The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 839: Young man

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Xu Ziyan took a look at Yanshan soul and extended his hand. Yanshan soul poured a cup for himself, and this reluctantly returned the gourd to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took the gourd and gave him a cup full of killings. He said faintly:

"I gave it a name called Xian Brew!"

The words fall, and the son is forged a cup full of words: "Forging friends, you can only drink two cups for your repair, this cup you drink slowly!"

The male forging has already felt it at this time. The whole body is full of spiritual strength, and a face has begun to turn red. He nodded and felt that the spiritual power contained in this sacred wine was so strong.

Xu Ziyan observed two half-humans and gave them half a cup.

"Scented!" On the other side, after killing the cup and drinking it, I still said: "It is a fairy, and only the scent is worthy of this name. Good wine! Sure enough!" ”

Xu Ziyan is also full of Yanshan soul and killing no traces, said with a smile: "No trace of friends, with your cultivation, you can only drink five cups a day, we still drink slowly!"

"Okay! Have this wine, enjoy the beauty, and be worthwhile!"

"Ha ha ha..." everyone laughed happily.

Above the lake, the mist is lingering, the lake is simmering, the mountains are green, and the sky is natural.

Xu Ziyan is a sapphire blue shirt, Yanshan soul is a black robe, the son is forging a white robe, killing a bloodless robe. Standing by the boat, looking at the fence. The two and a half people consciously lag behind half a body.

Xu Ziyan is as beautiful as a spring scroll, and the sun of Yanshan is as bright as summer. The male is forging the general melancholy of the autumn rain, killing the domineering and killing the domineering like winter. Four people stood on the boat, as if they were all seasons, and the style was different.

The two half-humans are slightly behind. Looking at the four people in front of me, my heart was full of fear. The four people in front of me are both higher than the two, but this is not the main thing, but the temperament revealed by the four people makes them feel a sense of self-deprecation.

At this time, the sky is already at noon. Although the autumn sun is high, there is no longer a sense of heat. The reflection is in the lake, as if it is rippling with the microwave. The reeds in the distance swayed in the wind, and sent a cool lake wind, passing the cool and refreshing, caressing on a few people, only to feel refreshed.

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, this is the life I want! but. This kind of living distance is so far away. Stepping into the cultivation of the fairy world, it is involuntarily!

Yanshan spirit raised his head slightly, his eyes seemed to pass through the sky, looking to the unknown future. A long sigh lingers in my heart, and a calm life does not belong to me. The killing of the fate is waiting for me.

The male forged gaze was taken back from the lake, and swiftly swept through the body of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan, only to feel that the chest was suppressed. father. Do you really want to enmity? In this way, I will not be happy all my life.

Killing the traces of the three young people with different styles in front of them, there is only one emotion left in the heart: young is so good!

The whole lake is covered with lotus flowers, and there is a green and green sky. The wooden boat that Xu Ziyan and others ride quietly breaks this piece of green and green, and sways toward the lake.

Just as everyone was happy and happy, there was a string of sounds from the heart of the lake. The sound of the piano is like a white cloud in the sky. Let people die from the dust.

Xu Ziyan and others couldn't help but look for the sound of the piano toward the lake, and saw a medium-sized painting slowly approaching in the direction of himself. At the bow of the bow, a woman in white was sitting at the front, and her fingers were on a guqin.

The remaining sound is still on the lake. The woman in white has already closed her hand. A pair of beautiful eyes are still embarrassing, as if still intoxicated in their own music. The footsteps whispered and a green woman walked out of the cabin. Gently smiled and said:

"Qin Qing, so good songs. Unfortunately, there is no young sword for the sword dance!"

The white woman looked back and smiled. The look of the clear and clear time became charming. "Is it your own thought that there is a young man who is playing against you?"

The green woman smiled and said: "It’s a good talk! It’s just that the young man in this world can match the game with me. Let me only be lonely."

Xu Ziyan heard the conversation between the two people, and the heart felt interesting, and he looked at Yanshan Soul and Gongzi Forging with a smile. As for the killing is no longer a teenager, Xu Ziyan naturally will not look at him.

At this time, another woman wearing a lotus-colored dress came out of the cabin, not only the face was good, but also a book filled with gas, as if through a long distance can smell the ink. Looking at the green woman, I laughed and said:

"What? Chess, what kind of boy do you want to harm?"

The temperament of the original book's temperament with the sound of the mouth, but the appearance of a flawless form has formed a different kind of free and easy.

The green woman, who is called Qiu Miaoer, twisted her waist and held out a hand and grabbed the front of the woman wearing a lotus-colored dress. She shouted in her mouth:

"The book, see me scratching your pigeons! Let you have nothing to seduce the young Lang!"

The woman in the lotus-colored dress laughed and flashed the hand of the chess player. The two men were at the bow of the boat and chased me to a place. There was another woman in the cabin, a light yellow dress, and glanced at the two people in the middle of the fight. The eyes looked around and suddenly saw Xu Ziyan and others.

His eyes quickly passed through Xu Ziyan, and he paused in the body that killed the traces. His eyes revealed a shock. However, he quickly forgot the killing of his eyes, and his eyes fell on the body of Yanshan and the son of the forging. The son of the forging is clearly known, the original mouth of the mouth is to want to say hello to the son, but that gaze instantly stared straight at the arrogant Yanshan soul.

Who is this wonderful man with temperament and sunshine? How have you never seen yourself in this refinery city? Is he a friend of the son of the forge, or a younger generation who has no trace?

His eyes glanced at Xu Ziyan, who stood by the soul of Yanshan. He said, this wonderful boy will not be the partner of the ordinary woman? When I think of it, my face will show a sorrowful color, and my eyes reveal a fascinating look of Yanshan. In her eyes, in this world, she is out, and the rest of the women are all ordinary.

Feeling the disappointment of the pale yellow woman, the three women on the bow stopped laughing, and their eyes looked at the woman's eyes in the pale yellow dress. The three women’s eyes were bright at the same time, and they could not help but swear at the same time:

"A good young man!"

Yanshan soul saw four women blatantly yelling at themselves, and there was a glimmer of light in their eyes. The eyes only swept away, and they knew that the four women on the opposite side were all repaired in the middle of the peak of the distraction. Only one opportunity could break through to the late part of the distraction. However, the Yanshan soul really did not put them in the eyes. Just four people on the opposite side of the boat coldly.

Xu Ziyan naturally knows that the spirit of Yanshan has reached the peak of the peak of distraction in the first few days. Moreover, with Xu Ziyan's understanding of Yanshan's soul, the Yanshan soul at the beginning of the distraction is really a monk who is not afraid of distraction. Then I looked at the Yanshan soul with a sly look.

Killing no traces, seeing the face of Yanshan is cold, and the heart is shocked. The city owner Shen Qianji, but he must protect Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan. If the two sides got together, it hurt the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan, how does he explain? I hurriedly said:

"Drawing Xuan Er, repairing nonsense!"

Xu Ziyan saw the killing of the four women on the opposite side of the ship. It seems that the four women on the opposite side are also people in the refining city, and they are people who know nothing about killing. It was even more to see that the footsteps of the son of the forge stepped back and stood behind the killing, as if they were very afraid of the four women. Xu Ziyan looked curiously at the opposite side.

At this time, the other three women also saw no kill. Naqin Qing smiled and said:

"It turned out to be a brother without a trace. This is really great! Come up the boat and wait for us to go, and talk to the young man."

The face that kills the traces shows a sly color, and turns to the soul of Yanshan:

"Oh, Yan Daoyou, these four are the protection methods in the refining city. These four people are proficient in the paintings of the chess, and the practice of their cultivation is also based on the paintings of the chess. The name of the good piano is called Qin Qing. The good chess person calls the chess wonderful child, the good book person name calls the book love, the good painting person name calls the painting mystery. It just seems that the character is also affected by their exercises, and some are unrestrained."

Yanshan soul is still cold with a face, obviously a pair of people who refuse to be thousands of miles away. Xu Ziyan is rare to see the Yanshan soul and the forced phase, he said narrowly:

"Since it is a person who has no acquaintance with the seniors, it is better to come on board and everyone will get drunk."

Yanshan soul stunned Xu Ziyan, a look of depressed color. Xu Ziyan did not see the costume, and looked at the four women across from the smile. Killing no traces, seeing the Yanshan soul did not refuse, they took the boat to the past and ushered the four women on board. However, he secretly used the warning eyes to smack four women.

The four women turned a blind eye to the sight of killing the invisible warning, and jumped on the boat of Xu Ziyan and others with a smile. They smiled and surrounded the Yanshan soul and rushed to introduce themselves. Xu Ziyan has already been squeezed aside, and Xu Ziyan is not angry. Instead, he smiles and looks at the Yanshan soul surrounded by four women.

Qin Qinghuai holding the guqin, Jiaoxiao said to Yanshan soul: "Youth Lang, what are you called?"

Yanshan soul glanced at her coldly, and her heart was a little tired. Yanshan soul two worlds are attached to Xu Ziyan, how can he put in other women's figure in his eyes? If it wasn't for Xu Ziyan to let the four women board the ship, the four women were so entangled that maybe the Yanshan soul had already shot.

Seeing the cold appearance of Yanshan, there was a hint of anger in the eyes of the four women. Naqin Qing smiled and said:

"How? Young Lang is still embarrassed? Come, my sister will play you a song!"


Young girls, throw two pink tickets to sprinkle!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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