The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 830: The knife is coming to send people.

I am very grateful to Yu Yu 645098 classmates, ~~ fireworks ~ ~ classmates, wind dance skirts classmates, according to Lin classmates, Tianzhu children, jj Xiaojin adults, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, snow marks 1225 classmates, feel the pink of today's classmates ticket!


The voice of Gongziye just fell, but another voice appeared in his consciousness: "You have not said that if you save the boat, would you be willing to be her slave?"

"Being a slave?" The original voice was struggling: "How can my son, the sorcerer, be a slave?"

Gongziye stood in the middle of the house, and the two thoughts in consciousness were struggling without stopping, and the eyes kept blinking...

early morning.

Yanshan soul opened the door and saw Xu Ziyan coming out from the opposite door. His face smiled like a sun:

"Ziyan, go with me to the Refinery City Plaza?"

“What are you going to do?” Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably: “Is the Taoist contest not starting tomorrow?”

"Well, but I have to go there today to collect the grades, and some rules will be announced today." Here, the Yanshan soul is another hand:

"Forget it, purple smoke, you should not go. Today there must be chaos, there are people everywhere. I go alone, will come back soon."

When Xu Ziyan thought about it, he nodded and said, "Well, you don't have to worry about coming back. The rules of the contest must be optimistic."

"I know, gone!"

Yanshan soul walked inwardly and walked outside. Xu Ziyan looked at the back of Xu Ziyan's disappearance, smiled and shook his head and made several chest expansion exercises. Walking out of the courtyard with his hands on his back,

Gongziye is the only two treasurer in the refining city. The place where he lives is naturally a rare spiritual land in the refining city. Xu Ziyan admired the scenery all the way, no destination to walk. In my mind, I can't stop thinking about the situation and future plans.

This thought of not knowing how long it took, unconsciously, Xu Ziyan came to a forest. At this time, it has entered the autumn color, the leaves have become golden, and they are detached from the branches in the autumn wind. Dancing with the wind.

Xu Ziyan stopped at the footsteps and looked into the woods. I saw a white figure swept in the woods, accompanied by the sound of the sword breaking the sky. Xu Ziyan stared at it, but it was the son of the forging.

At this time, the shape of the male forged is hovering in the woods, and a sword shines in the morning sun. The yellow leaves that stirred the trees and the ground circling around the body, like a yellow dragon circling the sky.

Xu Ziyan took a quiet hand on the side of the woods and looked at the male forging that had been integrated into the cultivation. The eyes revealed a slight appreciation. The repair of Gongzi Forging has also reached the realm of Yuan Ying. It’s not much worse than his father’s son. A sword dances, and there is a trend of harmony between nature and man.

However, Xu Ziyan's fascinating gaze gradually revealed a hint of incomprehension and slightly frowned. She felt the depression from the artistic conception created by the male forging.

It stands to reason that now Gongziye has obtained three Yanshoudan from his own, which naturally has a male forging one. The most important thing is that his mother has the possibility of healing. The male forging should be full of excitement and joy at this time. How could it exude such a bleak mood?

After a sudden silence, Xu Ziyan stared at it. When he saw that the male forging had stopped, a sword was tightly held in his hand and he was hanging on the side of the body. The dragon, made up of yellow leaves, smashed in the air above his head. As the same leaf rain fell from the sky, the body shape of the male was fascinated.

The son of the forged man moved, and Huoran turned and his eyes locked on Xu Ziyan. Looking at the purple purple smoke standing on the edge of the woods, look a glimpse. The eyes are instantly complicated. It instantly restored nature. The sword was put away, and slowly walked toward Xu Ziyan. The breeze swelled the yellow leaves and danced around him, adding a bit of sorrow.

"Xu patriarch!" Gongzi forging stopped in front of Xu Ziyan. Giving a gift to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan looked at the son of the family, only to feel that his temperament is more melancholy than before. Frowning slightly. I don’t know why he is in the heart? Is it the reason why he practiced the exercises. However, Xu Ziyan felt that this had nothing to do with her. So, just politely nodded:

"Oh, I am just passing by, I will not bother my forging friends."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan walked to the other side, and the son looked forward to the back of Xu Ziyan and suddenly said:

"Hu patriarch, you have to be more careful."

"Hmm?" Xu Ziyan stepped down and looked back at the male forging.

There is some confusion in the eyes of the male forging: "The relationship between Xu Daoyou and the refining city now... I just... remind me."

Xu Ziyan looked at the eyes of Gongzi forging, and she felt that the other party was not only reminding herself because of her relationship with the refining city, but why was she not sure about it for a while. Then I looked at the pair of eyes with a doubtful look. The face of the male forging is a red, some said:

"Below... just worry... the safety of the patriarch."

Xu Ziyan nodded and revealed his gratitude on his face. When he turned around, his eyes were full of thoughts. The son was looking forward to the back of Xu Ziyan's disappearing, sighing and sighing, his face was desolate.

Xu Ziyan swung to the courtyard where he lived, and saw that the soul of Yanshan had not returned. Then he returned to his house, and at this time, he felt the vibration of the jade message, and he opened the communication jade, which actually revealed the voice of Xu Shu:

"The king, I am Xu Shu."

"Well, what's the matter?" Xu Ziyan asked in a strange way.

"The king, I am now in the refining city." The message of Xu Shu respected in the jade.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and she knew that Xu Shu is now a small captain in the 12 teams of the Xu Family War Hall. At the beginning of the first batch of disciples who opened the blood, Xiu Wei became the leader of the Xu family, and served as the captain of each team. Moreover, in the early days of Xu Shuna’s Yuan Ying, the repairs in the various team leaders were still behind, but no one dared to marry her. Gain’s poison was terrible.

However, she should be the turn of her team at this time to assassinate the Da Luotian monks outside, how can they enter the refining city? Doesn't she know that this is dangerous? Thinking of this, the voice of Xu Ziyan dignified a lot:

"Shu, how did you get into the refining city? What happened? Where are you now?"

"The king, I Xu Ziyan live in the Feihua Inn, nothing happened."

"Well, I am waiting there, I will pass." Xu Ziyan heard that Xu Shu had nothing to do, and put down a star. However, she knew that Xu Shu would not rush into the refining city for no reason, so she decided to go to Feihua Inn and Xu Shu to see her.

After half an hour, Xu Ziyan jumped from a monster car. At the entrance of Feihua Inn, the figure flashed, and Xu Shu was standing in front of Xu Ziyan, and he said:

"Aunt!" Although Xu Ziyan took the fight, Xu Shu, who is very familiar with Xu Ziyan, recognized it at a glance.

"Well, let's go in and talk." Xu Ziyan said softly.

"Well, please have your aunt come with me."

Xu Ziyan followed Xu Shu to the third floor. After entering the room, Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves and dozens of Fubao flying in the air. A ban on the formation of a ban is completed. Xu Ziyan sat in a chair and looked at Xu Shu, who was standing opposite him. He took the bucket on his head and smiled and said:

"Talk about it, what is going on?"

"This is the case." Xu Shu whispered: "There was a monk who shouted to see the king outside the family's big array last month. The family elders saw him as a monk in the early realm of the gods, and let him go. Entered the family. He said that he has a lot of resources to trade with Xu."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are bright and bright: “Since he has the resources to trade with us, as long as the price is right, then the transaction is over, why bother to come to me?”

"The original family elders thought this way too, but that person said that they would be in a position to trade with the family elders. But the first time they talked, they must be in front of the king. The family elders also want to know the situation of the king in the refining city, so let I'm coming."

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows are a pick: “Have you brought the monk together?”

"No! The family is also afraid that the monk is the spies of the three great cities, so in the Ming Dynasty, Xu Xinggan came with the monk, and I followed them in the dark to enter the refining city, to get in touch with the king. If the king wants to see him We will arrange it. If I don't want to see it, I will inform Xu Xinggan to evacuate immediately."

Xu Ziyan nodded slightly, and she was very satisfied with Xu’s arrangement. She knows that Xu’s reason is to send Xu Shu to the refining city. The main reason is that the monk who went to Xu’s family to see himself made the family elders start to worry about their situation. I am afraid that they would not tell the truth by telling Yu Jian and they said that they would send Xu Shuqian. Come. To be honest, in the minds of the Xu family monks today, it is the fault of anyone who is in trouble. The only Xu Ziyan can't go wrong.

"Only you and Xu Xinggan come together?"

"No, I have a team of 50 people each led by Xu Xinggan."

“Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and said: “You all entered the refining city? ”

"No, only me and Xu Xinggan entered the refining city. The rest of the people are hidden in the Wushan not far from the refining city."

"Yeah." Xu Ziyan nodded slightly: "The bottom of the monk is clear?"

"His name is Mi Xu, saying that it is the man who opened the knife in the town. It is on behalf of the knife and traded with us."

Xu Ziyan’s eyelids are a jump: “The knife is coming? Is the town closed?”

"Yes! After the identification of the family hall, the token he presented was true. He really represented the people in the town."

Speaking of this, Xu Shu took out a jade slip and handed it to Xu Ziyan with both hands, whispered: "The king, this is the understanding of the family hall for the people."


Sincerely, sincerely, the land is rolling for pink tickets!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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