The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 829: Words still in the ear

Congratulations to Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin became the best elder!


Yanshan’s soul faintly glanced at Gongziye, and the old woman who turned her eyes to the bed said faintly:

"I can give you a seed of earthy meaning. As for whether you can finally comprehend, it depends on your creation."

The son and son of the son and the old woman on the bed all looked shocked. In the eyes of the old woman, the time was flowing out of the tears of excitement. The father and son of the son and the son of the family once again squatted on the ground, screaming at the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan. It rang straight. However, the face of Xu Ziyan has changed. She knows that she will peel off a drop of soil from her body, which will hurt her. So, hurriedly said:

"Mountain Spirit, do you do this, will you hurt?"

"Ignore!" Yanshan soul faintly conveyed.

"You will be embarrassed!" Xu Ziyan looked a stagnation, but the fear in his heart was put down.

After a thought, a jade bottle was taken out of the storage ring, and a binary dan was poured out from it, and the jade bottle was collected. The son looked at the binary Dan in the hands of Xu Ziyan, and asked what he was eating:

"this is……"

"This is a binary Dan!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.


The son of the smelt sucked a cold air, the binary Dan seven medicinal herbs, which is a treasure in the treasures of the mainland, although the value is not as good as Yan Shou Dan. But it is also absolutely worthwhile. A binary Dan sells 500 million of the best stone. It is definitely not a problem. At this point, he looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes very complicated, and even began to regret the act of letting the Yaozu's repairers kill Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan put the binary Dan into the mouth of the old woman, and then grasped the wrist of the old woman. The white life gas was delivered to her body and began to repair her meridians.

After an hour, Xu Ziyan has completely turned the power of the binary Dan into the body of the old woman, and also repaired some of the meridians. Whispered to the old man:

"There is still a part of the potency left in your body. There is also a life of my life in your body. You will digest these potions and the gas of life by yourself, and I will come again tomorrow. About twelve days, The meridians in your body will be completely repaired."

Gongziye and his son sent Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul out of the garden, and hurriedly rushed back to the garden. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul smiled at each other. Slowly walk towards your home. Soon after the two returned to their residences, they saw that the son and son of the son of the family had rushed to the place. As soon as they entered the room, they gave a deep gift to Xu Ziyan and Yanshan, and thanked them without a word. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls looked at each other and smiled. They went forward and helped the son and son of the son and son, and said faintly:

“It’s not a pity to raise your hand.”

Gongziye and his son are sitting in the chair. The face of Gongziye was uneasy, and he finally said:

"Xu Daoyou, you just said that it takes 12 days to repair the meridians in the lower lover's body?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded faintly.

"That... does it mean... need twelve binary dan?"

"Not bad!"

The son of the family will be silenced, and the twelve binary dans are the six billion philanthropic stone. This has not counted the priceless soil of the Yanshan soul to be sent in the future. This... How many Lingshi do you want to take? Even if the son of the family is rich, there is no problem with the six billion yuan of the best stone. But what about the seeds of the earth?

In fact, the Yanshan soul said that his love of the Eijiang River boat needs to understand the meaning of the soil, Gongziye has already believed that Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan are able to treat Jiang Xiaozhou. But it wasn't this that surprised him, but the seed that Yanshan soul said to Jiang Xiaozhou. I thought that the method given by Han Dan was the same, but I did not say the seeds that could give Jiang Xiaozhou a soil. And Xu Ziyan is able to come up with Qidan Dan medicine binary Dan, and not one. This made the son of the family feel excited and excited, and felt mysterious to Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul.

He did not know the identity of Yanshan soul, but he knew the identity of Xu Ziyan. I can't help but think that this king of the ancient Xu family really has mystery? Is your choice right or wrong? For a time, the mind of Gongziye was uncertain. After thanking Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul, I took the son and forged it.

Twelve days passed, in these twelve days. Xu Ziyan gave Jiang Xiaozhou a binary Dan every day. And use her life to repair her meridians. After 12 days of repair, Jiang Xiaozhou’s body has already shown strong vitality. On the twelfth day, after Xu Ziyan’s last treatment of Jiang Xiaozhou, Yanshan’s soul condensed a soil into the body of Jiang Xiaozhou.

The meaning of this soil was broken into the body of Jiang Xiaozhou. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul all revealed a slight appreciation. Although Yanshan soul will enter a body into her body, it does not mean that she will be able to comprehend. This still requires understanding.

but. What surprised Xu Ziyan and Yanshan was that the meaning of the soil entered the river in the small boat, and Jiang Xiaozhou entered the epiphany. This makes Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul can not help but sigh each other's talent is really good, it seems that the ink is really not wrong, if this Jiang Xiaozhou did not go into flames, whether it is repairing achievements or refining achievements I am afraid that it will be above the ink and the son.

Seeing Jiang Xiaozhou entering the epiphany, Gongziye and his son also put down the heart that has been hanging. Several people crept to the living room outside the house, and Gongziye took out some storage rings and handed it to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou, here is the material for the refining materials collected for you. Because the quantity is too large, it was just collected yesterday. There are also 5,000 pillars of the peak of the Chinese treasures. These two storage rings are in the middle. It is loaded with 10 billion rare stones."

Speaking of this, Gongziye smiled and said: "Xu Daoyou, in a short time, really can't collect materials for you again."

Xu Ziyan also knows that it is difficult for Gongziye to collect so many refining materials in a dozen days. The mistake is not the middleware refining division of Gongziye, and others are really difficult to do. The storage ring was closed, and Xu Ziyan repeatedly thanked him. To be honest, this time, Gongziye really helped Xu Ziyan. Nowadays, there is already Meng Di's help in alchemy. In terms of refining equipment, at least in the aspects of refining materials, the home can be worry-free for hundreds of years. So only the left side of the system, Xu Ziyan's pressure is much less.

The four people chatted happily for a while, and Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls got up and said goodbye. After Gongziye and his son sent Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan away, Gongzi Forge returned to the room with Gongziye. Looking at the son of the family, the man was hesitant between the look of the forehead, and finally whispered his teeth and asked:

"Father, are you still thinking about dealing with Xu Ziyan and Hee?"

The face of Gongziye was changed, and then the look of the gods was transmitted nervously. Finally, I did not feel comfortable taking out the thing like a compass and watching it for a while, sure that no one was eavesdropping, and then opened the room forbidden, and then I looked at the son of the fortune and asked:

"Forging children, who are you listening to?"

The son screamed and said: "Father, how can I hear from such a big event? I wonder if my father will not talk to others?"

Gongziye stared closely at the opposite son. For a long time, the look on his face returned to nature, and said faintly:

"Forging children, you don't want to ponder, although Xu Ziyan is now nervous with the refining city, but she is the savior of your mother, how can I deal with her?"

The son of the forging shook his head slightly, his eyes more melancholy said: "Father, since I was twenty years old, my mother has been with you since the fire broke out. The children may not be able to see anything, but the children can not see it?" The child doesn't know how the father wants to deal with Xu Ziyan, but seeing his father's demeanor these days, it must be that the things that are afraid of our contact with Xu Ziyan are exposed in the refining city, father! You really want to destroy the mouth?"

"Nonsense! Retreat!" The son of the sorcerer was furious, and there was a trace of horror in his gaze.

"Father!" The son of the forge stood firmly and said: "If Xu Ziyan has an accident in the refining city, what if you are prepared? If Xu Ziyan leaves the refining city safely, why should you kill it?"

The son looked at the son standing in front of himself, and his eyes flashed with relief. He did not think that his son almost guessed what he was doing. It is said that Zhizi is like a father. In fact, why is it that he is not a father? However, this matter is definitely not able to involve his son, so the son of the family; cold face a drink:

"Xunzi, don't give me back!"

The face of the male forged appeared to be sad. For more than a hundred years, his father has become more and more violent, and his character has become more and more embarrassing. But the tenderness and meticulous care of the mother made the son of the forge very respectful to his father. However, nowadays his father is obviously doing ungrateful things, so that the father who has always used his father as an example can not accept it. In his mind, he couldn’t help but reverberate over the past 100 years. When his father and he were alone, they often said a word:

"Forging children, as long as someone can cure your mother, the father is willing to be the slave of that person, and spend his life to pay for his grace!"

The voice of this speech is still in the ear, but the face of his father is shaking in front of him. The mouth of the male forged passed a taunt, and could not help but laugh out loud:

"Ha ha ha..."

"Genter!" The eyes of Gongziye revealed fears.

Gongzi Forging gradually absorbed the laughter and looked at his father and said with sarcasm: "Father, now the purple smoke has already treated the mother. Do you still need to sacrifice the color to seduce her?"

"You..." Gongzi Ye raised his hand and trembled a few times. He finally put it down and shouted: "You give me a roll!"

"Ha ha ha..." The son of the forehead laughed and ran out.

Looking at the back of the disappearance of the son, the son of the singer whispered to himself: "Forging children, with the care of Xu Ziyan, how can she have an accident in the refining city? What worried about the father is that in the future Xujiahe Refiner City really Becoming a deadly enemy, she used this to threaten to do something for the father that is not conducive to the refining city. How then is it good to be a father?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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