his defensive array and ushered in his father and son. Gongziye and his son handed Xu Ziyan two storage rings. Xu Ziyan took the storage ring and glanced at it with his mental power. He saw a storage ring with 10,000 top-grade artifacts, and another storage ring with 80 Chinese treasures. Twenty The peak of the treasure. Put the two storage rings together, Xu Ziyan bowed his hand. After Gongziye didn't dare to stand up from the chair, he stood up from the chair and walked deep into Xu Ziyan. The male forging also followed the back of Gongziye and bent down deeply. Gongzi Yegong said:

"Xu Daoyou, the old man asks you for one thing. As long as you promised the old man this thing, what are you asking for?"

Xu Ziyan reached out and said: "The Taoist friend is too polite, as long as the purple smoke can help, you open your mouth."

"Thank you!" Gongziye also gave a gift, and this stood up straight, his face stunned: "I used to hear that Taoist is an alchemy teacher in the ink?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan also knows the mind of Gongziye, and he does not hide his nod.

"I don't know what level of alchemy has been achieved by Xu Daoyou today?"

Xu Ziyan sighed a little, faintly said: "It should not be weaker than the city owner of Alchemy."

The son and son of the son and son listened to the body is a shock, the eyes revealed unbelievable, and then an ecstasy. Gongziye took a deep breath and calmed down the emotions.

"Xu Daoyou, the old man's Taoist martyrdom was enchanted when he practiced a hundred years ago. It has become more and more serious. The old man once sought the treatment of Dan Shi, and even sought the presence of the alchemy city owner. But the situation of the old husband and the monk is helpless, the old man I would like to ask Xu Daoyou to see the old man’s Taoist, if there is still hope for healing."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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